The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    I'm the heaviest I've ever been and I'm in bigger sizes than I was two years ago. No good. Creeping up month by month. I lost 4.2 pounds of weight (water and ?) as of this morning. A good start for me. The first week is always the easiest and best loss in WW's. I'll have to stay the course from here on. Do you want to join and be accountable to me? I'm doing online only. It's less than 5.00 per week since I got in on a savings deal. I'm sure there will be plenty between now and Christmas. I'm not going to meetings just tracking, cooking low point meals, eating lots of veggies and fruits, a lot less sugar and starch, etc. I'm going to track my day on MFP and see how calories compare to points. If you want to join me, we could report our weekly losses or gains, not weight, and encourage each other. Otherwise, you could get back to tracking diligently on mfp and doing 20-30 minutes of activity a day and see if that helps you get back in to the healthy mode. It's such a mind game. I'm ready because David gets married next September and I can't look like I do in his wedding pictures.

    Snowing here today. It's been snowing all day, some accumulation. 6+ inches up in Duluth. Waves are so big on Lake Superior that flooding near the hotels by the port has occurred. Winter has arrived!

    Let me know if you feel ready and want to journey with me to get back on track.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    I compared MFP calories and nutrients to WW's smart points for today. I ate 25 of 30 smart points which equaled about 1402 calories. I can't fit in 5 more points. Suppose to eat a minimum of 30 but some days I can't. They give you 42 extra points per week that don't penalize you for eating them. So 35 points per day would be ok but today I'm full of water and going to burst. My nutrients (protein, carbs, sat fat, sugar) were all good too so both ways seem to be compatible.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    My cold and sore throat are making me tired and miserable, especially in the evening. I stayed home today to rest. I only had one home visit to cancel and I'll make it up by the end of the week.

    How was your weekend, Marla? I hope you had time to relax. Are your boys still into Halloween?

    All is going well with WW's. I'm logging on MFP initially to see how it all compares in calories and points. So far they line up pretty well.

    Well time to rest up,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    I signed up for WW this morning! I am scared. I don't want to fail, not sure I am internally ready for the hunger and crankiness that invariably comes, but I can't just keep eating cr@p - I look like cr@p and I want to look back at pictures at be in them and not be sad with what I see.

    I just logged my breakfast and holy moly - 8 points for the belivta things I have been eating b/c I got so sick and tired of cream of wheat - wonder if this will make me willing to go back to the cream of wheat - I started that years ago b/c it was low in points.

    I'm sorry you have the yucks too - I have felt like dirt for over a week - I felt truly better yesterday for the first in like 10 days - though it has moved into (and hopefully through quickly) my chest so I actually sound worse, but my head isn't killing finally.

    Here's to us - day by day going to make ourselves even better!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    Yay! We will support one another, share snack and meal ideas, etc. I dislike meetings. I did hear that in order to get lifetime membership for free (if you meet goal and complete maintenance), you have to attend meetings. Someone on FB said just join a meeting in the last 5-10 pounds. I've never made it to maintenance so one day at a time.

    I came to work today but canceled my two appointments so I didn't take this crud into homes. Tomorrow I have one morning visit so I'll wait and see how the night goes. Last night I was up going to the bathroom (drinking all this water again) and drinking Nyquil to stop my coughing.

    Sorry you haven't felt well either. It's going around right now. I usually get a Fall cold so this must be it.

    I am in week 2 of WW's. I lost 4.6 pounds the first week. My goal is 50 pounds for now. After the first 10 pounds, I'm a very slow loser, ounce by ounce. Hopefully this time will go better. I feel motivated. Are you doing online only or online plus meetings?

    I'm logging again in MFP to see my nutrient counts. I'm pleased with how the smart points and my nutrient logging match up.

    I'm on my way home now. Russ is making breakfast food for dinner (eggs and ?). He's been doing all the dinner cooking making recipes that he calculates my servings and points. It's helping him too. He's lost 3 pounds.

    Talk later. Good luck. Tell me you weight loss goal in pounds and check in weekly with loss, etc. I know we will have ups and downs but we can do this!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    I'll open up my MFP food diary if you want to see what I've been eating for snacks and meals. I'll also share anything yummy on here for you. You can do the same for me if you want.

