The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    almost done with basketball and sadly WANT it to be over - not the season our family wanted, but hey life lesson of lemons and all that.

    Glad you had a good trip. Hope Rory is feeling better - the stuff going around is terrible. A lot of the influenza here has turned into pneumonia and people are super sick - and not the typical elderly - young adults and healthy kids - its a scary season.

    It seems Zach is doing better - he somewhat magically got better just before I hauled him - so I honestly can't say if he was malingering - which he hasn't ever missed two days in a row that I can remember, if he had school stuff he was avoiding, or if he is 'growing' into my problem with migraines. We talked about cutting back on electronics, I made an eye appointment as well and also talked about tracking his food choices if he starts another headache. Again, who knows.

    Work is bananas and so much to do getting ready for confirmation in just a few weeks too, golf will start soon as well, many music engagements. Busy busy.

    Stay tough ya'll.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Bad weather with ice and snow here. I had to go out for a chiro and dentist appointment today. Early appointments at work tomorrow beginning 7:30. I'll have to get an early start on the road to get to my first home.

    Russ feels queasy tonight but thinks it has to do with his sinuses. I hope he's not getting a bug too.

    I have a toothache in one of my crowns. It became sensitive about 8 months ago but only ached once in awhile. This past month the pain has become more frequent and this past week it's daily. I went in for my cleaning and asked the dentist to look at the crown. It had a root canal before placing the crown many years ago so it's not the root. They xrayed it and didn't see a crack and my gums look good. The dentist asked if I grind my teeth and clench them frequently. Yes!!!!!!! She noticed in my chart that we've discussed a mouth guard before. They took an impression for an upper device I can wear when driving, sleeping, or whenever I tend to grind and clench. It is the step before getting a guard and can be used as a diagnostic tool to see what degree I'm clenching/grinding. I get it on Wednesday. We'll see if it helps.

    Easy day tomorrow with only two appointments and then back to the office. I have some necessary paperwork to get done at my desk so glad I have the time. Hopefully I won't have interruptions.

    Well enjoy your day tomorrow.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    I plan to weigh in tomorrow morning since I haven't weighed myself since before we left for our road trip. I have book club at a friend's house tomorrow night and know I will be munching a little bit on appetizers and whatever she serves for dinner. I usually like a glass of wine at book club so tomorrow is weigh in instead of Friday this week. Fingers crossed I've atleast maintained and not put all those lost pounds back on my body.

    Hope you are both well.

    This school shooting in FL is so awful. Why does America feel access to assault weapons and any other guns is ok at 18? AR's shouldn't be accessible to anyone but military. I say vote all politicians out of office when their term is up and get a new bunch that may actually make some change. I know our mass killings are a combination of gun access, mental illness, bullying, home life, etc. but all need to be dealt with so our society is in a better place. Vent over...


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    conferences typical hair pulling talks of how smart he is, but not applying himself - I don't know how to 'fix' that - of course then I thank my blessed stars that I still have hair to pull out over his 'lack of motivation' because he is still around to torment me.

    Be well - stay the course - I a bobbling around in a few ounces of where I was before I stopped drastically watching points - I am ok as long as I can maintain this - it's still CRAZY here.

    more bad weather too.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    supposed to drive over an hour away tomorrow and Sunday for ball and it is supposed to be icy and snowy - FROWNY FACE - I know they won't cancel b/c it is a huge tourney - but I am going to be peeved if we get there and there aren't enough to play - if you can't make it make that decision early enough so everyone else knows
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Marla, our school district just cancelled any activities that occur after 5pm tomorrow (games, etc.) due to the storm that is coming. I wish it would come on a work day. Stay safe and don't put yourself in danger for sports.

    I'm stuck at my 10-12 pound loss. I'll just keep putzing along. Don't beat yourself up. At least we are moving in the right direction. Do what you can to maintain.

    How does Z feel about his conference? My boys didn't all work to their potential in high school but did apply themselves in college when their motivation was their future. Hang in there!



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    did quite a bit of cleaning Saturday since I didn't venture out for ball - and boy did I hurt Sunday. And so much more to do. The roads were fine yesterday so I took out for the late ball game last night - it was good to see them finally beat Battle Creek (they have played and lost three other times) - and Caleb got to go in at the end since they were up and he made a bucket. So yay. It's still hard to watch him sit - but one last game and this is done. Another chapter over. The spring musical we had also been looking forward to is going to be another life lesson - The lead went to a 7th grader (and Caleb is more than talented in this area) so he is bummed, I definitely understand drama (it was a huge part of my life in high school and college), but again this is middle school and every other year the main parts go to 8th graders first - It's just been a pretty crap year for Caleb all together for getting the things that normally go to 8th graders. Ah well. Lemons and all that. It's honestly helping make me ready to leave ILS behind. I know full well the CHS will be disappointment after disappointment, but I expect(ed) better at ILS.

    Here's to another crazy busy week. Orientation at the high school tonight. Make up bball game (last time on the ILS court) Tuesday. Church wednesday and Confirmation retreat this weekend. Go speed racer.
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Hi ladies. I’ll go back and read old posts later. I fell of the bandwagon for two weeks. For one main reason - the Olympics. I love the Olympics and was cheering on Team Canada all I could. On average it was 1:30 before I went to bed. The 13 hour time difference was a killer of ones sleep. I am so excited with how well Canada did. We set a new record of the most medals in a single Winter Olympics at 29.

    I did miss the last couple of nights (including the figure skating gala and 4 man bobsled) as my internet has gone out on me. Grrr. At work right now posting this. I have my internet provider coming tonight with a new modem. Apparently mine is old and it’s a known issue with it

    I can get back on the bandwagon now and get enough sleep to not be to tired to run or workout. I need to be eating better as well. Of course the Paralympics start March 9.......
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    We did get quite a bit of snow between Saturday and Sunday. Russ hurt his back shoveling and snow blowing the driveway so he stayed home today. I think he will work tomorrow. Today was up to 45 degrees so snow is melting down.

