OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Happy Thursday, we missed most of the storms last night, just some much needed rain. Off to the gym for circuit training this am then TRX tonight. In between I wil finish the peaches and get some salads put together for dinner. Then start packing for the weekend. Wil be leaving tomorrow afternoon for the cabin.

    Bert, I am glad you are going to see your brother and that your daughter will be with you for support. I understand your feelings about your step daughter. I consider my stepson my own. I have raised him since he was 11. I also share your confession. Need to really get my head back in the game.

    Chat later
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, we had the storms too -- quite a light show around midnight; both cats cowered under the bed. I am going to ask about Synthroid dose because even oncologist said he felt I should be on one notch higher. And thyroid issues really DO mess with your ability to lose weight -- on top of my other joyous metabolic "gifts," it's a struggle all day, every day, forever. But I'm not going to give up the ground I've fought so hard for.

    Patti, what a GENIUS way to make pies! I think I'll buy some peaches and try that. Do you peel and/or blanch them? (I eat whole peaches without defuzzing). You can tell me more at lunch on Monday -- so looking forward to it! I'm going to hit a couple of select outlets first, then head to the restaurant.

    Feeling a bit zapped today -- multiple storm waves and weird dreams -- but can take it fairly easy. Have a manicure later this afternoon and a couple of ery small errands first, but allowing myself a quiet day. Just found out that a good friend has to have elbow surgery and will drive to WI if she needs an extra person for a bit == she's married with three kids and her sister is nearby but if they all need a spell off-duty, glad to go lend a hand. She's had several surgeries and went through the thyroid cancer routine a couple of years before I did.

    Today for some reason I am extra-extra grateful for all my friends, who keep me going. Most of my family takes almost no interest in me or my life, so friends ARE my daily fix of love and laughter. Grateful to have dear friends I've known forever, and glad to have each of you in my life.

    Had a protein shake and am feeling very hungry today so will probably up my calories a bit for a day or two, maybe even one day at 1,200. Keep fooling my body ...

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, so honored to be among those you call friend. I feel the same about you. I will happily share what I have learned about peaches.

    Speaking of peaches, I am finally done! Ended up with 10 quarts, 2 gallons, 3 pies and 4 cups of peach syrup that will be used in sangria. All this from about 40 pounds of peaches. Going to chill for a bit then get my salads made for dinner before I go to TRX. Circuit was not as hard as I expected after more than a week off from the gym. Hope I can say the same thing tonight.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good evening my friends. I am doing well. Unfortunately my husband received the news we were dreading yesterday at his postop visit. His fistula is not repaired, or has recurred. Glenn is very disgusted and my heart breaks for him. If that isn't bad enough, two of his crowns are broken and are not repairable and must be replaced with implants due to their location. We are looking into getting a second opinion on the fistula.

    Patti- I'm afraid I didn't fair as good as I thought. My dentist spoke with the Endodonist and sent her X-rays and now they are on the same page and agree I need a root canal followed by a new crown. Ouch!!! I have good insurance, but will probably still be $500 out of my pocket between the two. On Glenn, it will be $6000.00 for his two implants and the insurance only pays $1500. Ouch!
    I'm glad Janet and you are meeting up. True girlfriends don't care how much you weigh or how much money you have or how clean your house is, lol. I am eating protein with every snack and big evening salad. Greek Yogurt and cheese sticks. Tonight I had Subway Black Forest in their Chopped Salad and used my Panera Bread Poppyseed Dressing. yum! Today has been my hungriest day, but like Janet says, we can handle that. I hope we can all get back on track and get healthy. My goal is to be in the 180's by next Friday morning, and that is 3.5 pounds away. I think I can do it, because I want it bad enough.

    Bert- I appreciate you keeping us informed about your brother. Lord, we hate you going through it.

    Cindy - waiting for your book.

    I won four blouses on bidding on eBay and wore one today that I loved. Two more came in the mail today and they are gorgeous!! Chicos of course and a fourth of the price and brand new! One came with a Loft shirt with the tags on it that is awesome. My, my.

