Daily check in for Keto friends...



  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I hope you have the best time ever, and that you have that moment of "this isn't enough for me, this is fabulousness and everyone else should totally be jealous!"
  • djaustin53
    djaustin53 Posts: 33 Member
    Keto people.. please add me.. need support
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Thinking of you Knit...sending good vibes in your direction.

    Reasons to love keto:

    Keto is a faithful friend, even when I forget to be there for myself.

    Did not adequately prepare activities for this weekend in order to out-distance my feelings, and I paid the price foodwise. My bad. Won't be so unguarded about that for next weekend.

    My mother tells me the reason I am single is because I want a relationship so badly.
    I'm not really sure that I agree, because I've learned not to broadcast that needy side of myself, and I really am mostly happy with who I am at this point. But I don't think it's wrong to want or even have a need for that kind of connection. I think it's human.
    I also am trying to stick with the idea that it's a numbers game, and that the more I'm out and about, the more chances I have to meet someone that I'm interested in.
    I really struggle with this so much more on weekends, and come Sunday or Monday, with the pressure off, I can throw myself back into keto like a champ.
    Sigh, sigh and sigh.
    Anyway, today it's back on the ball. Getting plans for the week set up, getting back to my daily activities, trying to feel connected to the awesome and amazing people, things and places in my life. And as usual, just so grateful that my keto life is so accessible and present when I'm ready to climb back on the wagon.

    Thank God it's Sunday!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    @elize7 While recovering from my divorce, it took me a good long few years to even be open to considering a relationship again, but I, too, began to crave companionship and such. An old friend surprisingly popped back into my life at that time. But I had to get so good with myself that I didn't NEED anyone else, just occasionally WANTED something else, before I even registered to anyone else... I wish you inner peace on that matter!

    I'm sorry your planning failed you, but I'm glad you got right back with it! (HUGS)
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Many of you have seen that I posted that my stepdad had a heart attack this past week. He's home now, and recovering, preparing for bypass surgery. It's just remembering things like this that leave me concerned about my own ongoing health. I don't want to end up in that position because I couldn't "stick with it" or what have you... It's never too late to get back on the wagon or to get back to basics. Most of us are here because we are fighting for our lives. If you ever lose focus of what you're fighting for, go back to the beginning and remember why you started...
  • JodiSW
    JodiSW Posts: 193 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    It's just remembering things like this that leave me concerned about my own ongoing health. I don't want to end up in that position because I couldn't "stick with it" or what have you... It's never too late to get back on the wagon or to get back to basics. Most of us are here because we are fighting for our lives. If you ever lose focus of what you're fighting for, go back to the beginning and remember why you started...

    Thanks for this today. I needed the reminder that this is the long haul and that it's never too late to start again.
  • bowlerae
    bowlerae Posts: 555 Member
    Still struggling to lower my protein levels. I like a hearty portion of meat in my meals.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    bowlerae wrote: »
    Still struggling to lower my protein levels. I like a hearty portion of meat in my meals.

    @bowlerae - Pick fattier cuts of meat. I know folks who have proven that you can in fact eat meat only/carnivore style - and hit your keto macros fine. If you pick fattier cuts, you will still get the meat you want/crave, but you'll get good fats in there, too!
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Bad day, but I'll get over it.
    I blame it all on the carbs. Man, they need to leave me alone!
    I'll be back tomorrow with it all sorted out!
  • TheBuffster40
    TheBuffster40 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm down 10 kilos (mainly achieved through keto) Really pleased. That's halfway to my initial goal. I'm nearly in the ideal weight bmi range and my waist measurement is finally at 32 inches - another health indicator I wanted to meet.

    After 4 months I can now exercise while on a keto diet - I previously found it impossible to exert myself and felt this was a real limitation on how well keto worked for me.

    I am a little bored of it I will admit. But am discovering low carb veggies in oil. I love not having to weigh all my food anymore. I did initially but now have my meals and a snack and know that as long as I'm in ketosis I don't overeat. In fact occasional undereating is more of a problem.

    Considering I struggled for months to lose weight with a more conventional diet this is a revelations. I hope this is encouraging for others. My weightloss isn't quick but it's steady. I stall occasionally but my weight doesn't bounce down and back up like before. I found it do frustrating to just continually lose the same few pounds again and again. Its just steady pound a week most of the time. Sometimes a bit less than a pound but then over a pound the next week.

    I take multivits magnesium and calcium - and some fibre supplements when I need them. But more out of choice now - the soreness has gone. I seem to be used to this now. Initially the magnesium helped lots with crampy muscles and general grogginess.
  • bowlerae
    bowlerae Posts: 555 Member
    I've been having the worst headaches when waking up this week. Not sure if the bulletproof coffee is causing it or helping it. I've started drinking BPC again in the mornings around 8-8:30. My headaches are gone by 9:30 but it may be because I'm more awake or it may be because of the BPC. But every morning they are there when I wake up. I have been having a lot of weird head ache activities ranging from migraines to weird sensations I've never felt before such as tingling (feels like it's actually tingling in my brain) and pain that feels like it's originating behind my eye. I'm actually afraid I should go to the doctor soon. Not sure if it's diet related or not. It's hard to pinpoint when they started (before eating low carb or after) and hard to determine what helps them subside (BPC and high fat, or not). I have always suffered from the occasional migraine, specifically when I wake up so I don't think it's a matter of keto flu but perhaps keto is making it worse. Or it's even possible that they would be happening regardless and keto is helping them subside. I have no idea! I've been trying to drink a lot of water as well.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I developed migraines last year in response to increased histamines. I tried to up my fermented foods and brewed my own Kombucha and a number of things. Leftovers and many other foods will continue adding to this - then it's a threshold thing, and wham, there it is. I've cut back and managed it, now, but I'm worried they'll return.