    We will not fail!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    I stayed in my points yesterday! It's going to be hard(est) as I try to get my mind around right portions and such - I would love if you have great recipes to share - I probably won't be much help as I tend to work around to finding whatever balance of food keeps me most satiated - it's not usually anything delicious - I am doing cream of wheat today for breakfast - probably a protein bar for lunch and I am hoping there is enough ham casserole for me to have tonight. I haven't been shopping yet - if there isn't probably just a frozen smart ones

    hope you feel better - I better go back to choir tonight -

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    With all the cough drops, Nyquil, and cough syrup I'm taking my loss is fluctuating. Oh well, this to shall pass.

    From what I've read, try to eat your 30 points every day. I've gone into my weekly points a few times but I don't think that is best for me with losing pounds. I'll save them for special occasions only.

    Snowing here again. I think winter is here to stay. We didn't even finish our yard work. Good excuse not to do it I guess.

    My middle son, Jeff, turns 28 today. Wow! Where did the years go? So hard to believe my oldest will be 30 and Jeff is 28. Rory will be 22 on his next birthday. He was 14 when we started chatting on MFP.

    Have a nice evening!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    I will have no trouble getting 30 -

    can you believe my 'baby' is almost the same age as Rory was when we 'met'?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    I think I came in at or just over points yesterday - the database didn't have a snack size payday in it - so I counted it as 3 and then a little bit of popcorn from a Halloween gift I guess as 1 or 2. I should have skipped the popcorn and I probably would have definitely been on - but I was hungry and it wasn't the worst thing I could have had.

    My sister had to take her dog to Omaha for eye surgery so she is a basket case. Apparently there are vets who specialize only in eyeballs. Who knew. He has had this cyst that keeps coming back and some other issues - so they are trying to get him fixed up.

    end of qtr for Zach today - its looking good - so happy and proud of his good start. It's still a long way to go though. Its always hard to finish as you begin.

    We are supposed to go Wayne Saturday for a visit - its a 'juniors' day - Zach isn't thrilled (he just doesn't think he needs to think about it yet, and it's one of his 'free' days he's losing) but he reworked his attitude and said he will be open and have a good attitude. Here's hoping. I certainly have no desire to spend a day with an angry teenager who is being forced to do something.

    Hope you are feeling better!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    David and Jeff never visited colleges, just chose those within WI and MN (reciprocity). Jeff regretted he didn't visit after he ended up transferring to UW Madison after sophomore year. Rory visited at least 5 schools of varying sizes and really liked University of Nebraska-Lincoln and University of North Dakota. We did those visits junior year starting after Christmas and into June before senior year. Applications are due in the Fall of senior year and most deadlines are 11/1. Let Zach know he may want to go back for a second peek before completing his application so good to start junior year. So exciting!

    Some days it's hard to stay within 30 and other days hard to get to 30. I need to eat variety of foods or I will fail. I really hate logging but I know it's a necessary evil to stay on track.

    Does your sister have health insurance for her dog? I wish we had had it for Maggie's surgery. I need to look into that in case something else happens to either dog. Surgery is a budget buster.

    Well my sister lost 6.2 her first week of WW's. She's so excited. I'm happy for her and hope she can stay on track too.

    Well drinking so much water that I can't sit too long. I think I spend my days in the bathroom at this point (nights too).

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    3 days so far, so good. Better than I've done in a long time. Congrats to your sister!! That's awesome. I am hoping for a pound. I'm not doing a ton of water since I spend a lot of time going already. - physical is weird but seems to be maybe helping - it's not just kegels - its also body positioning trying to reset the 'box' around the bladder - and the connection between the bladder and brain - we'll see -

    here's to a successful weekend - typically a big area of problem for my eating!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    oh the hungries are hitting today
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    I've lost exactly 5 pounds since 10/23. I have to stay the course through the small losses. I'm hungry but also my ears hurt and my throat is sore. Not sure what to do about dinner. I have 12 points left today. I'm thinking eggs and toast but feel lazy. I really want to order something in but that would not be good heading into the weekend. Get me off track.

    Tomorrow morning I'm going to brunch with a friend and then a movie at noon. I don't plan on eating any movie popcorn and will smuggle a bottle of water into the theater.

    Snowing here again. I guess no more Fall scenery.

    Have a great weekend and stay within your points. Remember the 42 extra are no guilt if you need them.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    I ate without logging and counting points or calories yesterday. I decided it was a treat day. I had an egg and veggie frittata with hashbrowns and sourdough toast when I went out for breakfast. Water at the movie, and Famous Dave's for dinner (brisket and pulled pork with coleslaw and less than 1/2 cup of mashed potatoes ( I didn't like them). That was it for the day.

