The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Hi! Beautiful but cold day here. I cleaned the upstairs bathroom, have looked up learning materials online for a school purchase order and am trying to make plans with the boys for dinner tonight.

    Dogs have been to the dog park and all are happy.

    Feeling better.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    so far golf is on for today - but it's pretty wintery - oral surgeon tomorrow and hopefully getting done whatever needs and then feeling better I hope

    maybe this will kick start my loss again - mfft
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    My loss is going no where. It's been hard having everyone around. We've eaten out, ordered pizza, etc. I'm glad all are here but my dinners have been high points. I do well at breakfast and lunch so at least that's something.

    Winter is still here and possibly more snow this weekend. Russ picks up the camper this weekend. I have a conference and will be gone Thursday eve through Saturday eve.

    Long day today so tired and hungry. I'm just having popcorn for dinner.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Tooth out. Now to heal. Had a hard time getting the clot to go gave up packing at 10:30 and went to bed. Less woozy today but getting hungry. Protein drinks aren't super satisfying for me. Just tried some mashed potatoes. Worked for three hours and came home. Still really tired and a caffeine headache to boot. Here's hoping for fast healing and maybe a bonus loss
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Marla, hope you are feeling better with your tooth. Ouch! I don't handle pain well.

    I'm at the hotel for my conference. Busy week at work and tired in the evenings. Didn't take my computer home a couple of nights so didn't remember to check in. My conference starts in the morning. Sonee, my friend and I, went to The Cheesecake Factory for dinner tonight and then back to hotel. She has her own room down the hall. I'm relaxing and working on some stuff for work, reading my book, etc. We have two more friends/colleagues joining us tomorrow.

    We are suppose to get rain tomorrow that will turn in to heavy snow by Saturday. Expecting more than 6 inches. Really? This is ridiculous! Nice day today but since storm is arriving spring will be delayed. Still brown here, snow on the ground, and cool.

    Russ got our camper out of storage today. So glad it is home. No mouse damage that he can see so fingers crossed. I look forward to cleaning it and loading it up with the necessities.

    Well I hope you have a good weekend and heal fast!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    healing pretty well I think - just tired and very hungry

    we have a winter storm warning this weekend with anywhere from 3 to 12 inches of snow called for.

    Good grief.

    Enjoy your conference!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Back from the conference. It was fun but I ate too much food. The hotel and food was wonderful this year. We went to the Mall of America last night for dinner and drinks. Party for 4 of us in our room after and talked until the middle of the night. Fun! Weather got bad last night with wind and wet snow/ice. My car was covered in ice this morning. We took our bags to the car, I cleaned it off and started it and let it run for awhile, and then went back in to the conference. We did not stay the whole day. It wasn't ending until 4:30 today but the weather was blizzard conditions. We left right after lunch and the ride home was horrible. I had to pull off the road twice to clean off windshield wipers that were icing up. I got off the interstate after we passed downtown Mpls because visibility was a white out. I took neighborhood roads all the way home so the wind wasn't as strong and I could see better. The snow is still falling but wind has calmed. So glad to be home safe.

    Glad you are feeling better Marla.

    I need to get back to WW's and logging points!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Glad you made it home safe. Scary drive. I-80 is closed grand island to Wyoming. Crazy. I was so hungry last night. I inhaled a can of soup three poached eggs and a bowl of ice cream. I haven't stopped eating today. Eggs. Au gratin potato. Cottage cheese. Ice cream. Bottom less pit. So much for the short term loss. Church cancelled tonight. But Caleb has sing at early service tomorrow and then piano recital his choir practice and Jr youth group. Hope the weather is over by then. Loving this lazy day. Watched Jumanji with Zach. It was nice. Busy week ahead. Stay warm!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Very lazy day. Hasn't stopped snowing yet. We have almost 2 feet of snow at this point. April 15th!

    Sounds like you are feeling better and able to eat again. I have to do better this week.

    I'm watching CNN and waiting for the show The Kennedy's to come on at 8pm. It's interesting history. Tired of all the political stuff on TV with our president and both parties, investigations, etc.

    Russ made a wonderful chili and corn muffins for dinner. There are chocolate brownies for dessert. I will have only one.

    I wish we would have a snow day tomorrow but it won't happen.

    Have a good Monday.


  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    We had a snow day on Monday. Such as gift and a miracle for us to have a day off due to weather. I was very lazy and watched my Longmire shows on Netflix. Beautiful out today and snow is melting but more due tomorrow night. Hopefully spring will come by next week?

    Busy week at work with lots of visits with kids and families. I really thought the roads and side walks would be clear of ice and snow by now. Still wearing winter clothes and shoes/boots. Time for capris and sandals...

    Well hope your schedule is calming down, Marla. What are the plans for the boys for summer activities? They only have a few weeks of school left, right?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Having trouble with my mfp at work. Trying on my phone
    Four weeks for c June for z.

