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OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good Monday morning ladies. I have been continuing my spot de-cluttering this morning to keep my home organized and neat. Keeping the housekeepers the last year and a half has enabled me the time to do so. I have organized the family photos on my piano, two loads of laundry going of Glenn's and straightened Izzys room. I cannot locate the hammer as I purchased a cute sign for the mermaid bathroom last evening. So adorable about happy clams and crabby pants, lol.

    Cindy-=Sounds like you will have a calmer week forthcoming. I admire you. I fear weightwatchers will lose some folks over this board issue.

    I know Patti and Janet will have a great visit today, although it sounds like they both may be tired. Take care and both of you drive carefully.

    I am working at some auditing this morning and then running by the podiatry office to meet the new student and print their statements. I have to return a blouse today and look for some new bras and panties while I am out.

    TT: Are you ready for summer to come to an end so you can concentrate on your eating and health? Or, are you having too much fun to be concerned with it right now?

  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    good morning ladies,

    thanks for your kind words. i'm trying to believe I deserve them. that being kind to yourself thing is the hardest of all for me.

    the world events are overwhelming, even with the meds making me numb. but, at least i'm not crying 24/7, so there's that.

    another MFP friend messaged me a couple days ago, trying to reconnect to both me and commitment to MFP, so.... if i can't commit MFP for me, I'll do it for my friends. :)

    when he asked me what my goal was, so he could be supportive, i realized i didn't have any. so, after sleeping on it, I have decided: eat unprocessed food. what i've been eating during these apathetic months is frankly embarrassing. so, there's my "today's truth" lol.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    One more thing, I can't weigh this morning!!! I changed the batteries and my scale still does the same thing, clears, comes up, let's me step up and then goes blank. Even with new batteries. Ugh, wanted to see the 180's!!!!

  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    We've had a busy weekend around here, including a trip to a nearby island and some local raspberry picking. With a bit of recent rains, we can continue to enjoy the great outdoors, for which we are so grateful. Enjoying plenty of fresh produce, including some of the raspberries which are just so delicious! Glad to see so much activity from everyone as you enjoy your summer season as well. Stay well hydrated all!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick morning check in, huge storms with lots of thunder and lightening swept through this morning, so now it will be clear, top-down sailing to meet Janet. She is already shopping, I am sure. The tiny eggs were just what I needed for breakfast. So cute in their "petiteness". Not sure when my GF starts radiation. She has had her CT scans, molds and tattooing. Now just waiting to hear from the radiation people for the start of her 6 weeks of treatment. She will probably not be as perky or feel as well as she has with the chemo.

    Cindy, enjoy your time to yourself while your Mom has her time with her GF. I love that you love your own work! I know I do.

    Karla, sounds like your decluttering is just giving you more space for retail finds, lol. Enjoy your shopping. I am so totally the opposite. Hate to shop and own very little outside of t shirts, shorts, leggings, bathing suit and cover ups. Would love to own more but the shopping and trying on stuff wear me down quickly!

    Myra, wish my arms could reach you in NC. Would so love to absorb your pain, if only for a day so you can know some joy. I am filled with joy and would gladly give you all that I have if I could. My daughter suffers from depression and I just want to take it on for her, but know I cannot. Keep coming here and we will do our best to help you with your goal.

    TT: I am NEVER ready for summer to be over. What a silly question, lol. Every season brings me a different type of food challenge, just have to figure out why I keep giving in to them all. I have not been on the scale in months, I feel about the same as when I stopped weighing but still not ready to face it. Guess I am waiting to for some sort of lightbulb moment.......praying it comes soon.

    Chat later
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited July 2016
    Hi -- Shopping was a bust but lunch with Patti was a blast. Yeah, I'm tired.

    TT: Karla, you already know that I was BORN to be THRILLED when summer ends! Picture a fat kid with a sun allergy, told how bad she looked in, well, everything -- on summer vacation and not at school, something she was really good at -- and you have only a few of my reasons for hating summer. Heat. Sun. Bugs. No soft sweaters. HUMIDITY!

    Gotta get a few things cleared as my cleaner comes in the morning, but here is the promised picture. It's a TERRIBLE and quick shot. But ...

    028.JPG 239.2K
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Janet you look like a teenager woman!!! Cute as a button! I know you two had fun. Girlfriend time is always precious.

    Long day here with work and I am resting on the couch now. Glenn couldn't fix the scale, so I will have to purchase another one. Another good eating day today. I think I finally have this under control again. I definitely was overeating.

