Red Team



  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    I didn't realize how the link to the spreadsheet worked, until this morning. I have updated my info for all days so far.
  • vazquezmom7
    vazquezmom7 Posts: 935 Member
    Sorry, I haven't checked in. I will try to explained about the spreadsheet. I think I the tab on the top on the left. I forgot what it said or was it on the right. Sorry I am not that tech savvy either. What a group we make, huh? I hope that helps.
  • vazquezmom7
    vazquezmom7 Posts: 935 Member
    Oh yeah you need to open tge spreadsheet from an actual computer or phone app to be able to edit it.
  • goingforahundred
    goingforahundred Posts: 590 Member
    Sorry I am not that tech savvy either. What a group we make, huh? .

    I think we make a mighty fine group!! And we are providing entertainment for one another while we are at it!!

  • vazquezmom7
    vazquezmom7 Posts: 935 Member
    Today I have not made any healthy choices. If I give in early in the day I tend to think, hey what the heck, and have a bad day. I so need to break that vicious cycle.

    What are your weaknesses/temptation?
  • campingma
    campingma Posts: 60 Member
    Vazquezmom7 - oh your question made me laugh. TemptationS - bread (really good bread), sweets, and nuts - yup - long list. One of my issues is I love to cook and bake for my teenagers.
  • tihi18
    tihi18 Posts: 102 Member
    Hi hope everyone had a great day I'm hoping I can stay on track tomorrow. Me and my supervisor are going to be on the road all day and I know she wants to have pizza for lunch she's tall and thin so yeah... I guess as long as I stay within my calories.
  • campingma
    campingma Posts: 60 Member
    I WILL TO THIS TODAY! LOL. Determined to make up for the apple pie late last night GGGggggrrrrr. Have a great Thursday everyone.
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    I went slightly over my calorie intake yesterday, but not bad overall. I earned 14 ps. I will get them posted ASAP. Have a nice day!
  • vazquezmom7
    vazquezmom7 Posts: 935 Member
    @campingma I know how you feel, my husband was craving McDonalds coffee last night, so I went along with the idea but somehow 2 strawberry pies came with the coffee. :-)

    @betsym3 good job with the numbers!

    @tihi18 girl you can do it. Bring on the pizza just moderation. Here's rooting for you!

    I am determined to put in a workout today!
  • goingforahundred
    goingforahundred Posts: 590 Member
    I am tempted by anything and everything fried. I can pass by anything that is sweet. But, the fried food is more than I can handle sometimes. Even going to the store is hard, because they have the deli, where there is fried chicken.
  • vazquezmom7
    vazquezmom7 Posts: 935 Member
    Yay for me! I did 30 minutes of Zumba dvd and 10 minutes circuit training. Eating is good so far!
  • goingforahundred
    goingforahundred Posts: 590 Member
    edited February 2016
    Way to go @vazquesmom7!!! How wonderful for you!

    A bag of tortilla chips was just rescued from me by my son! So, I am good for now. I think I will be for the rest of the day. He was so matter of fact about it when he took the bag out of my hands and went out of the room. He had them hidden before I realized what he was doing!! Then he said, "Love you Mom" and went outside. How can I go against that?
  • vazquezmom7
    vazquezmom7 Posts: 935 Member
    TGIF, I think. :# The weekend is always a challenge for me. I am going to put in a exercise in early in the morning, so the day starts right and hopefully ends right.

    How do you handle the weekends,?
  • campingma
    campingma Posts: 60 Member
    Goingforahundred - I love the tortilla story - sounds like something my guys would do.

    Vazquezmom7 - weekends are easier for me to get the water and exercise goals in, but a lot more temptations - especially when I'm baking.
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    I was sick, yesterday, and didn't post. Just updated my portion of the spreadsheet this morning. Feeling better after going to the doctors. Hope that everyone has a great weekend. We got some snow in New Hampshire yesterday. We've had a mild winter so far, so, we were due for some more snow.
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    Way to go @vazquesmom7!!! How wonderful for you!

    A bag of tortilla chips was just rescued from me by my son! So, I am good for now. I think I will be for the rest of the day. He was so matter of fact about it when he took the bag out of my hands and went out of the room. He had them hidden before I realized what he was doing!! Then he said, "Love you Mom" and went outside. How can I go against that?

