July check in and chat: barbell-lovin' BAMFs in training



  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    @dani: glad you got your core to join in on the fun. :laugh:
    @kira: I think the water park totally counts for cardio! And fun cardio at that.

    Workout B this evening. Had to do deadlifts first since the rack was being used by two gym dudes and I didn't want to stand there and stare at them for 10 minutes while they finished up. My order was:

    Deadlifts: 200lbs (July goal!!!!!!!!!) 1x5---I said I was going to stay at 195 this workout, but I lied and it was fine. I actually felt it in my core; I usually don't even though I make a conscious effort to tighten it. I'm definitely hanging out at this number for another workout or so.
    Squats: 170lbs (PR!) 3x4---Not counting the last rep on any set since I tipped too far forward each time. I caught myself using my toes a lot.
    OHP: 70lbs (again) 5-4-4----One more shot at this weight before I drop back to 65lbs for a bit.

    There was some guy leg pressing 1080lbs (490kg). That is 12 45lb plates on each side. I counted. Twice. 24 big plates. It's insane. I was scared I was going to see something burst.
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    glwerth - That sucks that he was there again. At least you got there first.

    roxy - Some people go wide, some don't. I spent the weekend watching a powerlifting competition via the internet and there were so many different stances for both squat and deads. It really was quite interesting to watch. Lots of wide (sumo) stances for deads, but I could swear that some people had their feet almost together in a narrow stance. I think it comes down to your biomechanics and what feels most natural for you.

    Kira - Eat all the foods!!! Nice dead day!

    Nothing from me on workouts. Still doing the "rest" thing. I may do a lifting session on Wednesday, but that will be it for me and the gym this week. My little one's birthday is tomorrow and I have yet to get him anything. Party is on Saturday along with a BBQ as a welcome back for the hubbs. Lots of activity to ramp up for that.

    I want your arms!!

    I just creeped on your profile and you give me hope that I don't have to be 110 pounds to have the body I would like to have. We have similar body types , I think. Right now I'm 5'0 and 146 lbs. I had in my mind that 125 would be my goal weight and after seeing your pictures I think I might be right!

    Thanks for the motivation. :flowerforyou:
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    Workout B this evening. Had to do deadlifts first since the rack was being used by two gym dudes and I didn't want to stand there and stare at them for 10 minutes while they finished up. My order was:

    Deadlifts: 200lbs (July goal!!!!!!!!!) 1x5---I said I was going to stay at 195 this workout, but I lied and it was fine. I actually felt it in my core; I usually don't even though I make a conscious effort to tighten it. I'm definitely hanging out at this number for another workout or so.
    Squats: 170lbs (PR!) 3x4---Not counting the last rep on any set since I tipped too far forward each time. I caught myself using my toes a lot.
    OHP: 70lbs (again) 5-4-4----One more shot at this weight before I drop back to 65lbs for a bit.

    200lbs is awesome!! Congrats! :flowerforyou:
    Do you think doing deadlifts first helped you today? I'm stuck at 195lbs right now. After all my squats, I'm finding I'm just plain out of gas by the time I get to DLs. I was thinking of doing them first next workout just to see if I could pull the 200.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member

    200lbs is awesome!! Congrats! :flowerforyou:
    Do you think doing deadlifts first helped you today? I'm stuck at 195lbs right now. After all my squats, I'm finding I'm just plain out of gas by the time I get to DLs. I was thinking of doing them first next workout just to see if I could pull the 200.

    I think that might be a cunning plan if you are going for a PR :)

    Ladies, you are all being awesome BAMFs and I'm so proud of you!! I'm missing being in the gym, but also enjoying the break (maybe a wee bit too much with my mum being here and therefore the booze!) :)
  • inkysmurf
    inkysmurf Posts: 168
    Chubby_checke - 200lbs - that is beyond awesome - deadliftingfantasyical!!
    P.s surprised something didn't pop on that big guy!! - mental

    Kira - the most knackered I have ever been was taking my 2 nephews to the pool - between a constant swiveling head, chasing them about and splashes... it nearly killed me!

    lwoodroff - enjoy - mums , holidays and booze sounds like a lovely break to be having! x

    week 8
    Squats 5x5 @ 65kg (143lbs) - still feel ok on this bar a wee wooble or 2...
    OHP - my nemisis... 3x5@25kg (55lbs) 1x4@25kg (55lbs) 1x3 @25kg (55lbs) - making progress as I hit the first 3 sets and then nope that bar was being naughty!
    Deadlifts 1x5 @ 70kg (154lbs) felt amazing and a bit sparkly...

    Then 1min plank, 45sec plank, 45 sec plank, 8 full push up s(Nose to ground) 3x5 inverted body rows, 8 chin ups, 4 no feet on ground chin ups, 82 air squats, 30 full sit ups...

