Red Team



  • vazquezmom7
    vazquezmom7 Posts: 935 Member
    @campingma I did not win mom of the year award this morning, my seven year old went to school with dirty pants. They wear uniform, I forgot to check last night. Guess what I am doing? Laundry!!

    @goingforahundred I am in the same boat as you, no alcohol, no sweets, and lots of water. But exercise is so hard during the winter.

    I will commit myself to doing good with the eating part AND commit to at least four 30 minutes of workout this week. Those are this week's goal!
  • goingforahundred
    goingforahundred Posts: 590 Member
    @vazquezmom7 - my kiddo went to basketball wearing an unwashed uniform!! So, you're not alone with the dirty clothes and not winning mom of the year! I am glad that you are going to try to get in some workouts. I am going to do the same thing.

  • vazquezmom7
    vazquezmom7 Posts: 935 Member
    So to burn 3,500 calories a week, I would have to burn 500 each day?! Is it be or thats a lot? I am glad to see that we can earn bonus points for drinking more water this week!!
  • campingma
    campingma Posts: 60 Member
    500 a day is ALOT! I'm definitely going to try to up my points this week 2 - but those bonus exercise points will be a challenge.
  • campingma
    campingma Posts: 60 Member
    P.S. I think every mom has a "oh no, laundry story" and all of our kids survive - lol Thanks for the smile - brought memories back when my guys were littler.
  • ttaylortulsa
    ttaylortulsa Posts: 96 Member
    edited February 2016
    Our average score is 146.6. Not too shabby!!!! Way to go us. Should we try to make a goal for next week? Maybe to shoot for a higher average than we got this week?

    Way to go Red Team!!!! We're killing it!

    @goingforahundred : That's a great idea! Let's push ourselves more this week!
  • vazquezmom7
    vazquezmom7 Posts: 935 Member
    Good morning my fellow Reds! I did fit in a workout last night. I was watching the Biggest loser last night and I feel bad if I am not doing something while watching it.

    How was everyone elses Monday? Did you rebooted your mind and started the week good?
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    I got off a little calorie wise, yesterday, but I drank plenty of fluids. I hope to make today a better day! Have a great day everyone!
  • goingforahundred
    goingforahundred Posts: 590 Member
    I hope that everyone has a great day. Today I am going to make sure to log everything I eat. I have gotten rather lazy about doing that. I started doing the 21 day fix, which is a good program, but I do better when I am counting calories. I am trying to combine the two and find a happy medium. You guys have a good one.
  • goingforahundred
    goingforahundred Posts: 590 Member
    @betsym3 - It's okay to go over the calories here and there. What matters is that you don't let it defeat you. You had plenty to drink and you're back at it today. You are awesome!
  • goingforahundred
    goingforahundred Posts: 590 Member
    @vazquezmom7 - I am glad you got in a workout, way to go!! I hope that I have the biggest loser set to record. When I get home tonight I am going to check. I love that show!
  • campingma
    campingma Posts: 60 Member
    Had a nice surprise today. Worked at school till 5pm, home to pick something up, errand, by the time I'm at the grocery store - hungry. Open up the veggie chips on the drive home.....was afraud to look at the calories - 30 veggie chips - brand good health - 140 calories. Nice surprise - felt like I indulged without it being a ton of calories. Long day, but enjoy the little things.
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    @betsym3 - It's okay to go over the calories here and there. What matters is that you don't let it defeat you. You had plenty to drink and you're back at it today. You are awesome!

    Thanks goingforahundred! I need to stick to my calories better and not go over. Hopefully, today will be a better day!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • vazquezmom7
    vazquezmom7 Posts: 935 Member
    edited February 2016
    I hope everyone is doing their best! Remember we need to put in work in order to see the benefits!

    Back in December I needed something to motivate I did a motivational board to encourage myself. I wrote in my starting weight but never added to it because the scale kept going up but this week I updated it and I need to stick to it.
  • campingma
    campingma Posts: 60 Member
    I need more hours in the day please - lol
    There's a chance, just a chance, that I could have a snow day tomorrow - have my fingers crossed - I need a day to simply catch up.
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    I had a pretty good day yesterday, but still ate some peanut butter toast in the evening bringing my calorie total up. I hope to start doing better starting today. Have a great day everyone!
  • vazquezmom7
    vazquezmom7 Posts: 935 Member
    @campingma did you get your snow day?

