December Workout Check-IN: The Kettlebells Rock Edition!



  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    nice empty gym this afternoon. i'm still on a mission to make everything about my tl junction. not sure what it's doing to my form, but oh well.

    squats 85, ohp 55, deadlift 140. i was determined to get that bloody deadlift. that was my weight at the last trainer day, but i only did around three of them and then said that i'd had enough. this left me with a grudge, so i stuck to it until i'd done seven or eight of them. was originally going for ten, but there's spiteful and then there's self-destructive, so i stopped a little early.

    ohp went well and felt good. squats were hit and miss, as this is the lift that rib thing has messed with the most. i've lost the normal 'feel' of good form and i'm sort of flailing around trying to find it again. i actually did 3x5 at 95, but then i backed down and did another 5x5@65, so idk . . . average them out, i guess. the 95s were okay i think, but they were HARD.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Result Question: Part of it depends on where you are starting from, to be honest. I started Stronglifts over a year ago, when I was obese. I had lost a little before joining the gym from walking and watching the calories. Other people saw progress and asked if I'd lost weight rather early on, but it took me a while to really notice things. So, coming from that point, doing the deficit and losing almost 70 in a year (not all SL, did 12 weeks, then have done other things), the changes might have been more obvious compared to someone closer to a healthy weight or doing more of a recomp.

    Today was a little different. Slept in, then got a phone call from work. So, grabbed my stuff for gym and stopped by work to help them with the customer cover books that are a pain and not many know how to make them. Ended up working around an hour or so, in my gym clothes, before leaving cause had to reprint things and the books/calendars take a long time to print. Lifted then some cardio before stopping by burger place to get food to take home. Stopped by work again, ended up working just over an hour on books and stuff to help again. Then went to the store before going home and finally ate my dinner (burger and fries).

    44 - Upper Hypertrophy

    incline bench 4x8 @ 70 - went for it though 65 felt a tad heavy in warm up and made it through
    db fly 4x9 @ 17.5 - not bad here, combined with 1 db row
    1 db row 4x8 @ 30 - heavy, 27.5 was in use when I started
    seat row 4x8 @ 80 - struggled, it's weird how certain ones the resistance feels greater
    lat raise 1x6 @ 15, 3x9 @ 12.5 - 15 was too heavy, not increasing much on these
    cable bicep curl 4x10 @ 50 - tad challenge but manage
    face pull 4x10 @ 30 - kind of like these so added it in
    tricep ext. 4x10 @ 70 - felt heavy but made it through the reps

    22 minutes jogging and walking for warm up and cool down

    I also hit the stop button on the treadmill twice on accident. Once while jogging and the other time right when I needed to slow down to walk for the cool down. Quite a nuisance having it stop but it's rainy and bit flooded out so running inside for now.
  • christch
    christch Posts: 238 Member
    Managed to get in early this afternoon as finished work early.
    DL 1x12 40,50, 1x10 60, 1x5 70,2x2 75kg
    No front squats today
    Bench 1x10 30,5x8 32.5,2x4 35kg
    Db bench 3x15 10kg
    Lat pulldown 3x5 40kg
    Seated row 3x12 33+ kg
    Skullcrusher 3x15 8kg
    Preacher curl 3x8 17.5kg
    OH press 3x9 10kg

    Poor wee arms tired by the time I was finished.
    Having next four days off as away, calling it my deload.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    @Ariadnula how did you get on at the hospital yesterday?

    @BethAnnieT for me, I saw results within a few weeks in some areas - my bottom had started to lift a little (still a long way northwards for it to go!) and my stomach tightened up. However, my stomach has always been my "best" area, so doesn't have so much flab on it, therefore the results were seen quickest there. In other places, some times I think I see it, some times I think I'm misguided - my arms for example, I am sure my bingo wings are reducing but because there is still some way to go, sometimes I think I have made no progress (it often just depends on my mood, the lighting etc!).

    The main thing is that I FELT so much stronger pretty much straight away - that gives me the incentive to carry on. Plus, many of the ladies on here have been lifting for years. Reading old threads shows me that the progress is steady, slower than a "crash diet" but this way is effective and sustainable LONG TERM. So if I have to wait a little while before I see results in some areas, well so be it. At least I will see them and not give up!

    On another note - rest day again for me today. Anti inflammatories for my back are having an effect so I just need to stop myself from rushing back. I am torn between doing my scheduled session tomorrow with light or no weights or just saying hang it, it's Christmas, I'm injured, and I'm recovering for another day, and head back to it on Sunday or Monday next week.

    Perhaps a step back is not a bad thing. I just worry, truly, that a week turns into two, turns into a month.....

