

  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Anytime @puffbrat I think that anyone who says they don't have doubts about having children is kidding themselves. We also discussed fiances as well, its 401k open enrollment and its amazing to see how over 30 years your money can grow...or you can save for college for baby. Hm..they are really expensive aren't they!?

    My Hubby will do the dishes and laundry and whatnot, it's just not on the same schedule that I want them done. He likes to wait until we have no clean clothes, or no clean plates, where I like to stay on top of I do them before it gets to the point that he would step in!

    Stroller for family walks! ;)
  • NatashaLP2014
    NatashaLP2014 Posts: 82 Member
    We had a lot of concerns before having Becca too and of course, we've ended up with a lot more responsibility than we planned for. (We had two incomes, a small condo with minimal mortgage payments, spent our evenings gaming or doing whatever.) Sometimes I miss the life we had before and I won't say I haven't had dark moments when I regret that we decided to have a child. But those moments are extremely few and far between, one smile or laugh from her or a few minutes watching her sleep dispels that and makes everything feel worth it.

    When we brought Rebecca home, my husband really stepped up to the plate, he worked full time and did nearly all of the household chores while I cared for Becca. It's more equal now that Rebecca sleeps more regularly but I know I can depend on him when things get rough.

    There are much.. much worse things than pee. For example, my daughter, because of her new tone medication, has been constipated for a week, the last 3 days she's been vomiting pretty much everything since she's so backed up. Well I took her to the doctor today, he gave us a plan after determining it wasn't anything more concerning.

    When I saw that poop, I literally threw my hands in the air and yelled "Yes, poop!" Did I have to clean up a lot of smelly, runny poop? Yes. Am I still smiling? Yes, from ear to ear.

    I do highly recommend a house cleaner though. We have someone who comes in once a week for 2 hours, washes/vacuums all the floors, cleans the bathrooms, the kitchen and dusts. Not having to worry about those chores makes life much better and I haven't scrubbed a toilet in 3 years. Well worth the $40 a week.

  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    Thank you so much for sharing @NatashaLP2014! I'm so glad Becca's smiles make the hard times worth it. My assumption is that we tremendous love we would undeniably feel for our children would make the struggles worth getting through and generally brighten our lives. I'm glad Becca has gotten through that constipation!

    This is why I love this group so much and what keeps me coming back to it. We can honestly share our thoughts (the good, the hopeful, the bad, the scary, the ugly, the funny) and find support. I feel comforted and less anxious knowing that my husband and I aren't alone with these fears and it can all be worked through. Thank you ladies <3
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Ooh, @NatashaLP2014 my niece had issues with constipation and my sister has had to basically physically pry rock hard nuggets out of her help her go to the bathroom before. I haven't had to deal with it myself obviously, but my heart goes out to you on that one. I'm glad that Becca is feeling better :)

    I think that anyone who has been blessed with a child wouldn't have it any other way, through the good times and the bad. Those smiles work magic on the heart!

    Also, I talked to a friend of mine with a 10 month old yesterday-she is saying "Momma", "uh- oh" and "quack, quack!" I also received new baby photos and heard she is blowing kisses and waving at people. Heart melted, and ready to make a baby! All fears dashed by the adorableness that is a sweet, weinie little baby girl <3

    I love this group as well @puffbrat . You ladies rock!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    I agreed that those conversations are 100% necessary! We've had them too. I still have no idea if I'm ready for life as I know it to be completely different. And harder. And I can't even seem to handle it as hard as it is now (which let's face it, I don't have much to complain about, but I'm not good at dealing with stress). I'm actually still nervous about if my husband will do enough around the house. But I have noticed him taking initiative lately, and I need to change my mindset and let that sink in haha.

    I remember once my sister saying that when her first son was born, she had to "fall in love" with her own baby. It didn't happen automatically. Which sounds normal to me since it's an incredibly stressful time. But you never hear people say that... not out loud anyway. They all say they loved the baby the day they felt the first kick or something.

    I also read a blog post once that was the ugly truths of having a baby... and there were definitely dark thoughts about it. The stuff no one talks about. The situations where you HAVE to walk away from your baby or it'll just get worse kind of stuff. But that's part of what being a parent (and human) is. Walking away when you need to. Obviously, it's only a problem if you can't walk away or if the dark thoughts are the only ones you have.

    @NatashaLP2014 I'm glad Rebecca was finally able to do her business!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    edited July 2016
    I had a thought. My 1st anniversary is on Monday... and it should be about 5 days before my next cycle might start. I have one of those early pregnancy tests and am considering taking it and then if it's positive, wrap it in a box for my husband haha. It's a bit risky since the test doesn't have a great probability of being right that early, plus I might have ovulated later than I expected. But do you think it's a good idea? It was one of the more expensive tests, and I would have to order more from Amazon after using it.

