OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Lisa, we were posting at the same time. So good to see you. Funny how if we just track what we eat it isn't as bad as we thought. You are really getting your activity in. Don't know how you do it all. I agree with you on the poor animals being confused, awake when they should be sleeping, poor dears.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Another busy day-
    TT- NSV, walking after work yesterday and on the weekend, eating no S is becoming more of a habit, not eating my stress.
    Victory all the way around for me.
    I'll be back at lunch but wanted to check in.
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 577 Member
    Good morning! I hope you are all having a good start to your week. I am have been a little down the past couple days; probably due to stress (money issues). On the bright side I haven't done any comfort food eating to try to relieve it.
    I'm not feeling up for personals today; I am thinking of you all and thankful that you have let me join your group. Think I'll go watch some sit-coms or something to lighten my mood (in between school work, of course).

    Grace and Peace to you
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hi, all.

    MaryLynn and Suzi, I especialy loved your NSVs. Still trying to think of any I had last week except NOT ordering a pizza.

    Bert, I finally got someone in every two weeks for the bathrooms, kitchens & floors and it's been a wise investment. She comes tomorrow (my house is small so one person can handle it), which means I need to do some straightening up later.

    Patti, those sesame sticks are way too yummy. What a lovely surprise for your mom. I watched Sunday's Downton Abbey last night. Brava on resisting pizza -- didn't even know that was possible!

    Had a very restless night but stayed in bed late (most solid sleep came after 6:30 AM). Keeping up with pain pills and resting -- hoping for a quiet afternoon, maybe even a nap.

    Endocrinologist would like me to weigh 120-125 and yes, tears of shame and anger came to my eyes when she said that. At 5'5" and with a horrid metabolism I KNOW I could never sustain that, even if I could get there, and I told her so. (She is a tiny woman.) But I am really trying to work at re-losing these regained 5-10 pounds. If I can hover around 140 I will be content. I have STOPPED being a slave to the scale and am not weighing regularly right now because it messes with my head too much, even when I know how much we can fluctuate from day to day. For me, weight loss is at least 90% mental. I'll be focusing on lean protein and fiber.

    This leg thing is pretty painful and has been a bit of a scare. I'll take my antibiotics and but will take pain pills regularly for the next couple of days. After losing 150 pounds these surgeries are both reward and penance and this burp is clearly the latter.

    Ah well. We can't have it all! I'm finally feeling more able to focus on NOT making those little, costly snack slips. I know how to do this in a way that works for me, and only for me (given my weird metabolism, etc.) because I have done it. Just need to get the mental consistency back. I did eat after 9 last night but it was a healthy snack. Today I am GOING to obey that mini-goal!

    Saw this article this morning and thought I'd share:

    Several things in it resonated with me, the use of "weight as a proxy for health" was a biggie here, as I have experienced discrimination from docs (sorry -- I have NEVER gotten a sinus infection because I was fat!). They are often entirely separate issues and I am totally willing to admit publicly I want to lose weight for aesthetic reasons, period. I don't say "I'm doing it for my health" because in my case that is NOT the issue. Having been bullied my entire life, I want to NOT stand out by virtue of my size -- THAT, for better or worse, is my motivation. Heck, my arthritic issues and pain have not been helped by weight loss. Of course I had hoped that might not be the case, but 'tis what is!

    Hugs to all. Back later to see what everyone else is up to.

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! It's sunny and cold today here in OK. I've been on the phone for the last hour with doctors office and insurance company trying to get bills straightened out from my broken foot. Why in the world does this have to be so dang complicated and why in the world can't my insurance company hire competent employees! Every single blessed time I deal with them in ANY capacity winds up being a giant cluster. AAAUUGGGHHH!!!!!! (Banging head on wall)

    Big deep breath; rant over....thank you all for your patience.

    TT: Track it allyesterday all tracked. And to revert back to yesterday's TT, a major NSV this morning was NOT eating my anger while dealing with the insurance company. I actually reached for Dave's giant bag of trail mix, caught myself, and said "Don't do it. You're just mad, you're not hungry." I'm really grateful for that revelation I had last week when I realized blind fury was the emotion I was experiencing when reaching for sweets. I think the realization this morning even helped me calm myself enough to keep from screaming at the insurance company.

    Karla - oh how I wish you were here to just handle this mess for me! No worries on the dresses, I would have been fretting about whether they would actually fit and imagine finding something in Mobile last minute if they didn't fit would have been incredibly frustrating and probably expensive. I sure hope you'll be able to join us for lunch or something one day while we're there.

    Patti - it sounds like you're gaining an absolute sweetheart of a granddaughter-in-law! I'm sure it really means a lot to the happy couple to have you making the invitations for them.