    I better go check on Glenn. Please pray for my honey.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, so glad you have the reunion to look forward to amidst the bad news. SO sorry Glenn has to deal with this again -- and bummer about the dental work for you both. Even with dental insurance, the out-of-pocket for dental work is always high. Congrats on the ebay stuff -- you needed that little boost.

    Patti, my next "something to look forward to" is our lunch! Please remind me -- I have a coupon for a free appetizer, which I was given because I spoke to the manager after getting really exemplary service and will put it into my wallet tonight.

    Have made it a slow day here, did a few little things like calling Verizon and changing plans to lower my bill, got my nails done in a lovely pale mint green, got gas and picked up cleaning. Party on! Hoping for a peaceful evening here, but heartsick about the situation in Nice.

    Wishing you all a good night and excellent Friday & weekend!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Karla, so sorry to hear about Glenn's fistula not being healed. I know he must be really upset, he has been thru so much with it. Maybe he needs a specialist in perirectal or plastic surgery. I can totally empathize on the dental woes. I still need to call and schedule appointment to see what is next for me. So dreading it, seems I have been doing nothing but putting money into dental work for the past 3 years. Hopefully this will all be over soon for us both. How fun to get some new tops, and at such bargains.

    Janet, how nice of them to reward you for praising a job well done. I am so looking forward to lunch. For once it sounds like you really took it easy today, lol.

    Made it through TRX, didn't need extra rest and completed every move. Even did a few more push-ups than last time. Guess I am in better shape than I thought, didn't really feel like I took 10 days off.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's a gorgeous sunny morning. I plan to do some things outside today. Pool time is in my future today.

    Janet: I understand the thyroid/metabolism problem. What dose are you on? I'm on 100 mg. I also struggle with energy as well. I certainly hope they can get it regulated for you. I'm sorry that your family doesn't take interest in you. Family is so important. I'm so grateful for my friends as well. They certainly see me through many things in my life.

    Patti: I do think of Lindsey as my daughter. Mike and I married when she ws 2. We have become much closer as she has grown up. She and Justin are flying up over Labor Day weekend. Then we will have some family time and will also visit with Mike's neice and nephew and their families. They were so happy that I invited them to Mike's surprise party. I think it will be a great time to get everyone together.

    Karla: I'm so happy for you and your weight loss. Determination is a key factor in the process. I keep losing and gaining the same 3-4 pounds. Must get on track!

    I absolutely LOVE this group. Every morning I look forward to everyone's posts. I feel like I've known you for years! So happy to have this friendship. Karla is right. True friends don't care what your weight is. They encourage you to do your best.

    Yesterday's eating wasn't too bad. For some reason I'm craving sugar, and I know that's not good. Probably why I keep gaining and losing the same 3-4 pounds. I did get more water in though, so that's a plus. Breakfast is tracked! Have a great day everyone.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning my fine ladies. I am working on some cluttering some small areas, changing my linen tablecloth, laundry and thinning out my closet for the new arrivals. Lol. I must make a Goodwill run today when I go to the hair dresser. I love that she has moved to an upscale salon that I have used for my pedicures!! Novak can do it all in one trip. On the countdown for the reunion. There is a for gorgeous necklace I am still searching for I want to wear Saturday night.

    Bert- I feel the same about this group and my friend school.

    Patti- I'm calling Delta Dental and getting my full benefits today. Do you have coverage?

    I better get going. Pulling things out of my closet now. But I needed some caffeine. Plus, needed to check in here.

    Yes, Janet, I agree heartbreaking what happened in Nice.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick and happy hello, gym then off to the cabin. Planning a huge bonfire and "people of the road" get together Saturday nite. Confess that I forgot to plan food for the weekend. Will stop at the farm stand on the way down to pick up some fresh produce. Have lots of meat in the freezer there so will make it work. There will be peaches in some form I am sure.

    Karla, I probably have the best dental coverage I have had in a long time and it still pays very little for anything other than cleanings. But at least I have coverage. You are going to have so much fun at your reunion. Can't wait to see pictures/videos.

    Bert, your family get together sounds wonderful. I am blessed to be part of my big blended family. We have a saying "nobody ever leaves the Kells' family". Any big family event or celebration usually includes all spouses, past and present. We have rarely had any unpleasantness, sometimes it is uncomfortable or a bit awkward but everyone generally stays in their corners and plays nice with others.

