100% Challenge - Mon 5/23 to Until - Join Anytime!



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    06/30/2017 100%

    I walked for an hour + 0 Cents during today's walk. The temperature this morning was 75 on the news channel and 732 degrees on the front porch with higher humidity level once again. The forecast is for Thunderstorms later today and into tomorrow morning :( It did rain lightly overnight and I was drizzled on during my walk so I changed my route in case it started raining harder. I also managed to sit on a wet surface and get soaked when I stopped to drink some of my CocoNut flavored Coffee, meh, from the 7-Eleven and missed some of the plastic I had put down. I often stop like that so I can clear my nose, TMI ??

    ‘Healthy’ ice creams promise indulgence without guilt. Do they deliver?
    By Maura Judkis June 27
    All the gory details by following the link above :)

    USMC Veteran Takes Out Three Armed Robbers, “I Opened the Door and Smoked ’em.”
    Posted at 10:50 am on June 29, 2017 by Jenn Jacques
    I opened the door and smoked ’em.”

    Now that’s the start of a great story, but seriously – it gets better.

    Three armed robbers in Theodore, Alabama thought 62-year-old Michael Irving would be the perfect victim. A few weeks ago, they reportedly broke into his home, robbing Irving of all his cancer medication, and leaving him with a threat: if he reported the robbery, they’d come back to harm him.

    But Irving called the police to report the robbery anyhow and made sure he would be able to defend himself if the suspects returned.

    Last Thursday night, that’s exactly what happened.

    The three suspects showed up at Irving’s door again, this time armed with a handgun and a shotgun. Irving heard a tap on his front door and when he walked up to open the door, “that’s when he shot me,” he said.

    Irving, a United States Marine Corps veteran, wasn’t about to be victimized again.

    “That’s when I went to the cabinet here and back behind the coffee was an old time pistol,” said Irving. “I opened the door and smoked ’em.”

    Irving managed to shoot all three suspects. Two of them fled the scene in a vehicle, but were found by Mobile County Sheriff’s Office deputies at a Dollar General Store just over two miles away after they reported being shot. The third suspect remained wounded at the home.

    The suspects—identified as Casey Ray Gann, 29, Joseph Heathcock, 19, and Chaste Dulabhan, 24—were taken to a local hospital for treatment and arrested shortly thereafter. All three have been charged with assault second-degree, robbery first-degree, burglary first-degree and shooting into an occupied dwelling.
    Watch Irving detail his ordeal:

    It is hard to believe that one half of the year is past already, where did it go?
    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    07/01/2017 Not 100%

    I walked up for a cup of coffee and back. The temperature this morning was 70 on the news channel and 73 degrees on the front porch with a high humidity level. The forecast yesterday was for Thunderstorms in the latter part of the day. Sure enough the sky opened up with a drenching rain for a few minutes with thunder then cleared up.
    You may be wondering why the short walk, easy, a bad nights sleep, Allergies were bothering me terribly. I wonder if it was that bad as I was out in the back Yard planting Corn and helping my Brother.

    New Jersey, Maine Shut Down Governments Amid Budget Impasses
    States are among 46 that start a new fiscal year Saturday and nearly a dozen where budget negotiations had come down to the wire


    Illinois Blows Budget Deadline, Pushing It Closer to Junk
    By Elizabeth Campbell
    July 1, 2017, 12:01 AM EDT
    July 1, 2017, 5:53 PM EDT

    This was interesting, Your opinion?
    Earlier this year, Susan Collins and Bill Cassidy proposed a compromise: Why not give states the option of whether to keep ObamaCare or not? Blue states could retain it, red states could opt for waivers that let insurers offer cheaper plans with less coverage. Cruz’s plan is an intrastate variation of that hybrid approach. Instead of letting each state decide whether to opt in or out of ObamaCare, he proposes letting insurers in each state offer whichever plans they like so long as they offer at least one ObamaCare-compliant plan. If you want to pay more for a plan with all the bells and whistles that O-Care requires, go nuts. If you want something less expensive and less comprehensive, that’s on the menu too. People with preexisting conditions could choose the bells-and-whistles plan, healthier folk could choose the skimpier fare. Win/win! That may make Republican moderates and conservatives happy enough to get McConnell 50 votes. Just one question: Who’s going to cover the revenue shortfall for insurers when healthy consumers start swapping their expensive ObamaCare plans for cheaper Cruz-enabled ones?

    Counting down to the 4th of July :)

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    07/02/2017 100%

    I walked for an 1.5+ hours, 8100 steps + 1 Cents during today's walk. The temperature this morning was 73 on the news channel and 72 degrees on the front porch with higher humidity level in the forecast, also Thunderstorms later today :(

    Hmm... In the crazy news dept.
    NASA: Uh, No, We're Not Running A Child Slave Colony On Mars
    Christine Rousselle Posted: Jun 30, 2017 10:20 AM
    NASA has denied an InfoWars allegation that the space agency is running a child slave colony on the planet Mars. Robert David Steele, a guest on The Alex Jones Show made the claim on Thursday that NASA routinely sends kidnapped children on a 20-year trip to the red planet, where they serve as slaves for a secret Martian colony.