    Seeing you lot posting excellent daily results though is keeping me focused! Thank you :)
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    kimiuzzell wrote: »
    I just worry, truly, that a week turns into two, turns into a month.....

    two weeks or a month is so much better than a catastrophic injury though. if it takes two weeks or a month before you're healed, take them.

    i'm a fine one to talk, but i've been thinking about how much i never want to have to say 'i used to lift weights, but then i hurt [x] and i had to quit.' i never thought i'd even be interested in lifting, until about two years ago. but now i feel like i'll accommodate any setback just to make sure i never have to not-do it ever again.
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    edited December 2015
    @kimiuzzell Good! I still have to go for further tests but the good news is he says lifting is fine. Lookout for my workout report later :smile:

    I really hope your back feels better soon, I recognise that panicked feeling. You will get well, you just have to wait it out..,
  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    Yesterday was my last day at gym before Christmas, so I figured I'd throw in some accessory work just to get the most of it...

    Warmup: 15 minutes elliptical (3.5mph/level 12)

    Squats: 72.5kg - 5/3/5/5/5 (disappointed I failed my second set, but I was rushing and pulled my *kitten* slightly)
    OHP: 25kg - 5x5
    DL: 80kg -1x1 (still have major problems with weight. my grip strength is terrible!)
    Straight Bar Curls: 10kg - 3x8
    Skull Crushers: 10kg - 3x8
    Cable Crunches: 10kh -1x10, 12.5kg - 1x10, 17kg - 1x10 (these suck btw.)

    Also did about 20 minutes SS cardio with maximum incline (level 15).

  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    @Ariadnula I am very pleased to read that things are looking good for you!

    It's strange - when I had my ski accident, I needed surgery on my knee which I knew would take a VERY long time to recover from. But that was ok, because I couldn't book another ski trip for 12 months anyway. Therefore, although some aspects of recovery were frustrating, the time element was not ever an issue, with the 12 month mark being my goal as I aimed to get back on the slope. (which of course I did, although I wear a brace now).

    However, because the gym is THERE, I want to GO! If the gym was closed for a week over Christmas, it wouldn't bother me, I would see it as a coincidental but convenient reason. But because it is there and I *could* go, I'm finding it much harder to stay away!

    Its like being on a diet - if you tell yourself you CAN'T have something, you want it even more - if you really can't have it because it isn't there or doesn't exist, you're not bothered about it in the same way!

  • BethAnnieT
    BethAnnieT Posts: 263 Member
    edited December 2015
    Thank you all for answering my "results" question! I really appreciate your help! I took my measurements for the first time about 3 weeks into the program, so I'll keep tracking them and stop laser-focusing on the scale so much. Though, I still need to lose, ideally, about 12 lb. Most of it lives around my spare tire & bingo wings & saddle bags. Such lovely terminology. So anyway I'm trying to figure out how to eat at a deficit and with enough protein etc. to continue to see results, even if they happen more slowly.
    dcresider wrote: »
    I started in April and am still waiting to see visible changes although I have noticed my arms slightly firmer and my thighs too. I think my problem is my eating habits and once I start cutting some calories and eating a bit cleaner, I would see results. That's my new year's resolution.

    Here's me as well. I am dialing in on the eating habits in January as well with serious focus, with a plan to continue through the year.

    For me I started seeing more results when I started focusing on upping my weights each week. To get there I started trying to go 5x6 or 5x7 at my current weight and then trying a higher weight (5lbs for upper body, 10 lbs for lower body) and do 5x3 or 5x4 and then work up to 5x5 for a week or 2 before trying to increase again. Those progressive increases in weights helped keep me focused and encouraged.

    This is about where I'm at with my weights. I'm going to be doing this on bench press and OHP for sure, and probably squats so I can focus on my form and depth. I like this plan. :)

    This group is just THE BEST. :)
  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    Jennifer_Lynn_1982 Posts: 567 Member
    PHUL Lower Power Workout Yesterday

    Barbell Squat - 105# 1x5 , 115# 3x5 - still struggling on getting low enough on my squats
    Barbell Deadlift - 105# 1x5, 145 3x4 - felt heavy but I felt solid in my form, just took some time to get my reps in
    Leg Press - 90# 1x6, 110 3x12 (PR)
    Leg Curl - #120 1x11, 1x10, 1x7 - legs were dead by this time!

    Rest day today and then Upper Hypertrophy tomorrow morning (off Christmas Eve) before some festivities begin. I will skip my Friday workout (since the gym is closed for Christmas) and then go on Saturday instead.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    kimiuzzell wrote: »
    However, because the gym is THERE, I want to GO! If the gym was closed for a week over Christmas, it wouldn't bother me, I would see it as a coincidental but convenient reason. But because it is there and I *could* go, I'm finding it much harder to stay away!

    missing the new year rush is no bad thing. in my city people have been getting a headstart on this, and it's already hard to even find floor space to use dumbbells in, forget about actually getting a bar. and the rack . . . it's like 'book now to avoid disappointment next week'

  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    I went to the gym around 10am today and WOAH yeah, no. I think I'll set alarms to go early even during the holidays after my wife leaves, just to avoid the rush. It was hard to focus on my stuff with the amount of people jumping around me doing all kinds of crazy things. Not to mention it was hard to get plates...

