Red Team



  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    I did pretty good sticking to my calories, even though I made homemade baked beans. I hope to get my working in Tuesday through Friday this week. Hope that everyone has a great week!
  • vazquezmom7
    vazquezmom7 Posts: 935 Member
    Way to go Team! We moved up to second place! Congrats @goingforahundred for those AWESOME points!

    Here is to a better week! @campingma are you in Paris? From snow day to that, AWESOME!
  • campingma
    campingma Posts: 60 Member
    Way to go! @goingforahundred You are motivating!
  • campingma
    campingma Posts: 60 Member
    We are in Paris. Family vacation of a lifetime - never even dreamed of coming and here we are. I think my husband and I are truly aware of the fact that there is only so many school vacations left to travel with our teenagers before they go off to college...(they are juniors in HS)....
    Trying to not totally completely go off the plan while vacationing is tricky. Felt like a victory to get the fruits in today. Exercise - who knew there were so many stairs sight seeing - lol - I start huffing and puffing after about the 50th -60th step in a row, but I make it! - lol. No idea how many miles we have walked - amazing here.
  • goingforahundred
    goingforahundred Posts: 590 Member
    You guys are awesome!!
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    campingma wrote: »
    We are in Paris. Family vacation of a lifetime - never even dreamed of coming and here we are. I think my husband and I are truly aware of the fact that there is only so many school vacations left to travel with our teenagers before they go off to college...(they are juniors in HS)....
    Trying to not totally completely go off the plan while vacationing is tricky. Felt like a victory to get the fruits in today. Exercise - who knew there were so many stairs sight seeing - lol - I start huffing and puffing after about the 50th -60th step in a row, but I make it! - lol. No idea how many miles we have walked - amazing here.

    Enjoy your trip!
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    Hello everyone. To my surprise I stepped on the scale and I've lost a little bit. It's always nice to see the scale go downward! Hope that everyone has a great day!
  • vazquezmom7
    vazquezmom7 Posts: 935 Member
    Congrats @betsym3 on the loss. B)
  • campingma
    campingma Posts: 60 Member
    Yay betsym3! - on the weight loss - every little bit is a major feat to me. Go you!
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    Thank you vazquezmom7 and campingma. I really need to lose this weight!
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    Have a great day everyone!
  • campingma
    campingma Posts: 60 Member
    Oops - second time this week I don't earn the "no alcohol" points. I will do better after vacation:)
  • campingma
    campingma Posts: 60 Member
    Hope everyone is having a good day!
  • vazquezmom7
    vazquezmom7 Posts: 935 Member
    I thought I wasn't going to workout but I did! Usually if I don't do it in the morning, it doesn't get done. Instead of cleaning up right away after dinner I went for a run and did my circuit training. Yay for me!

    @campingma how can you be in Paris and not have wine? Its all good! Enjoy it.
  • campingma
    campingma Posts: 60 Member
    Vazquezmom7 - yay you for being a runner!

    Vacation coming to an end soon - curious what the scale is going to show when we get home - we have WALKED all over every day (and STAIRS lots and lots of stairs - lol) - that has got to counter balance the yummy stuff we have tried. :)
  • campingma
    campingma Posts: 60 Member
    Good morning! I had my coffee, ready to enjoy last full day of sight seeing, AND ready to conquer all stairs on the way - lol. Hope everyone has a great day and conquers anything in your path :)
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    campingma wrote: »
    Vazquezmom7 - yay you for being a runner!

    Vacation coming to an end soon - curious what the scale is going to show when we get home - we have WALKED all over every day (and STAIRS lots and lots of stairs - lol) - that has got to counter balance the yummy stuff we have tried. :)

    I went on a cruise for my daughter's wedding in 2012, I ate a lot, but with all the walking we did I didn't gain. I'll bet you will be fine! Hope you are enjoying your vacation!
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    Hello everyone! My cold is getting better, but hubby's is still not so good. Good news is that I'm still sticking to my diet pretty good. I hope that everyone has a great weekend!
  • vazquezmom7
    vazquezmom7 Posts: 935 Member
    @betsym3 I am glad you are feeling better. My 8 year old stayed home all with a stomach virus and this morning my 7 year old started complaining that her stomach was hurting also. :(

    I am planning a walk in the park and may lift weights.
  • campingma
    campingma Posts: 60 Member
    Having my morning coffee and ready to start the day (not everyone else is up and ready - so I have a few peaceful mom moments).
    Vazquezmom7 - Hope all your darlings are well or at least a fast recovery.
    Hope everyone else too is able to fend off winter colds... Have a great day everyone!
  • ttaylortulsa
    ttaylortulsa Posts: 96 Member
    Got my info logged - Finally saw the scale budge this week!!!
    @goingforahundred - Lady, you are really killing it! I definitely need to work on pulling similar numbers. Way to Go!
    @campingma - Great job getting in your exercise while on vacay - let's be honest, all that walking and climbing stairs counts as exercise! I'm with you on the alcohol this week, but I'm not on vacation! haha.

