The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    he's definitely recovering - he made it through school even yesterday. Just weak now. Fortunately he is off after today and we don't have our family meal until Saturday so he has several days to finish recuperating. And the next big thing hopefully nobody gets it.

    I posted a loss this morning!! Basically it amounts to 4 pounds in three weeks! I am very happy. I am definitely worried about this week. Again, not the one big meal - about all the time at home I will have - to graaaazzzzeeee - come on Marla!!

    we can do it we can do it we can do it
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Congratulations on your 4 pound loss! Great job! My eating this week isn't on track as much as it should be. I will be busy cleaning tomor row so I will burn some calories.

    Glad Caleb is feeling better. Nasty germ season so far.

    Going to bed. More tomorrow.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Happy almost Thanksgiving! Hope you are having wonderful family time. Had a nice day today. Spaghetti bake tomorrow. Turkey dinner is Saturday.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Zach got sick last night. Guess the fun isn't over yet.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Happy Holiday Weekend, Marla! Sorry to hear Zach is sick. I hope it doesn't go through your whole family. I somehow experienced a miracle this week and lost .8 pounds including yesterday's eating. I didn't go overboard but I didn't deprive myself of potatoes and stuffing, my favorites.

    Enjoy your turkey day tomorrow. Is it at your house? Do people contribute food or does hostess do all the cooking?

    Quiet today. Russ took the dogs to the dog park, I'm watching Hallmark Christmas movies and Rory is in his room taking it easy. He's suppose to go out with his good friends this afternoon. Russ and I have no plans, just being lazy.

    Stay the points course but enjoy the foods you love and don't feel guilty. Remember we always fluctuate and drinking lots of water will help tremendously.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Zach seemed to recover pretty quick. He was sick overnight Wednesday, pretty lethargic Thursday and laid around resting and seemed mostly better Friday. He ate Saturday and didn't have any problems. So that was good. I did so-so with my eating. As I figured no problem with 'the' meal, problems with grazing. I am hoping for a wash tomorrow. To the best of my ability I don't I went over my weeklies, but there was definitely some guessing and I did eat a ton of popcorm - so sodium. Chugging water today and back to trying to embrace empty.

    Dinner was at my folks - whoever 'hosts' does the meat, potatoes, stuffing and then we bring some other stuff a couple of sides and dessert. I made a lighter broccoli salad that I was really happy with and cookies and brownies for the kids. I ate a few of the cookies when the were freshly cooled, but other than that I left them alone and didn't eat one brownie. I was really disappointed in my moms food. The turkey was tough and dry and terrible. I am not a stuffing person and potatoes are not a big deal to me (unless they are twice baked) - so what I was planning on filling up on (turkey) was for me inedible. I ate a lot of my salad, green bean casserole and then a piece of pie.

    My dad got another new tv (have no idea where the other ones are going b/c he certainly never throws things away) and he has it jacked up bass booming. I couldn't stand it - when they put a movie and the floor and windows were rattling. I'm done. Too loud, too hot and too smelly (mom roasted a duck that had smoked up the house). Everyone thinks I am diva b/c I get bothered by smells and sounds - but it physically hurts me. I am not making that shiz up.


    Here's hoping I can have two more really good weeks, that would make me happy. Get past five pounds would be awesome.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Sorry your Thanksgiving meal was not up to par. How old is your Mom? I know as my Mom aged her cooking changed and wasn't as good as when she cooked for our family when she was more with it. At least you had a salad you liked.

    Do your parents have hearing aids or possibly need their hearing checked? I would go crazy with all the noise and the loud bass. When I was growing up and we would all get together for family meals it would get too loud for me. I would leave the room and go sit in another room to regroup. Some days I get easily over stimulated by noise. If smells are putrid I can't handle it but otherwise I can cope. Noise and bright lights are my avoidants.

    I've lost 9.4 pounds since 10/23/17. That is pretty good for me! My goal would be to break 10 pounds this week and another 3 pounds by Christmas but that may be tough with the holiday gatherings between now and then.

    Good luck this week with your eating. I did go to the gym after work today and walked 16 minutes on the treadmill (my hip was tight and knee hurting). I did the weight circuit but didn't push myself too hard. All in for 35 minutes. I need to schedule a training class for Thursday.

    Enjoy your evening!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss!! You are doing amazing!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Long day. Ate lunch in my car and sat in my car between some visits. Never went in to office. Only one home visit tomorrow at 8:45 and then I can get some desk time. I worked at Caribou Coffee this morning between visits and got a report done. Now I have to do attendance and 3rd party billing.

    I'm getting sick of carrots. I need to try some other raw veggies that I can cut up to take in my lunch. I think jicama, green pepper and cucumber would be a nice change. I made a tasty turkey salad with light mayo, grapes and celery and ate it on a deli sandwich thin. Tasted new and great! I think it is exhausting to find different things to eat to keep boredom and cravings at bay.

    Hope you are having a good week.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    exactly - cream and wheat and chicken for lunch has been working, but I am already getting bored with it - but I also know it works if I stick it

    unfortunately I am up today - here is where we find out if I stick.

    come on willpower
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I'm up today too. I don't know why unless it is my cycle. I don't have my uterus anymore so I may get symptoms but no period. I feel irritable and tired, weight was up a couple of pounds this morning. Shocked me! I was feeling pretty good until I saw the number. Hopefully it's the old water retention from cycle. My real weigh in day is tomorrow. I guess I will so i scare myself a second time to do better.

