The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    A coworker was just talking about her son who wouldn't go to prom because it was stupid. Boys! Mine went because they had girlfriends at the time and were expected to ask them. They looked great but I can't remember if they thought the expense was worth it.

    Did keeping Z's phone have an impact on him? Wondering how he handled it.

    I cleaned up 3/4's of the back yard of poop on Sunday. Rory will do the rest this weekend now that the snow is melted on that side of the yard. After work today I started organizing my work materials and toys in my new cabinets. I have my downstairs closet to clean out and bring things up to the garage, toss stuff, take work stuff back to school and organize my children's books. I will finish on Saturday.

    It has been in the 60's here these past two days! It should get in to the 70's on Sunday. Yay!

    Tomorrow Russ and I attend the school district recognition dinner put on for those employees that have worked there for 25+ years. Russ is at 33 and I'm at 28.

    Well I hope you are enjoying nice weather.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    keeping his phone didn't seem to 'kill' him too much - he slept more and went golfing a couple of times - I even asked him last night - what can I do? What will work? Carrot or stick? Does he want something or is there something he doesn't want to lose? He just shrugged. Honestly, the only thing he is excited about right now is golf. And I am in the same quandary as last year. It is the only thing he leaves the house for. If I take it away - I honestly fear for his mental health. As important as school is - his overall life has to be taken into consideration. Doesn't it? I suck at this.

    Work has been pretty stressful. We are losing another team member in a few weeks and we are already short -

    Enjoy your recognition dinner - that's a super achievement! Congrats!!

    We had one truly nice day, then yesterday and today aren't the greatest. Hope tomorrow is better they are off for another tourney. He is worried about it. The course has water hazards on both sides of the fairway and he had a bad round last year. Here's hoping he straight tomorrow!

    Need to get back to serious about trying to start getting the house in shape for next year. I have asked Bernie twice to sit down with me and make a list of what we will get accomplished. Hasn't happened yet. Surprise, surprise.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Marla, it's all about Z's internal motivation and goals. There's nothing you can do if he doesn't care right now. Hang in there!

    The dinner was good. It's a nice event.

    Beautiful here today. Tonight I go to the play Jersey Boys with 19 other coworkers. We are going to dinner and then the play. Busy week!

    My eating is resulting in weight gain. I'm not doing well with WW's right now. I'm wondering if I should quit since I am not holding myself accountable even with paying for it. Or I just persevere and get more exercise. Too many social events right now and also having had David and Chantrelle visiting, my whole routine and eating has been off. I'm mad at myself.

    Well I'm working and have another appointment in a half hour. I need to prepare.

    Enjoy your day.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    oy this day
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    I worked out with some friends at their gym this morning. My knee is hurting! I spent the afternoon working on organizing my work materials from the basement, throwing stuff I don't use and making a garage sale pile for my neighbors garage sale in May. Russ and I went out for fajitas and then home. Went straight to my pj's and talked to my sister for awhile. Now relaxing and ready for reading in bed soon.

    I'm going to join the gym my friends go to so I can go with them. They try a minimum of 2 times per week. I could get myself in there one more time if my knee cooperates. The cardio walking club starts in June again at the lazy river in the regional park water park. I bought a pass for that too. It was a nice way to get exercise in the heat last summer and visit with friends.

    Hope you are having a great weekend.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    had a nice quiet weekend. The wind blew like crazy so not really 'nice' weather. Hope it calms down before golf tomorrow and Friday. Yikes what a week Z has two golf tourneys and mucho schoolwork. He spent like 10 hours reading an electronic manual/book for some certification test they have on Wednesday. Really? He is going all in on his electronics class. And it is great!! But also drives my fruit loops - when he then flakes the others. Oy. I know he was also disappointed by the score that came back from the all school ACT. It was a big drop from his February one. I was also surprised. But reminded him he had already promised me to take the June one so to put it out of his mind. Though of course I get it. The other times his score has gone up each time and to see a big fall back is frustrating.

    Caleb's school year is wrapping up fast. Field day Friday, a final band concert next week, graduation on the 17th - last day 18th. Oh my!!

    Good luck with the new gym and soon to be lazy river walking.