    BTW, a friend sent me an article showing that a glass of wine before bed can help you lose weight! They think it helps deter from late-night snacking. Winning!

    Hope everyone has another great week ahead. You all are really inspiring. So glad we're on this healthy journey together!
  • goingforahundred
    goingforahundred Posts: 590 Member
    Hello everyone!!
    Way to go @ttaylortulsa and @betsym3 on the weight loss. That is really great!
    @campingma, I love it that you are on vacation. I have only ever visited a handful of states, so I always love hearing about what it is like in other places. Memories of a lifetime are being made.
    @vazquezmom7 - I am glad that you have gotten your exercize in the way you want to.

    We have had two days of 75 degree weather here in Missouri. I love it. There are crickets and frogs outside serenading right now, I love the sounds of country life. I think I have needed some sun and warmness. We are supposed to get snow on Wed so I hope these two days were enough to hold me until the next round. I have been in a funk of sorts. I don't want to do anything but lay in bed and watch tv. I don't feel the depression that makes me want to cry and be sad all the time. I don't feel like I am in a deep dark place, but it is not normal to want to lay in bed and watch tv all day. I get up and go to work, and come home and fix the kids dinner, then go to bed. Some days it is because physically I have to go to bed because of my heart or my body is in terrible pain, but other days it is because I just don't want to do anything else and can't seem to muster up whatever it is going to take to do something else. I hope that since I have actually shared this with someone (you guys) that maybe I will snap out of it. I feel ashamed and embarrassed, but that is the nature of the beast. I hope that I have not made anyone feel uncomfortable with sharing as I have. I find that my mental health takes the lead in all aspects of my life, and reaching out to people who seem to care is something that has helped me in the past. You guys seem to care. Thank you. I guess I should ask you all if it okay to share struggles such as these with the group for support. If not, please let me know. I would never want to do or say anything that makes anyone feel uneasy. Sending hugs to you all for listening! I guess you are a forced audience of sorts!!
  • goingforahundred
    goingforahundred Posts: 590 Member
    I just tallied up my points. I got 200 out of a possible 238. My goal for the upcoming week is to do no less that I did this week and to add contact to a team member at least once a day.So, I will post here at least twice a day. I would also like to add a minimum of 20 minutes of exercise per day, but I am not going to make that my goal. I am just going to try.
  • campingma
    campingma Posts: 60 Member
    Good morning! Been trying to fix the computer before work - not enough time - it got a virus while we were away :(. No spreadsheet at the moment. So, I just added up my points for the week - 130 .....but I lost a pound and I'm now out of the 200s. Yay!

    Chugging coffee - got to leave by 6am :) Chat more!
  • goingforahundred
    goingforahundred Posts: 590 Member
    I added my points wrong and ended up with 185 points. I added points everyday for the no alcohol and no sweats. Sorry about that!
    @campingma - Way to go on getting out of the 200's!!
  • vazquezmom7
    vazquezmom7 Posts: 935 Member
    182 on points and 164 lbs. :(
  • vazquezmom7
    vazquezmom7 Posts: 935 Member
    @goingforahundred I can relate somewhat. Whenever we are going through financial problems, I shut down. I have the worryment of the situation and feel worse when the little ones need things or want things. So I seek refeguee in my bedroom, but then once I start counting my blessings, I get over it. Hang in there and if available seek out someone to talk to, either professional or personal.

    Since we are sharing......I have come to the realization that I am addicted to eating. Once I start, its hard to pull away. I binge it on occasion and the regret is so horrible. Whenever I don't log its usually because there was a binging episode. I can stick to my plan but if I cheat just once, it takes awhile to get back on.
  • vazquezmom7
    vazquezmom7 Posts: 935 Member
    Oh yeah, CONGRATS to @campingma for entering onderland! :-)
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    Hello everyone. My cold has finally broken, and I'm back to wok today. My husband and I have been sick for the past week. The good news is that I have lost some weight, and stuck to my plan pretty good. I need to stay away from the junk food still and get more vegetables and fruits into my diet. I hope that you all have a great day!
  • campingma
    campingma Posts: 60 Member
    Few moments to relax - read the posts I have missed....
    Oh! @goingforahundred - yup related too well/much to your post. I'm convinced if I can just get myself to a healthier weight....I'll have more oomph/energy and not want to be on the couch at night watching Bluebloods reruns - and ignoring my "to do list. This challenge/group has been a good step in the right direction for me.

    @Betsy - glad you are over the worst of the cold. Yay you for such s good start in making changes and losing weight!

    @ttaylortulsa - love it when the scale goes in the right direction. Your wine info made me smile.

    @vazquezmom7 - how's all your little ones feeling?