

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Thanks for the reminder, Snoozie. I keep forgetting to check in! Yes, I'm still here, still struggling with the old weight but thankfully not gaining. Exercise has been thwarted by minor illnesses. Wine has been cut down :(. Hoping to get back on track, but so busy! (I know it's not an excuse). Now to catch up with all your posts anc pictures!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    edited March 2016
    Judy - welcome! Great to have you aboard!! and thanks for answering roll call!

    Vail - thanks to you too for the roll call reply - and I totally feel for you with the combo of minor illness and busy - I think the busy times are actually the hardest for me... it just seems that the prep time needed for healthy eating goes out the window when life gets hectic.. its like it gets pushed to the back burner so to speak for me anyway... and reading your post made me realize that's something i'm going to have to really work on; making sure I put taking care of ME at the head of the line instead of the end... I truly seem to get my priorities mixed up when life gets busy - and you've made me think why I seem to think its ok to throw myself and my needs to the back of the line in those times. I need to remember the world can just wait while I take care of me, but that's def gonna take some work so appreciate your post!!

    I seem to be finally getting back into a routine again with my eating; its been about 6 weeks since I started beginning to log again, and eater smaller amounts, etc.. taking a lot of baby steps along the way and a lot of stumbles again, but feeing a little more in control lately - seeing a bit of weight drop off too which has helped keep me focused on what I want for myself; but seems to be happenin soooo slowly LOL... however.. it IS happening and it feels good to be seeing some results again; I know it's going to take quite a while to lose the entire 25lb regain that's left, ( did did the math.. at 1lb a week.. 25 weeks.. 6 months.. yikes!) but I WILL be at least 1/2 way there by the time summer rolls around as long as I keep focused on what I want for myself. Easy enough to say now, but the question remains can I stare down a bag of lay's and walk away when the time comes LOL! have a great weekend everyone and keep on going after what ya want!

  • PatriceMG
    PatriceMG Posts: 232 Member
    Present and accounted for! Same size as before :( This not so new job is putting a hamper on my walking. No motivation. Got to get in gear. It's almost April already! Been struggling but checking in daily on MFP. Probably should let that lapse so I can be real about this and start fresh. Must log my food. I know it works. I need a slap upside the head lol
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    edited March 2016
    Patrice - I can totally relate to the struggle with getting back on track; especially the logging... i think it took me almost a month to start fully logging again.... cause i can admit i find it a royal pain in the butt.. lol Not that you asked my opinion, but i don't think letting the days logged lapse would be a good idea; maybe just turn off the notification of the number of days so you don't see it pop up.... is there any particular struggle that's getting to you or it it simply a lack of motivation all over?

    I don't know if this will help.. but if you recall, YOU were the one who got me to finally jump on the scale and see the truth (with that PM you sent me)... and that was my moment.. combined with i will admit... the simple fact i cant fit into any of my clothes anymore. i will be flat out honest - my motivating moment was that i had to dig through a bunch of storage bins and drag out an old pair of uniform pants (yup i wear a uniform at work) from back in my fatter days, because i simply could not squeeze into the ones i got when i hit my goal weight. That .. was a humiliating.. and motivating.. moment... i had sworn i would never ever go back there, and here i was.. and i was in a bit of a panic because i was sure i had gotten rid of all the old ones.. thank god i found a pair... but every day i put them on... it is motivation for me. Better health? yup.. that's on the agenda... walking every day? yup for the diabetes... but the plain old truth is... those "fat pants" were the kicker. So maybe take a few minutes away from the world over the weekend.. and ask yourself what's stopping you deep down from starting fresh and getting what you want for yourself? Doesn't matter what the reason is for a lack of motivation, or for the reason to kickstart your motivation is either.. but since you helped me tackle my demons and get started again, if there is anything i can do to help you do the same, i'm there for ya. :)
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Oh yes, work clothes! I don't have a uniform but wear different clothes to work. My tops were OK (they were too big at my lightest weight), but my trousers are showing every sin. If I put on any more weight I'd have to buy bigger ones, just for decency's sake. I'm not letting myself buy a bigger size in the hope that it will motivate me to lose weight.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Stopping by for Role Call...Are all 7 or 8 of us here? lol

    Hi, Judydj, Welcome!! Just pop in any time, with what's going on in your world.

    Snoozie, it was the FAT pants , huh1 Great motivators! Cause it is falling off you girl!!

    Hello Patrice, Best wishes with the not so new job, It makes it tough to get in steps, when you get home tired.

    Hi, Vailara good to hear from you, there's a lot to be said for not gaining....maintaining is half the battle!

    Carol, hope you are feeling better, girl!!

    Seehe, I want your life for a bit....I wanna go!! I know you are enjoying your trip!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    lol @ Gail - thanks for responding to the roll call !!!! how are things in your world these days (and i'm with you on wanting Susan's life for a few days - let's go crash her vacation???)
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    edited March 2016
    Good to hear from you all !

    Haha Gail and Snoozie- plane leaves Wednesday at 1:00- I'll save your seats :)

    Snooozie- I sure hear you about the clothes being a motivation. My weight has been redistributing back towards my middle and that, combined with the weight gain , is making it difficult to find things to wear which is definately a push to take action!

