July check in and chat: barbell-lovin' BAMFs in training



  • grandmoo
    grandmoo Posts: 34 Member
    You obviously need the break. Have you tried a multi vit with iron? anaemia can make you feel very fatigued

    I doubt I'm anemic - hysterectomy in 1999...

    BUT, after my shot this morning, I'm feeling human again, so that must be what ailed me. I will still enjoy the break. Might as well, right?
  • grandmoo
    grandmoo Posts: 34 Member
    Today was workout day but alas, I've been so fatigued the last two days that I didn't go. I think there's more at play than (lack of) carbs, I went to the doctor's office before work and got a B12 shot. Got brave enough to ask to have a prescription so I can do it myself more often. Just can't afford $30/shot. The shots have helped in the past, so I'm hoping for some relief again.

    I'm going out of town for a few days and probably won't be back to the gym until Wednesday, so that will be a week of rest/recovery. I'd feel bad about it, if I didn't feel so weak and tired-lol. As it is, I'm just kind of glad to have an excuse. :tongue:

    I plan to keep reading here though, so you guys keep calm and lift heavy, ya hear?

    Take care of yourself. I hope you're feeling better soon!

    Thanks, I'm much better after the B12 injection!
  • Coquette6
    Coquette6 Posts: 158 Member
    Hope you can get a handle on the B12 thing, grandmoo. Having to go for shots all the time can't be fun. :frown:

    Workout A tonight, with a head-cold. Stupid sinuses.

    Squat - 100lbs x 5 x 5
    OHP - 55 x 5 x 5 - Tried 60 and arms went "NOPE!"
    Deadlift - 125lbs x 4 - Only 4, but WOO! Body weight! I lifted ME! :happy:
  • zanyzana
    zanyzana Posts: 248 Member

    Deadlift - 125lbs x 4 - Only 4, but WOO! Body weight! I lifted ME! :happy:

    Woohoo! Go you and the dead lift! I am super impressed.:drinker:
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    Volume day for me on Texas Method

    Got 5x5 squats and bench then 3x8 RDL :happy:

    Good to see all the ladies smashing it :drinker:
  • inkysmurf
    inkysmurf Posts: 168
    Well had a crisis of confidence this morning - just total fear or whether or not I was strong enough to achieve what I wanted today..., got a grip ate a rice cake (topped with dark chocolate) and nutted up!

    Week 7

    Squat 5x5 @ 60kg (132lbs) hurrrahhhh high five :happy: me that 60kg squat was very much what I wanted to achieve and darn it - I DID IT!!!!!
    OHP - 4x5@25kg (55lbs) - I am not giving up, but I cannot for the life of me hit 5, but better than last time - so OHP - we're having sweary words right now :grumble: .
    Deadlift 1x5 @ 65kg (143lbs!!!) I lifted heavier than me - absolutely blown away that I have the strength to do that!!

    Then 1min plank, 45 sec plank, 45sce plank, 20 full sit ups, 3x5 body weight inverted rows,7 chin ups (floor to door height) , 4 x chin ups - no floor involved, 70 airsquat (airsquatted till the sparkles came!), 8 full body push ups (working on building these up)

    So a good morning - going to see where I am at by the end of this week, and I might go to 3x 5 and start adding in a 20 min run, looking to trim the fat, and right now I am just eating too much. I like eating :-)

    Happy lifting ladies
  • Coquette6
    Coquette6 Posts: 158 Member
    Woohoo! Go you and the dead lift! I am super impressed.:drinker:

    Thanks! Next goal: Put on the big girl 45lbs plates for 135lbs.
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    Another Monday and the meathead who likes to use ALL of the weights to keep his "flow" going was back.

    Boy howdy was he mad to see me already using the squat rack.

    I started my warm up sets and he came over and asked how long I was going to be there.

    I said I'd be there until my workout was done.

    After my second warmup set, he asked what the heck I was doing.

    I said that I do some warmup sets before my work weight.

    He laughed and said that is not necessary.

    I said, I'll be done in a bit.

    He said that he doesn't even understand why women bother with weights.

