100% Challenge - Harvesting a New you Oct. 26 to Dec. 6



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Thank You Ginny!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I hope everybody survived the Holiday with minimal diet damage :)

    When I left the House this morning I could barely see the far end of the block for the fog. By the time I got home it had cleared up. Temperatures were not too bad either. I did wear gloves during the walk, heavy at the start and light by the end as the Sun warmed things up.

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited November 2015

    11/27/2015 Not 100%

    I was out walking, Surprise :)

    My Thanksgiving holiday plans did not survive contact with the enemy, My Brothers Feast of a meal. However last night we broke down the Turkey, Vacuum sealed it and froze it. Likewise with the larger Homemade Lasagna, over 1/2 of the Mashed Potatoes & Bread stuffing, and the entire second Homemade Pumpkin Pie. All in the freezer and safe from temptation.

    When I got on the scale it said, One at a time Please :)

    Have a Great Weekend
  • ginnywed
    ginnywed Posts: 327 Member
    NOT 100% 11/27 Once you start its hard to get back on track right away. I didn't take anything home from my sons but I just was hungry all day and ate stuff not on plan. Today was better. Its cold outside! Highs in the low 30's BRRRR!!!!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    11/28/2015 100%
    Today the 19th is looking good so far too

    A litle chilly and dreary looking out this morning when I was walking, Later on the Sun came out and the day looks better. I walked to the Dunkin Donuts and Picked up a Free Glazed Donut for my Brother and a Extra Large Black Coffee for me.

    I'm trying to decide whether to delay my next order and use up more of the food on hand. Decisions, decisions!

    Have a Good Sunday
    ginnywed wrote: »
    NOT 100% 11/27 Once you start its hard to get back on track right away. I didn't take anything home from my sons but I just was hungry all day and ate stuff not on plan. Today was better. Its cold outside! Highs in the low 30's BRRRR!!!!

    Hi Ginny
    Tell me about it. I was not 100% for two days and the scale told me so too :(

    It took me until today to stop retaining extra water and start losing it again. I'm not even sure why unless it was something in the Turkey? My Brother uses no salt in cooking so any salt in the food was already there. The Only time he adds salt is if baking and the recipe calls for it.

    Today was colder than Yesterday and tomorrow (Monday) should be colder still.

    Good Luck
  • dharris1014
    dharris1014 Posts: 509 Member
    Well, I'm back. Miss checking in, tried, but I got a new phone and couldn't find everything on the phone. The Caolina's were beautiful and not as cold as I expected. Took a boat ride on Lake Norman, saw many of the race car drivers homes, as well as Michael Jordan's home.

    Roger, even though I did pretty good and held tight and ate mindfully, put me down as not 100 all the days. I will give my weigh in tomorrow.

    Glad everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited November 2015

    11/29/2015 100%

    Hi All
    It was cold walking today, I feel it in the fingers mostly, some on the face when the breeze blows. It was 31 degrees in nearby Somerville and showing 33 degrees on the closed in front porch when I left. Tomorrow is supposed to be warmer but rainy for Tuesday and Wednesday.

    When I left the house the Sun was shining and felt good on me. During the walk the clouds moved in and that was that for the Sun. It is now cloudy and filtered Sun and does not feel warm out.

    Have a Good Week
    Well, I'm back. Miss checking in, tried, but I got a new phone and couldn't find everything on the phone. The Caolina's were beautiful and not as cold as I expected. Took a boat ride on Lake Norman, saw many of the race car drivers homes, as well as Michael Jordan's home.

    Roger, even though I did pretty good and held tight and ate mindfully, put me down as not 100 all the days. I will give my weigh in tomorrow.

    Glad everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving.

    Hi Donna
    I'm not surprised that a new phone gave You trouble. Never having used one for that I would be completely lost :)

    It sounds as if You had a Good time and that is important too. Congratulations on eating carefully.

    Have a Good Day
  • ginnywed
    ginnywed Posts: 327 Member
    edited November 2015
    Good morning...it snowed outside and will end up being shoveable snow before its done.
    100% 11/28 and 11/29 WI 194.4 +.4 Not terrible. I'm going to move my car to towards the end of the driveway so I have less to shovel.
  • dharris1014
    dharris1014 Posts: 509 Member
    Can't even think about shoveling snow.

