Red Team



  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    Hello everyone! Hope you all have a great day.

    Thanks for the encouragement campingma.
  • goingforahundred
    goingforahundred Posts: 590 Member
    I just figure our points for this week, 733. I have learned it is probably best if I don't wait until first thing in the morning to do the math!!
    I hope that you all have a great day today.
  • vazquezmom7
    vazquezmom7 Posts: 935 Member
    I am so sick. DH was sick in the weekend and stayed home from work yesterday. Woke up feeling sick. So now its me and the one year old. All I have done is make lunch and that's it. Good thing that have leftovers for dinner. I am planning on getting off the couch and pick up some. I haven't even put on a bra! TMI sorry.
  • campingma
    campingma Posts: 60 Member
    Feel better vazquezmom7!
  • goingforahundred
    goingforahundred Posts: 590 Member
    I hope that you get to feeling better vazquezmom7.
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    Hello everyone! Hope that you all have a good day. Feel better soon vazquemom7.
  • vazquezmom7
    vazquezmom7 Posts: 935 Member
    Had me some chicken broth right before going to bed and I feel a little better. Thanks for your well wishes.
  • campingma
    campingma Posts: 60 Member
    Got the veggies and fruits conquered no problem - really need to tackle the water and exercise missions :).
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    I hope to stick to the plan today. I'm down a little in weight, but still need to get on the stick with better eating habits and exercise. Everyone have a great day!
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    Hello everyone! Happy Friday! Hope that you all have a great day and a great weekend!
  • vazquezmom7
    vazquezmom7 Posts: 935 Member
    @campingma how are you doing with your exercise?

    @betsym keep your eyes on the goal?

    @goingforahundred how are you doing this week? Were you able to get out of the funk you were in? If you need someone to talk to, send me a message! :-)

    I am feeling a lot better, needless to say I have not been exercising but the rest has been good, well the scale shall say on Sunday! :-)
  • ttaylortulsa
    ttaylortulsa Posts: 96 Member
    Happy Saturday Red Team! It's actually my "Monday", but it's a beautiful day outside and I am choosing to be in a good mood
  • ttaylortulsa
    ttaylortulsa Posts: 96 Member
    @vazquezmom7 So glad that you're on the road to recovery! congrats on sticking to the non-exercise parts of the challenge in your condition!

    @betsym3 Like vazquezmom7 said, keep your eyes on the prize lady. We're all in this together and if you need any healthy food suggestions, I'm sure we could help out. And remember with the exercise, start small. ANYthing is SOMEthing. At least that's what I tell myself :)

    @campingma The fruits are actually pretty difficult for me to get in (weird, considering I have such a sweet tooth). What are your preferred fruits?

    @goingforahundred I've really wanted to reach out to you about your post a couple weeks ago. Depression is a strange, really crappy, very misunderstood thing. I've actually been medicated for it since high school - at times taking myself off the meds thinking "They're probably just a placebo effect. I don't really need it, I'm fine." But I was never fine. Someone once told me that Depression is the lack of any feelings. I didn't understand that at the time, but once I was in the real depths of it, I completely understood. It's not feeling sad, or feeling's feeling nothing. Not happy, not sad, just...there. During my episodes, I want to sleep ALL THE TIME. Sometimes for 18 hours straight. There's no desire to do anything. With anyone. Including my awesome husband. Which makes me feel worse. That I have wonderful people in my life, a comfortable home, a good job...and that I don't want to participate in anything resembling a life.
    I'm currently on a low dose of Prozac (tried others that made me feel like a zombie O_o). Between the medication, having a supportive family, and taking part in active events like this that make me feel strong and capable of facing down fears/guilt...well, I feel happy to get out of bed in the morning.
    The point is - you're not alone. And it won't feel like this forever.
    (Hope I didn't overstep my boundaries. You all have been so supportive of each other and myself, just wanted to return that)


    Finally saw some weight loss this week! It was so encouraging. Even better than seeing it on the scale, I'm physically feeling the difference - stronger, leaner. This challenge really has been exactly what I needed - a kick in the booty.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!
  • campingma
    campingma Posts: 60 Member
    @Ttaylortulsa - congrats on the weight loss -awesome! Fruits - I love all fruits. Pretty constant to have oranges, manadrains, and apples around - our teenagers favorites. Every other week it seems we are in a berry kick with - strawberries and blueberries too. Oh, green grapes are a frequent item here. I pack a fruit for lunch each day and nibble on fruit while cooking dinner - (the time between work and dinner is usually when I grab the potatoe chips or cheese and crackers - enough for 3 people - so I try to eat fruit then)

    @Goingforahundred - I worry about you when you don't post - I guess because I can relate to what you posted the other week and I don't want you or anyone going through that. Hope all is well.