    I started researching my dream plan to get us to Hawaii next summer. This has been a dream of mine since I was little. I think it will be happening!! Right now my focus is on picking an island and I am down to Maui and the Big Island. I told Bernie yesterday he needed to vote. At first I thought going to Hawaii and not going to Pearl Harbor would be terrible, but I don't think Oahu is for us. We'll see if anyone else makes a vote. At this moment today I am leaning towards the Big Island.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Hawaii sounds like a wonderful vacation! I have several friends that have gone one or more times and they love it. One of my friends loves Maui. My other friend has family on the big island. If you want quiet, I think Kaui is laid back and quiet compared to others. Enjoy the planning of such an exciting event. I can ask my friend Sonee what she recommends and give you a list of things to consider or discard if not what you want. She goes every year to visit family.

    That electronics class shows that when Zach enjoys or has a passion for a subject he's all in. Weather is windy here. It was cold this morning and now it's very warm. Russ put AC on to make sure it works. I will sleep better without the humidity tonight.

    Russ and I went to our gym and gave termination notice today. I joined the other and will begin tomorrow after work. My cubby mate joined today so we are meeting there tomorrow after work for our tour and working out.

    I washed my bike helmet and my tires have been filled. It's ready for riding outside too. I am going to commit to being more active this spring and summer both at the gym and outside.

    Have a nice evening.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    they had to shut down part of the interstate twice in the last two days due to dust storms and huge pile ups. Nasty. The wind calmed down some today. Here's hoping for a great tourney for Zach. He has another one Friday all the way out in North Platte so they are leaving Thursday morning due to the 4 plus hours travel time and so they can practice Thursday night. Oy vay. That's three days of school this week. I am just going to have to adjust my expectations back down to hoping to pass - This Varsity schedule is brutal. I know some kids can manage it and rock it - Zach just doesn't have the skills to schmooze kids and teachers to get notes and extended times - he just mostly ignores things. I just have to stay on him, but let him navigate and take his lumps I guess. SMH

    Turned on my air conditioner last night - straight from heat to air. Per normal.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Zach is zooming across Nebraska to North Platte (which is basically like going to Colorado) for a golf tourney. Oof-da - I'm gonna have to get used to this feeling of my boy off and away. He threw his bags in his car and waved me off and off he went to meet his group. He is such a contradiction. He spurns typical going out teenage behavior, but on his things he is all in on - he is all in. He is my child. God help me. And Caleb is his father. Also, God help me.

    Hope you are having a great day. Here's hoping for a mid-80 tourney tomorrow for Zach. And a fun trip and great memories.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Busy week so haven't taken my computer home and checked in on here. Theater last night. We saw the play Guess Who's Coming to Dinner. It was fantastic! We also ate at an Italian restaurant that was amazing. Nice ambiance and great pasta dishes.

    I've been to my new gym twice this week. My knees are having a bad day so I rode the bike at the gym for 15 minutes and then did more upper body weights than lower body exercises. I did a few lower body but was trying to give my knee a break.

    My sister sent me a box of clothes she didn't want. Cute tops, a sweater and a pair of black jeans. She's lost a lot of weight as she's been on pain meds for her knee recovery. For now the clothes fit me but hopefully not next year... I'm off track but I'm hoping the exercise will help me keep my appetite in check. Too many social events and eating out lately.

    Hope Z did well in his tourney.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    My knee pain brought me to tears last night when I was trying to fall asleep. Two Advil PM's and a back rub from Russ and I finally fell asleep. Much better today. I don't know what triggers good vs bad days. I wish I did.

    How did the golf team do? Did Z play well? Hope he's having fun.

    Nice weather here but very windy. We stayed in tonight and are relaxing. Tomorrow morning I will meet a couple of friends at the gym and work out. That will be 3 workouts this week for me. I put my workouts on the schedule for the next week so I feel I need to go because it is scheduled.

    Rory's allergies are so bad this week. Birch pollen must not be out yet. That's my worst allergen in the spring. So far my eczema has been cleared up for several months. Unfortunately, the sun seems to irritate my skin and my eczema gets worse in the summer. Weird!

    Have a nice weekend!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I'm so sorry you were in so much pain the other night. Hope you are feeling better!

    Golf was not the best round for Zach - he had a rough back nine and ended with a 96 which put him fourth of the five on the team for scoring. His lowest of the year. Too bad it was at the Conference meet to boot. A big tourney this week and then Districts next week. He is still searching for his success to get into the mid-80's. It's not going to place him, but just be the progress he is looking for. Lots of homework to catch up on as well to boot what with missing three days. Ugh. I just can't.

