Team 6 degrees of awesome



  • jamacianredhair
    jamacianredhair Posts: 230 Member
    tooru wrote: »
    Fish!!! My favorite! That will be an easy one for me :3

    Me too we had salmon last night for dinner and fish tacos for lunch today
  • 120maggie
    120maggie Posts: 4,997 Member
    @dtplow Congrats on your "low point". From the posts above it looks like everybody is feeling successful. Lets keep the momentum going!
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    120maggie wrote: »
    @dtplow Congrats on your "low point". From the posts above it looks like everybody is feeling successful. Lets keep the momentum going!

    I second that motion!!
  • mswanger09
    mswanger09 Posts: 863 Member
    @dtplow, congrats!!!!

    Morning team. Hoping today goes better then yesterday. I was down for the count with some kind of stomach bug, not fun. And my eating and drinking was complete crap! Oh well, today is a new day. Figuring I can get my normal work out in tonight and squeeze the kettleball in as well.

    Since normal steps recorded via the iphone or a pedometer will count towards the marathon, I will be doing Zumba this weekend wearing pants that have pockets in so that i can keep my phone no me and get those steps counted too! With being sick yesterday didn't get much walking in. Getting to the 26.2 is going to be tricky. Fingers crossed.
  • murdog3t
    murdog3t Posts: 2,033 Member
    Good morning 6 degrees
    Hope everyone has a great day I am finally feeling normal again after hubby surgery 3 weeks ago back to work for a week and am caught up FINALLY hump day here we come
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Tired today, not surprising after last night's killer workout (legs and spin). I wasn't looking forward to it, but I managed my 6 mile run. I hate that I'm feeling like I'm already behind for the week, thanks to Monday's snow. But no worries, I will get the miles. I've posted in the accountability thread. And I just remembered that my broccoli slaw has red cabbage in it, so no need to scramble and shop for that roadblock.
    dtplow wrote: »
    Happy Tuesday everyone! I am so amazed at our team, lots of hard work and dedication!
    This team has helped me to stay on track and get me up and moving... I am now at the lowest weight I have been in years and better than that I am feeling Awesome!! Thanks to everyone for all the posts and likes, it is so motiving to me!! :)

    mswanger09 wrote: »
    @dtplow, congrats!!!!

    Morning team. Hoping today goes better then yesterday. I was down for the count with some kind of stomach bug, not fun. And my eating and drinking was complete crap! Oh well, today is a new day. Figuring I can get my normal work out in tonight and squeeze the kettleball in as well.

    Oh no! I had it last week - not fun. Hope you are feeling better soon!

  • 120maggie
    120maggie Posts: 4,997 Member
    Good day. A break in this ridiculous weather. I actually was able to walk 2.7 miles at lunch and my fitbit says I got 3.2 miles with Zumba this morning. Unfortunately a front is coming in with more snow forecasted. I go pet my bike on the porch every once in a while, but I haven't cycled in weeks!
  • 120maggie
    120maggie Posts: 4,997 Member
    HEY WE ARE THERE!!! <3 Just posted my miles and we made it!!!
  • mswanger09
    mswanger09 Posts: 863 Member
    @ka97, thank you! My stomach isn't real sure about food yet, but I did get a workout in tonight. Not going to try the kettle bell yet tonight.

    One night of fish down, two to go!
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    120maggie wrote: »
    HEY WE ARE THERE!!! <3 Just posted my miles and we made it!!!

    Oh man, we crushed it!! B)
    OK, on to 200% in mileage and 100% on the challenges!! ;)
    We are just the awesomely awesome team!! :D
  • murdog3t
    murdog3t Posts: 2,033 Member
    Yay us great job team .
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    OK, I did the Kettebell Challenge. @120maggie, I now see what you mean; if I do it enough times, will I look like her?? ;) I only used a 5 lbs. dumbbell, but I'm going to do it a couple of more times and work up to an 8 lbs. BUT, I'm not getting on the floor! I like floor exercises as much as @ka97 likes dancing! It doesn't help that when I'm on the floor, Tara thinks I'm there to play! :p Cabbage in my vegetable spring rolls has taken care of the Nutrition Challenge. The Accountability Challenge was too easy not to do right away (hint, hint, @buddahboy87, @RachaelB11, and @ahawkins494!)
    I'm slowly working on the Marathon Challenge, doing laps around the building every time I get up. The loo is quite a ways away, and since I still drink over 70 oz. of water a day, that makes for a lot of trips and a lot of laps! :)
    @RachaelB11 and @tmn2016, are your doggies getting lots of walks for minutes PLUS miles for the Marathon Challenge?
    Tara loved her hike yesterday, and I had more planned for this week, but it is actually raining! In Southern California! @Diana6ft, do you recognize that stuff falling from the sky? I THINK it is rain. :D
    @murdog3t, has it started up there in Northern California yet?
    @ahawkins494, how are you doing?? It would be so neat if you and @tmn2016 joined us here on this thread!! B)
    @dtplow and @mswanger09, congrats on your weight losses! @tooru, thanks for the Zumba link!!
    And @bsehorn, @leti126, @jamacianredhair and EVERYONE...

