

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hi Suzy!

    sorry been a little MIA... got hit with the first head cold in years while on dayshift, and between the blowing hacking and sneezing and 4am get ups... I was barely able to log in every day LOLOL. fortunately today it appears the worst Is over and i'm feeling human - altho with no sense of smell I haven't actually felt hungry at all.. I cant taste anything either so have really just been eating to take my meds and to keep from feeling nauseous! but I've been drinking a lot.. hmm.. well water anyway!! but only more day then i'm off for a few; and we may have some nice weather on days off which means lake time for me so i'm a much happier camper today!
    I'm glad you got the shots, and the treatments for the next week of meds and physical therapy should soon indeed have you rocking that knee!! What great goals and what great steps you have planned out and put into practice to get there!!! Well done.. you must be really pumped with all you've accomplished and set up to get you where you want to go.... awesome!!

    I am feeling good still with my decision to get back to my goal weight, and finally starting to do things to make it happen has helped my motivation... im just logging again, everything, and watching my portions, and trying to wait for actual hunger before eating.. im also looking at what I eat more ... making better choices... and I think honestly just having gotten fed up with feeling crappy physically and emotionally was a big push.. I kept remembering how I felt the day I took my after pic .. which is why I changed my profile pic to that as well... and I want that feeling again! So I haven't had too much trouble the last few weeks staying with the small changes.. but i'm not silly enough not to know the bad times will come at some point lol.. But I feel more in control right now about getting what I want for myself.. and that in itself is a good feeling!

    right now tho.. i'm actually hungry lol so off to chow down!! will check in over the weekend to see who else might still be popping in!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Patrice - ive seen that same quote (or a version thereof) before, but it never really hit home that much = I totally agree tho; part of starting over for me was letting go of the dismay and embarrassment of having regained some of the weight I lost... not just say it, but believe it.. once I was like.. get over it, move on ... it really helped me wipe the slate clean and move ahead! thanks for sharing it!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I hope you're feeling better for the weekend, Snoozie! Hang in there!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Good morning ladies!
    Love the zip lining pics Patrice, and wishing you a belated happy birthday !
    Snoozie, hope you feel better very soon!
    Suzy- sounds like you have a great plan and are motivated- good for you:-) Good luck with the knee.

    I've been having difficulty getting back on track to lose those 3 1/2 vacation pounds . I think I got lazy about meal planning grocery shopping and cooking after having the convienient of having all those delicious meals at the hotel restaurants. Another thing is I'm going to take Spring Back at John's island again, so my head is messed up thinking why work so hard to get those three pounds off when you're just going to put them right back on very soon on this next trip? Of course that is silly on my part, cause I'll just put on another 3 pounds and be six pounds up- duh- so this week I have decided to do all home cooked meals Monday thru Friday with healthy foods and proportion control. Wouldn't kill me to get my butt in gear walking my poor neglected doggie either! So here is to a heathy week for all of us!

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hi, Girls! Happy Day to you all.

    Sorry to hear that you are feeling under the weather, Snooze...well I believe you are actually felling better today, Great!!

    Seehe, I know what you mean about the weight gaining, but it is great planning to try to get it off before your next trip. 3 is easier than 6!! lol

    Suzy, sorry to hear about the knee...but sounds like you are on your way to mending for the next trek.

    Carol, enjoy your time....I forgot where you are. Senior moment.

    Do I know any wine drinkers around here.....maybe a couple? Reason asking is.....I am a shopaholic from Zulilly and they throw in wine vouchers with my orders....

