100% Challenge - Mon 5/23 to Until - Join Anytime!



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    05/22/2017 100%

    I walked 5330 Steps during the morning walk. The temperature this morning is 57 on the news channel and 57 degrees on the front porch. It is a cloudy looking morning and it rained lightly overnight. The plan for today is to get the rest of my walking and exercise doing more yard work. We need to make a run to the recycle yard. More rain in the forecast for Wednesday :(

    As I was heading out the door there were two walking appetites AKA Deer trotting down the street in front of the house. That confirmed my suspicions of what had been in the yard nibbling the Lillies in the back yard. One ended up as a mostly bare stem with the flower budds gone. We put a wire cage around the other two and hopefully that will do the job of protecting them.

    That was sad news last night about the bombing in Manchester England :(
    Manchester Arena: police arrest 23-year-old man in connection with bombing that killed 22 – latest
    Details by following the link.

    In the weird news department, From Here with more details:
    Memphis couple unwittingly traveled 14 miles on Interstate with sleeping drunk on the trunk
    MEMPHIS, Tenn. – It’s a story almost too strange to be true.
    A drunk man passes out and goes for a ride on the trunk of a stranger’s car down a busy Memphis interstate, and neither the drunk man nor the driver knew it.
    It’s amazing this man didn’t fall off the car and get run over.
    He is lucky to say the least. The man crawled up on the back of the car with a trunk that’s only about 14 inches wide.
    He was apparently curled up and passed out. Thankfully an MPD officer spotted him, but not before he went on a ride that he doesn’t remember; a ride the driver will never forget.

    More details by following the Link
    Wife makes dress out of Starburst wrappers her husband gave her over four years
    ELIZABETHTOWN, Pa. (AP) - A Pennsylvania woman has made a dress from more than 10,000 Starburst candy wrappers given to her by her high school sweetheart-turned-husband.

    Emily Seilhamer is an artist and upcycler - meaning she recycles items by creating new things out of them.

    The Mount Joy Township woman posted a picture of her dress last week on her Facebook page , Artistry and Upcycling by Emily Seilhamer.

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    05/23/2017 100%

    I walked 5800 Steps + a Quarter and 5 Pennies during the morning walk. The temperature this morning is 58 on the news channel and 58 degrees on the front porch. It is a cloudy looking morning and it rained very lightly overnight. The street was wet, under the trees was dry. Once again the plan for today is to get the rest of my walking and exercise doing more yard work. We did the run to the recycle yard. Last nights weather forecast showed a 60% chance of rain for Wednesday, Today, and 90% for Thursday and 60% for Friday.

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    05/24/2017 100%

    I walked 5300 Steps during the morning walk. The temperature this morning is 57 on the news channel and 55 degrees on the front porch and has gone up one entire degree on the porch in the last two hours. It is a rainy looking morning and it started raining overnight.

    I ended up with 11K+ for a step count with another run to the Home Depot and working in the yard added exercise to the day :)

    Man traveling across the country mowing lawns for those in need makes a stop in Utah
    LEHI — There is no lawn Rodney Smith Jr. won’t tackle. From the longest grass to the biggest weeds, the 27-year-old does it all.

    The Alabama A&M University student is traveling from coast to coast this summer mowing lawns for those in need.

    "What we do is, we do it for free. We don't charge nothing,” Smith said. “We cut grass free for the elderly, disabled, single parent mothers and veterans.”

    In 2015, while attending school, Smith saw an elderly man struggling to mow his lawn and it sparked an idea. He started Raising Men Lawn Care, a service that encourages youth to give back to those who are struggling by mowing, raking lawns and shoveling snow from driveways.

    "It lifts me up, you know. They're on a fixed income, they can only afford so much,” Smith said. “So for us to come by and help them out, they use those funds on things they really need."
    Snipped, more info in the article
    Smith started hitting southern states at the beginning of May. So far, Smith has mowed lawns in 12 states including Utah. With equipment donated by the manufacturing company Briggs & Stratton, he hopes to hit all 50 states by the end of June.

