OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. It's back on the low carb wagon for me this week and onward down into the 180's.

    TT: This week I propose anyone that would like to join in, the jar challenge. Get two jar of any type. Fill one jar with the number of inches or pounds, whichever you would like to count, and each week move over to the other jar what you decreased/lost. You can start anytime. I think visuals are good for us. Give it some thought. I'm going to start on Wednesday on mine.

    I have an early month end meeting.

    Patti- That yard sale starts Thursday in Gadsden. You aren't shy, why wait for an invite? Call and ask if you can go girl!!!

    Janet- waiting to hear of your trip and your safety.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Hairspray is in the history books. We sold out each night this weekend. I even added more chairs along the walls, and people bought them! One boy rode his bicycle yesterday in the hot sun (almost 10 miles one way), so we let him in for free. I didn't get there until the second act. It was a great show.

    I've spoken to my brother and have told him my feelings. I think he's in agreement not to give this "caretaker" a key to the apartment. I hope he sticks with it. I've heard she's very manipulative......heaven help me if I meet her this coming weekend!

    I'm investigating care taker possibilities today, but am not sure where to start. If anyone could give me some tips, that would be great. He can't afford to pay much (that's why he took her in the first time).

    Karla: Way to go!

    Have a great day, everyone.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All-
    Just a quick stop- another busy Monday in the corporate world.
    Karla- the jar idea is interesting- I'm going to see if I can do something like that- but since I haven't weighed myself in weeks it won't be pounds. Maybe days I eat on plan?
    Bert- I'd search the woman out- but that's just me. lol
    Need to run- have a great day.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick stop before heading to Mom's so I can speak to Bert's question.

    Bert, is your brother on Medicare or Medicaid or private insurance? He would qualify for skilled care and home health aid services when he comes home. If at all possible contact the social services or case management department at the hospital. They are probably already working on home going plans. You may need to talk to your brother to give them permission to talk to you. They know what is available in the area and what would be covered by his insurance plan. Good luck if you need more help you can message me on FB and I will see what I can do. I am a retired Case Manager, and this is what I used to do.

    Gotta run. Praying our Janet made it home and will check in to let us all know she is safe and tell us about her trip,

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all -- safely at home, thanks. Trip was great. The party Friday night was just fun, start to finish. Cool venue (at a park), even without decent AC (yeah ... ceiling fans helped some). Spent Saturday with my best friend and her family -- just relaxing and delightful. Lots of laughs and hugs and a chance to hang out with my favorite four-year-old, who is getting a little brother next month. Still hurting from too much time on feet and doing a little danceing, but oh well.

    This trip just reminded me that there are at least four families with whom I am more welcome and relaxed than with my own, where I am essentially a Martian and an afterthought, if that. (Yes, that status is undeserved, but I can't change their narrow little minds.) Thank God for dear friends, who chose me and accept me and treat me as one of their own. The drive home yesterdday wasn't bad either -- no construction, but the reduced speed limits all through Ohio are aggravating -- good thing I have cruise control!

    Karla, I like the jar idea and may jump in. Good food for thought anyway. Really trying NOT to focus on a number at this point. It only throws me off and makes me beat myself up. Like Cindy, I will think of something though.

    Focusing on getting ready for my five houseguests to arrive Thursday noonish. Can't wait to meet my friend's husband and daughters -- it'll be so much fun! But today I am going to take it slow and easy after a fun weekend.

    Bert, the Hairspray pics looked great -- what fun! Hope your brother stands firm about giving that woman a key. I know you're doing all you can from a distance. Hugs.

    Patti, can't imagune you doing anything culinary that flops!

    Cindy, your blog post made me cry too, for different reasons than the rest of you but that's OK -- I am thrilled for all of you who had warm, supportive moms. I am so glad you've had this time with your mom. Keep the week under control at work, and I eagerly await the midweek news! (I have now reviewed all of the Loudon books on Amazon.)
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited August 2016
    Oh Lord what a busy day, I'm pooped!

    I had to drive out to North Mobile County to my client there and then all the way to Biloxi to meet with the doctor there. Both places are backed up with credentialing and I am their credentialing manager. I felt like each cheek had a chunk removed. Lol. We did finally get our Medicaid provider number after waiting since March.

    Janet- I'm so glad you had such a wonderful time. Yes, any option you want to use the Jars for is kewl.