    Great job staying away from those chips with the help of your son! I've been there. I ate some yesterday, in spite of my stomach and bowel problems that brought me to the doctors. Ugh! When will I learn!
  • campingma
    campingma Posts: 60 Member
    Betsym3 - sorry to hear you were not feeling well. Tomorrow morning I'm going to be on a mission to figure out the spreadsheet
  • goingforahundred
    goingforahundred Posts: 590 Member
    I hope that you all have had a great day today.
  • campingma
    campingma Posts: 60 Member
    Good Morning! Last day of week one. Transferred info from mfp to the spreadsheet - interesting
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    I was late logging into the spreadsheet. Just finished Saturday's entries today. Have a nice day everyone! We can do it!
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    campingma wrote: »
    Betsym3 - sorry to hear you were not feeling well. Tomorrow morning I'm going to be on a mission to figure out the spreadsheet

    Thank you for thinking of me. I'm doing much better. My bowels are blocked up. At least I know what the problem is now. I thought it was my stomach, because I kept throwing up. Have a great day!
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    @campingma I know how you feel, my husband was craving McDonalds coffee last night, so I went along with the idea but somehow 2 strawberry pies came with the coffee. :-)

    @betsym3 good job with the numbers!

    @tihi18 girl you can do it. Bring on the pizza just moderation. Here's rooting for you!

    I am determined to put in a workout today!

    Thank you! I'm trying! lol
  • ttaylortulsa
    ttaylortulsa Posts: 96 Member
    Sorry I've been absent this week - we had two different sets of house guest visiting us this week, the same week that my work finally started scheduling me full-time hours(!). So, it's been hectic to say the least.
    Although I didn't have any weight loss this week, I was still happy to see there was no gain. It's the little things. And even though eating and drinking were certainly more lax, I definitely tried to make somewhat healthy choices, haha.

    Looks like some of you are really killing it in this first week - such great motivation!!!
  • goingforahundred
    goingforahundred Posts: 590 Member
    Hello everyone!!! I hope that you have all had a great day. tihi18 has asked to be dropped from the group so we are a group of 5 now. Looking at the spreadsheet I think we have done pretty darned good, especially for the first week. I am not a sweet eater or an alcohol drinker so those two are pretty much freebie points for me. I also drink a ton of water everyday. What will get me is the exercising and burning 3500 calories. I am going to try to be more intentional in those areas this week. Most of my exercise is walking, and I am pretty sure I would have to walk an hour a day to get that many calories burned. Not sure, I will have to look into it. Are any of you able to burn that many calories in a week? If so, please share so I may be encouraged and inspired!

    @ttaylortulsa- I hope that you had a wonderful time with your house guests and that your full-time hours at work are a blessing. I think you held up fabulously this week. I would have gained for sure!

    @betsym3- don't stress over the spreadsheet. You can put your total in here if you want. I just have to have the numbers by sometime tonight so I can forward them on to RedVelvet.

    @campingma- It looks like you figured out the spreadsheet! You are awesome! Did you bake any amazing foods this weekend?

    @vazquezmom7- I have never had the strawberry pies from McDonalds. I don't even know if they have those here! Are they hot or cold and are they good? I like their apple pies if they are fresh.
  • campingma
    campingma Posts: 60 Member
    I think we are all off to a fine start for week one.
    @ttaylortulsa - I think it's amazing to maintaining when you have visitors. Maintaining and not gaining will be my hope week 3 when we have a school vacation here.
    @betsym3 - I hope you are feeling better.
    @vazquezmom7 - you are inspiring - you have some how managed to fit exercising in and you have SEVEN kids - wow!
    @goingforahundred - YAY you with all those points - fabulous start lady! My one son requested pumpkin pie this weekend - didn't happen - lol. Looking at the bananas today on the counter - banana bread will need to happen tomorrow - lol. My guys have such big appetites they are fun to bake for - they are also twigs since they are runners. Running is not a goal for me, but I do enjoy walking.
    Ready for week 2 - here we go :)
  • vazquezmom7
    vazquezmom7 Posts: 935 Member
    @goingforahundred sorry I can't access the spreadsheet untill tomorrow but my weight was 165 (TOM) and my total points was 153. I will update with the numbers and redpond to all the chat. Sorry very tired tonight.
  • goingforahundred
    goingforahundred Posts: 590 Member
    @vasquezmom7 - It is okay, no need to be sorry!! Thank you so much. I hope that you rest well tonight and way to go on the points.
  • goingforahundred
    goingforahundred Posts: 590 Member
    Our average score is 146.6. Not too shabby!!!! Way to go us. Should we try to make a goal for next week? Maybe to shoot for a higher average than we got this week?
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    Our average score is 146.6. Not too shabby!!!! Way to go us. Should we try to make a goal for next week? Maybe to shoot for a higher average than we got this week?

    Sounds Good! Hope that everyone has a great week!