    I stopped talking to the idiot at all. But, he was pretty angry.


    So, I rushed through the rest of my workout and ended up skipping deadlifts because I didn't want to try to pry the 45 pound plates away from him. He had all of them between the cable machine and the extra bar.

    Plus, I'm still nursing my lower back a little after I strained it last week.

    Oh, and his form is terrible on everything. Mine may not be perfect, but I've watched enough videos to recognize truly awful form!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    hellooo! I'm back! did you miss me? You have all been super awesome and busy while I've been away!

    Daisy I'm so jealous of your 60kg squats, I've been eyeing them up but not getting quite there for ages. My first day back in the gym will be tomorrow, so it will be 9 days off lifting. I'm very tempted to drop way back on a bunch of stuff - OHP back to the bar to try to nail that frickin' hip wiggle thing..

    oh re your meathead, wonder if he is suffering from 'roid rage?? he sounds like an *kitten* anyway.. you shouldn't have to rush, you pay for the gym just like him x
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Daisy, that is quite a workout you racked up there!

    I thought I was doing really well with my OHP today, I managed 2 sets comfortably on a bar! Then I realised it was a ladies bar :( So swapped bars and did my next 3 sets on the full bar, excepting my very last rep, I got to eye level but the rest just was not going to happen. Still more than I have ever managed before

    Form is going well on squats at 30kg so either wednesday or Friday I shall try and up that a little

    Dead lift is still at 35kg, again form is better I am reluctant to increase them much until I am happy with form though. Will see how the squats go and then try to up them Friday. Even at 35kg I am at more than 60% of my bodyweight so not unhappy with it just would like to progress a little more

    Question for you all, how wide is your stance? I am about shoulder width for squats and deads, not sure if I need to go a little wider to really work my adductors?

    Did not have time for anything more today so instead of a day off and a long dog walk tomorrow I shall have a shorter walk and do some bugarians and some core work I think
  • inkysmurf
    inkysmurf Posts: 168
    coquette - you go girl!

    hey lwoodroff! welcome home :-)

    glwerth - meathead - madness - wish I could pop over , give him a death stare and rwarrrrr at him - that kinda attitude makes me soooo mad! do not let this "fan dan" intimidate you!!!

    cheers roxy :-)- i think everyone squat position is kinda independent to them - I tend to stand a little wider than hip difference - and turn my feet out a little as if not my knees try to come in - one of the videos on the video sticky was pretty good at showing different positions and how your squat positioning might be a little different to someone else - I tend to go with what feels comfortable (if you can say squats are ever comfortable!!) to me. - not sure if that helps? what made a big difference was also where I put the bar om my back - I squeezes my shoulder blades in and it makes the bar not "feel" as heavy?
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member

    Question for you all, how wide is your stance? I am about shoulder width for squats and deads, not sure if I need to go a little wider to really work my adductors?

    I have a wider stance like daisybee mentioned. For stance on deadlifts, just walk up to the bar like you normally walk and that's the width of your stance. You may need to tweak a little as needed, but that's been working pretty well for me.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Everybody is ripping it up!

    Roxy - I have a fairly wide stance for squats, given my height (5'4") - but it's what makes my hip flexor happiest. Deadlifts, I do as CC suggests, plus I turn my toes out a bit.

    glwerth - I am so angry for you - what a dolt. I'm not good at snappy comebacks, but I wish I was - this guy needs one (or 70!)

    lwoodroff - Glad you had a good holiday!

    Volume day on the Texas plan for me (you all don't mind that I keep hanging around, do you?)
    Starting to understand why last week all I wanted to do was eat Monday and Tuesday:

    Squats -5x5 160 (after a bunch of warmups)
    OHP -5x5 65 (after a bunch of warmups)
    And then here is the real hunger inducer - I've never done ramped warm ups for deadlifts like this before:
    2x5 @115

    So yeah, that's a lot of deadlifting. :) No wonder I'm eating all the foods.