    Good news, drum roll please, my weigh in is:


    Happy dancing today!
  • dharris1014
    dharris1014 Posts: 509 Member
    Oh and 11/30 100
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    11/30/2015 100%

    Hi All
    I went walking + 2 Cents. I shortened it as it was starting to drizzle when I left the house. It kept getting slowly rainier, still not to bad except that my Gloves were slowly getting wet and thus my fingers were getting cold. Therefor I shortened it up somewhat. OTOH Yesterday I had to go back out and ended up 7,000 steps over the days normal walking :)

    Have a Great Tuesday

    ginnywed wrote: »
    Good morning...it snowed outside and will end up being shoveable snow before its done.
    100% 11/28 and 11/29 WI 194.4 +.4 Not terrible. I'm going to move my car to towards the end of the driveway so I have less to shovel.
    Can't even think about shoveling snow.

    Good news, drum roll please, my weigh in is:


    Happy dancing today!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    11/30/2015 100%

    Hi All
    I went walking + 2 Cents. I shortened it as it was starting to drizzle when I left the house. It kept getting slowly rainier, still not to bad except that my Gloves were slowly getting wet and thus my fingers were getting cold. Therefor I shortened it up somewhat. OTOH Yesterday I had to go back out and ended up 7,000 steps over the days normal walking :)

    Have a Great Tuesday
    ginnywed wrote: »
    Good morning...it snowed outside and will end up being shoveable snow before its done.
    100% 11/28 and 11/29 WI 194.4 +.4 Not terrible. I'm going to move my car to towards the end of the driveway so I have less to shovel.

    Hi Ginny
    That stinks, Snow already. My Brother and I do something similar and move his car near to the end of the driveway, leaving enough room for whatever the plow pushes in to be clear of the car and then we move mine to a 3 or 4 foot spacing from his. Then shovel in front of mine and around his. Move mine up to the cleared area and shovel around where it was.

    Can't even think about shoveling snow.

    Good news, drum roll please, my weigh in is:


    Happy dancing today!

    Hi Donna
    Congratulations on that :)
    I know You are happy
    Oh and 11/30 100

    Hi Again
    I have updated the Spreadsheet. Let me know if I oopsed it :)

    I see we survived the holiday, My Weight had shot up and then is coming down fast to where I was. I had a suspicion it was water weight somehow. I did not see how I could gain that much in two days even if I were a couch potato and I was out walking on both days :)

  • ginnywed
    ginnywed Posts: 327 Member
    Good going Donna! 100% 11/30 Didn't have to shovel...its like ice out there so I am leaving it alone. It will melt this weekend and there isn't that much there. We had some freezing rain this morning which iced some and melted some.
  • dharris1014
    dharris1014 Posts: 509 Member
    12/1 and 12/2 100%
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    12/01/2015 100%

    Walked again today, for now the rain has moved out and the next wave of heavier rain will be in later today.

    We are going out to the Christmas Tree shop later to look at Window and Yard Decorations.

    Have a Nice Wednesday
    ginnywed wrote: »
    Good going Donna! 100% 11/30 Didn't have to shovel...its like ice out there so I am leaving it alone. It will melt this weekend and there isn't that much there. We had some freezing rain this morning which iced some and melted some.

    Hi Ginny
    It sounds as if You got lucky with regard to shoveling :)
    I try and stay clear of walking or driving if it is icing, Safety first!

    12/1 and 12/2 100%

    Hi Donna
    Good going, I just finally noticed that this challenge ends on the 6th, Sunday.
    Now I have to get going on a new one for The Upcoming Holiday Season.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    12/02/2015 100%

    I walked today, a reverse route, You see things that way You miss going in the other direction :)
    Factoid: During the walk I passed 5 houses where I could see the Solar panels on the roof, Others may have had them on the side of the roof I could not see. It seems they are becoming more popular

    Have a Nice Thursday
  • ginnywed
    ginnywed Posts: 327 Member
    edited December 2015
    I walked today at Walmart. Had to get some things so walked around the entire thing and parked a good ways away from the door. Things are going to melt here.
    Not 100% 12/1 100% 12/2
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    12/03/2015 100%

    I walked today, More and more holiday decorations are going up around the area too.
    I saw the Blue Heron today in the Brook below the Dam.

    Have a Good Friday

    ginnywed wrote: »
    I walked today at Walmart. Had to get some things so walked around the entire thing and parked a good ways away from the door. Things are going to melt here.
    Not 100% 12/1 100% 12/2

    Hi Ginny
    Congratulations on not taking the easy way parking to shop, Use it to get exercise too :)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited December 2015
    I set up the next Challenge here, If this does not work for You please let me know.