    "Sometimes I can do two, three states in a day, depending on how close the states are,” Smith said.

    His experience so far has been a rewarding one. Smith said he’ll never forget the people he met in the Lone Star State.

    "I had one lady in Texas, she cried in my arms because her grass was so big and she needed it cut,” he said.

    On Friday night, Smith mowed the lawn of an elderly couple in Lehi. His next stop is Oregon. Smith plans to end his journey in Hawaii in late June. Smith hopes this journey across America will encourage others to serve those in need.
    What a Nice Thing to do

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    05/25/2017 100%

    I walked 6100+ Steps during the morning walk. The temperature this morning is 55 on the news channel and 59 degrees on the front porch. I cut the walk short as we will be doing more work in the garden later today. It rained overnight and Thundered twice with heavy rain and thunder a few minutes before midnight, thus I had broken sleep and am somewhat tired.

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    05/26/2017 100%

    I walked 7100+ Steps during the morning walk. The temperature this morning is 57 on the news channel and 59 degrees on the front porch.

    On my return from the walk I drove out to get a haircut and then on to the Grocery Store, The ShopRite has 80% Hamburger on sale for $1.99 by using the Key Tag from them. Sadly that is a good price around here. I am comfortable using the 80% since I will be draining it first and then using it during the upcoming days. I also froze 1/2 of it :)

    Now Some Humor
    New CEO
    Arcelor-Mittal Steel, feeling it was time for a shakeup, hired a new CEO. The new boss was determined to rid the company of all slackers. On a tour of the facilities, the CEO noticed a guy leaning against a wall. The room was full of workers and he wanted to let them know that he meant business.
    He asked the guy, "How much money do you make a week?”
    A little surprised, the young man looked at him and said, "I make $400 a week ... Why?”
    The CEO said, "Wait right here.”
    He walked back to his office, came back in two minutes, and handed the guy $1,600 in cash and said, "Here's four weeks' pay. Now GET OUT and don't come back."
    Feeling pretty good about himself the CEO looked around the room and asked, "Does anyone want to tell me what that goof-ball did here?”
    From across the room a voice said, "Pizza delivery guy from Donino's"
    A three-legged dog walks into a saloon in the Old West. He slides up to the bar and announces: ''I'm looking for the man who shot my paw.''
    Did you hear about the 2 dyslexic theologians? They spent hours and hours arguing about the existence of Dog.

    Sadly people seem to be losing their minds
    Arizona Man Arrested For Threatening Congresswoman Over Trump
    Posted at 11:53 am on May 25, 2017 by Jenn Jacques

    An Arizona man was arrested after authorities say he told a Congresswoman her ‘days were numbered’ after she voted to support President Trump.

    According to the FBI, a Tuscon school district employee threatened to shoot Representative Martha McSally (R-Ariz.) in three separate voice messages in May after he became enraged with her for supporting President Donald Trump.

    Authorities tracked the caller’s phone number to Steve Martan, 58, who was later arrested for allegedly threatening to assault and murder a U.S. official, interfering with McSally’s duties and retaliating against her, according to a criminal complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Tucson.

    On May 2 and May 10, Martan is accused of calling McSally’s congressional office and leaving threatening, expletive-filled voice-mail messages.

    “Yeah this is for Martha McSally,” Martan allegedly said in the first recording, before saying he wanted to wring the congresswoman’s neck. “You need to get back where you came from and leave Arizona,” he added.

    According to the Daily Star Martan, who works as a campus monitor at the Miles Explanatory Learning Center in the Tucson Unified School District, was told not to come to campus while the district investigates the allegations against him.

    “Our community should be deeply disturbed by these threats of violence,” District Director C.J. Karamargin said in a statement. “Threatening to shoot a member of Congress between the eyes and stating that her days are numbered is sickening. It is especially sickening here in southeastern Arizona because we know, perhaps better than any congressional district in the country, what happens when threats of violence become acts of violence.”

