July check in and chat: barbell-lovin' BAMFs in training



  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Kirabob how you finding Texas Method? R u following as laid out by rippletoe?

    I'm following a program customised for me and loving it

    I'm loving it! I've got the basic Rippetoe plan, but I am customizing the accessory stuff. I'm definitely recovering better, and with the weight increases being slower, I feel like I'm not going to stall for a looooong time. I also deloaded 90% across the board when I switched. I don't know that that was necessary, but I figured it wouldn't hurt, since I was stalling on my heaviest weights on OHP and bench.

    Aidas- glad your shoulder is doing better - take it easy! I'm not the right person to ask about intake - I bumped up to 2300 and it's going to take a herd of wild horses to get me to eat anything less. Lifting is AWESOME when fully nourished. As long as I don't start gaining fat, I'm more than happy to lift, eat, and wait longer for the fat loss. :smile:

    Cheryl - glad you are back at it - and that's still pretty tough for a come-back workout!

    Dani - I'm making friends with cardio again, too. Just two days a week in short bursts after lifting - but I need to do at least a little.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    @aidasmom, you could start at 1800 and bump it up every week until you find a number that works for you. Are you doing TDEE - %, or doing it the MFP way?

    Workout A tonight. I'm switching to M,W,F because my workouts are getting too long to do on T, Th in between jobs, and I'm getting too lazy to go on Saturdays. I prefer to workout in the afternoon, but gotta do what I gotta do.

    Squats: 165lbs 3x5
    Bench: 95lbs 3x5
    Rows: 95lbs 6-7-7

    Nothing too exciting number-wise. I think I'm going to test out 100lbs on rows next A day (and see if I can actually get all 5) and am nervous to go for 100 on bench. I'm starting to get into big scary numbers (for me).
  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    @aidasmom, you could start at 1800 and bump it up every week until you find a number that works for you. Are you doing TDEE - %, or doing it the MFP way?

    Workout A tonight. I'm switching to M,W,F because my workouts are getting too long to do on T, Th in between jobs, and I'm getting too lazy to go on Saturdays. I prefer to workout in the afternoon, but gotta do what I gotta do.

    Squats: 165lbs 3x5
    Bench: 95lbs 3x5
    Rows: 95lbs 6-7-7

    Nothing too exciting number-wise. I think I'm going to test out 100lbs on rows next A day (and see if I can actually get all 5) and am nervous to go for 100 on bench. I'm starting to get into big scary numbers (for me).

    That's super exciting that you're getting to triple digits on your bench and rows! You can totally do it. : )

    I'm kinda doing tdee-10ish% right now, but I'm being conservative on my exercise for the tdee calculation. I'm not so much worried about losing scale weight anymore, but I know I'll lose more fat eventually with muscle gains. I guess I'm just in search of the sweet spot and it may be higher than what I was expecting : )
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    "The reason we bother with weights is so that we can throw them at men who ask us why we bother with weights."

    Now THAT is something to remember and use next time.

    Thanks to all of you ladies who commiserated with me. It is annoying, but I'll manage.

    I talk to him the same way I do my 12 year old son. I don't think he likes it, but I don't care.

    Good thing I did skip deadlifts, my lower back is still messed up, swimming just about killed me today.
  • inkysmurf
    inkysmurf Posts: 168
    Ladies knocking it the park (and towards meatheads!) as always...

    Just felt good today :-)

    squats 5x5 @ 62.5kg = 137lbs (hurrah)
    bench 5x5 @ 27.5 = 60lbs hurrah hurrahh - this is the weigh I TRIED to lift a few weeks ago due to having a dohhhh moment and couldn't - this morning - BOOYAHHHH
    pendlay rows 5x5@30 = 66lbs - form still crap on these but they felt better... so word on these is stick here again...
    3x 15 reverse crunch, 2x 12 full sit ups, 15 jack knifes, 3x5 body weight inverted rows
    8 x push ups
    7 x chin ups from floor to door,
    4 x chin ups from not touching florr to door (oh yeah)
    62 air squats - going to add 10 every workout from now on - wee mini goal

    "ladies who lift problems" - going to run out of space on my bar for deadlifts by the end of next week - time to buy another set of 10kgs....as these are narrower than my 5's..

    weight now up to 138 from 133 in 8 weeks, but my arms are looking good :-)
  • zanyzana
    zanyzana Posts: 248 Member
    Hi BAMFs, I did another B-session today. I increased my squat for 3 sets, then back to last time's weight. So, 32.5kg for 3 sets, then back to 30kg for the next 2. OHP I got the only bar up for 2 sets, then back to 17kg for the next 3, and finally, I deadlifted 50kg for 3 sets. Gosh, that sounds like a big number! I'm going to say it in lbs and feel like an Amazon... 110 lbs. wow. I weighed that once, when I was about 10!!! I lifted a me in a previous life! Anyway, all the weights are feeling pretty damn heavy now. And my knees were tired after a bike ride yesterday. It wasn't long, but I've lost some bike fitness while being away.

