The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Not quite spring weather here but snow is melting. Snow storm on the way. Hope it misses us.

    Marla-are your golf courses bare grass now?

    I've been really good with my points and eating. I cooked a WW skillet lasagna last night, bought ingredients for WW chicken enchiladas to make tomorrow night, and Russ is making a WW shrimp and veggie recipe tonight. I'm determined to get to a 20 pound loss by end of May. Slightly less than 6 pounds to go. Maybe I will surpass my goal of 25 this year and 25 loss next year.

    My knees didn't bother me at my sisters so I walked for exercise. Walking at O'Hare did me in. I've been sore since I got home. Iced today after shopping at grocery store.

    Time for some hot tea. I love being off of work!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    First tourney not great for Zach. Feel bad for him. He practices great but basically chokes at tourney. Hoping he can tube it up and keep his spot.

    Tomorrow s the big confirmation day for Caleb. Almost ready.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Marla, are you having a party at your house after confirmation?
    Sorry Z didn't have a great tourney. That use to happen with me when playing tennis. I played so much better during practice and for fun, but choked during a game/set.

    I went through my clothes in my closet and guest room closet. Two garbage bags and a box of shoes in my car for Good Will. I still have my dresser but will tackle that tomorrow. Luckily I have plenty of the next pant size down to wear when I make that transition. It shouldn't be long. No sizes below that one but it will probably be Fall before I would need the next size, maybe winter.

    Tonight I'm making WW Freestyle Chicken Enchiladas and Cilantro Lime Rice. Russ cooked last night so I'm cooking tonight. Rory went to a friends birthday party and doesn't plan to be home tonight so it's just us. Since we were apart for a week it is nice to have some quiet time together.

    David and Chantrelle should be showing up any day now. We will know when they arrive...

    Have a relaxing Sunday. Good luck with confirmation today.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Yep family dinner probably 20 could be 30. Ham scalloped potato corn fruit pretzel jello salad relishes cake.

    The enchiladas sound good. Great work losing last week!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Pretzel jello is one of my favorites! I wish you could send me a bowl of it. My WW enchiladas were very good. Rory and Russ liked them. I have one left for lunch tomorrow. Back to work...

    Russ and I went out to breakfast this morning to a local pub, kind of a dive but we wanted to try the breakfast. I had an omelette. They have great burgers too.

    How did confirmation go, Marla? Did dinner go ok? Are you done with your crazy schedule until summer activities?

    Hi Ang!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I had two big servings of the pretzel jello. So good.

    Great day. Tired. Onto Holy Week and Easter insanity.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Challenges with eating this week. David and Chantrelle are here. We had pizza last night and tacos tonight. Tomorrow I go to the theater and we are eating at a Thai restaurant. I looked at the menu and they have some yummy looking Asian salads.

    Glad all went well with confirmation dinner and ceremony Marla.

    Tired, talking with Chantrelle, and have to go to bed soon.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I'm here just plugging along -

    keep swimming my dears
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Plugging along here too. I did really well staying within points for breakfasts and lunches this week but dinners killed me. Two dinners out for celebrations and the theater, pizza and tacos beginning of week. I need to fit in exercise to combat this.

    Working so more later,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Happy Easter Weekend dear ones!!

    I will be so freaking glad to put it behind me - I am whipped.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Anyone think they got hacked on here? Not sure, but changed my password like they requested. Nothing seems safe on the internet. Luckily I don't have much to hide. We just need to be careful that PW's aren't same for credit card and banking.

    Lazy Easter weekend for us. Sorry Marla. David and Chantrelle are out of town so it is just Russ, Rory and me. We are watching Nuka, their dog. She's an Australian Shepherd and very quiet and sweet. All the dogs seem to tolerate each other but no socializing going on.

    What a difficult eating week! I gained back some pounds unfortunately. I will persevere and continue on my slow weight loss journey.

    We got 4 or more inches of snow over night. Yuk! It is a beautiful, blue sky, sunny and white day.

    We bought a smoked ham and smoked turkey for tomorrow. We will just have an easy meal of sandwiches on dollar buns, potato salad, coleslaw and blueberry lemon cake for dessert. Non traditional Easter meal but very easy. I'm going to bake an egg bake in the morning for breakast.

    Happy Easter!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I don't think I got hacked - but I did change my password - I'm sure I will forget it and be locked out soon because I have had the same password on here for awhile.