    Waving to you all, not sure if I will be online this weekend, but if I am I will stop by
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    It has been a busy few days but I'm here again and will be MIA for the weekend. Rick's kids are coming to camp with the grands so it will be very busy for me, not much downtime and I know I won't be able to finish writing my sixth book in the series. But after Aug 1 I'm working a new scheduled, on a 3 month trial basis so I will have every other friday off and those will be concentrated LR days.
    Sorry everyone seems to be having dental issues- our teeth do get brittle and such as we age-
    Bert- I'm glad your brother still has his help.
    Janet and Patti- I wish we were all together for lunch on Monday- take a pic on post on this thread for us- that way we'll almost be together.
    Karla- Poor Glenn- teeth and his boo-boo :( and your teeth too.
    Mom is off to her GF's next week from Sun - Fri so the house will be a little calmer. Emily is still house shopping with Jim and they seem to be narrowing in on what they really want.
    Meg is still dealing with step-son and husband issues but hopefully once he finished grad school he will take over more of the responsibility of his son.
    Oh- and I heard from the fairy- she is setting my book. I should see it within a week so I can order the paperback proof- can't wait for you to see and read it. Again I will ask for reviews as always.
    Em read it and said it was great- and she promised she wasn't just saying that because she's my baby girl - lol
    Need to run- but I wanted to ask if we can all try to come up with a long weekend- somewhere- so that we can all get together and spend a couple of days together in 2017.
    I feel like if we can- that would just be the best gift for us all.
    Until next time
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Cindy, count me IN!!!!!!! Getting us all together would be such a blessing -- though our laugh muscles would likely be in serious pain. My ex had that kind of schedule -- and loved it. Face it, you work more hours than normal anyway, and institutionalizing some of that and giving you a bit more freedom will be good for you, the author and the person.

    Bert, one of these days I should take a road trip to meet you in person! Not quite sure where in IN you are, but let's figure something out, maybe early fall. I started at 100 mcg of Synthroid, then 112. I was on 125 for a very short while (that's where I feel ever so much better) and now back on 112. But now that it's been a year since my thyroidectomy, hoping my body chemistry will be a bit less of a science project. We'll see next week.

    Karla, hope Glenn has calmed down a bit. I can tell how much fun you're having prepping for the reunion!

    MaryLynn, what's on tap for your weekend? You amaze me.

    Patti, the appetizer coupon is in my wallet. I try to make a point of connecting with people's bosses when they've provided great service -- managers tend to hear the complaints but mayube not so much praise when good work is done. Just a tiny attempt to make sure good work is acknowledged. I know how much I appreciated it when clients or colleagues said or wrote kind things to the brass about me and my work.

    Starting laundry and going to keep proceeding with my v-e-r-y s-l-o-w wardrobe purge. Company comes in just a few weeks and there's so far to go. Had coffee on my deck this morning before the big heat started rolling in. My table umbrella has seen better days but maybe I can replace it next year.

    OK -- time to put the first load into the dryer -- TGIF, ladies! Hugs to all.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited July 2016
    Good morning ladies. I was writing a lovely post last night on my phone and was almost finished when I moved and touched something, and poof it was gone! Drats!

    Cindy- Count me in also! You are one I so want to meet. I know you are such a lovely and caring person. Your work schedule sounds perfect for you and much needed. You will love it.

    Patti- I received a fax on our benefits and our dental coverage pays towards implants, but as you said, not as much as we wish. Up to $1000. This plan is better on crowns though as it pays 80%, as well as that on root canals too. Our previous plan only paid 50%. This late phase of life is note for sissies! Yes, please take a selfiie of Janet and you at lunch on Monday and share with the group, we all would love to be there, and will be in spirit.

    Jeannette is taking her first test and is worried. Please pray for her. I've been Facebooking with her.

    I am so proud of my closet! I have purged and organized it! Looks wonderful

    I had highlights put in yesterday and had a pedicure and my toes are pretty in pink!! A pretty pastel type pink that is so popular right now. I'm thinking of having solar tips put on my fingernails as all my nails have suddenly broken and are all so short. I have never had to have those as I have been lucky to have strong pretty nails.

