Team 6 degrees of awesome



  • mswanger09
    mswanger09 Posts: 863 Member
    Hey everyone, we are heading to Kiev!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is only 1898 miles away! We got this!!!!!!

    And do to teams having low participation numbers, they aren't going to be eliminating any teams. BUT, they are going to do some reconstructing of the teams at the end of the week. I hope we just get some new members added and not that we all get split up.
  • Diana6ft
    Diana6ft Posts: 126 Member
    mswanger09 wrote: »
    Hey everyone, we are heading to Kiev!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is only 1898 miles away! We got this!!!!!!

    And do to teams having low participation numbers, they aren't going to be eliminating any teams. BUT, they are going to do some reconstructing of the teams at the end of the week. I hope we just get some new members added and not that we all get split up.

    OH NO!!!! I love our team!!
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    edited April 2016
    Kiev, here we come! The mileage is a piece of cake; this awesome team should be able to double or triple that! :smile:
    The Roadblocks are a bit of a challenge though.

    1. The Kettlebell - Not everyone has a Kettlebell! I googled it and saw that a beginner should use 8-10 pounds to start. I am a beginner! :p Here is what I plan to do: find something that weighs 10 lbs. (like a sack of flour) and secure it in some type of bag with a handle (such as strong plastic). You don't want it swinging around, so make it a tight fit. The video is almost 12 minutes long and it looks like we only have to do it once, but be sure to count those minutes!

    2. The Marathon - 26 miles each!! :o For those of us that use the Elliptical Trainer or do Zumba, this could be a problem. My solution is to count your steps. My Vivofit automatically translates to miles for me, and I bet Fitbits do as well. But if you don't have either one, and can't carry your phone w/ you, buy a cheap pedometer and hook it on your dress or pants. Find a distance you know (like a 1/4 mile) and calculate how many steps it takes you. Then just do the math at the end of each day. I'll be happy to help if you need it. Those of us with dogs should have some happy, tired pups by the end of the week. I suggest we all start right away and don't forget to track your minutes as you walk/run!!

    3. Fish or cabbage: Either one 3x this week. Shouldn't be too hard.

    4. Accountability: There is a new thread called:" Accountable to Me" & it's an easy one, so let's get a 100% turnout!

    We did an incredibly awesome job getting to Egypt and beyond. It really seemed insurmountable for awhile, but this amazingly awesome group prevailed!! :smiley:

    Don't worry, @mswanger09....if they try to split us up, a revolution will be on their hands!! ;) I think what is really going to happen is that they are going to consolidate the teams with low numbers of participation, so that there are fewer teams, but they have more even numbers.

    @ka97 You are the expert in lifting AND running...any further suggestions (or changes) for the Roadblocks??

  • mswanger09
    mswanger09 Posts: 863 Member
    @hawkins410, you got that right! There will be a revolt if they try to break up this team!

    For the kettleball, I am going to just use my 10 pound hand weight.

    The mileage is going to be a tricky one! I already try to carry my phone with me as much as possible when I am at work. Sadly, the weather is supposed to be crappy here this week so it doesn't look good for getting outside. Looks like my best option will be firing up my Wii and doing a free run, several times.

    And I told my husband about having to eat fish 3 times this, and he is heartbroken, but he said he will muddle through. (Seriously, he is super excited since he loves seafood.)

    And here is the link for the accountability challenge:
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    Edit of my kettlebell idea: Melodie wrote: "You can sub a hand weight/dumbbell instead, but (according to Jillian Michaels) the hand weight really shouldn't be more than 7 pounds - by then it'll be too heavy and you risk not being able to hold it properly while you do swings and other movements. "

    That is much easier!! B)
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Don't know what I just did but I just lost the entire post that I typed :s !

    Snow today. Roads were not conducive to running, and honestly I wasn't even comfortable with driving to the gym. So sadly its a rest day.

    @leti126 - I'm in northern MA.

    I did the kettlebell roadblock. Only had a 25lb kettlebell, so I did two handed swings, used a dumbell for the clean and press, and used a medicine ball for the twists.
    As for modifications, much of it can be done with a dumbell. Be very care if using a dumbell for the figure eights (i.e. don't drop it). You could probably substitute goblet squats. I'm not sure I would do the swings with a dumbell. But you could substitute deadlifts and front lateral raises.
    As for the run/walk....if you have a fitbit, it will show your mileage. So will your iphone. There 's a "health" app already on your phone. There are also a number of free apps that you can download that will track your mileage. I was excited to see the run roadblock. Actually I was happy to see anything other than dancing. I'm bummed I couldn't run today though. Monday is usually a run day, so I feel like I'm already behind for the week. I prefer to take my rest day on the day before my long run, but mother nature had other plans. Isn't it supposed to be spring????
  • dtplow
    dtplow Posts: 127 Member
    GRRR snow in April is not right!! It feels so cold and windy and just wrong! It is APRIL, spring flowers... not time to break out the snow shovel, mittens, coats, hats, boots, long running tights .... we just packed those away! Arrgghh Okay Monday weather rant over :)

    Have to dig out my fitbit and charge it up for tomorrow, just calculated mileage manually today.