    First anniversary is paper. The test sticks are kind of made out of paper...
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    I don't see why you can't do that.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    edited July 2016
    @WifiresGettingFit The only problem is that it might be a waste lol. Or maybe make me a bit sad.

  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @VeryKatie Well only you can decide if it's worth it. Personally I probably wouldn't do it just because of the sad factor.
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    I think that is a really cute idea, but you have to decide how you would feel if it was negative.

    By the way, my 2nd anniversary is Monday! My husband and I are going to celebrate tomorrow. He is planning the day and I don't have a single clue what he is scheming.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    edited July 2016
    puffbrat wrote: »
    I think that is a really cute idea, but you have to decide how you would feel if it was negative.

    By the way, my 2nd anniversary is Monday! My husband and I are going to celebrate tomorrow. He is planning the day and I don't have a single clue what he is scheming.

    Wait so we have the same anniversary? Slurpee Day 7/11 lol! That's funny!
    I don't think I would feel too sad.. I'd probably convince myself it was likely incorrect LOL. Since it's one of the early tests, I could get away with it.

    I am feeling a little bit of pressure (that I'm doing to myself) to get pregnant now. It turns out I will be heading up north for with for 1 week a month starting soon, and I'm nervous that it'll be the fertile weeks in a pattern. So life would be simpler if I was knocked up now. That being said, the baby fund should fill up a lot quicker since there's 1) nowhere to spend money while I'm up there and 2) overtime pay. So I didn't want to turn it down (and it's my own fault for mentioning that I wanted to go up north again for work.. meaning like twice a year, not every month lol. I was not specific enough).
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    @VeryKatie I think that is a really cute idea...think if it is positive <3 ! what an awesome way to break the news to hubby!

    If it isn't positive, you cant be sad! It was your first month trying and you might have missed your window because you started early! Each month you only have 30% chance of getting pregnant anyway, even if you do all the timing right. No being sad, this is an amazing time in your life, and in your marriage! Enjoy the journey and try not to get carried away with the destination, you will get there. Remember-baby making is supposed to be fun ;) (I totally take that back for anyone who has been trying for while and cant conceive, I know that must be heart breaking and I am so afraid that will happen to me!) But it's way early in the game for you, so stay positive and SO EXCITED!

    Happy anniversary to both @verykatie and @puffbrat
    7/11 is sad in my family, my FIL passed away on that day. I'm glad to know it is a happy occasion for you both!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    edited July 2016
    I decided not to take the test. I looked up online what the rate of a successful test would be a week after ovulation and it's only 30%. So I'd rather not waste the test. I'll take it in a bit.

    For now, it's back on tack for me!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @VeryKatie & @puffbrat Happy Anniversary! =) I hope you both enjoy your day!
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    Thanks @Kirstie155 and WifiresGettingFit! My husband and I enjoyed celebrating it on Saturday. We had fun relaxing and seriously overindulged (the day started with huge chocolate croissants, fresh strawberries, whipped cream, and mimosas for breakfast). I gained 1.4lbs that day, but most of it is probably water weight and it was so worth enjoying the day and not worrying about calories, so I'm not too worried.

    Happy Anniversary @VeryKatie!

    Kirstie, I'm so sorry to hear that today is the anniversary of your FIL's passing. Those days of remembering loved ones we have lost can be so sad but also filled with great memories. <<HUGS>>
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    @Kirstie155 I'm sorry today isn't a happy day for you :( I hope there are some nice things you can recall about your FIL today that can make you smile a little.

    @WifiresGettingFit thanks for the anniversary wishes!
    @puffbrat happy anniversary to you too! What year did you get married?
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    @VeryKatie we got married in 2014. It would have been awesome if we had gotten married in 2013 because then our anniversary (7/11/13) would have been a "sexy prime".

    Instead of a guest book we had people sign the large matting around a framed picture of one of our engagement pics. This weekend we finally actually hung it up. We also hung a cool picture my maid-of-honor and her husband gave us as a wedding gift with our last name and wedding date.

    I think it's partly because of our anniversary getting me thinking of my husband's and my time together so far and our future, but I dreamed about getting pregnant and having a baby twice this weekend. That dream baby was adorable!!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    @puffbrat 2014 is still a good year to get married! In that case, you have been married one year longer than me.
    I felt bad today... my oldest brother's birthday is on July 10, and I completely forgot to wish him a happy birthday since I've been wrapped up in my thoughts so much (re: anniversary and babies).

    Your guest frame sounds adorable! We had a standard guest book. I think a frame is a really cool idea since you actually can decorate with it. It's also wonderful that you're already dreaming about having a baby LOL.