    Fun, fun fun all round.
    Happy lifting ladies x
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member

    200lbs is awesome!! Congrats! :flowerforyou:
    Do you think doing deadlifts first helped you today? I'm stuck at 195lbs right now. After all my squats, I'm finding I'm just plain out of gas by the time I get to DLs. I was thinking of doing them first next workout just to see if I could pull the 200.

    I think doing deadlifts first did help, but I noticed my squats suffered a little. Are you still doing SL (vs another program)? If so, I'd keep OHP in between squats and deadlifts instead of doing deadlifts, squats and then OHP, like I did. Just to give your legs a little bit of a break.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    glwerth - That sucks that he was there again. At least you got there first.

    roxy - Some people go wide, some don't. I spent the weekend watching a powerlifting competition via the internet and there were so many different stances for both squat and deads. It really was quite interesting to watch. Lots of wide (sumo) stances for deads, but I could swear that some people had their feet almost together in a narrow stance. I think it comes down to your biomechanics and what feels most natural for you.

    Kira - Eat all the foods!!! Nice dead day!

    Nothing from me on workouts. Still doing the "rest" thing. I may do a lifting session on Wednesday, but that will be it for me and the gym this week. My little one's birthday is tomorrow and I have yet to get him anything. Party is on Saturday along with a BBQ as a welcome back for the hubbs. Lots of activity to ramp up for that.

    I want your arms!!

    I just creeped on your profile and you give me hope that I don't have to be 110 pounds to have the body I would like to have. We have similar body types , I think. Right now I'm 5'0 and 146 lbs. I had in my mind that 125 would be my goal weight and after seeing your pictures I think I might be right!

    Thanks for the motivation. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks and you're welcome :blushing:

    I think a lot of people relax their goal weight when they start lifting because body composition becomes more of the focus than a number on the scale.
  • Sugar_Junkie
    Sugar_Junkie Posts: 366 Member
    @dani: glad you got your core to join in on the fun. :laugh:
    @kira: I think the water park totally counts for cardio! And fun cardio at that.

    Workout B this evening. Had to do deadlifts first since the rack was being used by two gym dudes and I didn't want to stand there and stare at them for 10 minutes while they finished up. My order was:

    Deadlifts: 200lbs (July goal!!!!!!!!!) 1x5---I said I was going to stay at 195 this workout, but I lied and it was fine. I actually felt it in my core; I usually don't even though I make a conscious effort to tighten it. I'm definitely hanging out at this number for another workout or so.
    Squats: 170lbs (PR!) 3x4---Not counting the last rep on any set since I tipped too far forward each time. I caught myself using my toes a lot.
    OHP: 70lbs (again) 5-4-4----One more shot at this weight before I drop back to 65lbs for a bit.

    There was some guy leg pressing 1080lbs (490kg). That is 12 45lb plates on each side. I counted. Twice. 24 big plates. It's insane. I was scared I was going to see something burst.

    WTG on the deadlift goal :) Keep rocking it chick! And GEEBUS!!!! 1080 lbs.. he must be B-a-na-na-s!
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    So work out A today - missed yesterday due to life getting in the way

    Held my (reasonable not amazing) form for 35kg (77lb) squats. That was hard though. I am currently squatting toes out with my feet a bit wider than hip or shoulder width. I tried a little wider but it was too much. I shall stick with where i am and build in some wider air or dumbell squats.

    Bench, I am still pressing just the bar. I did 6x5 again today. I am a little tempted to increase by 2.5kg as the smallest weight is 1.25kg but I am struggling to do this so my worry is that I will get stuck without a spotter. I did however sort of tighten my pecs as I lifted (first time I have ever done anything that indicated I even have pecs)

    Rows I did 5 @ 30kg then 5 or 6 x 5 (lost count so I did an "extra" set at a whopping 32.5kg :laugh: The good thing is for me every day is like a new PR ;)
  • Gwyn1969
    Gwyn1969 Posts: 181 Member
    I'm excited about the extra volume I've been putting in on squats. I'm on a four day split spread over a nine day period, and have started squatting every time. I've basically added three sets of eight, done on a 90 second clock, as assistance work on upper body days. Last Sunday was singles day, and I put in a good set of five singles at 200x1x2, and 190x1x3. That's about 20 pounds away from my PR which I set at 175 BW but now I weigh 149. I've struggled with squatting for five years, and have ridiculously long femurs, a short torso and short calves. So, not optimal anthropometry for squatting. I guess you could call this an NSV, since it's not a PR ;-)
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    I think that might be a cunning plan if you are going for a PR :)
    Then I'll do it! ! I've always wanted to be told I'm cunning. :wink:
    Also, glad you're enjoying your vacation. ????????????
    200lbs is awesome!! Congrats! :flowerforyou:
    Do you think doing deadlifts first helped you today? I'm stuck at 195lbs right now. After all my squats, I'm finding I'm just plain out of gas by the time I get to DLs. I was thinking of doing them first next workout just to see if I could pull the 200.
    I think doing deadlifts first did help, but I noticed my squats suffered a little. Are you still doing SL (vs another program)? If so, I'd keep OHP in between squats and deadlifts instead of doing deadlifts, squats and then OHP, like I did. Just to give your legs a little bit of a break.
    Yep, still doing SL. I'll be sure to keep the OHP in between. I'm definitely going to do this for one workout because I need that sparkly feeling (Daisybee's word :heart: ) of having hit my 1st 2013 DL goal of 200lbs.
    Edit: extra spaces
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Man, you guys are rocking the lifts!!

