Failure is not an option



  • kettiecat
    kettiecat Posts: 159 Member
    I thought about you while bouncing around on my fitness ball. Have you ever thought about getting one to rotate with your chair. Not that I think it's a magical solution that will burn calories but they're fun, you do move around, you could do some squats and core stretching.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    I did have one but not sure what happened to it. I'll have to look into it. Generally i try to get up between calls and stretch and plank and ride my pedals just to stay a bit active during the night
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Massive week exercise wise this week. Stepped things up quite a bit and man am I feeling it. Arms and legs are jelly and i am so tired but in a good way.
    So changes to circuit
    Last week This Week
    Brisk walk on Treadmill 5.0 Brisk walk on treadmill 5.4
    20 x Squats with medicine ball 6kg 20 x squats with medicine ball 8kg
    15 x Pull ups TRX 15 x Pull ups TRX
    12 x push ups on wall 12 x Push ups on wall bigger incline
    10 x shoulder Press 6kg 10 x shoulder press 8kg

    Have also lost some battles with chocolate this week that I'm putting down to PMS (evil evil thing us women have to deal with ). I'm not beating myself up too much cause it was 2 days out of 7 and I have been to the gym 4 times this week and been under calorie every other day. Have been on the scales a few times this week and im anywhere between 400g 1kg up on last weight in of 115.4kg so not really expecting that much of a loss if any at all this week.
    Tomorrow I am doing some measurements and will post on here. On Thursday i did a waist measurement which was 112cm (44inches).

    I am quite proud of myself this week. I have overcome a lot of negative "I can't do this" talk about going to the gym and stepping up my routine. I'm not one who is naturally active so for me to get through that Negative talk was an achievement. I not only went each day i said i was going to go but I also didn't slack off when i was there even when i so dearly wanted to. I rewarded myself today with Season 1 of Madam Secretary. I love that show.

    So all in all a good week really and even if I don't see much on the scales, I know i've done some good stuff.
  • smiphette
    smiphette Posts: 177 Member
    Nice work! Overcoming that internal "little hater" is huge. Crushing your workouts is a satisfying way to shut her up. :)
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    It sounds like you did great! Glad you gave yourself a treat. We need that sometimes! Getting to the gym is hard for me once I get there I love it so to me you did great :smiley:
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    ok as promised measurements and they aren't pretty

    As at 14th February 2016
    Weight 115kg (254.5lb)
    Neck 44cm (17in)
    Waist 113cm (44.5in)
    Hips 132.5cm (52 in)
    Chest 118cm (46.5in)
    Bicep 40cm (16in)
    Thigh 72.5cm (28.5in)

    First goal is to the the weight, Waist, hips, chest down into double figures.
    On a positive note when i started this journey back in October 2014 (i had a sizeable break between feb 2015 and jan 2016) I weighed 126.1kg (278lb) and the lowest i got was 114.3kg (252lb). Even though i am at the moment 1.1kg (2.5lb) heavier than my lowest, my measurements are roughly the same as they were then. At this point I'll take that as a win.
    My plan is to measure when i take photos at the start of each month to track changes.

  • kettiecat
    kettiecat Posts: 159 Member
    It'll be exciting to watch those numbers whittle away!
  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    Sounds like a plan !
    I'm excited to see your progress :smile:.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Had a massive cheat day today for Valentines day. Strangely enough still under calorie goal but food choices weren't the smartest. Feeling a bit heavy this evening.
    To add insult to injury my left knee has "flared" . For some reason since i started trying to lose weight back in 2014, every 10 days my knees get sore and fill with fluid. They seemed to be settling but tonight my left knee is really full of fluid to the point i can't walk properly. This is a set back i do not need at all. I saw an Ortho back then about it and his wise words were you need to lose weight. No S**t sherlock that's what I'm trying to do and has caused this. I got no further assistance. Hopefully it will settle back down quickly and i can keep on doing what im doing., It usually only lasts a day or 2 but it looks like im going to have to plan aorund being out of action every 10 days
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Khatmott make sure you give that knee rest. DO NOT wreck it now that it's sore. Rest as long as you need to. Find low impact exercise for the time being. Alternate ice and heat on it if you can.
  • kettiecat
    kettiecat Posts: 159 Member
    Weight loss happens in the kitchen!

    Don't get too discouraged, Google cardio workouts you can do seated and/or that don't involve your knees.
  • cmr3399
    cmr3399 Posts: 80 Member
    Great updates!!!! Sorry to hear about the knee. Keep at it. "if only I could take my own advice. Sometimes it's easier said than done I guess. I need to make a plan this week as well and stick to it. At least 4 days at the gym or home workouts is the plan. I think this will be my mini goal for the week.

