July check in and chat: barbell-lovin' BAMFs in training



  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Can I ask what an Accessory leg lift is?
  • inkysmurf
    inkysmurf Posts: 168
    lwoodroff - hope you have a lovely day in barcelona today.

    Go Zanyzana - great progress!

    Roxy - an accessory is when you do a extra exercises focusing on a weaker area to help strengthen this.

    A few weeks ago - my back was playing up so i've started adding in extra core accessory exercises to strengthen this area (v sites/ frog kicks/ jack knives/ full sit ups) - which has helped a lot!
    My legs are strong so I've not done any leg accessory work - but someone will be able to advise or point you in the direction of accessory leg exercises.
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    Can I ask what an Accessory leg lift is?

    accessory as in adding to your main routine, split squats or pistol squats
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Thanks - I thought it was some sort of special leg lift!

    I was on my rest day today. So I chopped down a tree, and dug out my garden, some rest lol
  • Sugar_Junkie
    Sugar_Junkie Posts: 366 Member
    NSV-- Went to gym Tuesday and a girl that goes there was in the locker room with me, she comes over and says "I just had to tell you that you squat better than 90% of the men in this gym and you are like a hero to me right now." I'll take that!!!! Not quite 3 months into lifting and I am better than most of the men in there that have been lifting for years.

    PS-- I am almost threw with my first session of Stronglifts, so suggestions on where to go from there?? Should I do another session of this and build up to one of the other programs or try something different. I don't really have any issues with this program. Just curious what you ladies have done.
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    I bit the bullet and de-loaded my squats from 145 to 95 lbs and made sure I went ATG. Well, well - obviously that was the right thing to do because it was hella hard and the next couple of days I had some muscle soreness in my hams/glutes. Will build by 5 lb increments and see where that gets me. I will get back to those big plates with perfect form, oh yes.

    I recently did the same thing. It is totally worth it. You wont regret it. :flowerforyou:

    Finally got caught up with this thread. I've missed reading about all this awesomeness! Been in a Nyquil coma since last weekend (flu=chest stuff/asthma, so no heavy workouts--didn't we recently have this conversation? Medhi's ridiculous email? :laugh: ) and I cannot wait to get back under a bar.

    Any suggestions on how to approach my first SL workout after this dumb illness? It will only be a week to 10 day rest, but I feel super weak and achy. Not to mention asthma saps the energy. Maybe just do squats the first workout back?

    Thanks :bigsmile:

  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    NSV-- Went to gym Tuesday and a girl that goes there was in the locker room with me, she comes over and says "I just had to tell you that you squat better than 90% of the men in this gym and you are like a hero to me right now." I'll take that!!!! Not quite 3 months into lifting and I am better than most of the men in there that have been lifting for years.

    PS-- I am almost threw with my first session of Stronglifts, so suggestions on where to go from there?? Should I do another session of this and build up to one of the other programs or try something different. I don't really have any issues with this program. Just curious what you ladies have done.

    That's a wonderful compliment!

    I finished my first 12 week round of SL and I'm doing another, though I've gone to 3x5 on some of the lifts. I'll keep with it until I stall out or get burned out. There's a sticky that talks about some of the intermediate programs on the group page. I think it's called Life after 5x5. Maybe that will give you some ideas. :flowerforyou:
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Cheryl - I'm glad you are feeling better. Why don't you try working up in 10 pound increments towards where you were? That way if you hit a weight that feels heavy, you can do a set or two there. I would also stick to no more than 3x5 - no sense in overdoing it and being too sore or sick to do the next workout!

    Sugar - that's an awesome NSV! You can always repeat SL again, and move to 3x5 on lifts where you have stopped progressing. Some of us have done that, some have moved on to one of the intermediate programs covered in Tameko's sticky, and some of us are in the midst of becoming Beautiful Badasses (a Nia Shank's program).
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Sugar--I'm well into my second round of SL and went 3x5 across the board (execept deadlift, of course). You can probably squeeze some more progression out before moving on to something different. Up to you though. You've got a great assortment to choose from.

    Workout B today and I'm 90% excited about it.

    Squats: 165lbs 3x5---This was my final weight at the end of round 1, so from here on out, it's all going to be PRs.
    OHP: 70lbs (5-3-3) :grumble:
    Deadlift: 195lbs 1x5 PR and 5lbs away from my July goal. I think I'm going to stay at the weight the next time because my form felt just slightly off on the last rep.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Sugar Junkie - That is a great NSV!!!!

    cpiton - maybe you can do a progressive load where you start with your warm ups and then just add 5/10 lbs until you hit a comfortable working weight. That way you get in the reps and know where you should look at starting the next workout.

    Well, I think I'm going to take a week or so off of any lifting and do just light cardio or nothing at all. Well, I'm going to lift next Wednesday when I meet up with the lady from the powerlifting team, but I think that is about it. Then I will come back with a deload and still a bit of a reduced schedule. I just keep tweeking things here and there and not really making progress. So....I'm going to throw up my hands, bite the bullet and give my body a total reset. I know it will benefit me in the long run.

