OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good Wednesday morning to one and all.

    Karla, you are rocking it on the scales. I am ready to get back to tracking, but cannot and will not start the scale obsession. I would rather go by my measurements. They are much more telling than the scale. My scale doesn't have to wear my clothes, lol. You will have a blast at your reunion.

    Janet, hope it is all good news at the endo and that they see the need to up your dose.

    Cindy, the book is getting more real by the minute. So excited for and for me. Can't wait to read the next chapter. I agree with you about dreading the cooler temps and the lack of good produce. I try to freeze as much as I can during the season. In fact, I still have fresh tomato sauce in the freezer from last year and it still tastes like the day I made it.

    Myra, isn't amazing how our children can be so different and still be related. I was always the over achiever, my youngest sister is the opposite. My middle sister was hyperactive and worked up a storm but never seemed to have much of a goal.

    Suzi, always nice to see you here. And going thru Sturgis on a bike during bike week is tough enough, an RV would be a nightmare. Unless you don't mind sitting in traffic all day.

    Need to hit the shower and head out to lunch with the girls followed by grocery shopping, laundry and packing. I just got a new cookbook and have been glued to it since last night. It is from Americas test kitchen and it is all about grilling. It is more like a reference book than a cookbook. They do put out the best info. Can't wait to give some of their methods a try. I am a great cook but not the best on the grill, that is all about to change!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Looks like we've all had a crazy-busy day. Karla, glad your reunion wardrobe is coming together.

    Patti, I know your lunch was fun because you are -- and your friends are too! Do let us know what you think about that book -- have considered getting it.

    Suzi, safe and joyous travels. Wishing you good weather, great photo ops and terrific tunes along the way.

    Myra, you must've been listening -- I told the nurse that the scale was a massive trigger for me. Weight was not quite as bad as feared and I have lost a few pounds but will try my best to keep going and hope the change in meds (see below) will help.

    Long day here and another tomorrow. Had a 20-mintue discussion with doc (who apparently never got oncologist bloodwork or scan results!). She did not want to change anything and I kept explaining that I know how I feel and that the current situation was not acceptable. She did NOT want to put me on the higher dose where I felt better but we decided to try a two-med solution (adding some T3 to the Synthroid, for a total that should equal almost the higher dose). Three months of this and we will reassess. I have friends for whom the combo has been a godsend.

    Went to produce market and got lovely things (beautiful living lettuce, tiny champagne grapes, adorable apricots and more. Forgot I was out of carrots -- oh well). Cable guy came this afternoon to swap out boxes -- very nice guy. He was worried about the DVR box because it too forever to boot up. After he left, I discovered it wouldn't set series recording for anything prior to Monday, spent over an hour on the phone with a really nice rep. Bottom line -- cable guy tomorrow at 2 again. I asked for the same guy if possible.

    Tomorrow = quick followup at plastic surgeon (no biggie, no scale), cable guy, then organizer is coming -- we haven't worked together in ages. Hoping caffeine will help.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It was a very short night in the sleep department. I've been up since 5:00 am. I'm hoping to nap this afternoon. Play rehearsals and ticket sales are going well. Opening night is tomorrow night. The cast is doing an amazing job!

    Karla: We are leaving on Aug. 19 and will stay most of the week. I don't know what everyone's plans are, so I'll have to let you know later.

    Myra: I play the bass part on the keyboard. Sometimes it's tricky reading bass cleff and playing it with my right hand, so used to treble and bass cleffs together. I accompany for church service hymns. I think I'm the CEO of CRS! :D

    Cindy: My brother is holding his own. He will be moving to a first floor apartment in his complex as he can't climb the stairs anymore. Thanks for asking.

    Janet: Are you taking the name brand Synthroid? My doctor insists that I do not take generic synthroid as the pills do not always contain the same ingredients, She said that pharmacies purchase the generics from different companies and that the manufacturing of them is not always consistent. I'm interested in the T3 addition. Not sure what that is.

    Have a good day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning,

    Bert, you work so hard for all these productions. Hope you are well and truly appreciated by the congregation and the church. I hope the move goes smoothly for your brother. Still sending prayers for him.

    Janet, at least your Dr listened and came up with a plan that you both can agree about. I pray this combo is just the ticket for you. You deserve to feel better after all the effort you have put in to making you a healthier person. Will need to do my research on T3. Stay in and stay cool. On the cookbook, if you love to grill this is the bible for getting it right. If you are not big on grilling I would suggest you buy any of their other cookbooks. I get their two magazines, Cooks illustrated and Cook!s Country and I highly recommend both. I love "reading" cookbooks. The Test kitchen books are full of helpful cooking tips and include the research behind each recipe or cooking method. I have my eye on several more. A

    Better get finish packing and shutting down the city home. I will check in as I can this weekend but know you all are never far from my thoughts each and every day.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    A quick pop in- to say what's up- I'll be back later.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello ladies- I am so on schedule with my work, packing and duties it is scary!! Lol

    Drum roll please!!!! 189.9!!!!!!!!!!!! I did it. It proves that if you put your mind to something and keep your determination in the forefront everyday, you can accomplish most anything. Now, to keep this going. It has not been easy. I have been hungry. But, I kept my eye on what I had as the prize. Furthermore, I put on one of my new shirts this morning and thought, hmmmm, I wish I had a pair of blue pants, I reached in the back of my closet and pulled out a pair of almost new Nine West royal blue Capri pants that have been too tight to button, but yipeeeee, they fit perfectly, and match perfectly. I have lost six and a half pounds since a week ago Monday.