    Sounds like everybody is getting so strong. It's really inspiring to read your weights (after I do the maths!).

    As for stupid morning forgetfulness - forgot my glasses this morning. Luckily I realised when I was half way there and turned back. I can't read a thing without them and wouldn't have a clue what weights I was up to. Oh yeah, and there's work afterwards... Kinda helpful to be able to read!
  • alliebeth88
    alliebeth88 Posts: 59 Member
    Took about a week off for my brain and connective tissue to rest and feeling awesome now :)

    Squats 115 5x5
    OHP 55 5x5
    DL: 160 1x5, 170 3x5!!! AND I kept my back (mostly) straight. Hoo-wah!

    I feel like my squat weight is measley. Like, come on, Allie, aren't ladies supposed to squat a boatload? Sometimes I am tempted to go all beast mode and put like 150 lbs on there, but then I remember that I would probably die, so I don't. *sigh* 5 lbs per workout on that one.
  • Coquette6
    Coquette6 Posts: 158 Member
    I feel like my squat weight is measley. Like, come on, Allie, aren't ladies supposed to squat a boatload? Sometimes I am tempted to go all beast mode and put like 150 lbs on there, but then I remember that I would probably die, so I don't. *sigh* 5 lbs per workout on that one.

    I know the feeling. I just keep reminding myself that I've got no one to compare myself to but me. :flowerforyou:

    Squat - 105lbs x 5 x 5 - New record for me! :happy:
    Bench - 70lbs x 5 x 4
    Row - 70lbs x 5 x 5 - Felt easy, up to 75lbs next time.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Squats 115 5x5

    I feel like my squat weight is measley. Like, come on, Allie, aren't ladies supposed to squat a boatload? Sometimes I am tempted to go all beast mode and put like 150 lbs on there, but then I remember that I would probably die, so I don't. *sigh* 5 lbs per workout on that one.

    I've been squatting for 6 months and never been able to get past 90 pounds.

    Your squat weight is not measley. I'm hoping to squat triple digits sometime within the next month or two. I'm purposefully progressing slowly because I made up my mind when I started that I was going to take the scenic route and enjoy the journey and milk my newbie gains for as long as possible, so I keep changing up programs and deloading. But, I've gained a crapton of functional strength and am fitter now at 45 than I've been in years and years, so it's all good. :smile:
  • mnrunion
    mnrunion Posts: 37 Member
    I'm new to the board but I've been reading up on 5x5 Stronglifts for a month or so now (mostly the sticky posts). My husband and I have been lifting since January of this year at the local gym we joined. The group weightlifting classes are Wednesday and Saturday but since I wanted to lift more we have started a home gym with a squat rack and bench.

    We started 5x5 on Saturday and did workout B last night after our group fitness class (generally hiit, tabata, circuit type workouts). Do you guys generally do other workouts in addition to 5x5? I did feel a little drained but completed all sets. I started with the recommended 5x5 weights which are below what I would normally lift and my max.

    Thanks and I look forward to joining the group.
  • Sugar_Junkie
    Sugar_Junkie Posts: 366 Member
    I haven't been in here for a few days. Our busy season has kicked in at work so I have less time to play on the internet if i get much at all. Any who... I have decided to tweak my diet as I am staying hungry at my calorie intake. I have been trying to keep my macros in check and stay at 1650 cals however it has been a struggle to get that cal intake and also stay at a certain macro intake. With that said I am going to try to focus more on my calorie intake and not be as strict on my macros. I am not taking in the minimum 1650 when i concentrate on hitting macros and i need my cals.

    On a different note my stronglifts are going well I have about 10 days left in my first round. I think I will do it again ;)
  • Coquette6
    Coquette6 Posts: 158 Member
    We started 5x5 on Saturday and did workout B last night after our group fitness class (generally hiit, tabata, circuit type workouts). Do you guys generally do other workouts in addition to 5x5?