    We have to stick with this through the ups too. We can do this!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I hear you - I am feeling scared and dispirited. I am up two pounds. It's not a bad cycle time yet, and even though I did indulge in too much popcorn (sodium) over the weekend I have been feeling really on track this week but everyday is creeping up more. I could buy a pound of too much sodium/weekend grazing, but this feels wrong. I have to believe that my body is just making adjustments and maybe freaking out, but it freaks me out. I know I have to push through. Mostly really upset b/c I don't feel like I can have my normal weekend 'treat' - either a sub or something b/c I am in a bad place already.

    come on brain, get on the train - not every week will rock - if it were easy everyone would do it - I'm still better off than I was four weeks ago

    go, go, go!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I weighed in this morning. I lost 1.4 of the 2 pounds I was up on Wednesday. Still a 1.6 pound gain this week. I feel bloated. I know I haven't been drinking enough water this week. I started out so strong with water intake and have gradually not made it a priority. It must make a difference. I've also been tired so I skipped my training class yesterday. I should have gone but didn't feel up for it so stayed home. Today I've done ok with eating. We are eating Skinny Taste Sloppy Joes tonight for dinner. I'll have raw veggies and some baked potato with it. I need to get some fluids in me before bed time. Have only had coffee and a protein drink today. Bad!

    If you adjust your breakfast and lunch, could you still have your weekend treat? I think we need to allow ourselves some treats that give us pleasure or it feels like penance instead of a lifestyle change.

    Glad it's the weekend. I need to finish up Christmas decorations this weekend and do some shopping.

    Enjoy your evening!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Did you roll to the new freestyle plan Saturday? I am worried about losing seven daily points. I know chicken and eggs and such are now free.... Trying to find my optimism.

    Have you tried Kodiak cakes? I see on connect that it is a lower pt option people use to make pancakes and waffles
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I've seen the new program online but I was told my information regarding the program and how it affects me will occur on my weigh in day this week (Friday). I don't know if my points will be lowered or not. Even if they are, turkey, fish, chicken and eggs will be 0 points. That helps a lot. From what I read, they've made the lean meats and eggs 0 points to encourage everyone to eat proteins in addition to vegetables and fruits. Snack foods and higher fat/sugar/calorie foods remain with points because they are easy to over consume. People just need to be careful that they don't over stuff themselves with 0 point foods. Calories are calories and add up. We shouldn't go hungry though either. We don't even have to log the 0 point foods because they don't count.

    How was your weekend? I finished the Christmas decorations, vacuumed, did laundry, grocery shopped and watched Game of Thrones (I'm watching the first seasons and reading the first 4 books). Tomorrow I begin Christmas shopping after work.

    Have a happy Monday!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I am really going to try to go into this new plan with the correct attitude - just worried - I don't eat a ton of meat (eating the chicken once a day for lunch is about all I can handle) - beans often don't agree with and I don't have time to do eggs in the morning - maybe I can do a dozen on the weekend - like I do my chicken - it's just exhausting worrying about the food all the time - this why I don't last long - it's supposed to be somewhat normal food - but I do feel pushed into more meat and plants - I could be doing simply filling if that was my preferred - meh - stop -

    come on attitude

    busy week - music boosters tomorrow, womens choir tonight, advent starts Wednesday and big choir practice after that, practice Saturday and our church choirs program both services Sunday. Such a big weekend.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    day one freestyle - so far so good -
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I haven't received my points update. I should get my info on Friday. I assume my points will stay at 30 but we'll see. I think I'll like this plan. I need to print out a list of the zero point food so I can see it when I need to.

    Maybe you should consider Simply Filling. No logging, right? I need to be accountable to myself with the points to stay on track. I'm managing to lose what I gained last week. Hopefully I'll hit 10 pound lost this Friday. We'll see.

    Long day today. I came home wishing retirement was closer. I love the kids and families but they are getting harder each year. Sometimes I think I'm just too old school and grad school was a long time ago. These younger speech clinicians in my program have so much more enthusiasm and more training in some areas I did not get in the 80's. I have a lot of paperwork due by the end of next week so need to buckle down at work and do it.

    Enjoy your music this holiday season at church.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    no if you were at 30 (that's what I was at) you go down to 23. Weeklies stay the same - and if you don't use all 23 you can roll up to 4 dailies into your weeklies
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I can handle 23 with all the zero points foods. I'll let you know on Friday what info I receive. I checked in for myself on the scale today. 10 pounds down! 40 pounds to go!Hopefully I can hang on to that by Friday and maybe drop a few more ounces on top of that. My sister is at 13.4 loss (5% of her body weight lost). She weighed more than I thought. Good for her for doing so well. I'm glad I proposed we do WW's. How is your week going for you doing the Freestyle?

    I have book club tomorrow eve but I don't think it will be a problem. She usually does soup and salad. I don't plan to drink alcohol or imbibe in the appetizers unless there are raw veggies.

    I bought a Kindle Fire 8 on cyber Monday (only $49) to replace my Samsung Galaxy Tablet that was a few years old. I just set it up and am sure I will like it. I bought a red one with a red case. Pretty!

    We went to Costco after work to get necessities. I bought the Premier Protein Vanilla drink this time instead of chocolate. I needed a change. Only 2 points per 11oz. bottle. I drink one per day either for a snack or with breakfast/lunch to boost protein intake. It's a filling snack or complements my toast or fruit for breakfast. You can order a box of 18 off Amazon for 24.50 or get at Costco. My sister ordered the chocolate to fulfill the chocolate cravings she gets. Very low sugar 2 or 4 grams per bottle but 30 grams of protein.

    Well time for my book (5th book in Game of Thrones).
