OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Wowza! What a lot of posts to read to get caught back up! It makes me so happy to come here and see so much activity and positivity! I kept very close to my goal of tracking it all this week while traveling, but it got pretty ugly when the sugar monster got me. WI today was up, as I deserved given what I ate. I am proud of gaining some insight into my behavior this week though. I've been doing very well at curbing my emotional eating until this week when I became VERY angry with a neighbor out at the farm. I won't bore you with the details, but suffice it to say at my reaction to very intense, flash, fury was to grab two candy bars and through them down my mou without a single thought as to what I was doing. Then I followed that up with a two day struggle to find my "give a damn" button. Now, to put what I've learned about that experience to good use so I can avoid it happening again... It dampened my spirits a little as I'm intensely disappointed in myself, but it won't derail me. My WW meeting was well-timed this morning to help me complete the turnaround.

    Off to a baby shower. I'll chat more later.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Suzi- it must have been something infuriating!! Glad you turned the bus around .

    Patti- do you ever see or hear from Shanna? Where did your Susie go? Did you get he the Fitbit?

    We are going to go browse a Picker Antique mall. Getting my steps!!!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Suzi, stuff happens -- but the episode gave you insight -- brava.

    MaryLynn, you too on the shingles, eh?? It is NOT fun and poor Karla has lingering lurkers. Head shingles ruined my '09 Christmas -- wasn't allowed to travel but I was soooo lucky -- they were extremely close to my eye but stayed just outside the damage zone and I still get occasional twinges.

    Karla, so glad you have your UAB doc and she will take care of that cataract -- you won't feel lopsided with your vision.

    Have been eating lightly so far; Am thawing cooked shrimp for tonight or tomorrow.

    My little dudes never showed up but the two older boys I asked to come back if driveway wasn't shoveled by noon did. They also did a terrific job and I put ice melt in front of my door where water is dripping -- going to get near zero tonight.

    OK -- time to get productive again!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Suzi, bummer on dealing with neighbor issue. Glad you cut your self-deprication short and learned something in the process. Your meeting seems to really be a boon to you.

    Karla, Susie is tracking but I don't think the sharing part is for her. I was surprised when she stopped in. I have not given her the Fitbit yet do to car issues and the weather. Hopefully I will hook up with her this week.

    I have gotten nothing done today. Feeling very lazy. But I am going to get moving now

  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    Well, no grandbaby today, she is too sick to come over. I'm glad I got to see her a bit yesterday but hate to think of her so uncomfortable.

    I guess that just means more time to get school work done! Almost done with this weeks' assignments so I should be able to take tomorrow off from it (I try to do this every week, it doesn't always work out that way).

    I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend, I'll probably not check in again 'til Monday

    Grace and Peace to you!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Glen just bought me a beautiful 9.25 silver blue topaz ring in a very unique
    Setting. This is for Valentines Day. Gorgeous!! Lucky woman here.

    Jeannette- it hurts our whole heart when our grandbabies are il. Glad you plan a day off for yourself. I call them mental health days!!

    Janet- you are sounding happy these days, so glad.

    Patti- I have been working towards increasing my steps and my legs and feet have been throbbing on and off. My BFF's Sharon has been achieving over 18k daily!!!

    We are just getting into Montgomery after our long Pickers stop. So fun.

    Getting more steps but will have to do some " house walking" when I get home.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited January 2016
    A quick good morning. Sad that I consider it a victory that I only wnet over by about 100 calories yesterday ... will do better today. It looks beautful out but is very cold -- good day for football!

    Karla, your ring sounds beautiful! I had a blue topaz rng made a few years ago -- such a lovely color.

    Patti, much as I like the Broncos, we'll be rooting for different teams today. And I'm pulling for the Panthers in their game -- have gotten totally pulled into their universe by one of my best friends, and by Cam Newton's smile and his kindness to kids.

    Bert, hope you are feeling up to attending church today -- seeing your church family will do your heart good.

    Not feeling terrific -- a spot by my knee that's been collecting fluid (doc drains it weekly and will do so tomorrow) is really full and sore. Will take ibuprofen, maybe something stronger, baby it today and after morning endocrinologist appointment will see if I can move my late-afternoon appointment up. As she's been doing in three spots, she'll numb it and draw off the fluid. My recovery is going well but these small complications don't make me regret doing it.