    Easter is over and it's time to try to get back on a different routine. I am still exhausted, plus I need to try to get back in to the dentist. I was in two weeks ago for a regular cleaning and everything was fine, and like the next day the one wisdom tooth I have left started shifting and I have been in misery ever since. My jaw and all my other teeth hurt and I am living on advil. I just haven't had the time to deal with it - and now I have to - and I am guessing I will have to wait days/weeks to get in and then get told to go to an oral surgeon. Meh.

    Zach's grades are dropping off - and I just can't. He is literally killing me. The Sylvan closed due to lack of business so that option is off the table -

    So, that about sums it up. I am tired, in pain and stressed out. Status quo.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    appointment next Tuesday with an oral surgeon - probably have this PITA last wisdom drilled. Super fun. Until then I'll just keep downing the advil -
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Marla, sorry you aren't feeling well. Tooth aches are the worse and then going to the dentist is not a favored past time. Always costs lots of money and it's uncomfortable too. I can't stand when they try to talk to me when all they are working on my teeth.

    I know you are frustrated with Z. Do you think he is bored with the material and not being challenged so he doesn't apply himself? Or is it too hard?

    It sounds like you need a girl's spa day. Do you have a girl friend you could go for pedicures or facials? Lunch? Happy Hour? You deserve a treat. Maybe a nice soak in the tub with hot tea and no one bothering you?

    I'm doing well with points for breakfast and lunch. Dinners not so good but I do feel I'm staying in a reasonable range of points.

    Snowing like it's January here. So depressing! No signs of spring. Hard to believe camping is only 6 weeks away.

    Well hang in there!


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    this weather! Oy. No golf Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and they are off to a tourney today though it is pretty chilly, but better than tomorrow which is calling for snow and wind all weekend. Good grief. Zach had the all junior ACT on Tuesday (state law changed recently that ALL juniors must take the ACT no matter what - so the all school score is generally quite low because there is a large migrant population with no interest or desire to take it, good practice for Zach though I still want him to plan on the June one again because this all school one we won't have access to the score on our own it has to pass through guidance each time if we want it (and they are not always on top of things) he was at 29 last time, we'll see how it goes. Though as I remind him the GPA is just as important. Feh.

    Caleb is less than two weeks to his last ILS spring musical. It's getting real close to being the end of our many years there. Change, change, change.

    I am making up a grocery list of soft foods - instant mashed potatoes, yogurt, protein drinks, frozen bars, pudding - hoping it isn't too hard to heal. I am a lot older than I was when I had the last tooth out (probably almost 20 years more) - so I am pretty nervous. At least this time it will be sedation type. The others were 'simple' and done with just Novocaine. I am glad to sleep through it this time.

    Ugh. This weather.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Jeff flew in from Atlanta this morning. We are all meeting at an Ecuadorean restaurant tonight for dinner. He is staying at his Dad's condo downtown. This will probably be the only time we will see him all weekend. Hopefully he and David get to spend some time together. They are together today so that's nice.

    44 degrees! Hopefully the white stuff melts. Suppose to snow again on Sunday. Enough! The backyard is full of dog poop and needs a good clean up. I just want to get it done.

    Friday is almost here!

    29 is a good score so second time around he may raise it even more. Rory got a 28 or 29 first time and 31 or 32 second time.

    Good luck with your tooth extraction.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    hope you have a fabulous time seeing your boys!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    and it's snowing - a lot!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Sunny but cold today. Very windy! Windchill was below zero! Crazy!

    David stayed at his Dad's last night to see Jeff. Our dinner was good and it was nice to all be together. Jeff looks good and seems happy. I think he is beginning to think about going into business for himself not too far down the line. He spent some time networking while he's here.

    Last night I got up at 3am to use the bathroom. Normally both our dogs sleep on either side of our bed in their dog beds. They were both in the right place last night. Nuka, David's dog, sleeps in his room, in the upstairs hall or down in the living room on the rug. She has never entered our room. David was gone and she was anxious about that. She must have decided to sleep on the rug at the foot of our bed to be with us. When I got up I walked to the bathroom door in the dark but didn't make it. My foot hit Nuka who was in my path, she yelped and took off, and I fell down catching myself with my left elbow and both my knees. Rug burns on both knees, sore knees and elbow. I didn't sleep well the rest of the night due to the rug burns. They still hurt. I'm just glad she didn't bite me from being tripped over in the dark and that I didn't hit my head on the wall, dresser or floor. Very tired!

    Have a great weekend. TGIF!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Oh no! Hope you feel better quickly and sleep great tonight.

    Eye exam for Zach tomorrow Caleb sings finish taxes and hopefully lots of quiet.