The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I bet your furries will love to ride. What a great idea.

    Good luck Ang!

    Arguing with B about letting Zach ride with other golf kids to go golf in Lincoln tomorrow. He says he'll die and I should care more. I say I care plenty. He could die any day and in a year he at college and this is the first kid outing he has wanted to do since about ever. Throws hands in air!!!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Finally raining here tonight. We need it so badly. Our first camping trip is this weekend and we may get rain Friday eve and part of Saturday. It will only be about 60 so I see a campfire going all day if not raining.

    It's hard when your kids start riding in cars with other kids. I worried so much and still do. We always said, "text when you arrive and when you leave to come home". "Do not get in a car with a friend that has been drinking". "Call us and we will come pick you up wherever you are".

    I didn't make it to the gym on Saturday or Sunday. My knees were hurting so I gave them a break. I went after work today and did 30 minutes of cardio on the elliptical and bike combined. Tomorrow I will go and do upper body weights.

    Russ and I are planning our camping menu. Making it easy for the first weekend.

    Hope you both had a great Monday.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Nine days straight now! Almost didn't make it today. I overslept this morning and didn't have time for anything. I'm so proud of myself for just getting in a 20 minute cardio workout! It actually was a little longer then that as I had to pause it to go take out and put in the next pan pan of the bite sized double chocolate brownies I'm making for the ladies meeting tomorrow. (I entered the recipie and they are 103 calories each. A nice yummy treat! Now to only limit myself to one! Hopefully the ladies tomorrow eat most of them!)

    Now I need to go to my 10 minute ab routine and get to bed! It's nearly 10! I can't oversleep tomorrow as I won't have time to do anything in the evening!

    Jenny - enjoy the rain! I'm keeping my eye on the weather for the weekend -it's race weekend! (just a short one for me)

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    It's Wednesday already! Tomorrow my 'baby' graduates from 8th grade. Friday at 11:30 he is officially a high schooler. I can't believe it. So, yep, I am feeling a bit misty this week. Leaving our comfortable, safe nest at ILS and heading off to school. Plus (God willing) the other one is two weeks from being a senior. Crazy town.

    One last choir tonight. Big day tomorrow and the next.

    Zach had district golf on Monday. It was not good for him. They did go play on Sunday and he did so well. Then it was pouring rain Monday, he wasn't feeling well and they moved thepins and tees around. He had his worst round of the season. I am so bummed for him. He is so sad. But, he is already talking about getting on the course when he gets his homework more caught up. So here's hoping not only he can get caught up, but that he will jump back on the links and start next years season now.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Busy week! Made it to the gym on Monday and Tuesday and got a pedicure on Wednesday, finally. Last night was book club and a pontoon ride on the river in back of hostess' house. Nice evening.

    At work and planning to leave shortly so Russ and I can get to our camp site and set up to enjoy the peaceful, warm evening. He took a half day off to get his stuff ready and hook up the camper, etc.

    I hope your race goes well Ang. Marla, the boys are so grown up! High school is a blur so be prepared.

    Hope Z gets caught up and improves his golf game. Is C sad about leaving his school?

    I probably won't be checking in from the campground so I'll check in Sunday or Monday night to see how race went and if you had good weekends

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Very relaxing weekend. We had to check out of campground by 1pm or we would still be there. Home now... Friday eve was sunny and hot. We used our AC to cool down the camper for sleeping. We built a fire and roasted hot dogs with baked beans, chips and fruit for dinner. It rained and cooled significantly during the night and Saturday was windy, gray, damp and cold. I only took a hoodie with a rain coat and no fleece. Lesson learned! I could have used gloves and a hat too. We were very lazy on Saturday. Played Yahtzee, read our books, went for a drive with the dogs and had lunch out...Too full to cook dinner (and too cold out to grill) so we ate cheese and crackers with veggies and dip for dinner later evening. We needed the heat on Saturday eve (dropped to 40's). I was so glad I wasn't in a tent. Glamping is great! Too windy, damp and cold for a fire so we stayed inside. It was cozy and nice. Camping and not watching tv or being on our computers really promotes more relating to one another. We made a list of things we need and a list of crockpot and camping meals we could plan to eat in the future. The dogs did pretty well although Charlie has a hard time relaxing for long. They rarely barked at other dogs but enjoyed watching as people walked by. Our end of campground was very quiet.

    We go again next Monday (Memorial Day) and will camp for two nights in southern MN at a state park. We will only have electric and will need to bring our own water and refill from their spigot. It will be good practice for us because we eventually want to camp off grid when opportunity arises. I will have to use park shower and toilet. I love my camper bathroom but I will adjust. We will only use camper toilet during the night or early morning. Otherwise walk to facilities.

    I hope your run went well, Ang.
    How are you Marla?

    Have a great Monday. I will be going to the gym after work tomorrow. I did nothing this weekend. Russ walked the dogs but I stayed in and read my book.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    the days are just slipping by

    Caleb is out of school and now officially a high schooler! He kept his grades above a 95% overall and received another Principals Honor Roll - he managed to stay on that all but one quarter of middle school. He also received a Presidential Academic Award. He did well. Now time to try to get the summer calendar figured out and football insanity will start on June 4.