    This is going to be a busy week for all of us, as usual. Glad to have this spot to stop by and connect. Time to bring the paper in. Have a great Sunday, everyone.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning to all who stop by,
    Janet, your attitude never ceases to amaze me. I admire you for all that you have been thru and how positive you always seem. We could all take lessons from you on how to be gracious and kind under any circumstance. You remind me of Audry Hepburn whom I consider the standard of beauty and grace. That being said, looks like we are going to be on opposite sides for one game but together on the next. I, too, am a Cam Newton fan. Also, I have never been a Carson Palmer fan. Either way they should both be good games.

    Although I am looking forward to all the fun I will have with my son and his friends for the games I am not looking forward to the food challenges I will find there. I have been craving pizza and plan to indulge in one or 2 pieces only....hoping it is cut in squares, lol. Not sure what everyone else is bringing but will do my best. I just ate my omelet, late on purpose, so I have lots of calories to work with. I have tried the "not going to the party hungry" trick and will be honest, it never works for me. I see the oohy gooey good foods and just have to dig in. I am a snackaholic. Keep your desserts, candy and cookies, when faced with chips and dips I don't seem to have any control. I have been doing some visualization exercises. Seeing me sitting across the room from the food, taking only a bite or two of each thing I like and only a small amount of pizza. I am NOT allowing myself to pig out, just allowing myself to at least have some of the things I love. All I ask is that you wish me luck. I know all the things I need to do, I know all the mantras I need to say, I know what going off plan too far will do, but I also know that I WANT to have some food fun.

    Not sure when I will be back, haven't decided if we are staying at my son's for the second game. I have a Dr's appointment tomorrow with a new Dr. I had to change because of my insurance, which totally bites. Hoping I like this one as much as the last. Luckily I only go to the Dr twice a year for blood check and med refill and lab draws once a year. Hopefully they will continue this same routine as it has been working for me for the last 10 years or so.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Everyone-
    Happy Sunday morning. Rick and I walked both yesterday and today. Cold but it was good to be walking.
    We had a party last night and I did pretty good food wise- didn't over indulge in either appetizers and one trip to the buffet.
    Sounds like everyone is busy. Karla glad you're still suffering with effects of the eye but sound like Glenn's Valentines gift is lovely.
    Patti- did you injury yourself or over exercising.
    Janet- what is the fluid a result of-
    Need to run at the moment but waving to all.....
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang. Slow day here. Dave's settling in for his nap and I'm fixin to head out to a baby shower - I had the day wrong - it was today, not yesterday.

    Have I told y'all about my sore tailbone? I injured it the first day back to spin class and it not only isn't getting any better (two weeks tomorrow) it now has the surrounding muscles inflames and sore. After doing some internet research, I've ordered myself a seat cushion with a notch cut out of the back to relieve pressure on my tailbone. Based on past experience and the reading I did today, these injuries can take an extremely long time to heal. Hopefully the cushion will allow me to sit comfortably until it does.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Quick check in from the mountain while the wifi is up. Yesterday it snowed hard all day but we skied anyway till we just got too cold. Today was sunny and wind still and we skied till our legs had to quit. About 5.5 hours on the slopes and we managed to avoid lift lines most of the day, so got some good skiing in. I'm not tracking what I eat or drink but am being somewhat mindful.

    Apparently we got 22 inches of snow at home. Our son came and got our snowblower before it started. We asked him to return it on Tuesday before we get home. I hope he plows the driveway at least one car wide to get into the garage. (We have a very long driveway and a large parking pad, so I don't expect him to do the whole thing. )
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited January 2016
    Suzi, the cushion should help. Cracked my tailbone once (old wooden roller coaster bounced me around!) and it does take time. You've really had a series of unfortunate events in the last year!

    Diane, glad your son can help out while you are away. Be safe on the way home.

    Patti, you are too kind. I choose optimism whenever possible - just seems a better way to go through life. And having been the target of bullying, had to keep the hurt inside, find & channel whatever inner strength I could muster to believe in myself and make it through each day both at school and at home. So I am well and truly blessed and try never to forget that.

