The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Same here. We went back to work today. Roads icy but not snowing. Icicles dripping too.

    Spring is going to be late I think. I fly to MI next Tuesday. Hope weather doesn't keep me from flying.

    Hang in there!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    booster meeting last night, church and long choir practice tonight, Caleb's Confirmation questioning tomorrow night

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Happy hour tonight with a few coworkers to celebrate my birthday that is Sunday. We are on break the next 2 weeks so we won't see each other. One of them made me a lemon cake and it tastes amazing. Very rich too! I probably won't do well on the weigh in this week with that cake around.

    Two days of work and then I start getting ready to pack for my trip to MI. David is not going to arrive until after I return.

    I'm going to work late tomorrow eve to acquire some conference hours. I don't have much paperwork to do but my cubicle needs cleaning and I can clean out some files.

    Well my sugar buzz is making me crash so time to relax.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    mmmm....lemon cake
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    I worked until 7 tonite. My friend brought me another bday cake for our office today. Im not weighing in tomorrow. Maybe Sunday...

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Well today is my 57th birthday! Wow! Where has the time gone? I'm having a lazy day and Russ is making me a surf n turf dinner tonight. I'm starting to make my list of things to pack for my Michigan trip on Tuesday.

    I'm off work for two weeks. I love this work schedule. It gives me breaks every 4-6 weeks which allows down time, rejuvenation, travel, etc.

    I hope you both are doing well. I'm not doing great with eating right now but will get back on track at my sisters this week.

    Happy Sunday!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Happy happy birthday dear J!!!

    Enjoy your day and dinner.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Busy day...chiro appointment, shopping at Walmart for treats to take to my sister, packing my suitcase... All ready to fly tomorrow.

    My sister sent me a long grocery list so my niece and I will stop at the store before we go to my sister's house. She hasn't been out of the house in 3 weeks except her check up at doctor. Hopefully I can drive her places to relieve her boredom.

    Beautiful and sunny here and suppose to stay in 40's and 50's so snow will melt. Ready for spring.

    Hopefully I can get back on track at my sisters. I haven't had a good week with eating.
    I'll check in from my phone when I can.

    Have a great week.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    three weeks is a long time to be house bound - hopefully she is healing well and you both have a nice visit.

    Finally a few nice days - golfers may be able to hit the course this week - hope so since their first tourney is next week! All the other spring sports have been practicing for two weeks already.

    Just plugging along trying to keep things moving toward Confirmation and just keeping up day to day. Still spending a lot of time worrying about Zach because that won't ever end, I know it will all work out eventually just getting there is so hard sometimes.

    Have a safe trip and a great visit!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Flight out here went well until my connection at O'Hare. We sat in the plane for over 2 hours before take off to Michigan. Mechanical problems and then waiting for truck to de-ice plan. Once in the air, smooth trip and quick. The plane was so hot as we sat there and no fresh air. I read my book to distract me because I was getting anxious.

    Beautiful here today. My sister lives off a dirt road and her driveway is gravel/dirt. Everything is getting muddy now that it is warming up. I walked up the road to her mailbox for a little exercise. Tomorrow I will walk further. I took her to physical therapy today. Her appointment lasted over an hour. Very thorough session. Tomorrow I'm meeting a friend for lunch. Hopefully my sister will want to get out and eat with us. She's been housebound for so long.

    I'm back on track with points today. I weighed in on her scale this morning (just like mine) and I'm still holding at a little over 10 pounds down. I hope to drop at least 2 while I'm here.

    I'll check in again. Hope you are well. Nice that it is golf weather.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    hope it continues to go well with your sister and you enjoy your time

    I am plugging along working on maintaining and trying to push through Confirmation and all the spring jazz

    Yesterday was beautiful - today is colder and it will snow again tomorrow. Sigh.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    so happy for the weekend - a lot to try to do - it's pouring rain today - but I have got to do my floors and rugs - running outta time

    singing Sunday, singing Wednesday along with rehearsal and reception and then the final push for the big day. Getting Mr. C confirmed and the family dinner. And then on to the Easter madness more singing, his first official communion, the big youth brunch. Yawn. Exhausted thinking about it all.