    Welcome! You might get away with doing the 5x5 after your class for a little while, but once the weights start getting more challenging, something will have to give. I think the usual rule is to do cardio (HIIT, circuits, etc) after weights, if you do them on the same day. I don't do any other exercise on the days I lift, barring my usual walking/stair climbing for work. I run on my off days though, and take one day a week as a total rest day.
  • mnrunion
    mnrunion Posts: 37 Member
    Welcome! You might get away with doing the 5x5 after your class for a little while, but once the weights start getting more challenging, something will have to give. I think the usual rule is to do cardio (HIIT, circuits, etc) after weights, if you do them on the same day. I don't do any other exercise on the days I lift, barring my usual walking/stair climbing for work. I run on my off days though, and take one day a week as a total rest day.

    Thanks. The husband and I discussed and we plan on making out a new schedule tonight. I can see how it would get very difficult very quickly to have everything at once.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    hello! welcome to the new girls, you won't feel new for long :)

    did a big deload after my 10 days out of the gym, and also to start looking at form more again..

    squats 40kg 3x5
    bench 30kg 3x5
    pendlays 35kg 3x5

    all good, although went on the x-trainer for the first time in months waiting for the rack, and legs are feeling tight. was too irritable to stretch out afterwards, bad Lydia!
  • glitterballv
    glitterballv Posts: 133 Member
    Today was my second workout at my new gym... I had gotten used to not bothering too much with being the only woman I ever saw lifting at my old gym but was a wee but intimidated tonight to find the whole free weights area packed to the gunnels with bodybuilder types. Esp since I don't really know where everything is yet.

    Def need to go when it's quiet so I can have a proper poke about and feel confident again!!

    However, did manage squat at 57.5kg 5x5, bench press 30kg 5x5 and couldn't find a bar for my row (oops), went for a twenty minutes ish of fast running to finish.

    I have been feeling very down about scale weight recently but trying like crazy to ignore it. Need to get back to weighing once a month :-)
  • Sugar_Junkie
    Sugar_Junkie Posts: 366 Member
    Workout A yesterday

    squats 90lbs
    bench 75lbs
    row (the racks were being used so I used a different machine, works the same part of the back but not sure about the accurate weight on it) also not sure what the machine is called but kind of resembles a tbar type thing

    Also did some arm accessory work: shoulders, biceps, triceps and cardio.

    I am going to try to do a little core work at home tonight and then hit workout b and legs tomorrow
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Workout A yesterday

    squats 90lbs
    bench 75lbs

    Hey, those are my PRs!

    Day 2 of my new program (elliptical, yoga and Starting Strength), felt good, did well, glad I deloaded, and then floated round in the pool for a bit to chillax and bask in my accomplishment. Oorah!

    I even remembered to tighten my core for deadlifts, and my lower back isn't niggling me now like it usually does. Hmmmm. IMAGINE THAT. :laugh:
  • Sugar_Junkie
    Sugar_Junkie Posts: 366 Member
    I had hit 110 on my squats but man i struggled to get that back up fro 5x5 and my lower back was starting to hurt after workouts. So per advice I took it down to 90 and have been doing some core stuff. I have also been stuck at that stinking 75 on bench for weeks!! I think I may try a set of 80 next time though to see if i can hit it at all.
  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    Hello lovelies!

    A day
    squat 75# 5x5
    bench 60# 5x5
    rows 40# db 5x5

    I'm thinking I do need to up my calories, because I felt weak today. I struggled with my squats and bench and was fatigued pretty early on, even though I wasn't doing anything major. Will fiddle with it for the next couple weeks.

    I hope everyone is have a super hump day!
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Great progress, everyone!

    Funny how that core stuff works, huh, Dani? :smile:

    Active recovery day for me, which usually I love, but I don't think I ate and/or slept enough after Monday's killer volume workout, so I was a wee bit off my game.

    Squats 2x5 @ 125 - After 5x5's on Monday, I am sooooo happy to have this break!
    Bench 3x5 @85 with a pause at the bottom
    Inverted rows, chins, incline sit ups, back extensions, dips for accessory goodness.

    I usually do some HIIT on Wednesdays, but had promised I'd take the wee one to the water park, so off we went - I figure slogging through knee deep water and throwing a 40 pound preschooler up in the air for 2 hours has to count for something, right?