The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    how was weigh in?? Popcorn definitely seems to make me puffy.

    Good luck!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Popcorn makes me puffy too I think. I need to stop eating it as often as I have. Lost .2, better than a gain. I hope to make some progress this week. The only thing I have going is a 60th bday party for a friend on Thursday and night out with Russ on Friday night. The following week will be a killer, traveling south and eating bbq. Gotta live, right?

    Today's organization project was the front hall closet. I emptied it, washed floor and walls, sorted coats to keep and give away, vacuumed off all the cat/dog hair from boots and shoes, sorted boots and shoes for keep and give away, looks good. The walls need painting on the inside of closet but I'll do that when we get close to selling.

    I did meet a friend at the gym this morning. We did the elliptical and bike, then the 30 minute weight and leg strength/toning circuit. It sat in hot tub this afternoon because my knees felt stiff. It helped.

    Well tomorrow is the big game. Minneapolis/St. Paul are hoppin' with people and events.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Zach is excited for the game. He hates the Pats so today he is an Eagles fan. ;)

    Big drama at work haven't slept much for a few days. Someone on my team may get honor systemed (basically caught being deceitful) and nay be termed tomorrow. Which will be all sorts of turmoil due to her duties. May have to spend tomorrow learning on the fly how to build loads and bumping orders etc

    Will know more tomorrow. Even if they keep her she'll be pissed.

    Good rimes afoot
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    snow system moving through - just in time for a bad commute home - and bad drive for the boy

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Fast weekend! Watched the game. It was a good one. Russ and Rory had an argument, Rory went to bed early and didn't watch the game, and Russ went to bed at 7:15. I stayed up and watched the game alone. Things are a little tense around here.

    How did work go today with the issue with the employee? Hope it wasn't too bad.

    Two beautiful sunny days in a row here.

    Didn't get time for lunch so ate half a sandwich in my car at 10:30. Never got time for the other half so I munched on rice crackers and artichoke dip when I got home. Hungry now! I need to throw a couple protein drinks in my car tomorrow. Another busy day! I don't work Th and F this week so a lot of appointments put into M, T, W.

    Stay warm. How's your weight loss and eating going? Are you still doing points with WW's?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    the team member is gone and we are drowning for now trying to absorb and distribute her duties - it's going to be hairy and scary for awhile -

    I am still counting my points, not losing, but right now my goal is to just not gain -

    hope Russ and Rory get straightened out

    Caleb claimed to be feeling unwell this morning - hope it is nothing terrible

    Think good thoughts!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Busy work week! I haven't been in the office since last Friday due to back to back appointments yesterday and today. I will go in early tomorrow and unpack, repack up student folders and tackle another day. Tomorrow is my last day for this week.

    I'm already booked up with things to do Th and F. Full weekend and then take off on our road trip.

    We've been busy these past two nights booking camping trips from May to October. We have to balance being home to get things done around here and going off to have R & R together.

    Working on maintaining this week. I don't see loss in my immediate future.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Hi ladies. I’m back. Hopefully to stay this time

    I’ve put on more then 20lbs in the last few months. I need to get it off and keep it off. I got into a bad habit of stress eating and when things settled and I started my new job seven months ago I didn’t stop eating. I’m determined to stop eating junk. I’m determined to workout and run

    I’ve successfully run or cross trained for seven days straight. Need to keep it up! Running a half marathon in May. Yesterday was a good eating day. No nibbling all day at work or all night at home. I’m on my lunch break right now and telling myself there is nothing I need at the drug store next door. I’m good. I’m trying to drink more water which means lots of bathroom breaks!

    Help me stay at this! I’ve got a great group of running friends on Twitter who are a great support and encouragement to me. Need on here as well. Course I need to STAY on here.

    I’ll try not to be a stranger again. I might try to catch up on some of your posts later but since it told me there was 244 new ones since I was last here maybe not!

    Hope you are all doing well.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Hi Ang! Welcome back. Glad you found us. It's just been Marla and I for several months now. Shirley left the thread but is on Facebook.

    Marla and I were off track for many months with eating and exercising. I joined Weight Watchers in October with my sister and Marla joined shortly after me. We are supporting one another with being accountable for gains and loss. We haven't been as good about consistent exercise but are plugging away at losing the pounds. I'm a slow loser so I know it will take me a long while to lose my goal of 50 pounds. 12.2 lost so far.

    Good to know you are still running. What job do you have now? You can count on us to encourage you and give support.

    Marla, how is your week going with points, bball, etc.?

    My last day of work for this week was today. I'm beat with all the meetings I packed in to 3 days. Tomorrow I have to get an oil change for my car, pick up wine and a cake for a birthday party, clean out my car and vacuum it, and go to the party (friend's 60th birthday celebration).

    Friday I meet with my financial advisor, pack for the hotel and then go downtown to a jazz club, hotel, dinner... Saturday, Russ and I will go to the RV show at the convention center. Sunday we leave for our spontaneous road trip south (Kansas City for bbq, Texas...) Hopefully warmer temps.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    just checking in - (Hi Ang!)

    Work is a lot right now with absorbing more duties, getting ready for confirmation, ball struggles and other stuff.

    I am still counting my points, but for now my goal is to maintain as I adjust to this new level of 'stuff'

    More snow coming! F'reallllll....
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I'm at all a small law firm. It's just me as the paralegal and the two lawyers. DL and DM are both great lawyers to work for. They are laid back and easy to work for. The first few months were non stop business up to Christmas. Since then it's been nearly dead. I'm eager for it to pick up again! Some days are boring. I have purged cleaned so parts of the office. It needs more work though.