    “We actually believe that there is a colony on Mars that is populated by children who were kidnapped and sent into space on a 20-year ride,” said Steele. “So that once they get to Mars they have no alternative but to be slaves on the Mars colony.”

    When asked for comment by The Daily Beast, NASA denied any sort of kidnapping/child slavery plot, and confirmed that there are no humans of any age on Mars--only Mars rovers.

    “There are no humans on Mars. There are active rovers on Mars. There was a rumor going around last week that there weren’t. There are,” Guy Webster, a spokesperson for Mars exploration at NASA, told The Daily Beast. “But there are no humans.”
    Well, duh.

    In other space conspiracy news, internet hacker group Anonymous claimed earlier this week that NASA was on the verge of announcing that they had discovered evidence of life on other planets elsewhere in the universe. NASA has also denied these claims, saying that they do not have evidence of any sort of extraterrestrial life just yet, nor is there any sort of "pending announcement."
    Contrary to some reports, there’s no pending announcement from NASA regarding extraterrestrial life.
    — Thomas Zurbuchen (@Dr_ThomasZ) June 26, 2017
    Are we alone in the universe? While we do not know yet, we have missions moving forward that may help answer that fundamental question.
    — Thomas Zurbuchen (@Dr_ThomasZ) June 26, 2017

    What a weird time to be alive.

    University to Remove Crosses, Bibles & Altar from Campus Chapel
    Todd Starnes Posted: Jun 30, 2017 12:05 PM
    East Central University said they will remove crosses, Bibles and other religious symbols from a campus chapel to appease a bunch of out-of-town agitators.
    It’s unclear when the Oklahoma school will commence with the Christian cleansing of the Kathryn P. Boswell Memorial Chapel. The chapel opened in 1957.
    “We will continue to use the building as we always have, for all faiths,” ECU President Katricia Pierson said in a statement to the Ada News. “We do not want to presume to embrace one faith over another. We support all cultures and attempt to make them comfortable when they are here.”
    The university’s president went on to say they are “looking at the feasibility of removing the cross on the steeple, but need to respond to the request for removal of religious icons from the chapel.”
    “We are exploring options for preserving the items,” she said.
    So on the bright side, it appears East Central University will not burn the Bibles or toss the crosses into a wood chipper.
    Americans United for the Separation of Church and State is responsible for the Christian cleansing at ECU. They fired off a terse letter accusing the school of displaying “religious iconography.” That letter was obtained by the Ada News.
    “These displays include Latin crosses on the top of and inside the building, Bibles and a Christian altar,” the letter stated. “While it is legal for a public university to have a space that can be used by students for religious worship so long as that space is not dedicated solely to that purpose, it is a violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution to display religious iconography on government property.”
    That’s a great big load of legal malarkey.
    Hiram Sasser, director of litigation for First Liberty Institute, said there is federal precedent to maintain chapels in taxpayer-funded facilities.
    “We have a Congressional Prayer Room in the Capitol, we have chapels in government owned airports and many other government owned chapels,” Sasser told me.
    Sasser suspects Americans United is just testing Oklahoma’s new attorney general – Mike Hunter.
    “They want to see if he backs down or stands up to their ridiculous claims and I predict Mike Hunter will fight hard to preserve this historic chapel,” Sasser said.
    Meanwhile, many Oklahomans are furious over the university’s decision to capitulate to those who want to eradicate Christianity from the public marketplace.
    “I feel betrayed by our own country, upset that this could take place in America,” alum Jill Tucker Brown told me. “We are a nation founded on Christianity.”
    Ms. Brown believes the university should stand up to the atheist and secularist bullies.
    “I think it is absurd that anyone would go to this length (to remove the cross),” she told me. “If this university does not stand up for their rights, this will not be their only fight.”
    Anita Thomas is also a graduate of East Central University and she is heartbroken over the news.
    “I am heartbroken because our country has become a place where things like this can happen,” she told me. “
    Much like the Islamic radicals, the atheists and secularists want to erase Christianity from the public marketplace. And they are waging their cultural jihad not with bombs – but with lawsuits.

    Indiana Judge Temporarily Blocks Law Requiring Parental Notification for Minors Obtaining Abortions
    Lauretta Brown Posted: Jun 30, 2017 2:30 PM
    Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky (PPINK) and the ACLU were granted a preliminary injunction Wednesday blocking provisions of a parental notification law requiring a minor’s parents to be notified that she is seeking an abortion. The law requires parental notification even if the minor petitions a court to waive parental consent, unless the judge in the case decides that notification is not in the minor’s best interests. Current Indiana law requires that the minor either obtain parental consent or petition to waive that consent.
    The ACLU filed a lawsuit on behalf of PPINK in May, claiming that the act "imposes new burdens on a young woman's access to abortion and on her health care providers, in violation of often reaffirmed constitutional rights."

    CNN Producer: American Voters Are ‘Stupid as S**t’ And We All Know Trump Is A ‘F**king Crazy’ Clown
    Matt Vespa Posted: Jun 30, 2017 11:30 AM
    Throughout this week, James O’ Keefe’s Project Veritas has been uncovering what’s going on inside the control rooms of CNN. John Bonifield, a producer with the network’s Atlanta office, was captured by PV reporters saying that the Russian collusion story was “mostly bulls**t,” but it’s great for ratings. CNN contributor and former green jobs czar under the Obama administration Van Jones was caught admitting that the Russia story is a “big nothing burger.” Now, associate producer for New Day Jimmy Carr is caught saying that American voters are “stupid as s**t,” and that the network feels President Trump is “f**king crazy.” Carr also takes a swipe at Kellyanne Conway, the Counselor to the President, as the blonde who looks like she got hit with a shovel. He also says that President Trump isn’t a Republican, and that he’s probably paid for abortions.

    Any wonder as to why I do not watch much news these days ?

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    07/04/2017 100%

    I walked for an 1 hour during today's walk. The temperature this morning was 69 on the news channel and 69 degrees on the front porch with higher humidity level in the forecast, also Thunderstorms later today or tomorrow :( I'll be out later going to the bank and the produce shop for bananas. I have been getting some Raspberries off of the bushes out back and yesterday I found two ripe Blackberries in with all the unripened ones that are still going from green to red on their way to turning black.

    Yesterday, the 4th of July I blew the diet all to tiny little pieces :)
    All the following items in the Lunch were Home Made by my Brother.
    Potato Salad, Macaroni Salad, Baked Beans, Pastrami, Spare Ribs cooked using my Brothers Own Dry Rub. It was all tasty however I am feeling it today :(
    Dinner was a Pear, and Protein Shake.

    Today's lunch will depend to a certain extent on whether my brother brings home leftover foods from his meeting later today.

    In NJ we can now legally buy sparklers and Poppers, Big Whoopee... The Sparklers did sell out from what I saw on the TV this morning.

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    07/03/2017 Not 100%

    I decided to enjoy the Holiday and am taking the day off from walking :)

    Have a happy 4th of July
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    07/05/2017 Not 100%

    I walked for an 1.5 hours, 8263 steps + 0 Cents during today's walk. The temperature this morning was 72 on the news channel and 70 degrees on the front porch, also a chance of light showers followed by heavier rain into Friday and a 100% chance of rain on Friday :(

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    07/06/2017 100%

    I walked for an hour, 4700 steps + 0 Cents during today's 2 mile walk. The temperature this morning was 70 on the news channel and 70 degrees on the front porch.There was a shower Overnight which is forecast to be followed by heavier rain today with part of NJ getting rain from 1/2 inch to 2 inches depending on where You are in the state :(

    Victims say they feel sorry for thief who ran car into sinkhole
    By KRQE News 13 and Brianna Gallegos Published: July 5, 2017, 5:20 pm
    ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – A lot of people in and around Albuquerque have their cars stolen, but most of them don’t end up seeing their cars on the news, especially sticking out of a sinkhole.

    Now, the owners of that car are saying they feel sorry for the thief.
    For weeks, the owners of the car were wondering if they would ever get it back when police told them their car was found — and its condition, it hit them hard.
    After police confirmed the car that fell into a sinkhole in Rio Rancho on Monday was stolen, they also revealed what was inside.
    “It contained drug paraphernalia and a few other items that indicates that somebody had potentially been living in it,” Rio Rancho Police Lieutenant J. Holt said.
    Tanner Myer and Kylie Pollan own that car. They say they feel bad for the woman.
    “I hope for her to have an opportunity to sober up and get clean,” Myers said.
    “I heard she was living in it, so I mean, she obviously needed it a little more than us,” Pollan said.
    The Albuquerque couple says that doesn’t mean they didn’t need their car, which was the only car they owned.
    “We work really hard for what we had. This was our first big purchase and it was a part of us. It helped us get to work, get food, get to the doctor. We had a car for a reason,” Pollan said.
    Now, the two just want to move forward.
    “No reason to stay mad. Being mad takes a lot of energy,” Pollan said.
    Instead, they’re focusing on what’s next. They say their insurance is good but won’t cover it all.
    “The only thing bad is we have to purchase a new car, put a down payment, but we didn’t think this was going to happen so we didn’t have a saving for this,” Pollan said.
    As for how the car was stolen, they say it was taken in the middle of the night.
    The couple says they are just thankful no one was hurt.
    The family says the car is a total loss. They hope police will release it soon so the insurance claim can go into effect.
    Police say the unidentified woman who took off from the crash scene is still on the run. They also say she had a dog with her.

    Albuquerque TV truck stolen while crew worked on crime story
    While a television news crew was gathering footage for a story about crime in the Albuquerque downtown area, a thief drove off in the station's SUV.
    The Albuquerque Journal reported the story June 23 about the KOB-TV truck.
    KOB News Director Michelle Donaldson says the vehicle was recovered within a half hour without police assistance by following the GPS tracking device that was on board.
    She says the thief had fled the scene and the SUV was locked with the keys missing.
    The crew was in the area reporting on recent concerns about crime and safety.
    Donaldson says it's ironic that KOB became victims of a crime in exactly the area they were reporting about.
    She says that violates the rule of never being the lead story of your own newscast.

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited July 2017

    07/07/2017 100%

    I only walked up for a cup of coffee. The temperature this morning was 68 on the news channel and 70 degrees on the front porch.
    There is a reason for the shortened walk. Yesterday ended up being a long day, where I did not get to bed until 1.5 hours late. and then sleep came 2 hours further on.
    Why was it a long day You me be asking?
    My brother and I went to the Van Horne House
    History has taken many forms at the Van Horne House over the past 300 years, reflecting Somerset County's history. The house and its site has seen the tracks of Native Americans, the development of early settlements, the struggles of the American Revolution and the growth of commerce and industry.

    n April 1777 at the Battle of Bound Brook, Lord Cornwallis' troops marched to the house and skirmished with Patriot troops in hopes of capturing Patriot officers staying at the Van Hornes, but without any luck. General Benjamin Lincoln, who had been at the house escaped into the hills, "clad only in his breeches," according to one account.
    More info via the link.
    Which is the most likely reason for the baseball teams name :)
    The Patriots are the winningest franchise of the Atlantic League, capturing six Championship Series titles in 2001, 2003, 2005, 2008, 2009, and most recently, 2015.

    The "Patriots" name refers to the Middlebrook encampment where the first official flag of the United States was unfurled, after a law to adopt a national flag had been passed by Congress on June 14, 1777. By special order of Congress, a 13-star flag is flown 24 hours a day at the Washington Camp Ground, part of the former Middlebrook encampment, in Bridgewater Township.

    Anyway I took 2 Turkey Salad Sandwiches, some Raw Cauliflower, A Orange of some kind and a Protein shake + 2 Bottles of water to the Picnic part of the evening, Resisted the lure of the Ice Cream Truck, Did not resist the lure of Franny going to get Chinese for 4 people and added a Pork Egg Roll :(
    Then We sat an talked for a while, until the Fireworks went up around 10PM and then were stuck in traffic to get home. The Fireworks were from the Patriot Teams TD Bank ballpark across the street from the Van Horne House. They do Fireworks for home ballgames throughout the summer. Friday was close enough to the 4h of July and we were there this year as we were last year.
    The weather was OK with a nice breeze, It started to sprinkle around 9:30 and we thought about relocating inside, however the rain only threw a few stray drops our way and all was well. I had a really comfortable Folding chair to sit on and I took the backpack to carry the victuals in which made the trip to and from the car easy.

    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited July 2017

    07/08/2017 Not 100%

    I only walked up for a cup of coffee and stopped at the Grocery Store for fruit, Whee, They had some nice looking Apples for 59 Cents a pound. The temperature this morning was 69 on the news channel and 65 degrees on the front porch.
    The Apples will go good at Lunch and the Large Tangerines for Dinner and that gives me enough to last until Wednesday Morning. Wednesday I plan to stop at CostCo for Frozen Vegetables, More Protein Shakes and Look at the fruit prices and then decide.
    By Wednesday I will need some Bananas and will be out of fresh fruit. Why the CostCo Protein Shakes ? Since NS replaced their shakes the old one were delicious, The new ones are something I can barely choke down :(

    I ran across this news yesterday, Somewhat weird IMO.
    CNN Is Losing Evening Ratings War...With Nick-At-Nite?
    Last week, more Americans tuned in to watch re-runs of “Yogi Bear,” “Full House,” and “Friends” on Nick At Nite than to watch Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon’s shows on CNN.

    According to cable ratings from the week of June 26-July 2, CNN’s viewership of its primetime shows was ranked significantly lower than its competitors like Fox News and MSNBC, which place first and second respectively. Clocking in at No. 10 on the list, CNN fell behind HGTV, Nick At Nite, History Channel, and ESPN — the sports network that’s been hemorrhaging viewers for months.

    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited July 2017

    07/09/2017 100%

    I did some walking for an hour, The temperature this morning was 64 on the news channel and 62 degrees on the front porch. By the time I got back home the temperature was 74 in the shade.
    Then I mowed the lawn for a half hour...

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited July 2017

    07/10/2017 100%

    I did some walking for an hour, The temperature this morning was 74 on the news channel and 75 degrees on the front porch. The Humidity is reported as being in the uncomfortable range, I agree BTW. By the time I got back home the temperature was 80 in the shade.

    Today is bake a Sweet Potato Bread(s) day by my brother. I drop my car off tomorrow for it's annual oil change and every two years State inspection. I must have put several hundred miles on the car since the last oil change :)
    The Bread goes with the car, They take care of us so we take care of them :)

    These Coloradans say Earth is flat. And gravity’s a hoax. Now, they’re being persecuted.
    The Flat Earth movement is growing in Colorado, thanks to technology and skepticism about science
    Every Tuesday at 6 p.m., three dozen Coloradans from every corner of the state assemble in the windowless back room of a small Fort Collins coffee shop. They have met 16 times since March, most nights talking through the ins and outs of their shared faith until the owners kick them out at closing.
    They have no leaders, no formal hierarchy and no enforced ideology, save a common quest for answers to questions about the stars. Their membership has slowly swelled in the past three years, though persecution and widespread public derision keep them mostly underground. Many use pseudonyms, or only give first names.
    “They just do not want to talk about it for fear of reprisals or ridicule from co-workers,” says John Vnuk, the group’s founder who lives in Fort Collins.
    He is at the epicenter of a budding movement, one that’s coming for your books, movies, God and mind. They’re thousands strong — perhaps one in every 500 — and have proponents at the highest levels of science, sports, journalism and arts.
    They call themselves Flat Earthers. Because they believe Earth — the blue, majestic, spinning orb of life — is as flat as a table.

    71 lost 'fireworks dogs' at San Diego shelters
    Dozens of scared or disoriented dogs left their homes during or soon after Tuesday’s Fourth of July fireworks and they are still waiting for owners to retrieve them from San Diego County animal shelters.
    County officials say animals unclaimed within the three-day holding period may be put up for adoption so owners of missing pets should check the lost and found website or visit shelters in person as soon as possible.

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited July 2017

    07/11/2017 100%

    I did some walking for an hour, The temperature this morning was 77 on the news channel and 75 degrees on the front porch. By the time I got back home from dropping off the car for its every two year inspection the temperture was 84 in the shade.

    I'm back home after dropping off the car, the walk back was only semi comfortable due to temperature and a high humidity.

    A story about the NYC subway system from Los Angeles, California.
    “Die Kitties Die!” screamed the headline in the New York Daily News when, in 2013, former Metropolitan Transportation Authority chief Joe Lhota criticized a decision to pause trains in a Brooklyn subway station to rescue a pair of kittens lost on the tracks.

    These days, New York so badly needs to get the trains to run on time that Lhota, whose unfortunate anti-cat comments caused a minor scandal, has been brought back as chairman of the transit agency.

    Extreme measures are in order to fix the 112-year-old subway system, and nothing — not budget cuts, political infighting, or cats — can stand in the way.

    Delays have doubled over the last five years, and accidents are on the rise. A subway derailed last week, crashing into a wall and igniting a trash fire after hitting equipment left on a track near 125th Street in Harlem. Nobody was seriously injured, but hundreds of terrified passengers had to evacuate through a smoky underground passage lighted only by their cellphones.

    On the heels of the derailment, Gov. Andrew Cuomo this week signed an executive order declaring a “state of emergency” on the subways, making official what many New Yorkers in their gut already know. The governor also allocated an additional $1 billion for improvements.

    Few think it will make much impact for the largest subway system in the United States, with 665 miles of track and 472 stations.
    To be sure, the system isn’t as bad as it was in the 1980s, when cars were covered with graffiti and riders had to look over their shoulders for fear of being mugged.

    Today the subways are in some ways victims of their own success. The city’s economy is booming and so is public transit ridership. Nearly 6 million people a day use the subway, up from 4 million in the 1990s, and they are packed into a system that has barely grown at all.
    “The system opened in 1904. It was designed in the 19th century. For the most part, it is still running on concepts that were developed by folks in the late 1800s, and that’s problematic in this, the 21st century,’’ Lhota said at the conference.

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited July 2017

    07/12/2017 100%

    I did some walking for an hour+ and 1 cent , The temperature this morning was 79 on the news channel and 77 degrees on the front porch. The humidity is very high, They were forecasting the humidity to be tropical for today, Tomorrow should be cooler.

    The car inspection, Oil Change and work on the Windshield wipers came to $175, Now I am good for the next two years for the inspection.

    Found this elsewhere and thought it worth sharing.
    Good thoughts to ponder
    If you're not familiar with the work of Steven Wright, he's the famous Erudite (comic) scientist who once said: "I woke up one morning, and all of my stuff had been stolen and replaced by exact duplicates."
    His mind sees things differently than most of us do. . . here are some of his gems:
    1 - I'd kill for a Nobel Peace Prize.
    2 - Borrow money from pessimists -- they don't expect it back.
    3 - Half the people you know are below average.
    4 - 99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name.
    5 - 82.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
    6 - A conscience is what hurts when all your other parts feel so good.
    7 - A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.
    8 - If you want the rainbow, you got to put up with the rain.
    9 - All those who believe in psychokinesis, raise my hand.
    10 - The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
    11 - I almost had a psychic girlfriend, ...... But she left me before we met.
    12 - OK, so what's the speed of dark?
    13 - How do you tell when you're out of invisible ink?
    14 - If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.
    15 - Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.
    16 - When everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.
    17 - Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy.
    18 - Hard work pays off in the future; laziness pays off now.
    19 - I intend to live forever... So far, so good.
    20 - If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?
    21 - Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
    22 - What happens if you get scared half to death twice?
    23 - My mechanic told me, "I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder."
    24 - Why do psychics have to ask you for your name.
    25 - If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.
    26 - A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
    27 - Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.
    28 - The hardness of the butter is proportional to the softness of the bread.
    29 - To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research.
    30 - The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard.
    31 - The sooner you fall behind, the more time you'll have to catch up.
    32 - The colder the x-ray table, the more of your body is required to be on it.
    33 - Everyone has a photographic memory; some just don't have film.
    34 - If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.
    And the all-time favorite -
    35 - If your car could travel at the speed of light, would your headlights work?

    A 37-year-old store clerk in Chicago got the second chance of a lifetime when an armed robber entered his south side store, pointed a gun at him and pulled the trigger.
    The Chicago Tribune reports that at about 3:50 p.m on July 5, 2017, an armed suspect walked into the store on the 8400 block of South Cottage Grove Avenue in an attempted robbery. The suspect pointed his gun at the store clerk, but when he pulled the trigger, his gun jammed.
    A friend of the clerk’s spoke to reporters after the incident, saying his friend was “seconds away from a different outcome.”
    “The guy didn’t come in there to rob him, he came in to kill him and then rob him. He pointed the gun and pulled the trigger and it jammed. The clerk snatched the gun from him.”
    The clerk and a co-worker were able to subdue the suspect and secure the firearm until police arrived on scene.
    The clerk was treated at Advocate Trinity Hospital for cuts and bruises. Police say he was taken there in fair condition.
    Charges are pending against the 20-year-old suspect.

    Have a Great Thursday

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    07/13/2017 100%

    I did some walking for an hour + 1 cent , The temperature this morning was 70 on the news channel and 70 degrees on the front porch. The humidity is very high, They are saying the humidity to be tropical for today for today, It should be cooler however and the humidity will be dropping.

    Found this elsewhere and thought it was sad and scary too, is this the future? :(

    How Bad is Crime in Chicago? Police Search for 6-Year-Old Armed Robbery Suspect
    Posted at 2:25 pm on July 12, 2017 by Jenn Jacques
    If you thought Chicago’s gun problem couldn’t possibly get any more insane, you’re not going to believe this story.

    On Saturday, July 8, 2017, Chicago Police issued an incredulous community alert from detectives warning Near South Side residents of an unlikely robbery crew of suspects that includes “a 6- to 8-year-old boy” armed with a silver handgun.
    The suspects committed at least 11 armed robberies in June in which they traveled in groups of 3-9 armed robbers and approached victims; either demanding valuables or taking property by force before fleeing the scene.

    Gorka Tells CNN Anchor: Russia Coverage Explains Why Cartoons Now Beat You in Ratings
    Last week Matt reported that CNN is in a ratings battle with Nick-at-Nite - and losing. Seriously. A recent study showed that CNN had plummeted to No. 13 in the 8-11 p.m. time slot.

    Sebastian Gorka, deputy assistant to President Trump, was happy to come on CNN and share that information with anchor Alisyn Camerota on Wednesday.

    White House Advisor @SebGorka: Nickelodeon’s Nick at Night gets more evening views than CNN. https://t.co/xHbtxumPCf
    — NTK Network (@NTKNet) July 11, 2017

    A big reason that viewers are abandoning the network, studies suggest, is that CNN has been obsessed with all things Russia. Heck, the network mentioned Russia almost 16,000 times in their coverage since the inauguration.

    “The amount of time you spend in desperation on a topic that has plummeted you to 13th place in viewership ranking across America,” Gorka told Camerota. “I mean more people watch Nick-at-Nite cartoons than CNN today.”
    "Our ratings are just fine," Camerota pushed back, arguing that her network has polling to suggest Americans are very interested in the Russia story.
    Again, Gorka pointed out the stats - CNN was in the 13th spot, and Nick-at-Nite was at No. 11.
    CNN had a terrible week last week. First, producers and anchors were exposed by Project Veritas for intentionally reporting on Russian collusion despite it being "mostly bulls***" and a "nothing burger," while also calling American "stupid as s***" and calling Trump a "f***ing crazy clown." Then, the network also threatened to expose the Reddit user who created the now infamous gif of President Trump body slamming the network.

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    07/14/2017 100%

    I did some walking , The temperature this morning was 67 on the news channel and 70 degrees on the front porch. The humidity is still high, What they are calling tropical for today for tomorrow, It should be warmer and the humidity will be dropping.

    We had off and on rain mostly on for most of Friday. It was raining when I got up and the last of it disappeared by 6:45PM. When I went out the door this morning the streets were still semi wet and I found that there was a light misting happening.

    I was out the door at CostCo nice a quick, $108 lighter in the wallet however.
    I picked up 2 bags of Frozen Normandy Mix and 1 Green Beans, a refrigerated package of Pot Roast to use as a PF. The hot cooked rotisserie 3 pound chicken that scales 4 pounds 5+ ounces in the package. 5 Pounds of Clementines, Gala Apples, White Nectarines and a 10 pack of $4 off Kleenex and a Protein Shake. Sadly they only had Vanilla today and I was looking for a Chocolate and a Vanilla Case of each.

    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited July 2017

    07/15/2017 100%

    I did some walking , The temperature this morning was 68 on the news channel and 68 degrees on the front porch. The humidity is much better, the THI AKA Feels Like is the same as the the real temperature.

    From the UK
    How to treat acid burns, and what to do if you are involved in or witness an acid attack – all you need to know
    Following the worrying rise in acid attacks, here's the important information you need to know

    By Sophie Roberts and Lizzie Parry, Digital Health Editor
    14th July 2017, 6:11 pm
    Updated: 14th July 2017, 6:12 pm
    THE alarming spike in acid attacks on the streets of Britain is a terrifying threat with the potential for catastrophic and life-changing injuries.

    Last night two teenagers were arrested after two suspects riding a moped carried out five horrific attacks in Stoke Newington, Hackney and Islington, police said.
    How SHOULD you treat acid burns?
    The most important thing you can do in the event of an acid attack is to douse the victim in running water, rather than a wet cloth.
    The water dilutes the acid, and so it's important to keep refreshing with new, clean water, as quickly as possible.
    The most important thing you can do in the event of an acid attack is douse the victim's wounds in fresh, running water for as long as possible

    The rest of the details here:

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    07/16/2017 100%

    I did some walking , The temperature this morning was 71 on the news channel and 71 degrees on the front porch. The humidity is up in what they are calling the uncomfortable range once again :(

    July 15, 2017 7:18 PM
    She went in for a simple cataract surgery. Doctors found 27 contact lenses in her eye

    By Greg Hadley


    Order Reprint of this Story

    In a bizarre medical case, a British woman somehow had more than two dozen contact lenses in one eye but didn’t realize it.

    The case, which was published July 5 in the British Medical Journal, has made international headlines after the ophthalmologist responsible for extracting the stack of contacts spoke to the media recently.

    According to the BMJ, the case itself occurred back in November, when a 67-year-old woman went to the doctor for a “routine” eye surgery, Rupal Morjaria wrote.

    When the surgery began, however, Morjaria and her fellow doctors extracted a “blue mass” of 17 contacts, all stuck together, according to Optometry Today. Later, the doctors found another chunk of 10 contacts, bringing the total to 27 contacts in one eye.

    “None of us have ever seen this before,” Morjaria told OT.

    “It was such a large mass. All the 17 contact lenses were stuck together. We were really surprised that the patient didn’t notice it because it would cause quite a lot of irritation while it was sitting there.”

    According to OT, the patient had been wearing monthly disposable contacts for 35 years but did not regularly go to the eye doctor and had no idea that many contacts were in her eye. Morjaria said the patient had credited her discomfort to old age and dry eyes.

    “She was quite shocked,” Morjaria said. “When she was seen two weeks after I removed the lenses she said her eyes felt a lot more comfortable.”

    It is unclear how long the woman had been living with the contacts in her eye. According to Piedmont Healthcare, the FDA recommends that even long-term wear contacts be removed overnight at least once per week to be cleaned and to allow the eye to take in oxygen. Wearing contacts too long can cause corneal damage.

    Research Team Slams Global Warming Data In New Report: "Not Reality... Totally Inconsistent With Credible Temperature Data"

    by Tyler Durden
    Jul 15, 2017 9:00 PM
    As world leaders, namely in the European Union, attack President Trump for pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement which would have saddled Americans with billions upon billions of dollars in debt and economic losses, a new bombshell report that analyzed Global Average Surface Temperature (GAST) data produced by NASA, the NOAA and HADLEY proves the President was right on target with his refusal to be a part of the new initiative.

    According to the report, which has been peer reviewed by administrators, scientists and researchers from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.), and several of America’s leading universities, the data is completely bunk:
    In this research report, the most important surface data adjustment issues are identified and past changes in the previously reported historical data are quantified. It was found that each new version of GAST has nearly always exhibited a steeper warming linear trend over its entire history. And, it was nearly always accomplished by systematically removing the previously existing cyclical temperature pattern. This was true for all three entities providing GAST data measurement, NOAA, NASA and Hadley CRU.
    As a result, this research sought to validate the current estimates of GAST using the best available relevant data. This included the best documented and understood data sets from the U.S. and elsewhere as well as global data from satellites that provide far more extensive global coverage and are not contaminated by bad siting and urbanization impacts. Satellite data integrity also benefits from having cross checks with Balloon data.
    The conclusive findings of this research are that the three GAST data sets are not a valid representation of reality. In fact, the magnitude of their historical data adjustments, that removed their cyclical temperature patterns, are totally inconsistent with published and credible U.S. and other temperature data. Thus, it is impossible to conclude from the three published GAST data sets that recent years have been the warmest ever –despite current claims of record setting warming.
    Finally, since GAST data set validity is a necessary condition for EPA’s GHG/CO2 Endangerment Finding, it too is invalidated by these research findings. (Full Abstract Report)

    Of course, this won’t stop global climate normalcy deniers from saying it’s all one big conspiracy to destroy the earth. They’ll naturally argue that data adjustments to the temperatures need to be made for a variety of reasons, which is something the report doesn’t dispute. What it does show, however, is that these “adjustments” always prove to be to the upside. Always warmer, never cooler:
    While the notion that some “adjustments” to historical data might need to be made is not challenged, logically it would be expected that such historical temperature data adjustments would sometimes raise these temperatures, and sometimes lower them. This situation would mean that the impact of such adjustments on the temperature trend line slope is uncertain. However, each new version of GAST has nearly always exhibited a steeper warming linear trend over its entire history.

    In short: The evidence has been falsified.
    Karl Denninger sums it up succinctly:
    It is therefore quite-clear that the data has been intentionally tampered with.
    Since this has formed the basis for plans to steal literal trillions of dollars and has already resulted in the forced extraction of hundreds of billions in aggregate for motorists and industry this quite-clearly constitutes the largest economic fraud ever perpetrated in the world.
    I call for the indictment and prosecution of every person and organization involved, asset-stripping all of them to their literal underwear.
    The real data looks something like this:
    (Via ZeroHedge.com)

    And the establishment, along with their fanatical global warming myrmidons, continue to push the need for massive, costly initiatives to reduce green house gases and global temperatures to “normal” levels.
    The problem, of course, is that there is no global warming according to the above referenced report.
    Moreover, none of those supporting the Paris Climate Agreement and other initiatives have any idea what these behemoth regulations will actually do to curb climate change, as evidenced by the following video of Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine, who despite his best efforts, can’t seem to figure out exactly how these agreements actually lower temperatures and help Americans:

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    07/17/2017 100%

    I did some walking , The temperature this morning was 74 on the news channel and 73 degrees on the front porch. The humidity is up in what they are calling Tropical once again :(

    I have been getting some Raspberries, Probably where the critters can not reach them. I also had Blackberries Yesterday and This Morning, Same probability for their survival on the plant.

    My Laundry was placed in the washer on the way out walking and currently is in the dryer :)

    Not a Good idea

    MUCKY PUP Dog owner stunned after her golden retriever gave birth to a GREEN puppy

    Three-year-old Rio gave birth to nine puppies but when one came out mint green Louise Sutherland was gobsmacked
    By John Shammas, 14th July 2017, 2:24 pm, Updated: 16th July 2017, 1:35 am
    A DOG owner couldn’t believe what she was seeing when her golden retriever gave birth to a GREEN puppy.
    Her beloved pet Rio, aged three, gave birth last week to nine puppies – but when one came out mint green Louise Sutherland was stunned.
    The rare occurrence is only known to have happened only three times before in the world.

    More Info by following the link.

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    07/18/2017 100%

    I did some walking , The temperature this morning was 77 on the news channel and 75 degrees on the front porch. Warmer than yesterday :( The humidity is up in what they are calling Tropical once again :(

    Incredible Video Shows Golden Retriever Rescue Drowning Fawn Off Long Island Beach

    Almost half of Americans have buyer's remorse about their house

    44 percent of Americans have regrets about their current home or the process they went through when choosing it, a Trulia survey says.
    Wishing they had bought a larger home was the top disappointment.

    Here is what I was watching Yesterday during Lunch and Dinner. One on YouTube and the other from Dailymotion. Both serve up videos and are IMO safe to use.

    'Allo 'Allo! is a BBC television British sitcom that was first broadcast on BBC One from 1982 to 1992, comprising 85 episodes. The story is set in a small-town café in German-occupied France during the Second World War. It is a parody of another BBC programme, the wartime drama Secret Army. 'Allo, 'Allo! was created by David Croft, who also wrote the theme music, and Jeremy Lloyd. Lloyd and Croft wrote the first six series. The remaining series were written by Lloyd and Paul Adam.
    Pilot Episode here

    Hi-de-Hi! was a BBC television sitcom shown on BBC1 from 1 January 1980 to 30 January 1988.
    Set between 1959 and the early 1960s in Maplins, a fictional holiday camp, the show was written by Jimmy Perry and David Croft, who also wrote Dad's Army and It Ain't Half Hot Mum amongst other programmes. The title was the greeting the campers heard and in early episodes was written Hi de Hi. The series revolved around the lives of the camp's management and entertainers, most of them struggling actors or has-beens.
    The inspiration was the experience of Jimmy Perry, one of the writers. After being demobilised from the Army, he was a Redcoat at Butlins, Pwllheli during the holiday season.
    The series gained large audiences and won a BAFTA as Best Comedy Series in 1984. In a 2008 poll on Channel 4, Hi-de-Hi! was voted the 35th most popular comedy
    Pilot Here

    Have a Great Wednesday