    TT- let me rephrase- Are you ready for less eating challenges so you can focus more easily on your food intake?

    Name two things you will do in Ausust for a stronger you. If you wish.


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies........I've been awake since 5:00 am! Too much running through my mind, I guess. This is tech week for our musical which opens Friday night. I've been swamped getting the program done, selling tickets, and rehearsing in the orchestra. A typical summer for me!

    Last night I made breaded eggplant from our was delicious! I haven't visited the WW website for a long time; however, if it weren't for WW, I wouldn't have met this fabulous group! I'm thankful for that, but am glad I cancelled my membership.

    I'm going shopping at a local outlet mall with one of my best friends today. She definitely needs some time off from her family obligations. I know we will have a great day.

    Karla: I've reorganized my picture frames in my downstairs hallway and in my "office/craft" room. I needed to de-clutter the frames and put them in collage frames for a cleaner look.

    TT: I'm definitely ready for less eating challenges. 2 things I will do in August for a stronger me is to return to the 21 Day Fix recipe book and 21 Day Fix tracker. The colored containers help me with portion control and more balanced eating. I'm not sure how that will fit in to our vacation to Destin, but I'm going to try to watch my portions better.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Bert- Please let me know those dates again in Destin. I know have to go to Birminham August 4th for eye exam and then staying that weekend to do that longest yard sale and visit my youngest brother and nephew. I love shopping with friends.

    Housekeepers are coming today and I am all prepped for them. Jason is coming to do some pressure washing and yard work for me and Glenn. Good son.

    TT I pledge to keep on this good eating track and watch my weight where it needs to be. We can do this!! Better together!!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    TT: I plan to get all the way back onboard and to have at least one big salad meal each day. And to track everything.

    Bert, the show will be fun -- glad you have the shopping excursion to divert you from the over-business of the prep for the show.

    My cleaner will be here soon as well. And my organizer is coming Thursday evening. Want to get things in much better order before I have houseguests at the beginning of August.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Morning ladies, still smiling from my lunch with Janet. And I did not die from the selfie but sure not liking how I look next to her beautiful self.
    Off to see Mom and take her the fresh eggs, berries and corn. Today is going to be the coolest for a while. Going to see if she wants a convertible ride. Will be back later.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, the blame lies with the inept photographer. You looked adorable and that photo SOOOOO does not do you justice.

  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    good morning OMG ladies. day 2 for me. i think the "like" buttons are new since my return... but i guess it would be overkill to like every single post :)

    Patti- thanks for the virtual hug :) hope you have a good visit with your mom, and you can both enjoy the wind blowing in your hair.

    Janet- I agree with you being as cute as a button ...... i also agree that the camera angle didn't do Patti any justice at all! I'm so glad you two could meet for lunch. I look forward to the day i have the freedom to do the same.

    Bert- what do you play in the orchestra? this summer I put my two little girls (10 and almost 12) in private music lessons. 10 year old on clarinet and 12 on oboe (she played clarinet in middle school band last school year)

    hoping for a two-day better eating streak. I shall not weigh.... for now, i'm going to focus on how eating "better" helps me feel more human and less empty-shell.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Myra, I am doing just that - taking the scale pressure off - except that I have to get on one at the endocrinologist tomorrow, and they aren't very nice about it. It is my single biggest trigger, source of 90% of my insecurities, which are vast. Eating better does help us feel better and we can encourage one another.

    Karla, hope you got some rest -- you sounded frazzled in that last post. Just remember, reunion fun is nearly here, and you & Glenn are in retirement countdown mode.

    Patti, sorry i got such an unrepresentative snap. Not terribly fond of my nearly-no-makeup look either. But it was the fun and hugs that count, and we had those in abundance!

    Cleaner just left and lawn just got done, sprinkler system assessed and reprogrammed. Finally have a few minutes to myself. Nearly melted when I went out to bring the mail in, and the ten-day forecast is grim -- unrelenting heat with humidity. Good motivation to stay inside except for the necessaries -- doc tomorrow and Thursday, desperate need for groceries after endocrinologist tomorrow. And ever so grateful for the inventors of air conditioning and showers!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited July 2016
    Janet- I re-read my post from this morning and I don't see where it was frazzled? Maybe a little short for me eh? lol. The no make-up look is what has you looking so young dear.

    Out running errands, car through the car wash people, so nice inside and out. Now having oil change. Then by Khol's again to check some sandals I didn't get to look at the other day. Last day to use my 15% coupon. Lastly, Walmart for a new scale and calculater.

    Patti- Your mom will love your visit as always.