    LET'S TAKE TEAM ONE DOWN!!! We've won two legs in a row (YAY TEAM), but we need a 100% turnout/challenge participation rate and 200% mileage to close the gap to within "spittin' distance"! WE CAN DO IT!!!

    ...and so ends my Thursday "Here's The Skinny" Report....

  • Diana6ft
    Diana6ft Posts: 126 Member
    @hawkins410 I think 10 rain drops actually landed on me while I walked to get my kid from school! That was it though. The Coachella Valley is especially non rainy.

    I did my kettle bell work out, the accountability challenge, and the nutritional challenge. Is it just me, or is cabbage really easy to add to your diet? I only have 11 more miles left which I'm looking forward to completing.

    We are at 141% on miles people!!!! I think we can totally make it to 200%
  • murdog3t
    murdog3t Posts: 2,033 Member
    No rain here in northern Cali but it's on the way ...hopefully I can get out for a run this weekend without getting to wet. Cabbage eaten ,I love it in my tacos. No fish this week for me didn't buy any last shopping trip . TGIF yay
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Having a rough couple of days. Tired. Hungry. Like crazy hungry, stomach growling at 4AM, eating back more exercise calories than I would like, can't stand it, would eat anything someone put in front of me, hungry. My overall deficit over the last two weeks is such that the scale should be moving, but its not. It makes me question myself, and everything that I am doing.
    On a more positive note.....upper body lifting last night followed by two miles on the treadmill. I never run on the treadmill. But I was already at the gym, and it was windy and raining heavy, so I thought it would be "easier" to just jump on and bang out a couple of miles. Yeah, I hate the treadmill. It was torture. But with another 4.7 today, puts me on track to only need 3ish miles on Sunday. Tomorrow is a planned long run - somewhere in the 11.5-13 range, depending on how I'm feeling in the morning.
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    edited April 2016
    @ka97 The way you exercise, I think anyone would be tired and hungry!! You really put yourself into that running and lifting! Do you think maybe you are gaining muscle, which would account for the scales not budging? I had an Olympic Wrestling Team trainer tell me once that he had a young woman start lifting to lose weight, and she gained 12 pounds! But it was just the light-weight fat turning to dense muscle and she looked AWESOMEas a result!!
    Keep in mind how much you are helping this team, what a great contributor you are, and how much we appreciate your efforts!! YOU EVEN DANCED!! B)
    Have an enjoyable, restful weekend. :)
  • mswanger09
    mswanger09 Posts: 863 Member
    Finally got kettle bell done! Have had fish two nights and tomorrow will be number three. Also did a HIIT for another challenge, picked the one that would give me the most steps! And I am tired.
  • 120maggie
    120maggie Posts: 4,997 Member
    @ka97 you know weight loss/maintenance is supposed to be a science. Calories in and calories out and we are machines that respond to fueling. -but its more than that. --- I can eat and exercise relatively the same and there are some days I forget to eat and other days I am so hungry I can't stand it. An "emergency" greek yogurt is what saves me when I get that hungry. Just a little bit of protein will keep me from derailing big time. I agree with @hawkins410 you may have stepped up the exercise more than you realize and your body really does want/need more-- and you are gaining lean muscle. Thanks for all your hard work and don't let the scale play with your head. You are an athlete accomplishing what a lot of us wish we could do!
  • jamacianredhair
    jamacianredhair Posts: 230 Member
    Good morning!! Kevin and I are about to head to the gym and run a few errands. I will log all of our activities for the week tonight. We have had a great week off back to work on Monday :'( Just wanted to check in and let y'all know we are still here! Kevin even did the kettlebell challenge!
  • mswanger09
    mswanger09 Posts: 863 Member
    Hey team!!! Hope everyone is ha I g a great weekend! Got my 26.2 miles done.

    A reminder to everyone to update their minutes and completed challenges. If you are unable to access the spreadsheet, post your stats here and someone will get them entered for you!