    Worked out on 6 hours or so of sleep so am amazed I got it all done as planned, after an early appointment no less. I'm quite thrilled at myself that I got on that elliptical and stuck with it, especially considering the long break I've had from it and the fact that the first time I ever used one of them things I lasted all of 3 minutes. So 20 minutes of intervals 3 times this week ... I'm stoked. Waiting to see what next week brings ...Happy weekend, y'all! :drinker:
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Gwyn - that's completely awesome!

    Dani - WTG for increased capacity - strength AND stamina -everything you need for the zombie apocalypse!

    Intensity day for me:
    Squats 180 1x5 - NEW PR!!!! I got a bit sparkly on the last one, but took a deep breath and kept good form.
    OHP 77.5 1x3 - Another new PR!!! I was only supposed to do one, but it wasn't until the 3rd that I felt like form was getting wiggly.
    Power cleans 67.5 5x3 - I feel like I've got a good handle on these - I just need to figure out the drop from the rack position to the hang.
    Then pushups to failure, which turned out to be 24, so 3 more than last time.

    Followed to all up with 15 minutes on the elliptical and then 2 hours in the waterpark with the baby girl. A great Friday!
  • aliciaje
    aliciaje Posts: 83
    Crashed on my mountain bike and now I have a cracked tibia. Will only be able to to bench presses, OHP, push ups, lat pull downs, barbell rows etc.

    Guess my (FAVOURITES) squats and deadlifts will have to wait :(
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Crashed on my mountain bike and now I have a cracked tibia. Will only be able to to bench presses, OHP, push ups, lat pull downs, barbell rows etc.

    Guess my (FAVOURITES) squats and deadlifts will have to wait :(

    Oh ouch! Speedy recovery wishes your way!!!
  • zanyzana
    zanyzana Posts: 248 Member
    I've had a crap week at work - had a new intake of distance students. Expected about 5 and would have coped. Actually got 13! Bloody new head teacher didn't listen to my reasoned boundaries on intake level. Anyway, this has led to stressed out headspace and little sleep. I lifted on Tuesday, had an evening information session on Wednesday so didn't lift on Thursday. I was shattered. Then yesterday, when I normally do Crossfit PT, I cancelled. Not sure why I'm taking my anxiety out on exercise (I haven't walked the dog much this week either) as I know it helps my headspace.

    Anyway, I think not dropping the weights down after my holiday has kinda messed my head up a bit. I needed to deload but vanity didn't let me. I'm going to drop down next week, just a little bit, and build back up again, especially for squats. Nothing else really bothers me, but my knees were a bit dodgy after lifting. They're pretty damaged anyway, so I need to pay attention to their complaints. Anyway, just verbalising my thoughts. Felling pretty blah. I think it's the winter blues. I hate winter!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Ali, speedy recovery :'(
    Dani, you BAMF! Brilliant
    zana, the first deload is the hardest. Pride is a terrible thing! Once your head gets that you are improving form and strength still improves, you will benefit and smash right through your previous plateaux.. are you doing anything to combat the SAD? Exercise is something that definitely helps, plenty of natural light when you can, and the doc may be able to suggest some other stuff? You need words with the headteacher too grr.

    Put on just under 3lb since going away, back at the gym sometime this weekend and will be back to logging from... 3...2...1... Now!
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Quick update from last night before running out the door for the day:

    Workout A last night

    Squats: 170lbs 3x5----Had a few form flubs, but nothing major. Staying at this weight next time, as well
    Bench: 100lbs----July goal
    Rows: 100lbs---- finally got all 3x5
  • Coquette6
    Coquette6 Posts: 158 Member
    Stellar numbers chubby! 170! :love:

    Workout A for me tonight. Heading into week 11!

    Squat - 105lbs x 55555 - For some reason, this felt easy tonight.
    Bench - 70lbs x 55554
    Row - 70lbs x 5 and 75lbs x 4444

    Little worried about staying on track this week. Planning on working out Monday and Wednesday morning, but then Thursday-Sunday I'm at a conference in Michigan where I have little control over what I eat and not much time to work out other than walking around the conference. I've been pretty good over the past couple months, and this will be a test!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    B today (I think!)

    Squats 3x5 at 42.5kg
    OHP 5x5 at 20kg
    Deadlift 1x5 at 60kg and 1x5 at 50kg to work on form, I was going to do more but got talking to a lady who has only just started training, wants to lose 5st and hates cardio.. :)