    Waves at all!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Yesterday was blustery, cold and snowing. I didn't walk. Met my friend, ate lunch and chatted for 3 hours. Today sunny and cold. I walked this morning and worked up a sweat. My brother and other sister came to visit this afternoon. I'm sticking to points and logging. Lost 1.1 since I got here. I'd love to lose 2 more before I leave. I'll walk again tomorrow.

    Marla, you have a lot going on. Congrats to C on his confirmation.

    Beautiful sunset tonight.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Looks like its going to be a beautiful day. Slept in, showered, drinking my coffee, and dinner for tonight is planned. I'll walk this afternoon when warmer.

    I'd have to be pretty desparate to have a knee replacement. Even though Lynn is doing well 3 weeks post surgery, it's a lot of pain, meds, stretches, PT, etc. The scar is at least 8 inches long on her knee. Ugh!

    Well have a wonderful day. Hope your snow is melting where ever you are.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I really need to come on here. The support would be good. I stepped on the scales. I couldn't deny the tight clothes and the needing to buy a larger size. I haven't been that size and weight since college. :'( I think I got out of the hole I dug myself in feeling sorry for myself. I got a run in today and lots of walking. Lots and lots of walking! I left home at 9:30 and didn't get home until 6. There was 9 bus trips in there and tons of walking, but I got it all done! I had fun with shopping today. Helps with a tax refund you can!

    I went to a talk on running bras Thursday. She said you could be larger then you think as running bras cover more then a normal one. I went on Brooks website and used their calculation, I didn't want to believe it. I went into Running Room and had a wonderful worker there help me. Turns out the Brooks website was right. I got a D36. I'm normally a B24!!! :o Oh well. I did finally get proper fitting running bras. I got 2 there. I went on their website to order another one or two (they are on sale today) but they had none in the size I needed. I'll check back later.

    When I went for groceries today I stayed away from all the junk foods and bought lots of fresh fruits and veggies. Cost a lot more as it always does, but it's worth it in the long run. I just need to stay away from junk food. NOT easy this time of year!! To much chocolate out there!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    I just lost everything I wrote. Oh well...
    Great choices Ang!

    More later,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I haven't dropped off the face of the earth - just feels like it - spinning in my little hamster ball just running, running, running.

    Hope your sister is healing better everyday and that you are enjoying your time as well.

    Tonight is picture, rehearsal, church service and reception for our confirmands. Sunday is the official Confirmation, dinner at our house and then the annual crazy of Holy Week with multiple practices, and multiple services. And serving and so on. Yikes. One minute at a time.

    Take care, WAVES!!
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Marla - my hamster, Peanut, LOVES his ball and his wheel as well. He's allowed to, your not. Get some time to rest.

    And another nor'easter is bearing down on us. Sigh. I am so over winter. It has been a mild one without a lot of snow for this area, but that doesn't mean I'm tired off and want spring!

    I actually got out the door after work for a run on Monday. It felt so good! I couldn't convince myself to get out the door before work and I was out last night. I should have gone this morning but I overslept as I was out late last night. Really need to work on that!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    I got home last night. The week in Michigan was relaxing and a nice way to spend my vacation visiting with my siblings and catching up with a friend. It was a little cold (in 20's and 30's) and we had off and on snow.

    Long travel day yesterday but luckily all planes on time. Not one delay! My plane from Chicago to Minneapolis was suppose to originate in New York. I expected to get stuck in Chicago. Airline thought ahead and kept a plane in Chicago that should have gone back and forth to New York. Due to east coast storm it didn't go the day before due to weather. Russ cleaned the house, changed sheets, etc. So nice to come home and be able to relax in a clean house.

    I go back to work Monday so have time to sleep and catch up, get my energy back.
    I lost 4.3 pounds this past week. We ate within our points every day and I walked for 20 minutes up and down her hilly street at least 4 times during the week. So I broke my plateau and am motivated to lose some more pounds. I will be good!

    You both sound very busy! Good job on the running, Ang! Marla, keep on truckin' with your crazy schedule.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    welcome home J!

    I hear you Ang this winter needs to go. Today is finally a great day. Golf is out for their first tourney - however they have only practiced three times, so it they are still working out the kinks. Glad for the great day though it is supposed to rain all weekend and part of next week. Good grief.

    Take care all.