    My sister made it through her knee surgery. Her incision is stapled shut and looks to be no less than 8 inches long. Ouch!

    I host knitting tomorrow eve. I have things to do to get ready but no motivation. I'll wipe down bathroom in morning, vacuum before they come, and dust before I go to work in the morning. Russ is picking up pulled pork and chicken from a bbq place and I'll make salad and coleslaw. Russ made calico beans for me so meal is pretty easy. One knitter is bringing cupcakes for another's birthday treat. I really don't like hosting anything at my house. It makes me anxious.

    Ang- you must have had to stay up pretty late to see all your events.
    Marla- glad C got to play but sorry he didn't get the part in choir.

    Well I'm tired. Long day and early one tomorrow.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    hope your sister heals quicky

    Friday tired and it is only Tuesday... yaaawwwwwnnnnn....
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    ball is over - for us probably for good - last night ended up being a good night all in all. We got recognized with flowers with the boys (wish they would have done that for Zach sniff) - the game was fast and furious. We ended up with a surprise win. One of the 8th grade boys who has been on Varsity since 6th grade and plays pretty much constantly finally told Joel (coach/dad of other 8thgrader) with about 2 minutes left (and we were only up by 10 or so) that he wanted to sit so Alex could go in. SNIFF!!! How cool is that. Now that is something to be proud of. I am pretty disgusted that a player had to make that statement, but the boy had the right thought - make sure all the 8th graders play, even if it costs them the game. I look forward to watching a couple of them play in high school and hopefully continue their ways to becoming great men. Off to a good start they are.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Wonderful that 8th grader wanted his team mate to play in the last game. Kids get wise to the politics of sports pretty early on. Many quit high school sports when they are directly affected by it.

    Knitting group at my house went well last night. Late night. They left at 9:30, then I had a glass of wine to relax, and Rory sat down to talk with me. I have to grab those moments with Rory when he's willing to sit and talk with me, so it was a late night.

    Beautiful weather here. Sunny and in the 40's for the past few days. Rain showers predicted in a few days too. Snow, snow go away...

    Trying to eat right but not doing the best. This will be a long process. I need to fit in exercise but haven't done so. I'm tired and seem to have errands, then want to relax. Not good.

    Well sleep well and happy Thursday. That much closer to Friday.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    so tired - just trying to get through - be strong ladies
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    I'm tired too but am so glad the week went fast here. One appointment tomorrow and desk time! So nice. Saturday I get my hair colored and cut and then I need to clean the guest room and get it ready for David. I've put it off too many times.

    What are your plans this weekend?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I need to crack the whip on myself and do the big decontamination on the boys bathroom - do the scrub until I hurt for days - so then all I will have to do the next couple of weeks is wipe it everyday - Three weeks until Confirmation. Caleb has retreat this weekend, his 'questioning' next week, gotta get that faith project done before that and oh a few other things.

    He and did the pictures for the 'slideshow' - and argued about each one. We did the ridiculous new 'tracking' four year plan for high school and I am annoyed and disgusted that they went to tracking - it doesn't work and makes everyone crazy(ier) - IMO

    hope since you are getting a room ready for David that means you get to spend some time with him - that sounds great!

    Heres to a productive weekend!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Weather taking a turn for the worse tonight. Tomorrow will be cruddy driving. Rain has become a snowy/ice prediction instead.

    Hair cut and color went well. I accomplished getting 4 dog beds washed yesterday, sheets changed today, and after lunch I will tackle guest room for David. One more week and a 2 week spring break for me! I will be going to MI to help my sister post surgery. I've contacted a couple of friends to get together with too. Looking forward to the trip.

    Rory has to clean his own bathroom since he uses it. I had him clean it last weekend but haven't checked it to see how good of a job he did. I should get in there sometime and scrub too.

    Well more to accomplish. Have a great day!


  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    On average it was 1am before I went to bed. On the night of the ladies hockey game I went to bed when I got home from church and slept two hours. Got up and watched the game. Went back to bed at 3:30 crying into my pillow

    Doing all that wore me out and was probably why I got sick. I had a bad cough that kept getting worse. I went to a walk in clinic Friday and was giving two puffers. It’s helped. However, today I experienced something I never want to again. Shortness of breath. It’s a side effect one of the puffers. I called the nursing line our province has and didn’t take them tonight. I’m feeling much better tonight. Frightened myself and a couple people at church today who saw me breathing hard. I’m calling the pharmacist in the morning and getting their advice if I should keep taking the puffer. I have no desire to. I don’t want to experience that again, but I’m supposed to take it for two weeks and it’s only been two days!

    I’m going to try a light run on my TM tomorrow and see how I do. Really need to get back at it. Between the Olympics and getting sick it’s been far to long!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    that sounds scary Ang, hope you are feeling better and back to full health soon.

    got quite a bit accomplished - still gotta keep moving

    here goes another wild week ladies!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Get well Ang! I hope you feel better.

    School districts in MN including mine called off school last night for today due to bad storm coming. It pelted icy rain last night and put a coat of ice on everything. High winds today and the snow has been off and on. At about 3pm, the snow started coming down more heavily. So grateful to be home today and not driving to my 4 appointments that were scheduled with students.

    We are very lazy today. Reading, watching NCIS reruns and doing nothing at all.

    I suppose it is too much to dream for the storm to get worse and have another day off tomorrow? One can be hopeful...

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    the wind has been insane - over 50 mph - and more snow - good grief - Golf has their first tourney in less than two weeks and the course is still closed -