Failure is not an option



  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    So Massive victories on the scale and off the scale today. It's been a bit of a big day.

    Scales: I jumped on the scales for my official Monday weight and it came back at 110kg (242.5lb). First goal reached!!!!! It has taken me a bit longer than first thought (16 weeks) but then I think my first goals were a bit unrealistic. I feel like I have broken a bit of a mental hurdle reaching this milestone. So now onto the next. Again i'm giving myself a 16 week timeframe and hope to weigh 100kg (220.5lb) by the 15th August. MY determination is at an all time high right now. My Starting weight was 121.1kg (267lb).

    Non Scales: I have dropped 2 dress sizes since the beginning of January. When I started I was a 22-24 (18-20 US). As of today I am a comfortable 18 (14). I haven't been in this size clothing for around 5 years. I got so excited I went a bit nuts and bought a heap of clothes for the gym. Not sure i'm game enough to wear them yet as they show all my flabby bits in all their glory but i'm wearing them around home. My habit of wearing bigger clothes to hide the fat is going to take some breaking. But i'm so happy. For the first time in years I was able to go to the sports section of Kmart and buy clothes rather than have to go to another shop and buy from the "fat" section. I treated myself to that star wars belt that i may have mentioned a few weeks ago. It still doesn't fit but its very close to it. I'd say another 2 months and it will fit. Can't wait.

    So it's been a massive day here and so many positives. I'm feeling really pumped and ready to takle the next goal now
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    I can't even put into words how excited I am for you over your massive victories but suffice it to say that I am doing a celebratory dance right now! Way to go! :)
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    AWESOME! I'm with @WifiresGettingFit - Happy Dance all around! That Star Wars belt is just around the corner. Hang it up next to your scale as extra motivation in the mornings :smile:
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Kell, fantastic update I'm glad to hear that your back at it and hitting it hard. Take that enthusiasm and burn burn burn. Great job hitting the 110kg mark. With how you set yourself up with the gym competition, new eating plan, regimented weighing plan, and that fancy fandangled new watch I have a ton of faith that you will crush your 16 week goal to lose the next 10kg. Oh yeah, speaking about the gym, what package did you decide on with the trainer? I don't remember you saying if you actually pulled the trigger on buying it or not.

    Congrats on the new sizing for your clothes! Fitting into new stuffs a lot of fun! I hate shopping other than online so luckily I still have 90% of my old clothes that I am working on getting into. Don't have to worry about going shopping any time soon.

    I wish I could jump on the train with you, but for now I'll have to be your obese male cheerleader!
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    @50extra i definitely did pull the trigger on the fitness challenge and I have purchased the top package for $230 which gives me an individual 6 week program and 6 30 min PT sessions with the trainer. I get my program and do my first fitness test on the 3rd of May. I am totally pumped for this. it's going to go off!!!!!
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Well that's great news. I'm looking forward to reading about how it goes.

    What is the premise for the fitness challenge? What are you going to be measured on? Wondering how you find out who wins it.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Basically there are 4 exercises that we do at the start of the challenge. They have been chosen as they have no variables so one is 300m on treadmill (walk or run) / 300m on Rower at set tension same for everyone. Not sure what the other two are but you get the idea. We do these at the beginning and at the end. The person with the most improved numbers is the winner. So ideally at the first test on the treadmill I will walk my 300m and by then end of the challenge be able to run the 300m.

    Today i am having an enforced rest day. As I have mentioned before for some reason we don't know (although the doctors keeps telling me it's cause im fat) my knees fill with fluid every 10 days. Sometimes its worse than others but mostly I have been exercising through it and dealing with it. This week however, my knees are really full up with fluid and stiff and sore. I tried to exercise through it but it just seems to have made it a bit worse. I didn't go to the gym yesterday but did 30 mins on my pedals. Today i'm just going to have to suck it up and completely rest them and perhaps tomorrow too. My wish is that when I lose this weight and am down to my goal weight my knees still do this so I can go back to them and say now do your damn job and work out whats wrong. I swear all they see is obese person it has to be the weight. It only started when i tried to lose weight by riding an exercise bike. Anyway that's my rant for the day back to curing the ill people of my country.

