Failure is not an option



  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    A massive few days and I have fallen off the wagon something shocking. Been eating all the wrong things while my partner has been in hospital and not getting to the gym. It's hard when you're going to the hospital twice a day and it's just over half an hour away from home. Not enough time in the day. Hopefully she is coming home today. We're just waiting to be reviewed by the doctor now. Once home I can get back on the wagon and start following the nutrition plan that I have been given and get back to the gym. I'm really missing it. Prior to falling off I was making great progress with weight loss. I just hope I haven't done too much damage in the last 2 days
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    I'm sure that its disappointing that you have fallen off, but if you want to look at a positive side, you are giving your injured leg some needed downtime. I've been off the wagon for a week now, but I fly from Moscow to Siberia tonight an can get back onto a normal diet and exercise plan. We will do this!
  • quzzdragon
    quzzdragon Posts: 140 Member
    You're sure to be able to get back on track - you already have the mindset and that's the hard part. Right now it's important to be there for your partner - glad she's getting out today and that everything went well! Wishing her a speedy recovery.
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    So glad everything went ok with you're partner. You are dedicated so you will get back on track. You needed to be with her and don't feel bad about that. You are an inspiration so I have no doubt you'll get back in the groove.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    So it seems I am back into it. Had an awesome strength session today. Challenged myself by upping the weights and managed it well. Did core as well. I think I'm starting to see some changes in my body shape. My next body composition scan on 11th April will be interesting. It's weigh day tomorrow, I hope I haven't done too much damage with my dodgy eating over the early part of the week. I bought another fit ball yesterday and have replaced my office chair with it so I can bounce and move while I'm sitting at the computer. Need to get my core strength up to help my back stay strong and not go out all the time.
    I hope you're all doing well in your own journeys and you're all healthy and well. Thank you for being an inspiration to me and helping me on my own journey to healthiness. You guys are awesome. Love my little Healthy family xxx
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Glad to hear that you are back at it and hope your SO is healing up well. I like the idea of replacing my office chair with one of those but it would be impossible to find where I am at and I don't feel like packing one 13 time zones around the world.

    Been a few days since you updated us on your calf muscle, whats going on with it?
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Oh yeah calf muscle........wel it has healed super well. I basically have no soreness now except if I really stride out. I am still going soft with it though and doing exercises to strengthen before I go back on the treadmill and step ups. I think all the walking I had to do this week from the car park to the hospital really helped it. I definitely clocked up Kilometres doing that twice a day for 4 days. Physio is happy with it and doesn't want to see me again. So all in all I'm nearly back to normal with that.
    thanks for asking 50
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Thanks for asking? No need to thank me for anything, your one of like 4 people in my support group, I need all members to be on their game in order for me to be on mine. Make sure you take it real easy and get full mobility in it before you do that exercise again, I would hate for it to become a serious injury. Maybe some better stretching would help going forward.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    NO Way man. I've worked too hard to get where i am to stuff it up now. I'll be around for the long haul
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    So tonight's journal entry is dedicated to 50extra
    And because he was looking for it here is a progress picture. This is me in January this year (left) and me on the 21st of this month (right)

    Also because of 50, I am also going to put down on paper (metaphorically speaking) my weight loss goals
    So Long term I want to lose 55kg (121lb). My start weight was 120.1kg (264.7lb) and I want to get to 65kg (143lb).

    My first goal is to weigh 110kg (242.5lb) by 10th April. So As of today I weigh 114.4kg (252.2lb). I have 18 days to lose 4.4kg (9.7lb). I think it's a tall ask but hey i'm going to work as hard as I can to get as close as possible to that mark.

    Once I hit the 110kg goal my next one will be 100kg (220lb). I aim to reach this goal by 11th July. That will mark 20kg down and almost halfway.

    After this I will reassess and see what my goals will be for the 6 months after July.

