
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    Thanks @VeryKatie

    I tend to gravitate toward more simple, traditional boys names like Edward, Alex, James, Brian....

    I also like Cole, Cody, and Logan
  • CharliWhitman
    CharliWhitman Posts: 19 Member
    Ah I find boys names really difficult but I have about 100 girls names that I like :p
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    Me too lol!
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    I don't have any boy names at all. I have about 15 girls names that I love though.

    Last night I was brushing my husband's hair. It has gotten long and was tangled with the windows down on a drive....I put my hubby's hair in pigtails (haha, don't judge us for our weirdness.) Then I got a little misty eyed thinking about my little daughter with my husband's thick, dark hair and putting her hair in little piggy tails *squeels* I need a daughter. I was just ment to be a mother to a little girl.

    Allison, Olivia, Emily, Charlotte, Elizabeth<3

    For boys names I suppose I like more traditional names as well. Timothy is my late FIL's name. George, Thomas, ehhh? That's all I've got. It's harder for boys names, haha!
  • NatashaLP2014
    NatashaLP2014 Posts: 82 Member
    Thomas and Emily are the names we have picked out. I am definitely a fan of traditional, classic names.

    Alexander, Andrew, Jason. I like Richard but do not like what some people shorten it to. William is nice too.

    I told my husband that I want another girl though and he said sure.
  • teegan84
    teegan84 Posts: 39 Member
    Hahahaha I have been AWOL for a few days and just spent aaaaages reading through everyone's comments Hahahaha I have been cracking up the last few minutes
  • teegan84
    teegan84 Posts: 39 Member
    It sounds like everyone is starting the journey and madly peeing on sticks or getting the planning started and getting in tune with your bodies! I peed on so many ovulation sticks and ended up ordering a bulk 100 off amazon because I got sick of paying a fortune for them at the pharmacy! So if you are tracking temps and cm then jump on the ovulation stick bandwagon and it will give you even more info! I am still just plodding along feeling totally not pregnant but eating as though I am lol have our first scan in 3 weeks to make sure there is a weeny heartbeat and that things are on track, in sure it will feel more really when I see the ultrasound!! Time to stop "eating for two" and start tracking again this month, last thing I want is to blow out too early
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    edited July 2016
    Too bad there's no point to POAS 12 days before the start of the next cycle. LOL. That's me, wishing there was a point in doing so...

    @teegan84 I'm glad to hear from you! I might jump on the ovulation stick track next month if this one doesn't turn out. My current method has just been to keep trying every 1 - 2 days. In the end, there's not much else I can do about it. But it's also only my 2nd month trying.

    I was definitely wondering if the first month actually feels like anything!!! I have been wishing for symptoms, just so that I could have a better idea if I'm pregnant or not. You must be so excited for your first scan :smiley: Agreed you can probably wait to eat for 2 until the 2nd or 3rd trimester hahaha. But oh well :) extra nutrients.

    @puffbrat is your stomach problem better at all?
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member the deed? Lol trying to keep up with all the acronyms.
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    My stomach problem has gone away and I'm not pregnant, so it must have been an annoying virus.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    edited July 2016 the deed? Lol trying to keep up with all the acronyms.

    @motivatedsister yup, my Google history is full of searches for what the acronyms mean!

    @puffbrat I'm glad you're feeling better :)
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @teegan84 Hopefully those three weeks fly! I'm so excited for you to have your first scan!

    @puffbrat Glad you're feeling better! =)
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member the deed? Lol trying to keep up with all the acronyms.

    Exactly, haha! I have been a lurker for a long time on baby boards, so I have picked them up. TTC=trying to conceive, DTD=do the deed, BD=baby dance (sex), CM=cervical mucous, POAS=pee on a stick (preggo test), OPK=ovulation predictor kit. I could go on, but we haven't really used a ton of them here yet, and i haven't really used them myself yet-we are going to start TTC in October, so just waiting. I'll think of more!

    @Puffbrat, sorry to hear you aren't pregnant and that it was just a nasty sickness. My hubby and I took turns being sick the past 2 weeks, and I finally think it has left us. I showed him my lot of 50 preggo tests, and he was so unimpressed. The turd...he didnt even act excited that in 3 months we are going to start trying. This is why I come here you ladies get me. :)
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Kirstie155 wrote: »
    I showed him my lot of 50 preggo tests, and he was so unimpressed. The turd...he didnt even act excited that in 3 months we are going to start trying. This is why I come here you ladies get me. :)
    @Kirstie155 I am really excited that you are going to start TTC in 3 months and that you have 50 sticks you will get to pee on! =D (Kinda hoping you don't have to use all of them though but if you do plan to pee on them every 4 hours like you said, it's a good thing you got the 50 haha)

  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    I am really excited that you are going to start TTC in 3 months and that you have 50 sticks you will get to pee on! =D (Kinda hoping you don't have to use all of them though but if you do plan to pee on them every 4 hours like you said, it's a good thing you got the 50 haha)

    :) Thanks @WifiresGettingFit ! It is exciting!! I hope I don't have to use them all either, but for $10.99...why not, lol! "Hm, I wasnt pregnant at lunchtime, but lets do another quick check here before dinner is served!" Haha :)
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    Ah you ladies are awesome. Who else could we talk to about our crazy baby fever!?