    $100 wine voucher from NakedWines.com. You get $100 off any case of wine priced at $160 or more. I have several, at least 3 , to be used within 30 days.... THEY DON"T DELIVER TO MISSISSIPPI....ugh!!
    Would anybody be interested? PM me and I will give you the code and password. I would just put it on here, but two of ya might be trying to use the same card...this way I can give each one a different card info... Interested....anybody?
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    lol I would JUMP at that offer Gail.. but i'm guessing they don't include Canucks!! wahhhhhhh.. holy moly tho.. what do you have to buy to get three $100 coupons??? i'm afraid to ask LOLOL

    Would you believe I have never, ever bought anything other than a book online?
    so I bow to you Gail!! you are my hero!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Yea, My husband just asked me today if I knew how many pairs of shoes I had...

    my reply: "Babe, Some things are better left to the imagination, the question to ask is.... how many do I have coming?!?!" ...Hahahaha....

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    susan - its always so hard to get back to better choice after being pampered with fab meals so I feel for ya!! And understand the mental "back and forth" game... but I think you made an awesome and important decision to spend this week cooking healthy and watching portions... important because I think its a great step in recognizing the only way we will be able to maintain our healthy weights is to be able to incorporate those special times and enjoy them because we know its not our norm.... and that we can feel free to indulge and enjoy because we know as long as we return to good healthy stuff in between it will allow us to maintain.... i'm not there yet... but I think you making that decision shows you're winning the battle! good job!! havea great time (im not sure when spring break is in the u.s. so I don't know if you're already gone lol)

    gail - toooooooooo funny!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    UGH... ugly head cold... :'(

    T2 - I was on a retreat with my church lady friends in North Jersey - near Asbury Park
    The location was Ocean Grove...
    It was chilly, and should have taken a warmer jacket...:(
    We walked on the boards (boardwalk) Friday night and all around town Saturday ... doing a "Cross Walk" to find accidental crosses... i.e. window blinds, window panes, cross walks through the park... phone poles... even a garbage can... with an image that looked like a fish

    The theme was "who am I" from a scripture in Isaiah “Who Am I? and is based on Isaiah 43:1, “But now thus says the LORD, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.”

    Or maybe allergies... I felt ok going up, but we stayed in an older home (Victorian Era)... and maybe spores.... hope not...rather the cold... :s
    My room was on the 3rd floor... so lots of walking...

    And won't even talk about the food portions... snack table.... :o

    Carol B)

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Glad you enjoyed your retreat Carol; sorry about the head cold (or allergies); either way it sucks to have the stuffy head, drippy nose and general all around blech... hope you feel better no matter what ya have.

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Hello one and all,

    Susan, I completely feel your pain on the three pound yoyo! First there was Thanksgiving then Christmas then our cruise then my trip to Dallas and now we're headed to Kansas City for a wedding! I keep gaining and losing the same 3 to 5 pounds over and over again! Ugh! But like you and everyone said, it's easier than losing six or nine or twelve!!

    Gail, I love your response to your hubby! Hahaha! I'm a no go on the wine but thanks for the offer! I'm a gin and tonic girl myself
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Darn it! It cut off my post!

    Carol, I'm so sorry your trip ended up with you getting sick! I hope you're feeling better soon!

    I have a question for you ladies. I'm starting a nutritional "reset" when we get back from Kansas City. It's called Whole30, it lasts for 30 days and is very restrictive. It's not calorie driven at all so my question is this; would you continue to log your food knowing that you may be over your calorie goal every day? I'm afraid that it may negatively affect my motivation to see that I'm over on calories. I'm hoping to kick my addiction to sugar, artificial sweeteners and over processed food. My husband is actually going to do it with me to try and stop taking his daily acid reflux meds. What do y'all think? Opinions welcomed!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy.. personal opinion? if you already think that seeing calories over will freak you out regardless of the fact they won't matter for your program, then I think they WILL mess with your head.. so perhaps for those 30 days, only log in say a tea or a coffee or some meds or just one thing the same every day.. an orange.. whatever... just to count the day, but don't let yourself add any more food out of habit.. just put one thing every day to get the "days logged" continued, then ignore the diary... that's MHO :)
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Thanks Snoozie! You're also only supposed to weigh and measure yourself at the beginning and end. That's going to be hard for me, too. This isn't a weight loss program though, it's a "clean eating" program. I figured that I needed something drastic because I haven't made any progress in about 14 months. I need to shake myself up!!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    I did a quick google search/read on the program before I replied Suzie - and saw that youre not supposed to log, weigh or do any body measurements for that time, because its NOT a weight loss program... hence why I think trying to log your food and seeing the calories will only hinder you while you do this... part of your head will still be thinking weight loss if you log and see any cals listed at all, you won't be able to help but let your mind go there..