    @ka97 knew you would be happy with no dancing this week!!
  • 120maggie
    120maggie Posts: 4,997 Member
    I was laughing about the marathon as I am watching the snow accumulate. -- My fitbit says I average 35-40 miles a week, but I really wanted to push myself to walk 26miles in addition to my morning work out. -- not so sure that it will happen. Did Zumba this morning and my free weight class after work. So I really wasn't motivated to go out in the weather tonight.

    @hawkins410 love the new pic of Tara. Can you imagine how quickly we would have gotten to Egypt if we could count her miles too!! You guys really make a great pair!

    Ok, speaking of a great pair. -- and excuse my crudeness, but i am willing to invest in a kettleball and do that routine daily if I could look like her. But somehow I don't think it will happen! :D

    My husband's family came from the Ukraine. Stuffed cabbage rolls! A lot of work, but so good.
  • murdog3t
    murdog3t Posts: 2,033 Member
    Thanks @hawkins410 for setting up the new weeks spreadsheet. You have been so wonderful at keeping us on track. Thank you. Its really nice to have such a great group...Dedicated and consistent. I feel very blessed to be part of.
  • leti126
    leti126 Posts: 179 Member
    I'm so sick of this snow! It was awful out on the roads today! I will have to find a way to track my miles as I lost my Fitbit back in June
  • leti126
    leti126 Posts: 179 Member
    The rest of my post got cut off... Annoying!

    Too much to type again, oh well.

    Keep up the awesome work team!
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    murdog3t wrote: »
    Thanks @hawkins410 for setting up the new weeks spreadsheet. You have been so wonderful at keeping us on track. Thank you. Its really nice to have such a great group...Dedicated and consistent. I feel very blessed to be part of.

    Aw thanks, @murdog3t, but the real credit for the spreadsheet goes to @mswanger! I just got it started so I'd have a place to put my name. ;) She did all the cool stuff!
    @120maggie, no kidding! Tara does about 4 miles for every one of mine! Do you think I could just put my Vivofit on her collar and let her run for the Marathon Challenge? :D

    I brought some weights home from work to start the Kettlebell Challenge, but I'm still nursing a sore shoulder from my tumble on the trail yesterday. My skinned knee is my excuse for not walking much. Tomorrow I'll do laps around the building. It's a big building.

    Our weather is almost too hot to work out! Please don't hate us. B)
  • murdog3t
    murdog3t Posts: 2,033 Member
    @mswanger & @hawkins410 between the both of you a BIG THANK YOU
  • murdog3t
    murdog3t Posts: 2,033 Member
    So who added the points and how did they get 1225? I only got 1121?
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    edited April 2016
    murdog3t wrote: »
    So who added the points and how did they get 1225? I only got 1121?

    That would have been me. Scroll over and add the 120 for the Nutritional Challenge. I didn't see it at first either. :p
    So Grand Total = 1241. We CRUSHED the competition, Team 6 degrees of awesome, WON THE LEG, and gained 101 points on Team One!! :)
  • jamacianredhair
    jamacianredhair Posts: 230 Member
    I'm really excited qbout the kettlebell challenge! I have been wanting to try one. Going to pick up some supplements today so I'm going to price the kettlebell while I'm out, might add it to my equipment. :smile: Have a great day everyone!
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    I'm really excited qbout the kettlebell challenge! I have been wanting to try one. Going to pick up some supplements today so I'm going to price the kettlebell while I'm out, might add it to my equipment. :smile: Have a great day everyone!

    You too @jamacianredhair! :smile:
    Your accountability write-up was so sweet. I feel the same way; we have a great team and it is fun to be part of it!! :) Let's get @buddahboy87 to do his write-up EARLY in the week this time!! ;)

    Team 6 degrees of awesome, let's ALL get the Accountability Challenge done by Thursday at the latest so we can get a 100% turn-out!! That would be soooo awesome and would save some last minute scrambling & emails from the "challenge police"! :D
  • dtplow
    dtplow Posts: 127 Member
    Happy Tuesday everyone! I am so amazed at our team, lots of hard work and dedication!
    This team has helped me to stay on track and get me up and moving... I am now at the lowest weight I have been in years and better than that I am feeling Awesome!! Thanks to everyone for all the posts and likes, it is so motiving to me!! :)
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    edited April 2016
    My co-worker was in Egypt while we were working so hard to get there, and this is what was she brought back for us! So far I haven't had one...but I'm tempted! :blush:
    Team 6 degrees of awesome, help yourselves to a virtual treat flown in special from Cairo! You deserve it! :)
    I agree with the posts above, this team is inspiring me and motivating me in more ways than imaginable. I, too, feel blessed to be with you all. <3
  • tooru
    tooru Posts: 72 Member
    Fish!!! My favorite! That will be an easy one for me :3