    Cindy, when you have extensive surgery, there's always a chance of developing fluid-filled pockets called seromas. This surgery generated three - one on the inside of each knee and one halfway up my left thigh, hence the weekly doc visits for draining. One seems to be gone, one much smaller but the right knee one has been the toughest and just blew up Friday night. Doc will numb it and drain. I have probably been doing a bit more than I should but the cats are unless as around-the-house help. So somebody's gotta do it! As I've said before, these surgeries have been both reward and penance and i have zero right to complain about something I chose to do.

    Trying to stay on plan today. Just today. Will deal with tomorrow tomorrow.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good evening dear friends.


    Diane- Sounds like you are having a blast and earning many activity points too. Glad you are safe and sound. I saw the pics on FB of your sliding glass door at the lodge, wow!!

    Janet- Your surgeon did say that the legs were the most trying surgery of them all. Just the circumference of going down each leg is many stitches/staples. Yes, you will endure and if this is what you chose to enrich your life, then so be it. Medical procedures have been developed to assist with excessive skin, which, within themselves, can cause other problems.

    A fun day was enjoyed with my grands. I took JJ and Izzy to Cracker Barrell for lunch and then shopping to Target. We had a really good time. They are both so well mannered. Izzy came home with me as I am working from home tomorrow and she is so self entertained and sleeps late too, it is a joy to have her here.

    Glenn and I had a lovely evening and got lots of sleep too.

    I"ll see you fine ladies in the morning., I am over 10k steps already!!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti - I wish you luck on staying away from the the pizza. It is a hard one. I have found both Glenn and I love making our own on Mother Mary's whole grain thin crust. I saute veggies and use turkey sausage and turkey pepperoni. It is delish and well below the service pizza places. I was shocked when I saw what Domino's and Pizza Hut is. 2 slices cost me 1400 calories a while back. LOL. Good luck my friend as tomorrow is weigh in day.

    Please everyone cross your fingers and toes, I feel good about my weigh in for tomorrow even though I traveled and ate out all weekend. I have kept very active , drank water and got in over 75K steps this past week!!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Evening dear friends.
    It is Sunday evening with the quick slide into Monday. Where does the weekends go to?
    Diane- glad your having fun and good for your son for helping out
    Janet- thank you for letting me know the situation about the fluid- sorry the fur babies aren't more help. :)
    Suzi- It isn't tour year for illness and injury. Hang in there
    Patti- how did you do with pizza?
    Karla- so glad you're getting lots of steps and you and Glenn all set with the new exercise room?
    Vikki- How much snow did you end up with?
    Lisa- I hope you enjoyed your weekend.
    Jeanette- Rain is so much better than snow- I'll take it anyway
    Judy- How is your plan going?
    Bert- Are you still feeling good and not over doing it right?

    My goal for the upcoming week is the same- until I can do it I will continue to stay the course.
    Need to get back to editing Ready to Soar. Its shaping up nicely.
    Enjoy your evening and see you all when the sun comes up.
    Sleep well
  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    oh, Suzi- i’m sorry to hear of your tailbone pain. I’ve been dealing with it on and off for ten years… BUT (no pun intended) mine stems from a childhood injury that didn’t heal properly. I have notched cushions, i have gel cushions, i don’t sit for long periods of time. driving is the worst offender. I’ve gotten relief by working with a physical therapist and a chiropractor, but i doubt your soreness will require that. it probably got irritable because of the bike saddle. I hope yours calms down quickly! I can also relate to using food after a nasty interaction (or sometimes just witnessing one). it sounds like you reigned it in pretty quickly though, so good for you for that!

    Cindy- I’m glad you and Rick enjoy walking together. Dennis and I have enjoyed some walking, but not consistently. congrats on surviving eating at a buffet unscathed.

    Patti- good luck at your son’s place. I hope you enjoy a moderate amount of food fun WITHOUT GUILT :) also good luck with your new Dr. thanks for the quote…. i needed to be reminded that my body is not the enemy. (i feel as if i fight it on a daily basis) i hope by now your knees and calves are no longer screaming :)

    Janet- I agree with Patti. I would have never guessed you are having so many health issues going on right now. I hope those spots heal quickly and stop collecting fluid. I”m glad the older snow shovelers came back to help you out. you’ve cracked a tailbone too? yikes! you have an enduring spirit!