    Drum roll please!! Another pound down!! Dropping off the carbs has really dropped off the pounds. I think I am going to hit 189 on Monday!!!!!!!! Please pray for me to get through the weekend!

    I am going to get my Izzy after I have lunch with Glenn and Kayla. Then Izzy and I are going shopping and seeing the movie "The Secret Life of Pets". Glenn is spending time with Kayla, whom is our 19 yo granddaughter that is going back to Millsapp's Colllege in Jackson, MS soon. She has a $50k scholarship there but still costing an arm and leg to her parents. She is studying to be a psychologist.

    I am planning a slow morning. Hemming my father's jeans, practicing my dance routine, changing out my wallet and purse and then getting ready for lunch.

    Sounds like many of you are busy with family and friends too. Take care of yourself and take time for you.

    Oh, I read that Weightwatchers is doing away with their boards completely next month. I hope I can get a couple of my friends to join us here. They had already started a Facebook page since they saw it coming.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning. Needed to eat more yesterday but am OK with that and the additional wasn't stuff that was particularly bad for me. So shoot me.

    Karla, interesting on the boards. I couldn't even find a proper link to them. As I had supected, the "new" WW wasn't for me -- you couldn't even track your weight (which I'm not doing at the moment anyway) without getting annoying-to-me "tips" and "motivational" blurbs.

    Am giving thanks this morning for one very particular thing -- one of my friends is still in Turkey with her two little boys, visiting her family. She is in her hometown (not Istanbul or Ankara) and I stayed up last night until I saw her post that they were safe. I'll worry until they are back home in GA and the boys can hug their daddy (he probably won't take his planned trip to spend the last week with them).

    I'll try to stop by later -- hope everyone is having a good weekend. Keeping it quiet here, I hope.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Janet- It looks like it is a you and I weekend on the board here, lol. We can private chat away. Ha.

    I ate more than I have been because Kayla wanted Chinese and i have been on a salad binge all week, but I kept it small. I couldn't resist the crab meat ragoons. Lol. I still clocked over 9k steps and practiced for 30 minutes on my dance routine. For dinner I made Izzy and Glenn spaghetti and meatballs and I had two meatballs, noblest, no bread. Where I caved was at Chick Fil A. Dizzy and I had a cup of their ice cream. I ate mine and the half of hers she didn't finish. Ouch.

    I purchased another outfit at Steinmart yesterday for the Reunion. Lol. Still pinning down what I will wear for casual night on Friday. It is at the High School which has had a multi-million dollar renovation and the cafeteria looks like a retro 70's nightclub in chrome and black leather look with couches, tables and chairs. We have a DJ there, videos and BBQ. Sandwiches served. Just a meet, greet, chat and chew.Lol. We now have over 130 people paid to come and the room capacity is near full! The restaurant has a huge deck right off our room and we are all walking out at 7:30 and watching the sunset after dinner on the beautiful ocean, and right before the first dancing Queen routine so fun!!

    I hope you all have had fun, relaxed or accomplished what you needed to do this weekend.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Sorry for the errors above. Didn't get back soon enough to edit.

  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    hello OMG friends.

    i am still alive. it has been a long break from school, or it seems that way. kids go back in a week and two days, but who's counting?

    i am not doing so well, mentally, but, i'm not doing myself any favors by staying in this rut.

    I hope my OMG family is doing well, and i apologize for my meds-induced apathy. I never understood what my daughter meant by meds "numbing her out" until now. at least i have gained that understanding.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Myra, good to see you, Do your best to take care of yourself in the best way possible -- we know that smile is there and you will find it again. Hugs.

    Karla, I know your Izzy time is always fun.

    Ended up going to see "Two Gentlemen of Verona" at an outdoor stage, courtesy of Shakespeare in the Park. Lots of fun and the weather was less awful than usual mid-July stuff, though I felt scummy when I got home. We picked up salads at Panera to eat in the park. Nice evening.

    Big, happy surprise today when I got a FaceTime call from my niece, her husband and adorable Caleb. Got to watch him do his thing (a blue ot adorable motion) for most of an hour. It was just what I needed -- this is the niece who gets simple caring and decency. She's my heart, and I adore her husband too.