    I also decided last week that I need to eat close to maintenance for a while. I was having hangry issues (angry because you're hungry), which don't mix well with a spirited 3 year old. Interestingly, I gained 2.5 pounds right off the bat (so, yeah, water and glycogen), but since then, nothing. And I have much better emotional control. For those of you who like numbers, here they are:
    2300 cal

    Have a good week, all!
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Glad I don't need to go wider with my deads - not sure the bar would be going up :laugh:

    I have to squat with my toes out - I am quite knock-kneed and would have trouble getting the tracking right other wise - one reason I think going a little wider would help with those inner thigh muscles. I know what you mean about the bar though.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    glwerth - That sucks that he was there again. At least you got there first.

    roxy - Some people go wide, some don't. I spent the weekend watching a powerlifting competition via the internet and there were so many different stances for both squat and deads. It really was quite interesting to watch. Lots of wide (sumo) stances for deads, but I could swear that some people had their feet almost together in a narrow stance. I think it comes down to your biomechanics and what feels most natural for you.

    Kira - Eat all the foods!!! Nice dead day!

    Nothing from me on workouts. Still doing the "rest" thing. I may do a lifting session on Wednesday, but that will be it for me and the gym this week. My little one's birthday is tomorrow and I have yet to get him anything. Party is on Saturday along with a BBQ as a welcome back for the hubbs. Lots of activity to ramp up for that.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    "The reason we bother with weights is so that we can throw them at men who ask us why we bother with weights."

    Neehoo, in a much better space today after I bit the bullet and made friends with our elliptical. Going to do that for the next 4 weeks because I have to crank up the cardio, and the complexes just weren't doing it for me. So yea ... sigh. Feeling pretty darn accomplished today even though I did a 10% deload. Again.
    Some people go wide, some don't. I spent the weekend watching a powerlifting competition via the internet and there were so many different stances for both squat and deads. It really was quite interesting to watch. Lots of wide (sumo) stances for deads, but I could swear that some people had their feet almost together in a narrow stance. I think it comes down to your biomechanics and what feels most natural for you.

    ^^ What she said. Stance is a very individual thing, and it boils down to "use whatever stance that lets you move the weight around with good form and proper body mechanics".
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    gwerth-what an asshat. I'm glad you got most of your workout in. Hopefully he'll lose steam and quit the gym!

    I point my toes out very slightly with my feet a little wider than shoulder distance.

    I'm with Kira :) I decided to start doing the Texas method rather than 5/3/1. I just didn't feel like I was getting as much of a workout with doing just one big lift per workout. I probably should have stuck with it for a couple months, but oh well, I have a short attention span and didn't like it. At least for now. Texas seems like a nice balance of keeping 5x5, but alternating light and heavy days.

    Today - Squats



    Squats and bench felt good; deads felt really heavy. Tomorrow I will probably eat all the foodz.
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    Kirabob how you finding Texas Method? R u following as laid out by rippletoe?

    I'm following a program customised for me and loving it
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    I have to squat with my toes out - I am quite knock-kneed and would have trouble getting the tracking right other wise - one reason I think going a little wider would help with those inner thigh muscles. I know what you mean about the bar though.

    This is how I squat, too. Toes out, wide stance. It has been working for me for a long time. :)
    First workout back since my asthma ordeal. :frown: No PRs, but not too bad.
    20 minutes of warm ups, some core work, then:

    Squats BW 4x5/ 45, 75, 95, 115 2x5/ 135 3x5
    OHP 45 3x5/ 2-15# DB 2x10
    DL 135 1x5 (I ran out of gas at this point--darn asthma)

    More core, then stretches, and rest :) I'm so happy to be back under that barbell :bigsmile:
  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    Hello lovely ladies! Ive missed you guys! I'm sorry I've been MIA for a little while. I had to take a couple of weeks off to nurse a sore shoulder but hit the weights again today.

    bench 70# 5x5
    OHP 50# 55554 (but at least I added the weight finally)
    DL 65# 1x5 95# 1x5

    So I overate yesterday (about 2300 calories) but my workout today was excellent. Usually my Monday workouts kinda suck, but I felt strong today. I've just recently upped my intake to 1800 a day to try and improve my strength, but I'm thinking it may still be too much of a deficit. Any thoughts?