    It was funny when my husband saw that I had this online group for the first time lol. His eyebrows went UP! He was like "wow, since January? We should have a kid soon then haha"
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @Kirstie155 You're welcome! Not a bad price at all, in fact maybe you should order more! Bahahaha

    @VeryKatie I agree, this group of ladies is awesome!! Did I mention I'm so excited that you're trying? haha. Hopefully you'll be making your own pregnancy announcement to us soon and we can all live through you and @teegan84 until we get to start. haha
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    Thanks ladies! It is nice to at least feel better.

    @Kirstie155 I'm sorry your husband wasn't excited to see all your pregnancy tests. I totally get that. My husband is baffled by all this stuff and just wants to know what he has to do and when. I agree that is why I love this group; so I can be baby crazy with similar ladies.

    This weekend I told my husband how getting sick with something seeming to resemble morning sickness made me realize how much I want a baby. At first he asked me if that meant we should start trying sooner than planned (yay!). Later he had flip-flopped to being worried about how well we would handle a baby. To be fair to him, I have sometimes wondered the same thing. Getting the puppy has been a more dramatic and stressful change than either of us expected, and we both grew up with dogs! We realize having a baby is a whole different level than a puppy plus we would of course still have the puppy (and the 3 cats) :wink: He asked me what I thought the potential issues for us having a baby would be and I said: 1) we both get really grumpy when tired, 2) agreeing on rules, 3) settling into a new division of chores/tasks/responsibilities. He agreed with me on all of those, so I think we are at a good point of opening up the conversation to head off at least some future disagreements and points of contention. In the end we decided that our lives have been overly chaotic the last 1/1.5 years and we should have a period of relative calm to resettle our lives before TTC.

    So long story short, I don't know at this point if we will start TTC in September, but I am happy that we are openly, honestly, and respectfully communicating our desires and concerns with each other regarding children (and getting a second dog).
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    @Puffbrat I totally relate with you. Hubby and I has a similar conversation yesterday.

    Me: "Are you sure you want to have a baby? You know babies are essentially loud, bossy people who make a mess and don't help with dishes or the laundry- they make MORE, and we hardly keep on top of that as it is. And they projectile vomit, and will probably pee in our bed. They yell a lot, but in a language we don't understand...we're gonna cry, they're gonna cry. If I don't get enough sleep, I'm gonna be evil."
    Him: "Ya, I really don't want anyone to pee in our bed."
    Me: "We are too lazy to even walk the dog regularly."
    Him: " Ya, watching tv and being lazy after work rules."
    Me: "I'm gonna have to cook for them. Make balanced meals...ugh. This seams like a lot of work..."

    Lol. We are early 30s, double income, no kids, enjoy sleeping in on the weekend, letting the house be messy for longer than we should, occasionally eating oreos for dinner and not being judged by our children (also, no sharing!)

    End decision: We're gonna be parents, hahah! As if you thought this conversation would change anything. We are just gonna enjoy being lazy bad influences while there are no impressionable children watching...and before we have to grow up ourselves! >:)

    Puffbrat, having an open convo with your hubby is a really good thing! Get those worries out now, before baby is on the way. No one said being a parent is easy, I'm definitely worried about the division of chores. Right now I do the grocery shopping, cooking, dishes, cleaning, laundry. Oh yea, and have a full time job that I commute 2 hours a day for. I also do our gardening and lawn care, manage our social calendar. I have told Hubby that if he wants me to continue working after baby, we are getting a maid, and he will do 50% of the care for our child, including dropping off at daycare, diapers, up in the middle of the night, doctors appointments, AND helping with things like laundry and dishes. He agrees this is fair, and we both still want a baby, but I will admit, it is really daunting sometimes to think of all the responsibility. :# So much responsibility!

    Honestly though, I can't wait to be parents! It's going to be awesome <3
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    Thank you so much @Kirstie155 for your response!! It is sooo nice and reassuring to hear that other people share these concerns! I truly believe we both really want children and will be parents. It is just these fears coming to the front. But at other times we both think about how much fun we would have with children. We are also late 20s/early 30s, double income, love sleeping in on the weekends (when the cat permits us to), and enjoy occasionally eating ice cream for dinner :) My husband is also worried about pee in the bed, on the couch, and on the floor.

    I will say my husband is really good at sharing the chores with me, but we constantly have to readjust those as our lives change and sometimes the balance swings unfairly in one direction or the other, so there would still be growing pains in that area with kids. He has already informed me that during family walks, he wants to have the dog, not carry the baby. Guess who will probably be better behaved during those walks though? :p