    Lisa - glad to see you back tracking and chatting. Dang! Girl you really rock the exercise!

    Bert - loved hearing about your NSV's yesterday!

    MaryLynn - how wonderful to find a local farmer for your meat! I grew up a farm girl, in fact still count myself as one even though that's not the way I make my living. Local food sources can be so much healthier and fresher than store-bought stuff.

    Janet - sorry to hear you're still working your way through the healing process from your surgery but really glad your surgeon is on the ball and being so proactive. Hope you're through with this phase of the game soon.

    Jeanette - you're poor confused plants! It's been a pretty normal winter here, so I'm not seeing sprouts yet. Unlike Patti, I dearly LOVE digging in the dirt. I like to say it's the frustrated farmer in me struggling to get out! Yesterday I took soil samples from our vegetable garden and the spot where we're putting in a new strawberry bed to the county extension office. I'll have a report in a week or so telling me what nutrients we should add. This is the first time I've taken advantage of this service and am really curious to see the results.

    Vikki - your kolaches look divine! They used to serve those periodically in the school cafeteria when I was growing up. It's been decades since I had one!

    Diane- so glad to hear you're having so much fun on the ski trip. I hope you have a safe journey home and can actually get home considering the road conditions. That's a LOT of snow to move. We'd be sunk here with a snow that big; our city and state just don't have the available manpower and equipment to move that much snow.

    Cindy - glad to hear that you'll soon have the new book off to the editor. I sincerely hope that helps relieve some of your stress.
    Waving hello to anyone I left out!

    Time for lunch then I'm off for an eye doc appointment. Chat with y'all later.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Suzi, I bet every one of us can relate to the insurance hassle. Having worked for an insurance company -- and having quit before I had hoped because it was so awful, all I can say is that you are NOT wrong to feel they are a royal pain in somewhere well south of the neck to deal with -- and Karla has an endless supply of hassles she's had trying to deal with them on a professional level.

    I LOVE how you phrase it: "I'm not hungry; I'm just ______." We do need to acknowledge and experience our emotions instead of eating them. Am over the moon for your progress on all fronts. You will rock your gown t the ball -- what does it look like?

    OK -- have showered and as soon as I bring the mail in, I'm going to put this leg up and wrap it in the heating pad. Have taken my second pain pill of the day and it should help me relax a bit too. Gotta stop beating myself up about what I should be doing around the house today. My real job is to REST and recuperate! Lack of appetite may be a beneficial side effect but no matter what, I will get lots of protein. I have low-carb shakes (EAS AdvantEdge Carb Control and Muscle Milk 100).


  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    edited January 2016
    JP_in_KY wrote: »

    Endocrinologist would like me to weigh 120-125 and yes, tears of shame and anger came to my eyes when she said that. At 5'5" and with a horrid metabolism I KNOW I could never sustain that, even if I could get there, and I told her so.

    oh Janet - I am so sorry that you had this experience! 120 for your height is at the low end of healthy (BMI of 20) so she is setting a very aggressive target! was she saying that she would be adjusting your meds to increase your metabolism to help you achieve that?
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Back from Mom's, all caught up on our show and chatter, well we never seem to run out of chatter so not really caught up on that. She had saved a PBS program on dietary supplements. Very eye-opening and makes me glad I take so few but makes me question if the ingredients are pure and the pills contain what they say they complain. The sad fact is we have no way to verify unless we are chemists. Actually the whole situation is quite scary and is making my question continuing with the ones I am currently taking. The lack of any real regulation or quality control in the supplement industry is almost criminal. End of that rant.

    Janet, I am glad you spoke up for yourself with the Endo Dr. I am hoping to get to 150 and maintain there and it seems like it will never happen, but I will not give up the fight. Good for you for realizing that your "job" right now is to rest and take care of yourself.

    Suzi, I feel your pain and frustration. I used to be a case manager for an insurance company and I went the extra mile for my clients with the claims department to get things paid correctly. I was not supposed to get involved on that end but I just couldn't sit by and let them be torn apart emotionally and financially because they were dealing with less than intelligent life in the claims departments. You did so good to not eat your frustration.

    Jeanette, sorry you are feeling stressed out, but thanks for stopping by to say hi. Sometimes it is just this little bit of space that can make your day seem a little better.

    Met my mini goal today for the first time since declaring it last week. Will work hard to keep it going until next WI and see if it makes a difference.

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Janet - we must have been posting at the same time earlier. I can't believe your doc wants you at that low a weight! I'm so very glad you spoke up and told her that was nuts.
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Forgot to tell you my ball gown isn't really a "gown" - it's a long skirt made of gauzy like fabric and a top with crocheted lace and fringe. I'd post the pic that I sent to Jodi for final approval, but I look like a big dork. Maybe a group pic from the actual ball later.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    I did it!!!!! I made over 13k steps today..yeaaaaaa

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    This is my sweet Izzy. She is my mini-me as Janet calls her. I am goo-goo over her. She looks just like my handsome son, whom favor me, and she is following us. I hope you enjoy her pictures.