    So the wildcats, of whom I am a major fan, played in the first round of the NCAA basketball tournament Thursday night and old bad habits were triggered of eating junk and drinking alcohol while watching the game. This did not turn out so well (and neither did the game :'( ) and I had the worst food and alcohol hangover yesterday - yuck. Not to mention I gained back the pound it took me most the week to lose. So this has really got me thinking about why do I continue to do things that I know are bad for me- why does anyone for that matter? Bob says it's the instant gratification appeal or something, but whatever it is, since I'm still freely yucky this morning , I'm definitely thinking of rethinking the whole instant gratification thing and being more consistent with the healthy choices including during weekends and other "play"times.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Great, Snooze, I'll meet you and Susan there!!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,353 Member
    Here! Here! I'm here! Sorry....I've been at a family wedding and am just getting back to reality. We're in a hotel tonight and will be home tomorrow. My eating (and drinking) was out of control all weekend. I saw a couple photos of me from the wedding this weekend and the baby shower a couple weekends ago and UGH!!!!!! I'm so embarrassed that I allowed myself to put the weight I lost back on. I'm starting my Whole30 plan on Thursday and even though it's more about nutrition than weight loss I'm really really hoping that it jumpstarts my metabolism and I can start losing again.

    Welcome to the new ladies that I haven't seen here before! I'll try to keep checking in even if I don't log this eating plan I'm trying.

    Have a fantastic week everyone!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,353 Member
    Hello Ladies!!!
    How is everyone doing this week? Spring has sprung in Atlanta and it's absolutely beautiful! I am so lucky that I don't have allergies though...the pollen counts are insane! I hope all of you are allergy free as well.

    What is everyone doing for motivation lately? Is a looming swimsuit season helping with the food choices? By the way, I saw the most adorable swimsuit at a store called Torrid. It's a "young persons" fuller figure store. My daughter dragged me in and wow! They have some cute clothes but that swimsuit was so cute! I refuse to buy anything that fits me right now though. I WILL lose weight before summer!

    I'm on day six of my whole food eating plan and it's going pretty good. I was expecting some withdrawal problems...from the Diet Coke and sugar...but so far so good. The only struggle I'm having is that I feel like I'm cooking all the darn time! I'm either prepping or cooking for hours every day! I'm trying so many new recipes and chopping vegetables non-stop! I'm so proud of my husband....he ate brussel sprouts!

    Have a great week and keep making those good choices for your health! Every day is a gift, how will you use it?
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    lol @ the brussel sprouts Suzy!! congrats on hitting day 6 and enjoying the benefits.. except for the prep/cooking.. that would be the main stumbling block for me, altho I do a hell of a lot more of it anyway for simply healthier eatingg.. I do wish I enjoyed cooking at all LOL.. oh well!!

    Monday was my weigh in day; immediately following the easter dinner pig out sunday night; but I still hopped on the sucker as it was my sched day... I did NOT log my weight tho haaaaaa... I weigh in "officially" to myself on Mondays and Thursdays so Im holding out for thurs :) I haven't had a loss the past 2 weigh ins and im on midnight shift this week which means im craving carbs at 3am, not tuna!! but am still finding motivation high to get back to a comfortable weight for me. But I've done really well with my logging which is a big win for me as I admit I still struggle with that - if there's no loss this week I will have to look at either increasing movement or decreasing cals... but honestly my best motivation right now is my before and aftr hitting GW pic on my profile... I want to feel as good as I did then again, so every day I see it it reminds me what I want for ME!! :)

    Im thinking of starting a new thread for April... but honestly not sure if it's worth it? This group was originally started to have a support group for women our age wanting to lose weight, and get healthier.... we've not only dropped off to 2 or 3 checking in now and then but not much chat lately about actual weight loss and what we're doing and the support, etc - so if anyone pops in and has any thoughts about whether to continue on would appreciate hearing em :

    Time to go back to bed and see if I can get a few more zzzz's in.. the only thing keeping me from being a total *kitten* at work on this shift is knowing its the last one I have to do til September LOL!!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    I enjoy stopping by for a chat. I understand It has dwindled down to only 3 or 4 of us, at times, but it's only ever been about 7 or 8 us contributing at it's highest....maybe close the group off to any new members.....none of them hardly ever contribute anyway. Phase out any existing members not participating . Keeping the ones we know have contributed in the last year.So we still have a page to chat on... just my thought...

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    edited March 2016
    thanks Gail - appreciate your thoughts mucho! :)

    just home from working nite #3 and heading for bed; nice and rainy out there today so hoping for a better sleep - will pop in later! have a good one everybody
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,353 Member
    Snoozie, I can't imagine working those hours! Hang in there!

    I don't know about changing and limiting this group. I would just leave it and let those who want to chat go for it and those who want to lurk can lurk. I still feel motivated by you ladies, regardless of who all or how many are posting. :)

    My Whole30 plan is going really well. I'm kind of getting in the groove with the cooking and prepping to cook! I've also started a strength training program twice a week and am doing physical therapy twice a week. I wish the weather would cooperate so that I can walk/hike more. I'm just not dedicated enough to walk in the rain!

    The weekend is coming! Snoozie, I don't blame you for not recording your weight after Easter..give it a week and you'll be back down. I hope everyone has a great weekend. I'll try to check back in before it's over!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Thanks to you too Suzy for the thoughts on the group; I agree with both you and Gail, and will simply leave this group as is :)

    congrats on enjoying the W30 and incorporating the ST and PT along with - way to go on working hard on getting what you want for yourself - keep us posted!!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    edited March 2016
    By the way... this was our thread from April 1st, 2015 .. one year ago from tomorrow!

    Thought I would post the link in case anyone wants to take a look back at what we were thinking and doing a year ago.... :o


  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Thanks for keeping the group going.... I'd be lost without it.

    Glad that the few of us that are still here have a place to go for encouragement.

    Life is a roller coaster.... Up down and all around

    And I really enjoy seeing everyone's adventures, and sharing mine as well.

    Carol B)
  • PatriceMG
    PatriceMG Posts: 232 Member
    Awww, don't let the group go. I don't know what would motivate me to check in every day if it was gone :) Keep up the good work. I lurk but will try to contribute more if I have anything worth sharing ;)
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member