    How is Rory? Does he know what's next for him?

    Saw my mom Friday and that was interesting. I'll try to get into when I have more time to explain.

    Have a great day!

    My legs are really swollen today :(
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Rory is on his way to CVS to buy Benadryl. He can't sleep at night so he's hoping it will help with that since it makes a person drowsy and is an antihistamine. I'm taking two Allertec each morning (generic Zyrtec) and so far so good for me. No sign of eczema yet but I've kept my legs out of the sun so far.

    Sorry Z didn't do as well as he wanted to. Golf season must be short! Hope he can catch up on his homework.

    Busy week with work and evening stuff. I went to the gym after work today. I'm taking my work out gear in the car so I don't come home first after work. I go straight to the gym. Hope to go 3 times per week when it works. My knees are giving me some trouble. Today I rode the bike and did the elliptical, then did weights for upper body. Iced when I got home.

    Tomorrow night is knitting group. Wednesday I will deliver some of my old toys to my neighbors for their garage sale. I should put some books in there too.

    Traffic around here is awful with road construction. Several car accidents in the last few days. So many people are so careless behind the wheel now.

    Why are your legs swollen?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I watch the Omaha news and it looks insane with all the road closures for construction - we have also lost a few roads - and next summer they will be re-doing the main highway through town - it will be a nightmare - we might be a small town - but tons of truck traffic -

    don't know why I am swollen - partially it's just genetic - could be the weather too - I am just super sensitive to everything.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    My legs swell easily. My ankles never use to swell but now they do. My right knee holds fluid when I'm having a bad week. I'm not great at drinking more than 4-5 glasses of liquid per day.

    Busy work week. I was at knitting group really late last night. We never knitted but ate dinner, watched the NCIS episode that showed Abby leaving and chatted. Today I am dragging due to so many late nights recently.

    Tomorrow we sit in trainings all day. That gets to be a bit much and I will be sore from not moving enough. I want to go to the gym after work to get in my second work out this week.

    I have to clean the camper this weekend and put all the stuff in the cupboards. We will be camping next weekend for our first trip close to home.

    Drinks lots of fluids!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    camping already - wow!! enjoy that - I work with several people who are avid campers - they just love it

    I got a really boring project today - yaaawwwwwnnnnnn....

    really trying to tip my water bottle more - I know it's important and I am terrible at it

    girls play 'sub' state soccer game tonight - hope they win because then most of the student body will take tomorrow off for the next game and that will help Zach who is gone for golf - teachers don't really care about golf - but if the whole of the school is at soccer (or saying they're at soccer) the homework will be different
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Hope you get a win tonight!

    Working late but done now. Just checking in before I download new program to my computer. It will take a couple of hours so hopefully it works right and when I return tomorrow it is all good.

    Tired so going to gym after work tomorrow. Cooler out now and tomorrow is suppose to be cooler.

    I'm trying to drink more water too. Some days it's easy and some days it's hard. Cheers!

    Have a nice Friday.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I’m back at it again! When basically none of your summer clothes fit, it’s the best motivation. I’ve been at it for 6 days straight now. Going to make it a solid week tomorrow. I need to get at it - I start my marathon training in only two weeks! YIKES!

    I’ve joined Team in Training with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada and am running my marathon of my Uncle Milton who defeated leukemia and lymphoma - at the same time. I will have couches and lots of support to help me. I will do it this year!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Good luck Ang!

    I'm struggling with losing weight too. I've gained back several pounds because I'm not focused on making good choices. However, I did join a new gym and have gone 3 times per week for 2 weeks so I feel good about that. I hate the scale!

    Today I'm cleaning the inside of the camper and restocking our kitchen and bathroom supplies, making the bed, etc. We camp next weekend for our first trip of the season. Russ will treat the roof and wash the outside of the camper tomorrow.

    We have one of those bike trailers we pulled Rory when he was little so we could bike. Russ is going to adapt the floor so we can put the dogs in there and pull when we are at state parks since so many have bike trails. Hopefully they will adapt to the ride. We still have to get a bike rack for the camper but Russ has chosen one. I have Amazon points and a $25 gift card to use for that so we will get a nice discount on it when we order.

    Enjoying my coffee and then start working on the camper. A little chilly right now so I'm waiting for the sun to get a little higher in the sky.

    Have a wonderful day!