    I had a fairly lack lustre day today. I got up really tired and my body felt tired. I really gave it a massive go at the gym yesterday and seem to be paying for it today. I got ready to go to the gym even though I didn't feel like it and when I got there i couldn't find a car park ( I must admit i didn't search too hard either). I just drove out and came home. My heart wasn't in it today. My calf is a bit sore too which didn't improve my mood.
    I just spent the day fluffing around the house but I did take one of my dogs for a 24min walk in the afternoon and I felt better after doing that.

    Right now I'm just completely shattered so i'm off to bed with my dogs. Hopefully No one smacks my with the sleepy stick tomorrow and I can get happening.

    Hope you are all well my peeps. Stay Beautiful xxx
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    That's a GREAT progress picture! It's really inspiring how much hard work you continue to put toward your health goals. Keep up the good work. You're doing a wonderful job staying on track...and getting back on track when you slip.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Well this post is fantastic! And it goes to show exactly what lifting like a machine will do for you.

    I am a firm believer on setting goals, and i think they should be tough goals, yet achievable with hard work. Before I let MFP dominate my free time it was personal finance and everyone that I coached, I had do the same. Immediate, short and long term goals. I view this journey in the same way. (Only difference is my financial life is much more in order than my health/weight)

    First off great work on that 12.5 pounds. We have all read about some of the obstacles that you have had to face with your SO and you made it through pretty much unscathed. Also, you had/have a potentially derailing calf injury that has barely slowed you down. Something like this would destroy most peoples progress immediately. Hell, I have deleted a good 20 people off my friends list in the last month because they just gave up without having to deal with any of these life events.

    As for your picture. You seriously already look younger. Your neck is noticeably slimmer, under your chin is thinning out very nicely and your cheeks are changing shape. What I see that is most impressive is how your traps look different even from the front. I imagine its because you're toning them, and in return they are strengthening up and tightening down giving you a longer thinner neck.

    Think about this, you have made all this progress in a bit over two months. Imagine the kinds of pictures you are going to be able to post after 6 months, the kinds of shots we will be seeing in a year from now. I hope you are celebrating this, I know I sure am for you. I love the drive you are showing, you have jumped in with both feet and didn't just resort to taking a light walk a couple times a week like most. You are going to absolutely reinvent your body, and you have already completely redefined how you are living your life, I can't wait to see more photos like this in the coming months.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Wow 50 thank you so much for those words, especially on a night where i was having a bit of a downer on how I look because the rest of me still looks fat and flabby. But yes There are changes and I am a long way from where i was at the beginning of the year when I started this journey. I'm noticing many great things such as my clothes fitting better, going down 1-2 sizes, being able to move a lot easier and without getting breathless at the slightest thing and seeing how much extra I can do at the gym each week. I know i have a massive journey ahead but i need to remember that i have also already made some great changes. This is a marathon and not a sprint. This time next year I will be half the person I am now but twice the person for the experience. Thank you my friend for helping me put that into perspective.

    On a less positive note my calf is playing up again so I need to baby it a bit. I will probably go to the gym every 2nd day and maybe on the other days just do some light work and core stuff at home. I can't risk it tearing completely.

    If i don't get back beforehand, Happy Easter to all of your who will be celebrating it. xxx
  • quzzdragon
    quzzdragon Posts: 140 Member
    You two are both so inspiring. You really are. I love hearing about both your journies.

    Kell you really do look awesome, and what's even better is to hear how much better you feel. But please, please please please please! Please take care of your calf.

    Happy Easter!!
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    If your thought process is anything like mine you will know what i mean here. I can tell myself a thousand times that this is a long process, and sometimes I think that I even believe it when I say it. Regardless, there's always a part of me that believes with all of the time, sweat and sacrifices that I am putting in, I should see results faster. We will always be critical of our own selves, and times when you get down on how your body works are the times when we are lucky to have a group like this one. I figure I have another five months of weight loss and then a lifetime of body re-composition and maintenance so I will be here for a while if you need me.

    TAKE CARE OF YOUR LEG. It will be devastating if you wreck it for a long period. Make sure its healed, don't destroy it please!