    Cindy- I went back and read your blogs back to Father's Day. So sweet, all of the. You quoted Patti about us girls k friends and us core group, I felt special. Even the three minutes, it was all there and I enjoyed it.

    Patti- did you find out about the yard sale?

    Glenn is on his way home, I love him so.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited August 2016
    Cindy, I think I'm going to borrow your idea of "days on plan" and use a button for each day. There won't be a button in the "on plan" bin for today -- been a bit of a toughie, but tomorrow is a fresh day and that's that. Instead of jars I will use a cute little box for "success day" buttons.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Late stop. Nice day with mom, as always. Took her to the grocery and fixed her computer so she can see it better. She has not been on line in a month. I think she must have had a power outage and it reset the font to normal. I had to increase it to 250% for her to be able to read it comfortably. You should have seen the smile on her face. On the other side of that is watching her cry because her decreasing eyesight and mobility have put such limits on her life. It tears my heart out to see her cry. I would do just about anything to make her see well enough to read and take her pain so she could get around better. On another good note, we talked about getting a quad cane or hurry cane to make her steadier and feel more confident. She actually liked the idea and listened politely to a mini lecture on body mechanics, lol. My sis is taking her out shopping in a few days and they plan to go to Walgreens. She is going to give the quad cane a try, I told her to ask the clerk if she could take one outside and try going up and down a curb with it, that is where she has the most trouble. My GF started her 6 weeks of radiation today, all went well. Now just 29 treatments to go. We are going to see Ghostbusters in 3D tomorrow afternoon, after my dental work. Would ask for prayers that I don't need a root canal but would prefer you use your prayers for my GF.

    Janet, so happy to see your post and hear what a lovely time with even more lovely people. Sometimes I think our friends are sent to us by a higher power and are hand picked in some cases. Your friends sound like the hand chosen ones. And now you have the double visit from your friend. I can already see her kids being totally pampered by you. Rest as much as you can so you have lots of energy for whatever time they are able to stay with you.

    TT: still contemplating this one. I think I need a stronger visual or incentive. I don't think buttons or slips of paper are going to be enough for me right now. Maybe mousetraps attached to fridge and cupboards, then if I get "caught" I have a physical reminder to get my eating under control, lol. Not to worry, I do not believe in aversion therapy. Just need to search my soul for what is holding me back.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning my dear friends.

    Janet- How cute and elegant of you. Boxes and buttons. I think it is wonderful to use this method for whatever mini goal we are working on. We can change it whenever we want to. I like it! I like the visual effect.

    Cindy- You have really made us all think as usual. Just like we set our weekly mini goals, we can begin to do that again and use this visual aid to see how we are doing with it. I love it!

    Patti- if you are just not ready to face the fridge and cupboards yet, make the mini goal and visual aid something about your gym schedule you would like to update. I know you have continued with it. We have all struggled with different areas and these mini weekly goals will help us pick one small area at a time. This small visual aid set out someplace where we will see it will remind us we are working on a commitment we have made to yourself. I have faith in you and your soul.

    TT: where in your home will you display your boxes or jars? Will you use boxes or jars, balls or marbles? Be creative out of your craft room. Let's make it fun!! Decorate your container with ribbons I and bows.

    My housekeepers are coming today so I am prepping the home this morning. With two kids here this weekend there are toys everywhere. Lol.