    So today was just a full body deload workout. Focused on pauses and form and explosiveness. Treated every rep like a max attempt. Feels good and I know I won't have DOMS so that's always a plus. Didn't really want to be there, tho.

    I was also futzing with my new atlas tracker. I'm slightly underwhelmed so far... But it did recognize all the barbell movements correctly!

    Squat 45x6, 65x5, 85x5, 105x5, 135x3x5
    Bench (with a pause *just* above chest) 45x10, 65x5, 85x5, 95x3, 110x3x3
    Deadlift with a pause at knee height up to the first set of 185, so 2 sets without pauses) 135x5, 165x5, 175x5, 185x2x5, 185x3
    OHP (superset with deadlifts, did a few sets with a pause just above eye level but didn,t keep track)
    35x5, 45x5, 55x5, 65x2x5, 65x3
    Barbell bent-over row 65x5, 75x5, 85x3x5

    52 Hero Manmakers - tracker recognized a few burpees in there but overall I don't think it recorded properly. I was too sweaty and the band kept slipping off its spot on my forearm... It took me about 15 minutes to get through them. Only 8 more days to go! xD

    Tracker said I burned about 411 cals. I think it might've been more (again, it slipped off while I was doing the most cardio-y part of the workout, so I missed out there! lol) That's not too far off from what I've been tracking with MFP! lol. Next time I'm in the gym will be the 27th!
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    Last gym visit until the 30th, for me! Off to visit family, with nothing but manmakers to save me from squidgy bits :smile:

    Squat: 5x5 @ 65kg - woo, good to be back. I didn't want to go straight back to 72, or whatever I was on, just taking it sensibly-ish.
    Bench: 5x5 @ 2x14kg
    Row: 5x5 @ 2x18kg
    Pull ups: 3 'bare' and 10 with 12kg assistance
    glute bridge: 2x10
    Manmakers: 30!

    I don't know how you keep adding to the manmakers, @krokador - it takes all my steely willpower to get through 30...
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    Off on an eight hour train journey today, to Cornwall, so lots of sitting - but got my 30 manmakers in this morning!
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Happy Christmas everyone! I opted for the additional recovery day today, but will be back at in on Sunday.

    Enjoy your festivities, whatever you may all be doing!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    I was quite tired today because lack of sleep. However, I was up until about 7 am for absolutely no reason, just couldn't go to sleep. I didn't use that time for anything productive either aside from lying in bed trying to sleep and occasionally looking online cause it wasn't happening. I managed to get less than 4 hours of sleep overall, then had to work a 4-midnight shift. Instead of trying to gym before work, I opted to cook, then left my packed lunch on the counter *le sigh*. I went to the gym after work despite the lack of sleep and it was a decent session. No more lifting till the weekend but that's okay as I'll still be busy with work as I have the midnight shift for Christmas Eve and we are back to closing at 10pm, which I work, on Christmas Day.

    45 - lower hypertrophy

    front squat 3x10 @ 85, 1x10 @ 105 - same as before but wrist was a bit cranky the for most of it. The 105 felt better this time.
    curtsy lunge 4x10 @ 75 - getting used to these though still falter on occasion
    good morning 4x12 @ 75 - nothing unusual here
    leg extension 4x10 @ 80 - feeling decent, might increase next time, maybe
    lying leg curl 4x8 @ 70 - decided to try this one, first set the bar shifted but got more used to it in the other sets once I tightened it up.
    seat calf 4x12 @ 120 - eh, calves

    Soon I shall sleep, I hope.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    technical question for people: do you breathe in first and then brace, or brace first and then breathe?

    sounds like the over-or-under toilet paper debate, but i just suddenly started wondering which way round it's meant to go. also: merry xmas everyone.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    technical question for people: do you breathe in first and then brace, or brace first and then breathe?

    sounds like the over-or-under toilet paper debate, but i just suddenly started wondering which way round it's meant to go. also: merry xmas everyone.

    I kind of do both at the same time, to a degree, but if you're going for which order, the breathing starts first. It's really hard to brace when not filled with air.
  • klrenn
    klrenn Posts: 245 Member
    Added 2.5lbs to my squat...wasn't surprised that I failed the sets, but it was nice to finally get past 125lbs. 4/4/3 at 127.5lbs

    Benched 5x5 80lbs...was nice to be able to reduce my rest time at this weight...working my way back up to 90lbs

    Bent over row 5x5 100lbs

    Hip thrusts 3x3 205lbs

    Pull ups 5/4/3/3

  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    technical question for people: do you breathe in first and then brace, or brace first and then breathe?

    sounds like the over-or-under toilet paper debate, but i just suddenly started wondering which way round it's meant to go. also: merry xmas everyone.

    Breathe then brace. I don't think I would be able to get enough air breathing after I was braced. But I also have a bit of asthma and find getting a good, deep breath difficult.