The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    those eyelashes!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    basketball tonight - go Vikings - Caleb is still coughing - but the meds are helping - z-pac, steroid, inhaler -
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Hansom boy and growing so fast! He looks at least 4 years of age.

    Busy two days of work and haven't had energy to go to gym. I had muscle cramp in bed last night. It was on the right side of my butt. I had a chiro appt after work yesterday. He adjusted my back. I wonder if it resulted from that. Sometimes I think I should stop getting adjustments even though they help the majority of the time.

    I go to a play tomorrow eve so I will attend boot camp on Thursday and workout Friday and Saturday for this week. I'm off next week so I will be able to go to the gym in the mornings which will be a nice change.

    Watching a new NCIS so sleep well ladies.


  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Shirley - Hes getting so big!

    Hey ladies. Keeping telling myself to get on here but never follow through with action. Now I am. Though I should be sleeping. It's after midnight.

    I had my first race of the season on Saturday. A fun 5k. I now know what it's like to come on last! It was brutal. Steep hill and -17. Brrr. I was wearing 3 layers!

    I'm officially the last standing healthy person at work who has not gotten sick since January. Sigh. So hope I can keep it that way! Sleep should help so I should really get some. Getting tired now.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    I am in a terrible mood!!

    Good to see you Ang - hang in there on the health - it's bad out there - Caleb's still hacking after a z-pac, steroid and inhaler

    hope the chiro helped Jenny

    haven't been in for massage for awhile with busy schedules - maybe that's why I am so grumpy and p'd off.

    or maybe I have teenagers

    two steps forward - twelve back

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    back at choir last night -

    just muddling through another week

    still crabby.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    We did not like the play last night. It was very long with 2 intermissions and not an interesting story line. I got home after 11pm and had a 7:30 student visit this morning. Ugh!

    I went to my boot camp class tonight. There were at least 9-10 of us in the class but it went fine. We had 6 exercise stations and did each for 30 seconds, going around the circuit 6 times. I was sweaty and beat at the end. Tomorrow I will do cardio and Saturday I will try the circuit again.

    It should be 40's tomorrow so looking forward to nice weather.

    Ang- WTG on your first 5k of the season.
    Marla- sorry you're having some rough times. I hope Caleb feels better soon.

    Off to bed...

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I have a treadmill! A FREE treadmill! Only way I would ever be able to get one! It's an older style one but it's still a treadmill. No excuses now! Amid the blizzard we are having tonight I was able to run

    Course the storm chips and pizza for National Pizza Day probably weren't the best choice of foods! Oh well. I'm sure as I get back into the habit of running, I will get back on track with editing right.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Friends,

    I will be closing out my account today. I have enjoyed all of you over the years and we have got to know each other and our families. It will be going on 7 years I have been on the site this summer. I will be following another path the books HEALTH AT EVERY SIZE and INTUITIVE EATING. I had my first phone conference with a registered dietician who practices with these books in mind and she will be helping me going forward. I am on facebook and I will continue our connection there.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    Options wishes Shirley - hope to keep seeing you FB!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    I will miss discussions with you Shirley. Good luck on your new path to health. Enjoy Jamaica! See you on FB...

    Ang- awesome that you got a treadmill. Now weather won't matter. Do you plan to fit a time into your routine, morning or eve, so you make it a habit? Or just run when you can with your busy schedule.

    Marla- How are you doing? Will you have a nice weekend or too much planned?

    We are going to the RV/Camping show tomorrow to check out travel trailers. Should be an interesting day.

    I didn't make it to the gym today. Too tired. I will go Sunday and get an extra day in after my three workouts next week. I have the week off!

    Happy Weekend!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    The travel/RV show was fun and productive. We had researched smaller travel trailers online and identified a few we liked and might be affordable and a good fit for us. We were able to see all but one at the show. We have narrowed our choice to 3 with one favored more than the others. We have more research to do and need to wait until Rory brings our bigger pick up truck back from school. That's what we would use to tow the trailer and sell Russ' smaller pick up to put towards down payment. So we don't think we would buy anything if we do, until mid to late summer or when closeout sales for 2017 models begin.

    I worked out this morning and accomplishes 30 minutes walking on the treadmill, some weights, side and forward planks, rowing and some of my physical therapy exercises.

    I hope you are having a great weekend!
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Jenny - I want to try for mornings, but I'll see what happens.

    I'm in and the hatches are battened down! We are about to be hit by a massive blizzard. We could get up to 60cm of now (that's 2 feet). It's starting shortly and is not supposed to stop until sometime early Tuesday morning. It's a slow moving storm. The already pulled buses for tomorrow which is very rare to happen. In the just over 10 years I've been uses the bus system it's only the second time that has happened. That means SNOW DAY TOMORROW!!! The list of closures already for tomorrow is huge. I just hope my power doesn't go out so I can stay warm! I have pre-cooked some chicken and have other things I can have if there is no power and I cant cook. I"m already taking advantage of the snow day and being up past the time I should already be in bed!