    Zach has six days of school left. Yikes! Still trying to get work caught up. He had his last choir concert last night. It was fabulous. I can't look too far ahead, still mired in worry for the now. His mission trip is June 17th for a week on an OK Indian Reservation and his senior pics are June 28. Another ACT opportunity on June 9. Plenty on the horizon. Want to go to a couple of colleges too. I do anyway. We'll see what he says. I also want him to drive Caleb around this summer. That would be such a big help.

    Glad you had a good trip Jenny.

    Help me keep the faith!! They will be ok, they will be ok. They will be ok. Even if it doesn't go how I want. They will be ok.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Kind of a crazy week. I tried to go to the gym Monday but got there and had forgotten my shoes. Went home and didn't want to battle traffic going back. Yesterday I went to dinner and the movie Book Club with my friend Sonee. It was funny if you are older like me. Lots of aging jokes. Andy Garcia was in it and he looked so great. Heart throb!

    We had a salad potluck at work today. It was good and I enjoyed many. I went to the gym after work for the first time in a week. It felt good but was hard. I laid on the hydro massage bed afterward. I love that!

    Congrats to C for his fantastic grades. What an accomplishment and I'm sure you are very proud, Marla. Is Z going to be a senior already? Wow!

    You will love it if Z drives C around. It frees you up for relaxation or things you need to do.

    One more day and TGIF!


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    soooo hot and muggy in the office - I'm meeelltttinnnggg.... ok - just sweating and fussy


    for the first time in a loooonnnggg time the siren call of alcohol is singing to me.... feh
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    No AC? That's rough. At least my office space has AC but when I walk in the halls or go to the file or work room it gets hot, stuffy and sticky. I was going to go look for some sleeveless tops after work but it is too hot to try on clothes. The traffic around here is horrible with all the road construction so I just came home to relax. Russ is making a pasta salad for dinner. Something cool and light. It will be 90+ through weekend here and into our camping trip.

    Rory has to work outside in this heat. He comes home pretty beat and dirty.

    Hang in there Marla!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    So proud of my z man who spent over five hours of his day working the sound board for graduation. I know many kids put themselves out there like this often but this is a first for Zach since withdrawing a couple years ago. Praise be to Mr whitmore who is drawing out his good

    Staying cool in the ac. Almost 100. Wonder how many burns there will be.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Hope you had a great holiday weekend, Marla. We worked in the yard and on the camper getting ready for today's trip to a state park for two nights. Very hot here in the 90's. We are leaving the dogs home with Rory due to the extreme heat. I'm packed, just need to shower, make the camper bed, and put the last necessities in the truck.

    We still have more weeding to do but at least we accomplished something. It's hard to keep up with a home when you work full time, isn't it?

    WTG Z!

    I won't be checking in until Wednesday or Thursday.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    hope you have a great trip - hopefully it's not so super hot - this year has been something - the long winter and the early heat - hate the hot.

    Zach has three and a half days left. I hate that they have to turn in their computers a full day before they are done. How are they supposed to keep working with their access? Pretty unfair.

    Mostly quiet weekend, I did some organizing and file shredding to make room. Nothing exciting but felt good to get it done. Wanted to get calendar laid out, but still don't have all the practice times -

    I have made Zach's senior pic sitting and now need to get a haircut scheduled for about two weeks before. Also need to change his dentist appointment and get his physical scheduled. Caleb will have to do eye appointment in August before school starts back up but football will be in full swing - all these 'little' things take so much time and energy to manage.

    Woke up in that cold sweat this morning feeling really nauseous. No idea why. I didn't eat anything weird this weekend. It passed, but I am still feeling a bit off. Not doing well in general with eating. I stopped tracking and my numbers are reflecting it. Sigh.

    Happy Trip!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    We are back and dry. The park was beautiful and we had a tiny bit of sunny weather to be outside, hike, and relax. We never got to sit by the fire due to rain both evenings. It was very hot, in the 90's so it wouldn't have been to enjoyable to sit by a hot fire anyway. We didn't take the dogs and I'm glad we made that decision. We were worried they would get heat stroke and Maggie would throw up in the camper. Last night's storm began around 4:30pm and went all night. The noise of the rain pelting the roof was enough to drive me crazy after several hours. We joked that it's a good thing we get along since we have been cooped up inside the camper on almost every trip we've taken last season and so far this one. It seems to rain or storm every time. I count our blessing our tent days are over. Glamping is for me!

    I remember trying to schedule appointments around summer activities and sports. Good luck!

    My eating has been off too. I haven't logged in a couple of weeks. Eating too much sugar too.

    I work tomorrow and Friday. My bad knee is bothering me and it's hard to walk without feeling it is going to give out. Hope I make it through all 3 of my appointments tomorrow at work.

    I would like to go to the gym tomorrow eve and do an upper body work out. If my leg is better I will also do some strengthening exercises for my gluts and knee support.