    Karla- your ring sounds beautiful! you gals with such happy marriages renew my faith :) (i’m happily married, but it’s my 2nd, his 3rd) I”m sorry you are having trouble with shingles… and in the eye. yikes. now I”m wondering if i should get the vaccine. congrats on the 13K steps. i think i hit that once last year, not counting the day i took my phone on a horseback ride, and got “credit” for all that trotting. I’ll NEVER break THAT record, LOL
    just checked the board… there’s usually a few posts as i’m ‘working’ on mine, lol. I’m glad you had a fun day with the grandkids ;) i will post the new OMG in the morning for those posting tonight. my fingers and toes are crossed for you!!

    Jeanette- sorry to hear Alanna is sick. sending well wishes her way! I was touched by your story of “grace and peace” sustaining you when you needed it the most.

    MaryLynn- i want to be your hiking self “when i grow up” :) your dedication is truly inspiring! I don’t know how you do it, but it’s inspiring :) thanks for sharing your story about your back surgery. “bad” backs run in my family, and the thought of surgery frightens me. it’s good to hear success stories!

    Bert - i’m so glad you are out of pain, and your recovery is coming along. i’ve experienced sciatica and yikes! i’m lucky mine was soft tissue related though….lots of physical therapy, but no surgery needed.

    Vikki- Raleigh got mostly sleet. a tiny bit of snow, but mostly slushy ice that freezes overnight. I have one kid out of school tomorrow, and the other on a 3 hour delay. they have both enjoyed being outside in it, but i would have enjoyed “real” snow so much more! We are very lucky we did NOT lose our power here. Good for you, for not getting discouraged by the scale number. it’s just a number, just one piece of data. i say that, but i’m “afraid” to stand on a scale, so there you go, haha.

    Lisa- hope you had a great weekend!

    Diane- i’m so glad you found a chance to check in! it sounds like you are having a great time! what a break from your grueling job! yay! 22in. of snow, i cannot imagine!

  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    re: OMG for next week (1/25):
    so far, i've heard from Karla, Janet and Cindy. I'll check back here in the morning, and amend my list before posting on the roster thread. If i don't hear from you, your OMG will remain the same (nothing wrong with THAT!) :smiley:
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Wow, where is everyone this morning? I was awake earlier and went back to sleep myself.

    Drum roll please!! I lost 3.2 this week!! I knew last week could not have been correct, I just let it get the best of me, and for that, I am still sorry. Why do we let that scale define us so much? All of the non-scale victories are so important.

    TT: Name 3 non-scale victories you experienced last week.

    Myra- Thank you for updating the board mini goals. You are a treasure. This is my second marriage also. I was married to my first husband for 21 years, divorced for 7 years and remarried for over 10.

    Cindy- We have not set up the room yet. We are giving Chris a little more time and in the meantime we are doing some walking. I actually walk IN my house when the weather is bad. Amazing how many steps and increase your heart rate you can do with it!!!

    Vikki- You are such a positive person. I love reading your posts and your exercises.

    Jeannette- I also love the "peace and grace" also. How is Alanna?

    MaryLynn- A lot of people enjoy the hiking. I call it walking in the woods, lol. I think it is important that your physical activity is something you enjoy and not a chore.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi ladies-
    have everyone survived storm Jonas? It is beautifully sunny today and I've finished breakfast and logged lunch. Feeling good about the week ahead. :)
    I've got about 60 pages to go on the edit of Ready to Soar and then I can send it off to copy edit.
    Have a wonderful day ladies.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Marylynn- what experience have you had with the shingles? I've been in the medical field for 38 years and never heard of it in the eye until I suffered with it. I looked like the elephant woman when all the sore appeared on my eyebrow and up my forehead into my scalp. Most people I have seen or treated had it on their torso. I do recommend anyone that is eligible get the vaccine!!

    Lisa- Please check in with us as we worry about our members. Especially with all this explosive weather.

    Cindy- Good for you for a positive feeling for this week. We all need that!!

    Back later, time for breakfast.


    ( I am so please to see that much lower number on the scale. That is 6.4 pounds for this month. 5.4 if we count the up and down pound last week.)