    Janet- I do hope you are satisfied with this new combo. You so deserve it. Your description of your fruit is so delectable. lol.

    Patti - you will have fun again this weekend.

    Bert- I don't know if I will be able to make it over either, but at least it doesn't conflict with my eye appointment.

    Cindy- We are blessed that you take the time to think of us everyday.

    I have laid out Glenn's clothes I think he would want to take, mine are ready to be packed. He is supposed to be off by noon for us to be on the road by one.

    I will check in when I can.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, you're firing on all cylinders for this trip -- you are rocking the scale too. BIG CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! So happy for you. Fitting into the formerly too=tight stuff is even better than a number on a scale too.

    Bert, I pray for your brother every day. Glad he will be in a place where mobility won't be as much of a concern. I am always astounded at how many places have stairs (they scare me, always have). And as we boomers age, those who have a one-story home (with elevator if an apartment) or at least a first-floor master are better equipped to age in place. I had my bathroom configured with a walk-in shower when the house was built, knowing I'd likely face orthopedic surgery and have been so glad. Maybe this fall I can drive up to meet you and see one of your church musicals -- you know how much I love musical theatre!

    Cindy, hope the week doesn't have you overly frazzled and that you can finally get some true relaxation time this weekend -- will your mom be back? I know how you love having time with her.

    Patti, keeping fingers crossed that this three-month trial may provide a better solution. (Bert, YES, my doc specifies only brand-name Synthroid as well and says the same thing. Some generics are not equivalent.) There are two thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) and I know women for whom a combo workds much better than T4 alone.

    MaryLynn, what's new in your northern Garden of Eden?

    Myra, how's the smile today?

    My day: several more hassles with the cable weasels (the company, not the phone reps or the techs). It got fixed and box that was put in yesterday replaced, but not without HOURS on the phone and the cable company goofing up on my appointment time and trying to put me off until Sunday. After being emphatic that Sunday was NOT acceptable after multiple errors and bad equipment on their end, finally got a tech here. Fingers crossed. Just trying to save some $, but at a high-aggravation cost.

    Plastic surgeon says healing from last set of tweaks is going very well. Just a couple of scar revisions to go and it'll be a few years before upper eyelids droop enough to need surgery (which insurance will cover). I adore my doc. Yeah, I keep saying that, because it's true.

    Stopped at the office of the foot/ankle surgeon she recommended and made an appointment to see him and start evaluating things on August 10. There is enough pain, disfigurement, and difference in leg length (plus big impact on my bad back) that I have to try to find a way to make it better for the long haul. Having been told at 19 "You'll be in a wheelchair by 40," I feel blessed to be able to still go vertical and if there's something that might help I'm game to try because the last fix didn't hold.

    Despite the cable hassles, I have gotten several necessary calls made, and my organizer is a joy to work with -- really sweet and energetic. But I will be wiped out tonight. Hey, might help on the sleep front.

    Hugs to all!!!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I don't have much time this morning. I will evaluate my field student's paperwork this morning and then head to campus to hand in my paperwork. Tonight is opening night! I feel this is one of the best musicals we've done. It's basically 50's style music and is fun play. Have a great day, everyone.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning and TGIF, friends. Looks like everybody has a busy weekend coming up.

    Bert, have fun. "Hairspray" is a delightful show with a couple of very important messages and I wish I could see your production.

    Karla, savor every minute of the reunion!

    Suzi, hope you're having a most excellent time.

    Patti, I know you're at your happy place -- enjoy for me!

    MaryLynn, do you have a sunset view? A glass of wine and a sunset sound awfully nice to me right now.

    Myra, keep finding that smile.

    Cindy, enjoy camp -=- eagerly awaiting "Ready to Soar."

    Got quite a bit done with the organizer last night and hope to keep going over the weekend. About to run a few errands before it gets blazingly hot. Just wanted to pop in and wish everyone a good day.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Karla, impressive weight loss. Enjoy your reunion.

    Janet, I will pray that your new foot/ankle specialist can do something amazing for you. Stay in and stay cool. This weekend is going to be a scorcher for sure.

    Bert, so excited for your opening night. I love Hairspray. Maybe Janet and I can take a road trip one day to come see one of your productions and meet you. What fun that would be.

    Suzi, I hope you are cool and enjoying your time at camp.