    @betsym3 I love peanut butter. Before my last pregnancy I loved peanut butter and jelly sandwiches so much. Like for just that minute it was just me, the sandwich, and a glass of cold milk. I guess now I can see why I developed gestational diabetes. But on the brighter, that was the reason I started this journey. :-)
  • campingma
    campingma Posts: 60 Member
    I did get my snow day - sooooo grateful! I'm getting a lot done. The district I work in got lake effect snow - some areas 18 inches others 37 inches. Where I live just 20 miles away - maybe six inches - lake effect bands are always interesting to me.
  • vazquezmom7
    vazquezmom7 Posts: 935 Member
    Today has been an AWESOME day. Although not a snow day, totally the opposite. It was 70 degrees here in Dallas. I detailed cleaned the whole house and got a whole 1 hour workout in! Yes my friends you read right a whole hour. I hope the evening is just as productive! :-)
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    @campingma did you get your snow day?

    @betsym3 I love peanut butter. Before my last pregnancy I loved peanut butter and jelly sandwiches so much. Like for just that minute it was just me, the sandwich, and a glass of cold milk. I guess now I can see why I developed gestational diabetes. But on the brighter, that was the reason I started this journey. :-)

    I can relate to the peanut butter thing! I eat way too much of it. I have recently been diagnosed with prediabetes. There probably is a connection there. I really need to watch that peanut butter thing; not to mention how fattening it is. lol
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    I really need to get on the stick with my calorie intake, and up my walking/exercise. I hope that everyone has a great day and a great weekend!
  • vazquezmom7
    vazquezmom7 Posts: 935 Member
    I hope everyone has a good weekend, please stay warm, those who live up north!
  • campingma
    campingma Posts: 60 Member
    Can't believe I haven't said "hello team" yet today and now I'm in my pjs - lol. One of those busy insane level days.
  • campingma
    campingma Posts: 60 Member
    Anyone have fun plans for the Valentine weekend?
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    In spite of my bad eating habits, I have lost a little weight this week! Hope that you all have a great week!
  • ttaylortulsa
    ttaylortulsa Posts: 96 Member
    Hey Red Team!

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful Valentine's Day! It's a hectic day for a cook, so my DH and I don't really celebrate (he's good at giving random gifts throughout the year, so I don't mind :wink: )

    Despite my efforts, I didn't have any weight loss this week. Pretty frustrating. My eating habits have been significantly healthier, I'm much more active now (8 hours in a kitchen - in front of a gas stove - will do that!), and I've been exercising more (a couple walks/hike/workout)...but there doesn't seem to be much change - other than being sore and hungry. haha. I know it will eventually start showing in my clothes or on the scale, but for now, it's a little disheartening.

    BTW, you all are awesome. I don't post often, but I read your posts on my break everyday and it truly encourages me to keep at it. Together, we can really make a difference in ourselves.
  • goingforahundred
    goingforahundred Posts: 590 Member
    Hello everyone! I hope that you all had a great week. I have been away from the computer for a few days and have missed checking in with the group.
    We woke up to ice this morning, ice in the form of sleet. About an inch of it! It was an interesting trip into town this morning needless to say!
    I will check back in later and let everyone know what our team average is.
  • vazquezmom7
    vazquezmom7 Posts: 935 Member
    Hi everyone! I did great with weight loss (TOM last week) and I increased last week's points by about 50!

    This week will be a struggle eating 2 fruit servings daily but I will do my best. Last week's goal was to increase by exercising and I did, I was able to do 3.

    My goal for this week will be to do exercises 5 days and reach my daily fruit servings.

    How was your week? What goals do you have for this week??
  • goingforahundred
    goingforahundred Posts: 590 Member
    Our average for the week is 170.2!! What a huge increase over last week!! Way to go ladies!!
  • campingma
    campingma Posts: 60 Member
    So I think I may have got the exercise in -lol
    We are on vacation - it's .6 miles from the hotel to public transportation. At the Eiffel Tower we thought we bought tickets for the escalator to the summit elevator. Ah nope bought the wrong tickets - so we did the stairs - Lots of stairs. Lots - I huffed and puffed, but I did it! Checking out the hotel's fitness room tomorrow morning.