    ETA my stuff for today.....brain not working well.

    Squat 1x5 @ 110, 120, 130
    Deadlifts 1x5 @ 135, 155 then did three single pulls @ 185. Tried to do start a pull with a row so I stopped. Brain not with it.

    Then finished with 2x (30' each way) Death March with 2 20 lb dumbbells. Wow, I will be feeling the hamstrings and lower back tomorrow.
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    Thanks, kirabob and jstout :flowerforyou: That sounds like a good plan. I usually do tons of warm ups anyway. I just won't worry about hitting my working weight in the first workout back.

    I already feel like I've been lifting, my muscles are so sore. :frown:

    Great workout, Jstout! :drinker: Nice deadlift!

  • jogirlruns
    jogirlruns Posts: 45 Member
    I'm off from lifting today. We're in the middle of a heat wave (90+ and humid). I brought my kayak to work, so I'm aiming to go for a paddle and swim this afternoon :)

    Sounds like a great way to end your day!

    I got in a partial workout in 20 minutes, yesterday
    Squats 100 lbs
    OHP 50 lbs - felt strong!
    Some bent leg raises and planks to finish off

    Will be off camping in a few days - will try to get one more good gym workout before I go.

    So looking forward to getting away!

    Keep up the good work everyone - you are all so inspiring!!

  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    There are some really awesom numbers being lifted here, Jogirlruns 50lb OHP is just inconceivable to me right now lol!

    So, back down to 30kg today on my squats, really watching my form which made it hard. My right hip is for sure the issue I could feel it getting really tight. Then I benched the oly bar for 6x5. Followed with rows at 35kg.

    I also did about 10 bulgarian split squats unweighted on each leg. I tried a pistol squat, fell over on the way down then having repositioned myself could not get up so will be leaving them alone for now.

    Spider crunches, full sit ups, frog kicks and russian twists for my core bit.

    Followed up with a nice dog walk for cardio
  • grandmoo
    grandmoo Posts: 34 Member
    Today was workout day but alas, I've been so fatigued the last two days that I didn't go. I think there's more at play than (lack of) carbs, I went to the doctor's office before work and got a B12 shot. Got brave enough to ask to have a prescription so I can do it myself more often. Just can't afford $30/shot. The shots have helped in the past, so I'm hoping for some relief again.

    I'm going out of town for a few days and probably won't be back to the gym until Wednesday, so that will be a week of rest/recovery. I'd feel bad about it, if I didn't feel so weak and tired-lol. As it is, I'm just kind of glad to have an excuse. :tongue:

    I plan to keep reading here though, so you guys keep calm and lift heavy, ya hear?
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    You obviously need the break. Have you tried a multi vit with iron? anaemia can make you feel very fatigued
  • jogirlruns
    jogirlruns Posts: 45 Member
    Today was workout day but alas, I've been so fatigued the last two days that I didn't go. I think there's more at play than (lack of) carbs, I went to the doctor's office before work and got a B12 shot. Got brave enough to ask to have a prescription so I can do it myself more often. Just can't afford $30/shot. The shots have helped in the past, so I'm hoping for some relief again.

    I'm going out of town for a few days and probably won't be back to the gym until Wednesday, so that will be a week of rest/recovery. I'd feel bad about it, if I didn't feel so weak and tired-lol. As it is, I'm just kind of glad to have an excuse. :tongue:

    I plan to keep reading here though, so you guys keep calm and lift heavy, ya hear?

    Take care of yourself. I hope you're feeling better soon!
  • jogirlruns
    jogirlruns Posts: 45 Member
    There are some really awesom numbers being lifted here, Jogirlruns 50lb OHP is just inconceivable to me right now lol!

    LOL - I was at 45 lbs for weeks and weeks. Just recently bumped it up and imagine it will be weeks and weeks again until I am able to progress further. But I'm ok with it - Slow progress is still progress!

  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    I did an extra set at 45 today but I would not feel confident putting any more weight on there. There were times the only thing that got that bar up was sheer determination, there was no strength involved I moved it with my mind lol
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    OHP is a beast, that's for sure.

    On my way out the door to take baby girl to the doctor for a fever that just won't go away - but -

    Intensity day in my first week of the Texas Method:

    Squats 1x5 175 - fairly easy, as I have done 3x5 at this weight before.
    Bench - 1x3 112.5 - I was only supposed to do 1, but 3 felt good, and I could have done 5, but wanted something left in the tank. WOOT!
    Power cleans - 5x3 65 - Just learning these, and I think I did okay, just need to work on getting my elbows up higher, and figuring out how to 'drop the bar' down to my hands for the hang.

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Woke up with no motivated bone in my body. Had to do a deload on squats and deadlifts, which I already deloaded 3 weeks ago and started from scratch basically. Skipped the complex altogether.

    Grrrr. WTF is happening?

    Least it's Friday. Hooray weekend!

    Deload week next week plus getting going on some form of cardio. It just has to happen. Hate to grumble-dump and walk away but I'm feeling beyond frustrated right now ... Be back at some point when I can pay attention to what y'all posted and respond properly. Sorry. :flowerforyou: