2. Daily Activity Accountability



  • krce
    krce Posts: 213 Member
    2.87 miles this morning for about 45 minutes.
  • ClarissaCLD
    ClarissaCLD Posts: 212 Member
    Does walking around the White Rose Centre spending my birthday money count? :)
  • 1cand0it2
    1cand0it2 Posts: 169 Member
    I'm loving Cize! I am switching between the first 2 workouts "Crazy 8s" and "You got this" until next week. The songs are fun and it doesn't seem like a workout, which I really like! A friend told me there was a sign or maybe a youtube video that let's you see one of the Cize workouts, I will try to find it and share it :)[/quote]

    Awesome I'd love to see it!
  • katdanash
    katdanash Posts: 1,390 Member
    Got 20 mins of walking probably more while pacing around the waiting room while brother had surgery
  • animalrob37
    animalrob37 Posts: 92 Member
    97 minutes ealking
  • Pepperh3ad
    Pepperh3ad Posts: 117 Member
    Leg day!
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    About 45 min of light basketball. (Had to go gently because I'm still one handed)
  • ClarissaCLD
    ClarissaCLD Posts: 212 Member
    No activity today, again a lot of driving.
  • katdanash
    katdanash Posts: 1,390 Member
    Took the day off from exercise.. Totally exhausted!
  • krce
    krce Posts: 213 Member
    Walked the dogs 3.1 miles this morning & about 2.5 on the treadmill over lunch.
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    30 min walk with my nephew strapped to my back :) beautiful in CA today
  • krce
    krce Posts: 213 Member
    3.3 miles this morning - it's beautiful here today! Mild temperatures & the birds are singing :smiley:
  • ClarissaCLD
    ClarissaCLD Posts: 212 Member
    45 minute aquafit session done.
  • katdanash
    katdanash Posts: 1,390 Member
    5 1/2 hours on my feet today . normally at my desk . was bending stretching . I don't think my legs can handle a work out today . get to do it again tomorrow. Price changes .. Yeehaw
  • animalrob37
    animalrob37 Posts: 92 Member
    71 minutes walking today. Tomorrow I'm going for a big walk.
  • smurphy90
    smurphy90 Posts: 71 Member
    Again, chose to walk somewhere I would have taken the metro to a month ago. Only 2 miles, roundtrip, but still...
  • jesscoll317
    jesscoll317 Posts: 85 Member
    I've had a 6-day bout of no exercise, but I got back out there today and did 2 miles after dinner.

    My motivation? I got some earbuds so I can download podcasts and listen while I walk. It really helped!
  • krce
    krce Posts: 213 Member
    3.55 miles with the dogs this morning. Another beautiful day!
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    Yesterday was a very social day so no real workout. I ended up feeling restless at the end of the day.
  • Pepperh3ad
    Pepperh3ad Posts: 117 Member
    Wednesday night, some work stuff went off the rails. Interrupted my workout, and had me awake for almost 46 solid hours. So I skipped back day Thursday. Looking forward to cardio tonight, and back to full steam ahead tomorrow!
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    Today I woke up about 3pm which due to bipolar has become normal recently. Once I got up though I felt human for first time in weeks and had a shower, changed my bed clothes, caught up with washing up pile and cloths washing pile. It does not sound like much but it is massive progress from being semi-comatose for weeks. I am hoping to get out for a walk tomorrow. Sometimes people tell me to take it easy after emerging from those states but I have to seize the day while I can because in few weeks I will re-enter the depressed coma state as is the challenge of rapid cycling bipolar. I am having third round of blood tests on tuesday which I hope show either what is wrong or come back normal and then I can start Lithium and hope that miraculously stops this nightmare. The last 4 years have been this constant rapid cycling bipolar. Before that is was regular slow bipolar. At least I know the bad times will not last years, I only have to hang on for weeks or months now before become human again. Still it feels an unreasonable way to have to live. I just keep reminding myself there are always people far worse off.
  • katdanash
    katdanash Posts: 1,390 Member
    Stomach is in flare from poor eating . stress and life in general. .. Feet are to swollen to exersize so on the couch with feet propped up. Oh the life of a person with auto immune diseases . arthritis how I hate u . but I knew after all the hours on my feet it would happen in combination. Of poor food choices .
  • krce
    krce Posts: 213 Member
    35 minutes on the elliptical, 35 minutes on the stationary bike.
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    @ObesityWarrior had lithium worked for you in the past? Not to be too personal
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    Almost two hours of gardening today
  • BigChangeNeeded
    BigChangeNeeded Posts: 671 Member
    I walked 10km today. I'm not sure it was entirely by choice, but I needed to get out of my house before I pulled my bloody hair out! I walked until my ankle decided enough was enough. It took me a few hours, and I walked from where we live in the city to damn near the countryside. I was just over a mile from making it to the Peak District, but just couldn't go any further.
    But hey, I found a new goal. I want to be able to walk to the countryside, with a long term aim of being able to walk to a small village I like to visit sometimes. Its 24km away, so out of my range right now, but hopefully one day I'll find it easy.
  • krce
    krce Posts: 213 Member
    Pushed mowed the lawn for an hour & im counting it ;). Will take the dogs for a leisurely stroll later :)
  • ClarissaCLD
    ClarissaCLD Posts: 212 Member
    No actual exercise today but lots of housework.
  • 1cand0it2
    1cand0it2 Posts: 169 Member
    2.3 miles walking today, with dog. I think that should count as an upper-body workout!(?) Dog is 115 pounds of muscle, pulling at times.
  • Pepperh3ad
    Pepperh3ad Posts: 117 Member
    Great workout tonight. An hour of cardio, an hour of weights. Nailed it!
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