    Myra- I take Trokendri 100mg, which is a form of Topamax for the neuralgia in my face from the shingles. It gives me absentmindness sometimes.

    I am excited about seeing my girlfriend Diane who's coming from Arizona. Haven't seen her since the 10th Reunion.

    It is hot as Hades down here on the Gulf.

    Take care my friends.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, I was only teasing about the picture. I have no illusions about how I look, and that is best from afar, lol. But one thing I do know is seeing you looking so gorgeous and happy was worth the selfie!

    Myra, just eating healthy is it's own reward. Good for you for not putting extra pressure on yourself. Are your girls loving the lessons?

    No convertible ride today. It is super hot and Mom was tired. Will need to go on a milder day. We chatted the day away and watched a Helen Mirren movie we had never heard of.. Woman in Gold. It is based on a true story. I highly recommend it if you have not seen it. Next to watch is the Hundred Foot Journey also staring Dame Helen Mirren, we just love her. Edd is off at a private wine and cheese tasting at the bar where he has been doing electrical work, I stayed home to go to the gym. Just can't say yes to everything. I am having lunch with the girls tomorrow, much better way of using calories. Plus I think we usually laugh off half of all the calories.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi ladies-
    Janet and Patti- love the picture and my gosh Janet you should never be shy from having your picture taken again in your life. You're beautiful!!!!! The girl from you childhood, you've kept the best part of her and morphed into an extraordinarily butterfly.
    Got the electronic files back for the book late last night haven't had a moment to check them but that is today's project at lunch- can you feel the excitement.
    I'm not looking forward to cooler temps after August or the produce that will drop back to just ho hum- but after Mom goes and I start my new work schedule I'm hoping to find some peace and work on my health again. Lose the freshmen 15 (yeah right not 18 anymore) and then take off the last 30.
    I won't give up my goal.
    Bert- How is your brother and I hope spending time with your gf was wonderful.
    Karla- I take it your eye is stable?
    Myra- maybe just commit to popping in here for a good start- we're here anytime.
    Need to run- as usual
  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    edited July 2016
    Janet- good luck at the Dr. today. any chance these meanies know what a "trigger" is..... and you could close your eyes until they are done scribbling in the chart and ask them to kindly not mention it? just a thought. I met a "new to me" PA once.... and when she said... oh, they didn't weigh you? she must have read my face.... and said we'll just write this, and she put "slim". i was shocked. i said... thanks, but i can't say i share the same opinion, and she said: i suspected as much. LOL. too bad it was a one dr. office, and that dr. has since retired.

    Patti- laughing with friends sounds like a much better choice to me as well :) I think both girls are enjoying their lessons..... they are two completely different personalities. One is a go-getter, and is trying to finish the first lesson book before school starts, lol. The other I have to bribe into practicing.

    Karla- If i became any more absentminded, I'd be a danger to society! I saw a bumper sticker a few months back, and I have adopted it as a motto: I SUFFER FROM CRS: can't remember *kitten*. I've never laughed so hard after reading a bumper sticker!

    Cindy- thanks for the encouragement. I will "keep coming back". (i think that's an old AA saying)

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Well, I have my new scale and I hit 190 here on Wednesday morning. New scale, so can't tell if same as other, but I am happy. We will see what tomorrow brings for my final weigh in before we leave for the reunion. I know one thing, I will be in the 180's momentarily! Heck, how long have I been talking about this? I thought it was going to be Monday. Lol.

    Cindy- No, we can never give up on ourselves. It is all about the food. We can exercise until the cows come home but if we keep stuffing our faces that isn't going to get the weight off. I hope we all can start a group tracking and fun loss program together next month, but heaven knows it's a touchy subject.

    Patti- You will have a great time with your girlfriends today.

    Janet- I enjoyed our talk yesterday. You hold your own with that Endocrinologist today, as I know you will.

    Myra- I concur with others. Drop by here for live and support. We are here for you.

    I better run. My outfits are now chosen, Glenn has finally relented to get off at noon tomorrow and we will be off for some fun.

    Take care my friends'

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    I can't get caught up but I'll try sometime soon! Today we're headed to the lake and cell hell, so I'll continue to be out of touch for a few days.

    We've decided to put our big national park trip off for 5 weeks because we found out we would have been in SD during the Sturgis motorcycle rally. Not the place to be if you're not a motorcyclist and are driving a RV....

    Patti - saw your response about no shuttles in Yellowstone. We're probably going to be renting a car.

    Chat with y'all more when I'm back in civilization.