    Have a nice evening!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    last full day as a junior - holy jeebers - this kid is gonna kill me -

    mid-90's today and almost 100 tomorrow -


    If I'm going to be cooped up I need to have some space - I would murder Bernie

    glad you guys love it - you deserve it!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    I cancelled my students yesterday and did desk work. I couldn't handle the stairs i would have encountered at the daycare center and home I was suppose to go to. I hobbled in the halls at work as it was. I'm using a heating pad now, will massage my knee to try to move fluid out, and will ice at work today. I have to get some developmental checklists done on kids, do third party billing for a couple of students, clean up some files and get ready for Monday visits with kids. 3 weeks until 3 week break!

    It is so hard to believe Z is going to be a senior. Does he know what he wants to do after high school? Does he want to go to college or tech college? Big decisions ahead. FYI, my older two sons refused to do college visits. They just applied and went to the one they chose. Rory did visits to see what he liked. Jeff ended up transferring to UW-Madison after two years at MN State University/Mankato. He stated later he should have done visits to avoid the transfer. He would have chosen WI if he had visited. Their business school has a great reputation and he's glad he graduated from there. It's helped him network with other alums for his career. So if Z balks at college visits, share that story. You know when you visit a campus whether you would call it home or don't like it.

    Cooling down here but still humid. Rain tomorrow and 70 on Sunday. I hope you get a break in the temps at some point too.

    Happy Friday!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I totally agree on the visits - I will share that story as well - I keep pushing it from the end of I wish I could have visited other schools - I was basically told go to Wayne or you're on your own - and Wayne was good for me - but that doesn't mean I didn't want to see other places -

    So, yes, God willing and barring any catastrophes that haven't been entered yet - he is a senior. Crazy.

    There is no clear path yet. I think he would make a great engineer - but not sure he is yet ready to handle the rigorous academics that would require. He loved his electronics classes and engineering concepts and did knock those out of the park - but Eng major takes all that advanced math and he phoned in second semester - soooo.... yeah. Clear as mud. On one hand a couple years of community college would give him time to grow up some more, but most colleges really preach that start where you want to go -

    I'm so sorry your knee is so bad. My legs are terrible today with swelling. It is so frickin' hot I feel like one of those plumper hotdogs.

    I have two high schoolers.

    Remember when we started how little they all were.

    Have a good weekend!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    I'm feeling like a plumper hot dog too. My leg hurts by the middle of the night that I come downstairs to sit and ice it. Feeling sleep deprived. The fluid build up is the problem.

    I have mixed feelings about community college vs. starting where you want to go. On the one hand, a lot of money can be saved getting generals out of the way at Community College. It gives time to explore careers and mature. On the other hand if you transfer in to a 4 year college junior year, you don't meet people as easily and you miss out on the other things college campus' have to offer. Learning to live with others you may not get along with, exploring clubs, meeting people from other places, in general growing up, are the big benefits of a 4 year. Sometimes a year off after high school to explore, take a couple of classes at community college and work a job can help a person too. Big decisions...

    Well still in my robe while Rory and Russ are working in the yard. Feeling guilty so must get dressed. No motivation to help or accomplish anything today.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    summer conditioning started for Caleb today - Zach drove him - it was so nice!

    I told him he needs to get on his test practice sites and cram for a few hours each day - he has ACT on Saturday, hopefully he'll pop his score up - it was way down on the April test they took at school. It was very odd. I am trying to research and plan (or pre-plan) for the hoped for next summer trip to Hawaii. But it is pretty overwhelming. I'm not sure I have enough guts to do such a big undertaking at the same time I will be planning graduation.

    it's only two weeks (June 17) until Zach leaves for mission trip. This summer is going to be crazy short. They go back on August 15.

    have a great day - thankfully the heat broke some - last week was miserable.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    It was a beautiful, sunny, cooler day here. Perfect weather. Some of us went to lunch at Boston's and ate on the patio. We had a paperwork day today so did not see students. We were all at the office. One of my cubicle mates is moving over to the evaluation team so she will moving to another office space. Today we brought treats to give her a send off to her new position she will start in July. Monday 6/11 is her last day and then she goes on a medical leave for a hysterectomy.

    My knee was hurting today but I went to the gym for upper body workout. I tried to ride the bike for 10 minutes but only made it about 5. I hadn't been in over a week so lifting the weights was also tough. It's amazing how little time it takes to lose strength.

    I'm glad you felt the relief of Z driving C. You'll love it! I remember it being a little scary sending both kids off in the car with one being a young driver. You get use to it though.

    Hawaii sounds wonderful. Have your grad party early, before graduation (weekend before) so you get it done. Keep it simple with food, decorations, etc. Pulled pork or chicken, sloppy joes, walking tacos, subs cut into two inch sandwiches, taco bar, etc. Main course, salad, chips, fruit, beverage, cake/cupcakes/bars or root beer floats, done!

    Hope ACT goes ok. Now that he knows what to expect with the test he may raise his score.