    Cindy, it won't be long now and we will all be reading the next book. Do find some ME time this weekend.

    Myra, thinking smiling thoughts of you

    Mary Lynn, how are things in your corner of the world?

    It is already in the mid 80's with high humidity and not a breath of air. No projects planned. A day on the boat and in the water is all that is on tap.

    Until we chat again
  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I'm feeling your smiles, and thank you! I hit a bump in the road for a good cause on Wednesday, but I'm doing better now, and trying to stay mindful.

    Janet- it sounds like you got through your Dr. appointments with flying colors. I hope you can find the right combination of thyroid medications. they are as tricky as antidepressants!

    Bert- I used to play the piano ..... and it is a struggle for me to play bass clef with my right hand also. it just feels wrong!

    Karla- congrats on your continued weight loss. and have a fun reunion!

    Patti- enjoy your day on the water :)

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    Whew what a hectic day today and it's Friday, feels like Monday
    Mom is due back today and we're escaping to camp until early Sunday AM- need some downtime and if I'm home I'll work and not relax- Mom understands..., and we having a family get together on Sunday. so all good there.
    Karla- ^5 on the accomplishment
    Patti- stay cool river side dear friend
    Janet- hope the new combo works well and you start to feel great again. Hope the new surgeon figures something out for the leg. So glad you're still mobile on your feet- :)
    Bert- a quick check in is wonderful too- just to know you're thinking of us and we you.
    I really must get back to portion control and movement I'm going to do my best to refocus on me starting today.
    Hugs to all need to finish the work day so I can bolt on time for the first time this week.
    Smiles all the way around our group
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    River report, I love this time of day. Everyone is still asleep and it is just me and Frankie on the deck. The fog is just starting to lift and I am barely able to see the opposite shore. It is a magical, mystical time of day that can make you believe in miracles. Some of the best photos I have ever taken were in the mist, it transforms the world into something other worldly. Knowing today will be brutally hot and humid makes it even more special. This is my craft project for the day, painting you a picture of my world. Pay no attention to the lady in her pjs in the corner, she is merely a humble observer and recorder of the scene.

    Hope you all find such beautiful pictures on in your world.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Opening night was great. The audience was awesome and helped encourage the cast during the show. I wanted to give an update on my brother. I got a call from an unknown number. To make a long story short, it was the hospital notifiying me that he was in the hospital. I finally talked to him, but he couldn't tell me where he was. So, I spent most of the afternoon trying to find the hospital and doctor who is treating him. I got to talk to the doctor who is in charge of his case. I didn't know he was as bad as he is. Currently they are trying to raise levels in his blood so he can get the next round of chemo.
    Prayers are welcome.

    Janet: Tickets are still available. Come on up! I live in Terre Haute, IN You'll be glad you did.

    Have a great day, everyone.

  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning, ladies!
    Sorry for long absence lately. We've been busy finding activities like berry picking to keep busy and enjoying some brekkie cooked over the campfire once in a while as well. Enjoying our warm days and getting lots of hiking in before it gets too hot during the afternoons.

    When we last connected with Adam, he said he is on track to travel to Berlin in mid to late August and then on to Morocco for at least 6 weeks of working with artisans to design a collection for Abury. Haven't heard much from the other son (Shea) for any updates on his and Andie's separation plans, which are likely starting formally on August 1st.

    Glad to read about how things are going in all your lives and the successes in fitting into slimmer clothes of summer! Congratulations on keeping moving forward toward your goals!

    Will check back again soon.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, glad you were able to speak with the doc -- prayers for your brother continue. Wish I could come up, but with much to do before five houseguests arrive (twice), not this time. I'll try to come for the next one though. I've been to Terre Haute once, in the '70s. Seemed like a nice town then.

    MaryLynn, yummy berries and campfires. Fun!

    Patti, thank you for the word picture. I have a reproduction of my favorite Monet on my bedroom wall -- it's one of his Morning on the Seine pictures, with the soft effects of the mist.

    Cindy, hope you can do NOTHING at camp that isn't precisely what you want/need to do for Cindy.

    Karla, that pic you posted with your girlfriend on FB shows you looking young and radiant. I know you're enjoying every moment.

    Going throught my pantry to reorganize and toss expired spices, etc. Need a break from standing so will do computer stuff for a bit. Trying to keep motivation and energy as high as will and caffeine will allow!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    These costumes were a riot!! We had an absolute blast and had over 135 attendees both nights. Many thanks and appreciation was given to our committee. I received many compliments I wasn't prepared for that really boosted my ego. Lol. My girlfriend Diane and I laughed the two nights away. I danced sooooo much last night my corns have corns!!! Ha!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    My eye started dropping by the end of the evening, but still hung in there. The blonde is my BFF Sharon, the long grey hair is my friend Diane from Nevada.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    This is the view from my balcony.. I'm staying until Tuesday..shayfa3cmsr5.jpeg