    I am home today. I plan on walking on the treadmill and swimming this evening. I also plan on cooking lots of vegetables today as I have been lax on them.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    I think I'm going to use pretty mason jars for my containers- but I need to find something pretty to use as my "tokens".
    Patti I'm with you on the mouse traps- LOL
    Karla- so glad you enjoyed my blog posts.
    Janet- are you resting up for the big weekend?
    Bert- I liked Patti suggestion about the case worker for your brother. Let him know you love him and only wants what best so hopefully he'll grant you permission to be his advocate. Stay tough.
    I just posted the book on my FB page- it is the proof copy only and this is another teaser but can you all share it to help build excitement? Holding a years work in my hands brought me to tears last night. I pour so much into my books it is humbling to actually hold it in my hands for the first time- makes it real.
    Also Karla- I know you've read the series- have you been able to post any reviews? If you could I would sincerely appreciate your support. You don't have to answer and if you haven't had time this is certainly no pressure from me.
    One other highlight from yesterday... drum roll please... I finished the first draft of Book 6 in the series. I was sitting on the couch typing the ending and I was starting to cry- Rick looked at me as if I had sprouted an extra head- told him, its a romance writers obligation to make herself cry if she wants her readers to feel the emotion. He sighed and went to get a cherry turnover. LOL
    I have a good day of eating planned and I woke up feeling empty- you know this is a sign I use to know I'm on track.
    Gotta run- but I'll drop by later.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is training for adjunct professors. I guess it is supposed to be most of the day. (sigh) I have so much to do before leaving for NC on Thursday to visit my brother. Have a great day, everyone.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    A quick good morning. Cindy, you made me laugh. Resting up? Nope -- in a mad scramble to get things ready and am resigned to knowing that my bedroom looks like an episode of Hoarders because I empted drawers and have baskets and piles of stuff all over in there. Ah well -- the rest of the house will be totally livable before they arrive. It will be a brief visit -- under 24 hours -- but fun anyway. Getting the beds set up (two inflatables for the kids, a queen and a twin, and the guest room queen). And moving clutter from living room to garage for now. Tomorrow, primary care visit for routine Rx, grocery shopping for dinner and Friday's breakfast.

    So am extremely busy here and will check in as able. I will use buttons and put "good day" buttons into a little heart-shaped papier mache box with a black cat painted on top. IF I get around to it ...

    Hoping to eat better today but feeling extremely stressed by a number of things, so my mini-goal for today is to STOP AND THINK before I eat something.

    Patti, you have a way with your mom! The quad cane will give you both peace of mind. SO glad she is nearby so you can monitor and help her! Have you written instructions for her if she needs to reset font size again?

    Bert, hope the sessions are worthwhile. We are all with you on your trip to viit your brother.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good afternoon busy ladies. I finally got "not bad news" at the dentist. In my mind, and I know Cindy will agree, there is never good news at the dentist. They removed the old crown, cleaned out the cavity that was under it and made a temporary crown. No root canal!!!! Go back in 3 weeks for permanent crown and hopefully that is it until cleaning in Oct. heading to the movies shortly then time for TRX.

    Cindy, will check to make sure I wrote reviews for all the books and will share the new one. If you cry, we all cry! Great litmus test for a romance novel. Men never get it, lol.

    Janet, I know you are wearing yourself out to make sure everything is perfect for your company but remember they are there to see YOU, so do try to have some energy left for when they get there. I am sure you and your GF will be chatting and laughing into the wee hours. I was going to write her instructions but because of her eyesight she cannot see the things she needs to click on, when you increase the font it only increases it for the page content. I am going to look at it next time to see if I can increase the size of her icons and tools. Being less than 5 minutes from her is such a blessing for us both. My sister is only 6 miles away, so she is never without one of us at her beck and call.

    Bert, happy training. I will be doing some research tonight for you and will FB message you if I find something useful. Hate to bring this up but it is very important, you need to discuss healthcare power of attorney, durable power of attorney and advanced directives with your brother. I can give more info on these if you need it.

    Karla, thanks for keeping our mini goals going. I am still in flux, I keep the exercise up because I love it and it makes me stronger. I will work it all out soon because I know it is what I need and want to do. Just struggling with coming up with motivation in that direction.

    Time to go
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited August 2016
    Patti, my beloved cleaner, Kim, is here today. We got the guest beds made up, including the two inflatable beds for the girls -- the "study" looks like a dorm room! I put fresh towels on each bed and in the guest bath and Kim is cleaning the kitchen, living room, guest room and bath. Her regular day here is next Wednesday, so my bedroom (which really does look like an episode of Hoarders!) and bathroom are fune for another week.

    Tomorrow I will make more time off. Not much advance cooking to be done, and Thursday morning I'll likely find a few last-minute things to do. Can't wait to see them all!
  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    Hello OMG ladies!

    Since my last post, I became obsessed with used car research. for days.
    then, Saturday, I went to see ANOTHER car that had been "commercial". it was at carmax, and I expected to go see yet another beat up mess and go home dejected.
    SURPRISE, it was a very nice looking and nice driving Toyota Yaris (2008) with 70K miles on it. I liked it so much, I called my daughter and woke her up (she works graveyard) and three hours later, she was driving it off the lot. WHEW! She moved elsewhere in NC the very next morning.