    And happy easter to you too. My day will be filled up exactly the same as every other day over here. Oatmeal, eggs, chicken, rice, protein powder, 13.5 hours of work, 25 minutes T25, 3 minutes stretching, 30-40 minute bike, shower, sleep, repeat.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Thanks Guys. I'm taking care of it. That's why I had a rest day today. It went totally against everything I wanted to do and I feel horrible cause i haven't exercised but I rested. Tomorrow I will be back at the gym, however if it starts playing up I will stop. Like you, I don't want/ can't afford a long term injury.

    50 i know exactly what you're talking about regarding the weight loss. I say to myself (and everyone else) this is a marathon not a sprint and I have got a good 18 months before I will be close to where I want to be and yes then its about keeping it off. However I do get dishearted when I think i've lost weight but then see a photo of myself and not much has changed. Especially with all the work i'm doing to get it off. My partner has lost in 4 weeks what it has taken me 12 weeks to lose. I must say I am a little jealous of that. But i do know why it's like that and that's the way it just is.

    I'm thinking by the time summer comes back around for me in December things are going to be very different.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Hell yeah, by the time summer comes around you will be twice the woman at a fraction of the size.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Wow massive session at the gym today. It was strength day today so weights all the way. When I first started this program 4 weeks ago, I pretty much had the pin on all the weight equipment set to 2kg and even then i struggled a bit. Today i had the leg extension equipment on 5kg. It worked the legs and they are weary tonight but I reckon next time i do strength i will go up to 6kg. Deadlift i'm still just doing with an empty 20kg barbell but thinking next week i might have a go at 5kg on either side. Chest Press i went to town and upped it to 6kg i got through the first set of 15 and it was tough but i did it. knowing I wouldn't get through another set i dropped back down to 5kg for the next two reps. Seated row i'm doing 5kg just a little bit too easy now so next time its 6kg. Shoulder raises im doing with 4kg hand weights and thinking maybe 5kg next time. Bicep curls i really struggle with for some reason and still back on 4kg for those and have a tough time with it. Triceps im doing with 4kg hand weights but thats going up to 5kg.

    Having said all that even though i reckon I can go up weights next time, my arms and legs are really weary tonight. More so than they have been since i started at the gym 9 weeks ago. I really feel like i had a huge session and pushed things today which i'm stoked about. I think my fitness is getting to a level where I can really push myself further than what I was. I'm really noticing how much easier it is to move, how much more energy I have. The only thing is i'm having trouble getting to sleep at night. That could be my night sleeping thing though. I rarely sleep well at night. Be interesting to see how i go when I get back to work in 2 weeks.

    Tomorrow is a rest day. I'm so paranoid about injury that I don't want to push things too far. I have to remember I am fat, 43 and still relatively unfit.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Awesome work! Its great that you are seeing gains in your lifting already. I have read that it is usually hard to develop muscle when eating at a deficit so you are clearly doing something right being able to drop fat and pick up strength. I seen that you posted another 1/4lb loss so the scales still going in the right direction.

    Good job on recognizing when your body needs a rest, I have a real hard time convincing myself to take a rest day. I am absolutely terrified that taking a day off will set me back a week even though I know it doesn't work like that. I might take a day off on Thursday. Quick question, when you take a rest day, does that mean that its a complete rest day? No weights, no cardio? Do you take a day off of eating to your plan too or does that stay on track?
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    I supposed blessed is a good word to use here but I have been blessed with a body that gains muscle very easily. I'm one of those that can look at a weight and instantly add muscle. When I had my body comp done last month the guy that did it was amazed at my muscle mass. He pointed out one of the guys who obviously lifts regularly and said "you have bigger mass than that bloke". It's a bit weird in a female but yeah i'm lucky that way.

    I know what you're saying about having a rest day. Physically i know I need a rest but mentally i feel so guilty and have these mental images of me putting on heaps of kilos but I make myself do it. My nutritionist wants me at the gym 5 days a week and on the days I don't go he wants me to do a walk or ride on my pedals. Depending on the weather tomorrow I will go for a walk. I don't stray from my eating plan though. I haven't had a cheat day in a few weeks and I'm not planning to for a while yet. In fact i'm so paranoid that on days i don't go to the gym, I tend to eat even more lean than on days when I do.