    I'm pretty well tapped out from current events too. Getting up early tomorrow, but for a great purpose == lunch with Patti!

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Much love to all.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Ladies-
    Myra so wonderful to see your post- Please take crd of yourself and be kind to you. Remember meds as a bit of a science experiment until you find the right combo- stay tough and it will be much better in the long run.
    Janet so glad you got to see the dancing Caleb and your niece and husband today do you plan to see them again for the holidays? Have a great time with Patti tomorrow. How long is the drive?
    Karla- you sound so happy and on track I had a weekend full of lots of carbs when I had been culling them out of the daily diet- feeling very heavy and yucko tonight- but tomorrow is a new day and I'll refocus on me. This weekend was devoted to Rick's son and family - so I ran all day at camp, including starting breakfast at 6:30 AM- and I am SO not a morning person. but I did it for the family. The kids had a great time and want to do this again in 3 weeks- the upside we will go into vacation mode the following week. So I can do another weekend.
    I didn't get any writing done this weekend and the end of book 6 is SO close LOL
    I'll finish it this week in time to get Ready to Soar back from the Fairies-
    It is wicked hot here. Just for the record I do not have a Boston accent- I realized that when I use some local expressions Janet may be hearing it with the accent- But I don't Pahk my car I park my car :wink:
    Well Im going to pull up the book and write a few pages-
    See you all tomorrow
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Home again, home again......
    We had a wonderful weekend, as always. Spent a lot of time in and on the water. My friends who live near my cabin, brought me fresh wild blackberries, home grown jalapeños and Hungarian hot wax peppers, plus 18 of the cutest little brown eggs. They have 11 chickens and they just started laying this past week. They said most of these tiny eggs have double yolks. I will have to let you know. Then today we picked 12 dozen ears of sweet corn, first of the season. Gave about 3 dozen ears away before I got back to the cabin. My Mom is going to be in heaven with the eggs, berries and corn. I made fried green tomatoes, using Cooks Illustrated recipe, they were the best I ever made. Along with fresh green beans and a super tasty pork tenderloin dinner was a big success. It was a scorcher out today and now I am beat. Need to get my beauty sleep for tomorrow.

    Cindy, sometimes you just have to take one to keep the family happy. You will get your book done soon enough, and we will wait patiently until then.

    Karla, thanks for keeping the conversation going without us this weekend, lol. Not surprised about the changes on the WW site. It was the one thing that used to work well, guess we have Oprah to thank for that. I am glad I quit when I did. Now need to find a plan that will work for me.

    Myra, so nice to see you again. Sorry you are not feeling better with your mess, hope you find the right dose and/or combo. We always welcome your smiling face whenever you can make it here.

    Janet, tomorrow is almost here. Let's make a pact to not go this long again, ok.

    This will be a short and busy week. Lunch with Janet tomorrow, time with Mom on Tuesday plus the gym. Lunch with my GFs on Wednesday, laundry and grocery shopping. Thursday will be gym then heading to the river.

    Until,we chat again
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    It's Monday and I'm back at the office in AC- last night the house was very hot when we got home but I was able to sleep just fine- guess the sandman hit me hard- lol
    I was also able to get a chapter written last night, it is really getting exciting and its like reading a book you can't put down, in a weird sort of way. Hopefully I'll hear from the fairies soon about Ready to Soar.
    Patti- sounds like the weekend was a smashing success for you- enjoy your time with everyone this week.
    My mom and John are off for the week at her friends about 2 hours from here- I'm so glad she is spending time with her BFF- she has had so much sadness the last two months- losing people she loves and she hasn't seen her friend in almost 3 years just due to circumstances at each trip up here.
    Need to start the day job but wanted to check in here0
    Oh and I'm really irritated that WW is discontinuing the community chat- Don't they realize people keep each other engaged in the platform and motivation high. I would have given up very quickly if I hadn't found all of you- Maybe they'll find a way to charge for it so Oprah can make a few more bucks on this deal. Its too bad Oprah couldn't be like everyone else and concentrate on her own good health- but I am thinking WW needed her influx of cash. Miss the JHud days as a spokesperson. OK- rant done.
    Now I need to run-
    Until later