    @Betsym3 - the exercise part is a struggle for me too. I finally did the rowing machine and exercise bike today - 1/2 hour each, but I have been planning to that all week and it's Friday now.

    @vazquezmom7 - yay you for sticking to your plan minus the exercise while feeling under the weather.

    For me - this will be my lowest point week - I let myself fall into the old habit of stress eating, but got myself back on track today. I have two weeks to my next walking 1/2 marathon - that will get me going - lol

  • ttaylortulsa
    ttaylortulsa Posts: 96 Member
    I'm just so excited to share this with someone- my husband eagerly agreed that when I hit my goal weight (or size), that we'll gone on a cruise!!! We've been talking about a cruise for a while, and it seems like the perfect reward.
  • campingma
    campingma Posts: 60 Member
    @ttaylortulsa - Awesome!
  • campingma
    campingma Posts: 60 Member
    Let's go - week 5 - whatever our obstacles might have been previous weeks - we got this :).
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    Thanks campingma, ttaylortulsa, vazquezmom7, and anyone that I missed for your encouragement. I really need to get on the stick this week. I didn't do so great over the weekend (not logging, eating out, not exercising, etc.). I hope to have a better week, and hope that all of you have a great week ahead!
  • ttaylortulsa
    ttaylortulsa Posts: 96 Member
    Happy Monday Red Team!
  • vazquezmom7
    vazquezmom7 Posts: 935 Member
    Ok. I thought my numbers were going to be bad since I did zero exercise, but got in 192. Weight was 162. :-) Have a great day!
  • goingforahundred
    goingforahundred Posts: 590 Member
    We averaged 161 points this week. Way to go ttaylortulsa for your score of 200 points!!
  • ttaylortulsa
    ttaylortulsa Posts: 96 Member
    Way to go team! Great job @vazquezmom7 !!
  • vazquezmom7
    vazquezmom7 Posts: 935 Member
    Howdy to all! How is everyone feeling? I am doing good, need to get this body moving again. What goals do you have?
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    Sorry that I didn't post yesterday. My furnace wasn't work and I got off track. I also had a weight gain this past week, but am hoping to get it off before next week. Hope you all have a great day!
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    Hello Everyone! I have my furnace working again. Heat and hot water is so nice! I hope that you all have a good day!
  • vazquezmom7
    vazquezmom7 Posts: 935 Member
    Wow, we are a quiet group this week. Hopefully we are out enjoying the great weather. @betsym3 having warm water is always nice. Last year ours went out and I had to heat water up on the stove for 9 people to shower. Lol. So yes I know what you went through.
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    Thanks Vazquemom7! I'm glad that we've got our heat and hot water back. You sure do miss those things, when you don't have them. I hope that everyone has a great day and week ahead!
  • ttaylortulsa
    ttaylortulsa Posts: 96 Member
    Got my info logged - another loss this week!

    Worked 6 days in a row this week and had family visiting the past two days, so I've been kind of out of touch.

    @betsym3 Yay for your furnace working again! I believe in you to get that loss this coming week!
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    Got my info logged - another loss this week!

    Worked 6 days in a row this week and had family visiting the past two days, so I've been kind of out of touch.

    @betsym3 Yay for your furnace working again! I believe in you to get that loss this coming week!

    Thanks ttaylortulsa I really need to watch the calorie intake and take off some weight. I'm kind of doing the yo yo thing right now. I had company yesterday and cooked spaghetti and make a light dessert. I only ate two meals breakfast and lunch, but still used all of my calories for the day. I hope to do better the rest of this week.

    Hope that everyone has a great week!
  • vazquezmom7
    vazquezmom7 Posts: 935 Member
    Sorry, the kids are on spring break and have not added up my points, they are not too pretty, but will do ASAP!