    And honestly, if you're ok with not worrying about even counting the days logged (I've reset to 0 days I dunno how many times and it doesn't bother me at all... lol) then don't even log even the one thing, just avoid the food diary completely and you can give the program 100% for the month. And as you know, I'm all for everyone doing whatever works for them ... so the fact that you are willing to look at trying something out of your comfort zone indicates you're ready and willing to work for what you want for yourself..... wishing you all the best in your goal for the program.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Thanks for the input Snoozie. I think you're right. I'm going to have to give it 100% and not let anything distract me. It's going to be a real challenge but I need to do something!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    SuzyQ- I agree with Snooozie about not logging your calories since your plan discourages such things. Good luck with it- you'll have to let me/us know how it works out. And thanks for your empathy with the vacation yo-yo-ing.

    Carol- Hope you are feeling better by now.

    Gail- Thanks for the offer, but I'm staying away from wine for now. Love your response to your husband about your shoes :)

    Snooozie- You always manage to find and focus on any little positive step(s) forward I take, in spite of so many steps backward, and I want you to know how much I appreciate your support and encouragement. Thank you, thank you, thank you <3

    I'm off to a good start this week with my mini goals of healthy choices, portion control and eating at home.

    Hope everyone is having a healthy and happy week :)
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    edited March 2016
    Susan - lovely to hear from you; I wasn't sure if you were already gone for your spring break trip or not LOL.. awesome to hear you are off to a good start with your mini goals - and love the toes pic btw!!

    I am going to have to take some time today to plan some meals for back to work tomorrow; the guys tend to order in a LOT on this shift but as long as I have healthy food I also LOVE I should be okay; I have learned from experience that if what I bring is just "okay", i'll give in lol. so gotta plan some yummy delish stuff so im not tempted!

    on a little side note; most of you know by now I not only hate cooking, I suck at it... I truly wish I was one of those people who enjoyed cooking and had the ability to create dishes by just adding a little of this and a little of that.. but its absolutely a chore for me.. I HAVE been trying tho. and recently expanding my horizons.. I found these frozen veg by green giant.. frankly only because they were on sale.. 2 bags for $5...

    its called Fibre Essentials Asian Blend - its got broccoli, black beans, endamame, peppers, broccoli, green beans, carrot sticks water chestnuts and a few other veg... and I bought a stir fry sauce called General Tao ..(I tried a sweet and sour and another one but yuck) anyway.. I have recently discovered just sauteeing some chicken, nuking the veg for about 2 min then tossing it in with about 2 tbsp. of the sauce and a few raw cashews.. is scrumptious! So scrumptious I have to watch portion control LOL.. and I am doing the happy feet dance!

    Now I realize a few of you may be scratching your heads thinking umm. really snooze? an easy stir fry?? But you gotta understand for years I have chopped veg for hours and tried every stir fry recipe in the world, none of which ever came out as more than palatable LOL. SO for me, this is a huge score - fast, easy, healthy and scrumptious ... I DID IT!! HAHAHAHA.. small joys, eh??

    okey dokey.. better get to figuring out a grocery list... have a great day ladies and keep going after what ya want for yourself!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Decided to throw out a roll call for the Hatters - what's everyone up to with their weight loss journeys? anyone need a little support/encouragement/venting?? Remember there is strength in numbers! :)
  • judydj1220
    judydj1220 Posts: 79 Member
    Yeah...thanks for throwing out the roll call! joining y'all!