    Logging and charting on WW's today. Doing well so far. Still taking all the cold medicines. This virus is awful. Hopefully I'll lose something this week but I think the cough drops, Dayquil and Nyquil play havoc with my calories.

    Watching Hallmark Christmas movies and relaxing now. I had to vacuum the main level because we went to Lowe's and bought two area rugs to place in open areas so Maggie can be unpenned and walk around. We don't want her to slip on wood floor but we can't cover it all.

    How is your weekend going, Marla?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    it went ok - I used a bunch of weeklies on Saturday and had a hard time staying in the zone yesterday as I was in the house and feeling a bit bored. OF course I could have cleaned, but.... I didn't. I know I will have a loss this week, but for me I won't really feel like I have earned it if I can't keep it going for more than two weeks. I have to embrace the grind!

    Bernie travels this week, boys have haircuts, I have color, and Caleb and Bernie are planning to go deer hunting next weekend.

    The college visit went quite well. It was not a super smooth start having to pull him out of bed at 6:30, but after the 'boring' talking part, he really started to get into it at meeting some of the professors, hearing about the new technology building and of course lunch. All in all a win. Hopefully now he will be more willing to schedule more. Of course now the weather will turn and the holidays will make things impossible. Sigh.

    Hope you can kick your virus today!!

    Embrace the grind!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    It sounds like you did well. From what I understand the extra weely points are for us to use and don't penalize us. I've found if I use too many it affects my loss but I also don't want to live in deprivation and not have treats because I'll quit. It's a balance I have to learn.

    Glad the college visit went well. Does Z seem excited now that he's done one? Crazy times ahead for you helping him make decisions, graduation, ACT/SAT, etc. Exciting though!

    I've had a good day but didn't get many points in yet. I bought the Quaker Weight Control Oatmeal variety pack and had the maple and brown sugar one with a banana for breakfast. 4 points. I'm trying to get variety so I added pita bread, mango, and baby bel cheese to my repertoire in the kitchen. I need choices or I'll get bored and won't stick with it.

    My virus is better but I'm tired. Russ and Rory aren't in good shape.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    so I logged down 2!!! Wootttt!!! I am excited however realistic because I can already feel the siren song of "let it go" - Why does it have to be so hard!! Sniff, sniff.

    The dog was an arsehole last night. Up at 1:30 (wanting to eat, 2:30 (still wanting to eat), 3:30 (screw it fed him), 5:30 (he's satisfied and I have to get up) - then ready to sleep. Gah.

    I am back on the cream of wheat train for now for breakfast during the week. I baked chicken for lunch and ate a lean cuisine last night. little by little - I also feel cautious with the weeklies, because in general I am probably more likely to underestimate my daily points intake

    keep feeling better and keep up the awesome work! Healing wishes for your boys
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    Woo Hoo! Congratulations Marla! 2 pounds! We can do this. I don't know what my Friday weigh in will show but I will not let it depress me if I'm up or down. I just have to keep logging/charting and see where it takes me.

    What's with your dog? How do you know he wanted food? Maybe he heard something outside and was restless? I suppose they have restless nights just like we do. I've woken up hungry in the middle of the night a few times in past years. I don't usually eat anything but I do feel the hunger pains.

    My sister is beating herself up because her friends celebrated her birthday tonight and surprised her with a cake at girls' night. She ate some and now thinks tomorrow weigh in will be bad. We all just have to take it slow and stay the course or we'll sabotage ourselves with bad mental attitudes.

    Well lets make good choices tomorrow and stay within points. Good luck!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    glad yesterday was the day I picked for weigh in - today I was way up! I don't think I was 'bad' my log was ok - but I did eat popcorn so I am hoping it was just the salt. I know we aren't supposed to weight everyday b/c fluctuations are normal. But it is too easy for me to fool myself that I am doing ok if I don't look at the number. If the number is up and it may be due to water - but it reminds me to not get complacent. Which I know I already am. Come on!!

    good luck sister!! a little cake is ok - it's hard though - not to have a lot. I am not worried in general about Thanksgiving. I am worried about extra days off, being home and grazing and grazing and grazing. My nemesis.

    Tonight I have choir which will help a bit with the grazing since I won't be home as much.