    Have a good one
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Hahaha, get fit and tell your doctor to shove it, I like that.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @Kell2912 My aunt had a ton of knee problems and eventually had to have a knee replacement. I'm definitely no expert but I did do a little digging and swollen knee (also called water on the knee) is usually caused by trauma/overuse injuries/or underlying disease or condition. I don't recommend exercising through it. Have they taken a sample of the fluid to test it? If not, I would request they do so.
    (you may have seen this already in your own research but just in case)

  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    yeah i have read those. Thanks for the link. They wont take a sample of fluid cause they are just putting it down to me being fat. I'm going to go to the gym today but not do any leg work. Just arm stuff
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    I'd get a second opinion then if you're able to. (or third if need be - I wouldn't wait on it though like you mentioned because you never know what kind of damage it may be causing and the longer they piss around and the more you wait - it could be extensive)

    Hope you enjoy your time at the gym!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    There's a reason they call what they do "practice"...I would use arnica and comfrey topically, if you are comfortable with non-western medicine.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    That was a good read. As I state over and over, I am a huge fan of daily weighing. It cuts all the crap from the once a week weighing where you go "I don't know why I haven't lost weight". Weighing every day takes out the surprises. I only record my weight once per week but I know roughly where I will be each time because chances are I weighed the following morning and night if I worked out.

    I've been overweight, sorry obese for the better part of my life and to stay on track I need the constant reminder of how I am doing. The more I weigh myself the better.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    HUGE LOSS today!!! Lets hear about it!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Whoooo hooooo!!!!
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Nah not a huge loss. I think it was a misfire on the scales. There's no way i can lost 1.5kg one day and then put 2.5kg on the next. I have consistently been closer to the higher reading for the last 2 days. Especially given I have been unwell and laying in bed for most of the weekend. Also drinking fanta as when i'm sick i crave sugar.
    So at the end of the month I lost 2.2kg (5lb) in April. Not as much as I would have liked, but on the flip side of that I have made a lot of body changes and am noticeably building up muscle so all in all im pretty happy where things are at the moment. Bring on May and the fitness challenge and everything that brings to my table
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Hey you came out of the month 5 pounds lighter than you went into as. That's a win. I would have been happy to get out of April down 5 pounds instead of up 5. You are getting stronger every time you hit the gym, and every one of those pounds lost makes you healthier. Sorry to hear about the cold and the sugar binge. Make sure you kick it in the *kitten* and kill it at your challenge. When you get the official challenge, make sure you post it on here. When does your first 1 on 1 start with the trainer?
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Feeling much better today. Thankfully only a 48 hr thing but still feeling pretty tired. I think that's going to be a constant state now i'm back at work on nights though. I go back to the gym on Wednesday (my time) and I will get my new program which I will definitely post here. I'm hoping my first 1:1 can be on Friday morning after I finish work. That will be my only opportunity this week. I'm getting quite pumped about it. To be honest i think after 6 weeks I was getting a bit bored with my old program and it was affecting my motivation.

    I want to try and be more active while i'm at work of a night. Generally when i get a call I stand at my standing desk and take the call and in between calls i sit at my home computer. Some nights it's busy and I am up and down all night but others tend to be slow and I often will sit for extended periods of time. I work in a small room and there isn't much space with 2 desks and and 3 computers in here so i'm limited what I can do. I did however find on instagram today something that might just fit the bill for getting me moving for a bit. It's a monthly kettlebell challenge. Each day for the month of May you do a different kettlebell exercise. So day 1-5 of the week its a different exercise. day 6 you do days 1-5 exercises all together and Sunday you rest. And so it goes through the month until you get to the last 2 days where you combine weeks 1-2 and then 3-4. Its just challenging enough to be interesting but not out of reach. I need to buy another kettlebell as some of the exercises require 2 but I did one tonight and wow it worked the arms. I got a bit of a puff up too. I'm also going to do some core work in between calls as well. That way I don't feel so bad about sitting when I do.

    I've set myself a little mini goal this month to lose 5kg (11lb). It's just over a kg a week. I won't be devastated it i don't get there as I believe with a new program building new muscle the scales are not going to be entirely accurate but I will give it a try. It will help me keep on track with my eating.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Also when I have my body Comp scan done on the 25th I want to see an increase in Lean Muscle Mass. I can feel the muscle building, I just hope it translates on the scan. My nutritionist wants my BMR up to 1800 cals. So far with the LMM loss last month it went down to 1523cals but if i can get it back up to say 1650 this time around I will be happy