    I went out to dinner with her on 7/25 for her 23rd birthday..... when she said: my car is making a noise. I asked my husband to listen to it (he's a self-proclaimed gear-head). It was not good news. Her car had 227K miles on it and it was tired. My mother and my husband (her step-father) very generously pooled their resources, and put her in a more reliable car, just in the nick of time. For that, I am very grateful. and, i'm so happy i won't be test-driving any more used cars any time soon, haha.

    I took another long walk with my exercise buddy today. blisters still hurt, but it's still well worth it. My goal for this week is to log every bite i eat, and, so far, so good. I'm mulling over the jar idea....... I might need to use it for number of cabinets/drawers cleaned out :)

    Patti: congrats on no root canal :) and continued healing for your bestie

    Janet: enjoy your company and relax!

    Bert: congrats on "hairspray" and safe travels to NC to see your brother.

    if i scroll back to former pages..... i'll lose this post, so I apologize for missing those personals.

    hoping for an uneventful rest of the week,
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello again, what a great day. Ghostbusters was really good. I had heard some bad reviews but I never listen to them. I am a huge fan of the original and was not convinced that it could be redone. I am going to buy it when it comes out on DVD. I love all the actresses and they did not disappoint me. For me it had many knee slapping moments. The cousins are coming over tomorrow. She sounded very depressed on the phone so we are going to go run some errands and have some talk time without the guys.

    Myra, your daughter sure drove the wheels off her last car. I bet she was so thrilled to have the whole family pitch in to help her with her new Toyota. Good for you getting your walk on, blisters and all!

    TRX really kicked my behind tonight, not sure why but I am whooped!
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    Myra good for you walking and congrats one car- all is going well by the sounds.
    Patti- I sent you an email - did you get it yet? It was last night. I'm wondering if I have the wrong email address. HMMM
    Though morning I woke up very tired - but had slept like a rock not sure why and the coffee isn't helping.
    I'll be back later-
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Gee -- afternoon already?

    Had primary-care appointment this morning. All is well, except that lab did not do all testing ordered and I had to get blood drawn again. Grrrr. Nurse practitioner looked at the bad foot/ankle and had same reaction everyone does: "How do you walk on that?" She said they can now do ankle REPLACEMENTS and that might be a possibility for me -- the knee replaceent four years ago has been a godsend. I now see the foot/ankle surgeon on the 25th, so we'll see.

    Myra, that car sounds like a gem for your daughter. What a good mom to do the legwork! How far will she be from you now? Car shopping is a personal dread and I hope it'll be a few more years before I have to do it.

    Cindy, those mornings happen -- too bad we don't have the luxury of pulling the covers over our heads again. Eagerly awaiting RTS here.

    Grocery shopping is on tap and a bit more straightening up (clearing off coffee and kitchen tables). My friend is taking the day off to pack everyone's stuff and they'll be leaing their home in WI early tomorrow. Can't wait!

    Am promising myself to get WAY back on plan after their visit, also promising myself a QUIET weekend. Olympics and movies and not a lot else.

    Oh -- if you could please say a prayer for Rose, my ex's mom ... She is starting cancer treatments again today and they're not yet sure where the cancer is. She is such a tough, optimistic, kind woman.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Janet, Bert and Patti- prayers for all the people you love dealing with health crisis'
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member

    Janet,mi hate the thought of you going through another surgery but would so love to see you have one less painful,issue to deal with daily. Will pray that a replacement will do the trick for you. Won't be long until you are hugging your dear friend and meeting her family. I bet the kids are going to have fun on those air beds!

    Cindy, you must really be hopping, just happy you are stopping by so we don't worry about you.

    Cousins got here about noon. They tried riding some back roads (they were on this bike) and got lost and he is one of those guys who,will not stop and ask directions. Plus he refuses to turn around when going the wrong. She was ready to kill him by the time they got here. So I separated them, lol, by taking her grocery shopping with me. It was actually nice to have someone to chat with while I engaged in an activity I truly dislike. Of course, we stopped for lunch first. Now if only she was still here to motivate me through the laundry! Leaving for the cabin tomorrow afternoon. Another block of corn is ready for us to pick and I want to get to it early Friday morning. Will probably be another 12 dozen or so. Will clean and freeze what we don't eat or share with the folks on the road.