    Hope the knee feels better.
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    I agree my knee isn't allowing me to do much. I'm going to ice mine tonite. I haven't tried that yet. But 50extra suggested it and it's worth a try. Please stay on point with food and take care of your knee. :'(
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Hey guys thanks heaps for all your words of support. it means so much. I got back to the gym today. it felt sooooo good. My Trainer has tweaked my routine a bit and its now harder but kinder on the knees. They are a little tender tonight but i think that's how it's going to be now until a lose a sizeable chunk of weight. I can live with that. It's amazing how much better you feel when you get out there and exercise.
    Next week there is someone coming to the gym that does a full analysis of your body weight and composition. I'm going to get it done. I love numbers and figures so i'm a bit excited about that. My trainer showed me hers and the info you get is fabulous. Of course when it is done I will share it here. It will really tell me what i need to work on.
    My New Routine for the gym as of today is:

    20 x Slams (squat and lift 6kg ball, lift above your head and slam it on the ground, repeat) This is one kick *kitten* activity
    15 Pull ups (TRX)
    12 Push ups (against the wall)
    10 Shoulder press (8kg medicine ball)

    Repeat x 4

    I'm Also doing a 30 day AB challenge


    i reckon this one's gunna hurt

  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    OK this might be a bit long so sorry in advance

    First of all still getting to the gym. Totally stoked. Really seeing some changes in my cardio fitness. The new slam activity in my program is making a difference. I have a love/hate relationship with it. I hate doing it but i love the changes it's bringing about. I'm probably going to drop the ab challenge that i posted before. I think it's just a little bit beyond my level right now. I will still do components of it but no the full thing.

    I'm having trouble most days with reaching my calorie goal. I don't think im eating enough calories but my fat/carb goals im getting to no worries. I've posted in the forums for some assistance in working out what to eat. (any advice here will be gratefully appreciated too). I suppose when i get my body composition results next week i will have a good idea about my BMR and what i need to be eating. It's currently set at 1700 but i feel that is too high. I don't know. I have no idea about these things and am going totally blind here. All i know is I want to do what i need to do to lose weight and be healthy

    Having said all that. I'm having an issue on weekends at the moment with my food consumption. My partner is going to have a gastric sleeve done on 14th march and rather than start eating healthy now, she is going all out for a last hurrah on weekends to eat all the things she wont be able to eat for a while and she is dragging me with her. Of course they are not healthy choices. Yesterday was all you can eat Chinese. Last week the Hogs Breath. She also loves to cook and is making Caramel tarts, Lemon Cheese tarts etc etc etc. I start out with good intentions but then I crash and burn badly so all the good work I have done during the week is undone in 2 days. I suppose a positive is that my weight is roughly staying the same give or take 500g (1lb) but i feel so mentally weak because i can't resist it. And of course once i start with the poor choices my brain says well you've blown it so why not just keep going? I need to steel myself for these things for the future. We only have one more weekend before the optifast stage and then hopefully we will both be on the healthy choices wagon. One of the main reasons for me making changes- apart from getting myself healthy- was to set a good example for her so she will make healthy choices. So far that has failed dismally and I'm disappointed in that. Still i have made positive changes and i'm feeling much better for it. And because of these changes I will be in a better position to support her when she has the surgery. I still want to be under 110 by the 9th April. I have 7 weeks to lose 6kg (13lb).

    Sorry for all the blabbering but i just needed to get stuff out of my head. Onward and upward
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    I'm glad your friend will be joining you on a weight loss journey. I have done what your friend is doing in previous attempts. I didn't this time. I know now it's not worth it just more to lose. Just keep up with your good work seeing results help me so much. It keeps me strong. Good work reaching out.
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    That sounds like a really challenging situation. My partner and I have been on opposite ends of health-consciousness frequently during our time together, and inevitably one of us pulls the other along with. Sometimes the one of us indulging and skipping the workouts wins the "battle of wills" and sometimes the one controlling portions, food choices, and workouts wins. It's an ongoing tug-of-war so to speak, although we're never at war. lol We just keep encouraging each other to make healthy choices, and let them be if they aren't ready to.

    I hear you that you feel mentally weak after the weekends of giving in. Can you see how strong you really are though? You're walking a tight rope between your own health decisions and her need for the last hoorah. That's a hard place to be, and while you are indulging with her, you're also maintaining your own weight, which means that you are clearly working extra hard during the week. It's easy to beat ourselves up about what we do wrong instead of seeing all that we do right.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    @jilliancreates thanks hon. I was only thinking this morning ( at 5am while I lie here awake) that looking at the whole week I'm usually so far under I can afford a bit more on the weekends. I probably do need to stop beating myself up. Thanks for reminding me of that
  • quzzdragon
    quzzdragon Posts: 140 Member
    100% agree with what @jilliancreates said. You've obviously worked hard at supporting and yet maintaining. There's no rush on your weight goals, it's more important that you get there healthily and happily. You got this!
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    I got on the scales this morning and my weight had ballooned. Initially i was really upset and angry at both myself and my partner. My partner for her unhealthy view to her surgery and myself for getting sucked in to that way of eating. I went to the gym and after a good work out i put a few things into perspective. When i weighed myself this morning i had been awake and sitting at my desk for nearly 2 hrs so I would have accumulated a bit of fluid because that's just what my body does and also i'd drunk over 1/2 a litre of water as well. I decided to go out and buy myself a fitbit aria to weigh myself on so i could track things better and when i got home and did a test weigh i was much lower. Granted a different set of scales but the weights were fairly similar. So taking that all into account i'm not as angry and upset as I was this morning. I need to keep reminding myself that this is a marathon not a sprint and I want sustainable loss not just good looking scales.