    Nice today more snow tomorrow. Golf Thursday maybe and Caleb's musical Thursday also

    Glad you got a bonus day.

    More tomorrow I hope!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    well that was a mess - I had used a long ago email and couldn't get the notification because I couldn't get into the email - Fortunately my phone was still signed in and I figured I could adjust it there -

    good grief

    And, yep it snowed more today. I guess it's just April Showers - in the form of snow this year.

    Still weird.

    As of right now Caleb claims to be wanting to do football - so that will be insane with all the lifting and conditioning and camps - I hope he tries golf - I think he could enjoy that if he gives it real shot - probably won't though since brother does it - It will interesting to see how his high school years shape up - he is much more outgoing than Zach. Always gotta be with buddies. I have warned Bernie repeatedly - Caleb will cause much more stress - because he is like Bernie - gotta be out - and being out in high school can lead to being places that are easier to make bad choices - that's a definite upside to my introverted Zach.

    Big day of golf and Caleb's musical tomorrow - woot! Here's rooting for another under 90 day. Break that curse Zach!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    C will be high school in the Fall? Wow! It will go so fast from here. He seems like a good kid with healthy interests in sports. Hopefully he won't be tempted by bad influences.

    We haven't gotten the snow predicted for tonight. It stayed in southern MN. Yay! Hopefully we've seen the end of it.

    We just booked a week in Baja, Mexico on the Sea of Cortez for February. David and Chantrelle are having a destination wedding there. Russ and I were planning on going away to the beach so this is it. Even if they back out of their plans, we are going. Excited! I will be a splurge but we need a warm vacation on the beach. Infinity pool, swim up bar, beautiful beach, and lots of activities to keep us busy.

    I host book club tomorrow eve. Only 6 of us will be there so at least it will be manageable for seating and food. We read Hillbilly Elegy. Not my favorite. Should be an interesting discussion though.

    Well happy Thursday tomorrow. Hope your snow melts soon.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Bueno!! So glad you have something special to look forward to. Super cool.

    I have been really anxious the last few days. Just on edge and completely insatiable. The small loss I had from lack of eating last week is gone and then some - I have no idea what is up with me. Just one huge taught wire or anxiety and bottomless pitness.

    Praying for a great round for Z and a good show for C

    And trying to relax and breathe. This too shall pass... right?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    shizzle sticks - I swear he is cursed on his home course

    my heart hurts for the Z
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Oh he rebounded on the back nine and ended with 92. Better than last year. Whew. Maintained his second place
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Last day David and Chantrelle are here. We will go out to a local tavern tonight for beers and food with them. Tomorrow they head to David's Dad's cabin in northern WI to pick up their camper they towed up from Tucson a few weeks ago. We won't see them until February but at least it won't be a 2 year gap.

    Have you tried yoga stretches and deep breathing to help relieve your anxiety? I wonder if you did 4-5 deep breaths when you feel tense or when you are watching the kids in their sports and music, if that would help by getting oxygen in and letting out muscle tension.

    I finally weighed myself. I'm at the weight I was when I left for MI. Happy I haven't gained back the 12 pounds I lost initially. I will keep on working at this. Next week is busy with evening events. I'm going to a birthday gathering put on for me and a friend at another friend's house. Wednesday is the school district recognition dinner for employees that have been employed there 25 or more years. Russ and I are going together. It's the only nice recognition we ever get and it takes 25 years to get it.

    Easy day at work. Hope to accomplish something productive this weekend but not sure what.

    Have a nice Friday!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    glad for Friday - just a 'normal' weekend. Caleb sings tomorrow night and I sing Sunday - hopefully other than quiet.

    Here's to a great weekend!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Snow is melting, time for poop clean up. Yuk! Least favorite chore of spring.

    David and Chantrelle will take off today. At least we know we will see them in February. It's been nice having them here. It had been so long since we'd seen them.

    Very busy week coming up. Bday party Monday, District dinner Wednesday, Jersey Boys play with coworkers Thursday. It's going to be a hard eating week so I must go light on breakfasts and lunches.

    I ordered two cabinets for my garage to store some of my work toys and materials. Easy to pack my bag for day if I can grab stuff right next to my car. Russ will start putting them together today. After David and Chantrelle leave, I will start in my basement closet and make throw away pile and pile to bring to garage for organization. That will free the closet for storage of luggage and paper products we buy at Costco.

    Looks like a beautiful day! Enjoy your quiet weekend.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Finally a truly beautiful day. Spring? Stay for awhile!! Caleb's group sang last night it was great. Zach's high school concert choir received a superior with distinction at district music contest. He didn't go to prom (his choice BC its stupid). I kept his phone all weekend BC of incomplete homework.

    Some great. Some not great. Carry on.