    I'm going to try to get a run in on my treadmill tomorrow. The left arm didn't get tightened as much as it should have. The faster I go the louder it rattles! And it's a LOUD rattle. Not sure I can put up with it. My Pastor (I got it from his family) is supposed to come tighten it, but with this storm it won't happen for a couple of days. I'll just have to try to deal with it. I do want to get my run in early tomorrow in case the power does go out. I don't know what their history of loosing power here is. It's the biggest storm (summer or winter) to come since I moved here in July. I hope it doesn't go out. I want, make that need, my heat!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    hope your storm doesn't end up too bad Ang!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Ang- I hope you are staying warm. We have had such a mild winter. It is sunny, blue skies and in the 40's right now. Crazy! I'm sure we have more snow to come. March is usually bad.

    Hi Marla!

    I bought dog treats and toys today. They needed new treats and they had destroyed their other stuffed toys. My house looked like the toys blew up with stuffing all over the floor.

    I took a day off from the gym but will go tomorrow morning.

    Maggie, my dog, gets her teeth cleaned on Wednesday so she will be at the vet all day. I will meet a friend for lunch on Thursday. I hope my week off doesn't go too fast.

    Have a nice evening.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    things sound good in MN Jenny - I feel like I am hanging by a thread - teenagers are so hard!!

    I want to MAKE them make the right choices - but I can't and watching them not is beyond hard. Just do your homework Zach. Gah. Nope failing Spanish - the class I warned him not to take. Don't take it if you're not going to do the work. I've got it, I've got it. GAH.

    Caleb wants to drop out of drama because something happened - I don't for sure what - but am guessing it's what I have been fearing (the weight) -

    All Bernie worries about is his (Bernie's) physique - the other stuff is all on me it feels like.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Marla- I went to an inservice on parenting/child development many years ago. I remember the lady presented on a parenting system of red, yellow and green light cues. I don't remember the details but what I do remember always stuck with me. She said,"As parents, we have control over what our kids learn and how they behave/choices they make, until about age 10. After age 10, peer influence and the foundation we gave them as parents, guides their decisions. They will make mistakes and make bad choices, it's how they learn from their mistakes and what they do with that learning, that determines their path."

    So know you've been a good Mom and have taught them right from wrong. They now have to walk their own path with you as support during the good or bad times. You WILL look back on these years someday and say "whew!" glad those are over.

    I went to the gym this morning and walked on the treadmill for 20 minutes. I did weights, stretches, side and front planks. After lunch, I took the dogs for a walk by the Mississippi River. We made it 25 minutes with my knee pain and the wind. After that I took them on a long drive. Tonight, Russ and I have reservations for a nice dinner at a restaurant. I am having crab stuffed flounder, red potatoes and green beans. He's having the sirloin steak. There will be jazz/blues music. The restaurant is having a Valentine's evening for those who made reservations.

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    ah Jenny - it is so good having you here to keep reminding me 'this too shall pass' - it's so all consuming while it's happening

    sounds like you had a really nice Valentines.

    my didn't end any better - with C heartbroke because I didn't do anything special (big arrangements of candy, or something) for him to wake up to because apparently many in his class had that. Sigh.

    Zach did a decent job working last night until I found him up at 1:30 a.m. just listening to music after him telling me at 10:30 p.m. he was going to bed - then finding his Spanish update this morning with more missing work. and today we go for his guidance meeting for next year. Should be awesome.

    Choir tonight. If I don't stroke out.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Marla- I hear ya! Rory use to stay up so late on school nights in his room texting, listening to music, and who knows what else. Jeff did the same thing and then would try to tell me he didn't feel good and couldn't go to school when he was too tired. I was constantly battling these issues with them. Even when I set limits and bed time, they pushed the limits. When I think of the things they all pulled in high school (some pretty bad) I can't believe we made it through and they are fine young men today. Those teen years are all about gaining independence, trial and error with choices, and growing up to be independent and self-sufficient adults. Your boys will accomplish that with your support. I can say it so easy now but those years were hard! Hang in there!

    I went to my boot camp class this morning and I was the only one in the class so one-to-one with the trainer. He kicked my butt once again. I can feel myself getting stronger and more energetic.

    I took my older dog Maggie to the vet this morning for her scheduled teeth cleaning. They needed to do blood work to make sure she could go under anesthesia safely and also check her kidneys to make sure arthritis meds weren't causing any problems. I got a call that the blood work showed some issues and they didn't recommend the teeth cleaning today. They wanted to do an ultra sound on her liver and spleen because they were suspecting either cancer or blood clots. The ultra sound showed abnormality in her spleen so they did an aspiration with a large syringe and sent it off for analysis. I'll hear within 72 hours. She's pretty loopy tonight from the sedative they gave her for the procedure. She keeps moaning and hasn't eaten today. Expensive day!!!!!!!!!

    Hi Ang!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    I am so disappointed in our schools guidance counselors. What.A.Crime.

    Hope you get good news from vet. Hugs Jenny.

    Thank you for continuing to prop me up during all my own teenager angst. I have been in dire need, as you can tell.

    Tonight is an organizational meeting for a 'vocal music booster' group - the vocal teacher asked me to be involved. He is crazy. I'm not being facetious. He freaks me out. I am going because Zach wants to be involved in music and I believe Caleb will too - so trying to pave the way for them. However, if Zach doesn't make concert choir this year (his audition is tomorrow) I don't know what I will do.