    I rejoined the gym this week. I need access to a better treadmill when I can't get outside to run, plus ways to cross-train. It's been 8 days in a row now of running or cross-training. That's the biggest steak I've had in months. I'm doing good this week at getting up in the morning and doing it before work. I hope to keep it up.

    I've kept at recording my food and watching what I eat for 3 days now. The last two days were hard not as I wasn't grazing on junk food all day at work. I came home hungry. Today I packed one square of an Lindt bar (85% dark chocolate). I think having that about an hour before I got off work helped.

    It's nice to get my run in before work as when I get home from work I can get in my PJs. :smile: I stopped on my way home from work today and got my valentines gifts for Sunday School class and my three nephews. I think I spoiled them all, but I love to do that. I have my valentines "date" with my nephews this Saturday.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    TGIF more than normal

    Happy weekend
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    We are back from our night downtown and the RV show. I'm tired and still need to pack, clean out the car, and clean the house before we leave tomorrow for southern states. Temps will be warmer but only about 50's and 60's in Texas. Better than 10 and lower here in MN!

    The concert at the jazz club was great. Such young talent and a great show. I loved it. After breakfast we saw one of the musicians coming into the restaurant so I stopped and talked to her and told her how much we enjoyed their music and the show. They are so young, talented and cute. We ate dinner out downtown at a latino bar that had small plate servings. We tried several things and I had two drinks so I was stuffed and feeling the spices by late evening. The RV show was ok but nothing earth shaking. We did get some brochures for some private campgrounds in northern MN and WI that we will look at for booking a trip this summer. They said they had openings for the time in August we are interested in. Very nice people and fun to talk to owners of these places. We were scouting RV/Campers for after retirement if we decide to get something slightly bigger for more storage and comfort when we go on longer trips. We will be buying used but it is fun to look at new to scout layouts, storage, etc. Nothing that jumped out at us but fun to look.

    Now I need to get some energy to clean out the car, clean the upstairs bathroom and pack my bag. Doing a load of laundry now. We like to come home to a clean house. Rory will be here with the dogs so he will vacuum again on Saturday before we arrive. These dogs should be hairless with how much they shed.

    Kudos to your running and exercise Ang! Marla, maintaining through tough schedules is a good goal. I am going to weigh in tomorrow before we leave so I am scared straight to watch my intake on this trip.

    I'm not sure I'm taking my computer with me or not so may not be checking in as often. We will be back next Saturday if you don't hear from me.

    Have a great week if I don't check in!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    We are in Kansas City. Went to bbq place for dinner. So stuffed. Tomorrow on our way to Dallas.
    Have a nice weekend.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    We got to Waco yesterday. 40's yesterday and overcast. 60's today and rainy predicted. I bought a cool candlestick at a shop yesterday. Made out of old wooden bobbins and painted turquoise rubbed off to brown underneath. Today we will hit the Silos, antique stores, etc. Start trek home tomorrow. Dallas was stinky, dense buildings and crazy highway system. We didn't linger there. Highways are stacked above one another as tall as buildings. 3-4 High.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    sounds like you hare having a fun trip Jenny - enjoy!!! So jealous of the waffle house - I am CRAVING pancakes/waffles. Have a safe trip back.

    Zach has been home for two days with a terrible headache he claims. I told him if tonight he is still in so much pain he will be going to the ER - I don't know that the flu is manifesting itself this way, but if I can't manage his pain with Advil and Excedrin (and I gave him some codeine last night) it's time for a picture of his brain. Super fun times.

    I am maintaining. Go me.
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Well I was doing good. Then the Olympics started. Sleep has gone out the window. This 13 hour time difference is a killer. I cannot get up on time to do it in the morning as I’m up so late. Oh well. I’ll get back on track when the Olympics are over.

    Marla - Hope he’s feeling better! I was with my nephews almost all day Saturday. They are now all sick. Great. Just great

    Jenny - Have a good time!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    spent quite a bit of time crying last night watching the news - such a sad and scary thing

    hugs friends
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Hi! We made it back home about 4:45pm today. We are tired and glad to see Rory and our pups. We had a fun trip and were happy to be in warmer temps for a short time. Shopping at the Silos and other Waco shops was fun but the best was the tour we took with Waco Tours, Inc. The two guys, one driver and one narrator, were a riot. We laughed, learned historical facts about Waco, saw some of the Fixer Upper houses, saw other sites Waco has to offer, and got complimentary cupcakes and Dr. Pepper (Waco is home of Dr. Pepper). The cupcakes were from the Silos Bakery and were delicious. We have had enough BBQ and Texmex to last us awhile.

    Rory had a flu bug while we were gone. No vomiting, just body aches. He looks exhausted. The dogs were happy to see us and we are glad to be home. I think traveling to other parts of the country when they are so different than where you come from, make a person appreciate home.

    How is Z's headache, Marla? Did you go to the ER? Didn't he have a headache a couple of weeks ago too?

    Ang- we have watched some of the Olympics from our hotel rooms while we were traveling. We mainly saw skating, snowboarding and skiing but not all of it. What time is it on where you are?

    Tomorrow I'm going to disinfect doorknobs and faucets since Rory has been ill. I have lots of laundry to do too. Luckily, I don't work Monday so there is an extra day to get settled.

    I need to tackle WW's again and get back on track. I'm not weighing myself until Friday to give myself time to get my digestion back to normal and eat healthy again. I'm sure I set myself back a few pounds, ugh! When will I ever learn? Time to hit the gym too.

    Hope you are both well.
