Green Team



  • jessicakahn606
    jessicakahn606 Posts: 230 Member
    15 more minutes! You can do it green team! :)
  • jessicakahn606
    jessicakahn606 Posts: 230 Member
    I am waiting for one team member!!! :) please send me your numbers!
  • fey1
    fey1 Posts: 27 Member
    D'oh, didn't get my points in on time because I was off on a snowshoeing adventure and got home late...
  • jessicakahn606
    jessicakahn606 Posts: 230 Member
    I am
  • jessicakahn606
    jessicakahn606 Posts: 230 Member
    Lol oops!!! I am so proud of this team!!! :) our group average ended up being 181.4!!! I am so excited!!! You all did an amazing job!!!!
  • jessicakahn606
    jessicakahn606 Posts: 230 Member
  • MissEESmith
    MissEESmith Posts: 110 Member

  • jessicakahn606
    jessicakahn606 Posts: 230 Member
    @MissEESmith I love the quotes u put you always show such strong determination, motivation, and encouragement! I am proud to announce that you scored the most team points for week one with the total of 204!!! :) way to go!!!!!

    Honestly, I am proud of every one on team green!!!! :) You all survived week one!!!! I am so proud to be on this team! We started off strong so let us continue doing what we are doing :) we are all winners in my book!

    Hello, week two! Remember water points are doubled this week so let's get those 64 oz of water! Your body will thank you for it and so will your points! ;) that being said personally I felt that I learned a lot about myself this week! Sweets were my personal downfall! Same with working out daily! I was able to score the bonus points because of two crazy day work outs! But that only helped cover some of the sweets! Lol so I'm going to focus on those two areas this week! :)
  • MissEESmith
    MissEESmith Posts: 110 Member
    Love my Plant Nanny. Drink up, Buttercup!
  • MissEESmith
    MissEESmith Posts: 110 Member
    My downfall is the liquid relaxation. Trying to do to much at work makes me a little looney. Gotta go with the flow and learn how to chill out a bit.
  • RStoken
    RStoken Posts: 11 Member
    Great job team! I'm excited for week 2!

  • BeYouTiful94
    BeYouTiful94 Posts: 289 Member
    Yay! I'm so proud of our team!! I hope everyone is off to a good start for week 2!

    My weakness is in the veggies. I truly hate vegetables. I'd love to work on getting more veggies into my diet but I'm not sure how when I can't even make myself eat them
  • fey1
    fey1 Posts: 27 Member
    @Batgirl1994 What is it you hate about veggies? I've cooked professionally for a long time and would be happy to help you find a way to enjoy them or sneak them into dishes in ways that will make them less noticeable.
  • MissEESmith
    MissEESmith Posts: 110 Member
    edited February 2016
    Caught the Mister's evil weekend cold. The eyes itch, my nose is all a-snifflin' and my headache is out of this world. So, I have to listen to the old body today and just try to drag myself into work. Maybe some stretching later, and hopefully I'll make some exercise up by the end of the week.

  • MissEESmith
    MissEESmith Posts: 110 Member
    I know the rest of the GREEN team can get it done while I'm down for the count. GO GREEN!

  • BeYouTiful94
    BeYouTiful94 Posts: 289 Member
    Good morning from Texas y'all! I hope everyone has a great day 2, week 2!

    @fey1 Oh you're awesome! I think what really gets to me is the texture. For instance, I'll slap a little peanut butter on some celery, but as soon as I bite into it and start chewing, the texture of the celery really gets to me and I want to spit the whole thing out. Same with carrots. Those two I can get down with effort, though. Broccoli absolutely won't make it down unless it's steamed. It's so weird because my mom swears that when I was little, I would eat raw broccoli like it was chips, and then throw a fit when there were no more "trees", as I used to call it lol

    @MissEESmith Oh goodness! So sorry to hear that! Take care of yourself, and get well soon :)

  • jessicakahn606
    jessicakahn606 Posts: 230 Member
    @MissEESmith oh no!! I hope you feel better soon! Rest so you can kick some butt later! :) I rather u focus on ur health!

    Good morning Green team! :)
  • jessicakahn606
    jessicakahn606 Posts: 230 Member
    I got all the points for today! :) I am really proud of that fact since didn't do so good yesterday! I hope everyone is having a great week two!
  • MissEESmith
    MissEESmith Posts: 110 Member
  • MissEESmith
    MissEESmith Posts: 110 Member
    There was just no way I was going to bike home last night or make up my exercise. Just ate some dinner and drifted off to uncomfortable sleep.
    Still feel like a truck hit me, but at least the goo is breaking up so I'm on my way to 100%.
    I gotta do my plank challenge minimum.