    Nana Karla
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    She loves all the blankets I have made her since she was a baby.


    Okay, okay, I will stop. I' just over the top about getting my 13k steps!!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Lisa, she will not adjust meds - apparently she thinks I can magically develop a metabolism. She has a very unrealistic view of what it takes to lose weight and maintain. I probably would not even want to be that thin. My plastic surgeon, who knows my body extremely well, and my primary care nurse practitioner both think I am fine as is but would be OK if I lost a few more - but neither would agree that I belong that low. Pardon my French, but to he11 with her target. It is neither achievable long-term nor a good idea but it was devastating to hear if you're someone who struggles with feeling and being fat her entire life. Losing 150 isn't enough? Eh, I'll cry some more when I go lights-out and try to put it behind me. Haven't eaten a lot today (following Suzi's lead and not eating my emotions,) but have gotten ALL my protein.

    Suzi, your outfit sounds lovely - do share a picture when you're comfortable with its it.

    Karla, that child is way too cute for words! She idolizes her nana, as well she should.

    Patti, I saw that Frontline last week. Scary stuff. I stick to reputable brands but even then it can be dicey. There should be oversight of supplements.

    Resting again tomorrow. There is so much I need to do, but it must wait until this thing is clearly much better.

    Thank you for understanding and caring. Hugs to all.

  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    Karla- thanks for the background on you all. no wonder you seem to know one another so well… going on five years! I hope Paula will come back. omg, Izzy is absolutely adorable! congrats on the steps…. i never get that many unless i have a 5 mile power walk during the day!

    Jeanette- I’m glad Alanna is doing better, and i hope that whatever is bringing you down will pass quickly. I also have bulbs coming up in my yard (my tulips got eaten, grrr) I have seen daffodils do fine after being covered in ice :)

    Vikki- those “heirloom” cookies look fantastic!

    Diane- I hope you had a fantastic time on vacation, and you were able to reach your home without “incident”

    Janet- i’m sorry to hear of your surgery complications. My hope is for you to soon look back on it as a distant memory. for now, keep up that resting! I’m happy for you for the good bloodwork news, but i’d still like to fire your endocrinologist for the 125 lb advice. that target truly seems absurd. i totally agree with you that weight is NOT an indicator of health.

    MaryLynn: congrats on your great NSV's I want you to take me hiking with you, hehe. :)

    Suzi: awesome NSV! :) congrats on finding the right dress! definitely use a cushion for your trip. pardon my french, but insurance companies suck. they just do. happy for you that you resisted the trail mix though!

    Bert- great NSV! and DO keep the cleaning help! :) I saw an advertisement about the Vivofit…. I hope you like it!

    Lisa- nice to see ya! keep rocking those workouts!

    Cindy- congrats on not eating your stress. i need to work on that.

    Patti- although i am a fan of supplements, i do agree you have to pick and choose the companies you buy from. My mother has been studying them for decades, so i usually ask her for “brand” advice ;)

    TuesdaysT: i did some pilates on monday, and some upper body strength training today. i missed yoga on monday, so i’ll have to do a dvd later on this week.

    my turn for insomnia (it’s 1:45am ET) i don’t suffer from it very often, thankfully. i’d better go try to get some more sleep now though, or tomorrow i’ll be useless ;)
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, Myra! It's not just you ...

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies- Sorry I never made it back yesterday. Ended up eating a stupid cupcakes and some chips- just a few of those. Got blown out of the water last night and went to the kitchen to cook.
    I made black bean burgers and dinner and then somehow the cupcake ended up in my stomach. Obviously I didn't taste it either. Jeez
    Janet- the doctor apparently has NO idea about anything- to be honest more doctors unless they specialize in nutrition just don't get it. Get her out of your head. You have achived far more than she ever will regarding working towards good health.
    Myra- sorry about the sleep struggle.
    Karla- I love Izzy's pictures. She is a mini you... so darling. You're very blessed.
    Patti- Glad you got some Mom time- precious.
    Suzi- I too have been fighting the insurance company. The guy on the phone had the nerve to talk to me like I was an idiot. So I politely said - I am not an idiot regarding websites, frankly I am a web master so there IS something wrong with your site.
    After that he transferred me to the IT department to resolve my issue.
    Vikki- has the ice melted at your place- those cookies you made look dangerous
    Jeanette- come back when you can
    Diane- Did you make it home safe and sound?
    I'll be back later.