    However, with it feeling like it starts behind your eye, have you been tested for sleep apnea ever? Do you use any sort of a sleep tracker? About a decade or more ago, I would get piercing headaches so bad I almost couldn't move. Found out at a sleep study that my oxygen was dropping to 69% saturation within 2 hours. As point of reference, even during an asthma attack, most folks don't dip below 85-90%...

    However, I'm not sure where you live, @bowlerae, but here, fall allergy season just kicked up into high gear, and I had to switch ALL of my medications. I've been in allergy HADES. So that's a huge factor for me.

    BUT, all of this being said, my eyes and brain are things I personally cannot live without, so I would not put off going to the doctor. For all you know, you could have had an underlying problem for a long time, and the pain is coming from keto trying to fix things! There is absolutely no telling whatsoever. But it isn't worth the risk. Keep us in the loop.

    P.S. Are you taking a good bit of sodium before bed? I could be a keto "flu" electrolyte situation, too...I always forget about that, because I've been doing this too long, and even now, I supplement massively with sodium.
  • bowlerae
    bowlerae Posts: 555 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    I developed migraines last year in response to increased histamines. I tried to up my fermented foods and brewed my own Kombucha and a number of things. Leftovers and many other foods will continue adding to this - then it's a threshold thing, and wham, there it is. I've cut back and managed it, now, but I'm worried they'll return.

    However, with it feeling like it starts behind your eye, have you been tested for sleep apnea ever? Do you use any sort of a sleep tracker? About a decade or more ago, I would get piercing headaches so bad I almost couldn't move. Found out at a sleep study that my oxygen was dropping to 69% saturation within 2 hours. As point of reference, even during an asthma attack, most folks don't dip below 85-90%...

    However, I'm not sure where you live, @bowlerae, but here, fall allergy season just kicked up into high gear, and I had to switch ALL of my medications. I've been in allergy HADES. So that's a huge factor for me.

    BUT, all of this being said, my eyes and brain are things I personally cannot live without, so I would not put off going to the doctor. For all you know, you could have had an underlying problem for a long time, and the pain is coming from keto trying to fix things! There is absolutely no telling whatsoever. But it isn't worth the risk. Keep us in the loop.

    P.S. Are you taking a good bit of sodium before bed? I could be a keto "flu" electrolyte situation, too...I always forget about that, because I've been doing this too long, and even now, I supplement massively with sodium.

    Yea there are many factors. My allergies were really bad last night and this morning. I have a new roommate and a dog that I'm slightly allergic too (never been allergic to a dog before until now). The migraines could be originating from that but the tingling and eye sensation happened a few weeks ago before the dog moved in, also before eating low carb again so that's of a greater concern to me (I think it's anxiety and I hope that's all it is). I don't track my sodium but I believe I get a pretty good amount. I could probably up it and the other electrolytes. My roommate eats whole30 and has these electrolyte water in the fridge I've been eyeing. I will purchase a case of those and see how those do for me, so long as they are sugar and carb-free. Thank you for the suggestions and feedback.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Best of luck, hon, and keep us in the loop!! Any time someone solves an issue, I tend to tuck the info away for a rainy day when someone else ends up needing it!
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Reasons to love keto:

    Okay, this is making lemonade out of lemons due to the fact that I'm relosing weight I'd gained back from way excessive carbage, but...

    What other woe has you losing 3 pounds overnight? All water, but who cares? I love to see the numbers go down no matter where they start from! lol!

    For today, I'm happy with that!
  • wallyburns
    wallyburns Posts: 2 Member
    Good morning! I have read quite a few articles about having headaches while being in ketosis. One answer that comes up often is low electrolytes; sodium, potassium and magnesium.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    I had a lot of reading to do to catch up with this thread. I'm finally up to speed. Life has been keeping me very busy lately and sticking to low carb but not strict keto.

    There seems to be a light at the end of my tunnel and it's going to end with a job change. My last day in my super stressful job is October 7. I start I a new position the day after Canadian Thanksgiving. I'm looking forward to it and hope that my body reacts positively to a les stressful environment.

  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Hey Christie, great news about the job! I'm hoping for a similar new job situation which might be good for me too! Might even be a little fun. Fingers are crossed!
    I'm looking to refocus on keto myself...seem to do okay weekdays and lose it on weekends for about a half a year.
    Have kept the damage to about 20 pounds up from being down about 130, so it's not good, but it could be way worse. Wish I could find my way back to steady keto.
    This morning I even felt aches and pains in the bod, which had vanished while I was doing strict keto. Just one more reason to love keto. No pain as well as no gain! Sounds like a great keto motto! Lol.

    So that is my reason to love keto for today...how great it makes my physical body feel. Arthritis be gone!
    Keto on!

  • Hike4WD
    Hike4WD Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, everyone. I'm new here. About 5 years ago I had been on a VERY low fat diet, but my lipid panels were still bad. Then after 2 years on this diet, I had a heart attack. Two stents later, I read Gary Taube's book, "Good Calories, Bad Calories" and it changed my whole understanding of food. I realized that fat wasn't the bad