    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    05/27/2017 Not 100%

    I walked 3000 Steps during the morning walk. The temperature this morning is 59 on the news channel and 57 degrees on the front porch. I cut the walk short as we will be doing more work in the garden later today.

    According to the News broadcast the other day he had to pass a defensive driving course to get the use of a city car. Which was damaged again :)
    From here in the county Seat of my county: http://newbrunswicktoday.com/article/breaking-driving-record-fire-director-marred-19-accidents-and-18-license-suspensions

    Driving Record of Fire Director Marred by 19 Accidents and 18 License Suspensions

    NBC New York: Robert Rawls Involved in 19 Accidents, Most of Them Since 2002
    Article | May 9, 2014 - 9:21pm | By Charlie Kratovil
    NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ—On April 30, 2004, Robert Rawls allegedly injured two Rutgers University employees who were crossing in a crosswalk at the intersection of George and Liberty Streets.

    One woman leaped out of the way and averted injury. Another had her pelvis broken in three places, while a third person sufferred full body contusions, according to a source.

    That accident happened just over ten years before Rawls struck three children in a crosswalk located just twelve blocks away on Tuesday afternoon.

    Over those ten years, Rawls was involved in another thirteen car accidents, not including the tragedy on Tuesday.

    Now, Rawls finds himself and his driving record under increased scrutiny after two days of massive protests in response to the accident.

    NBC New York's Brian Thompson reported earlier this evening that Rawls has been in nineteen accidents in 38 years of driving, according to the NJ Motor Vehicle Commission.

    More details in the article linked :)

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    05/28/2017 100%

    I walked 5600 Steps during the morning walk. The temperature this morning is 58 on the news channel and 57 degrees on the front porch. I cut the walk a little short as we will be going to see the parade later today if the weather does not get in the way.

    It rained overnight, there is more in the near future according to the local cable news channel weather forecast and a high probability of more this evening :)
    Have a Great Memorial Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited May 2017

    05/29/2017 100%

    I walked 3600 Steps during the morning walk. The temperature this morning is 55 on the news channel and 56 degrees on the front porch. I cut the walk short as I am very tired today, I did not get much sleep last night, I'm not sure why either :(

    Yesterday was a strange day for food. We had left over Corned Beef from the day before, Two kinds of Baked spare ribs with different dry rubs, Home made Potato Salad, and Home Made Macaroni Salad, the Macaroni Salad using Bow Tie Pasta and Pesto rather than Mayo.

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    05/30/2017 100%

    I walked 8657 Steps during the morning walk. The temperature this morning is 59 on the news channel and 59 degrees on the front porch. There was a little drizzle when I headed out the door and everything was wet from the overnight rain. I Now carry a emergency disposable Poncho in a buttoned pocket, Just in case :)

    I bought a 10 pack of these:
    Emergency Disposable Rain Ponchos in the clear type.

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    05/31/2017 100%

    I walked 7200 Steps + 1 Cent during the morning walk. The temperature this morning is 63 on the news channel and 60 degrees on the front porch. I went lighter in my clothes while walking too. They are forecasting a high around 80 and probable rain for Friday :(

    Google Reveals the Top Misspelled Word in Every State
    The full list: Alabama - Tongue; Alaska - Hawaii; Arizona - Diarrhea; Arkansas - Leprechaun; California - Desert; Colorado - Beautiful; Connecticut - Desert; Delaware - Neighbor; Florida - Tomorrow; Georgia - Appreciate; Hawaii - Boutineer; Idaho - Desert; Illinois - Appreciate; Indiana - Desert; Iowa - Maintenance; Kansas - Schedule; Kentucky - Maintenance; Louisiana - Definitely; Maine - Vacuum; Maryland - Cancelled; Massachusetts - Massachusetts; Michigan - Gray; Minnesota - Broccoli; Mississippi - Sergeant; Missouri - Pneumonia; Montana - Vacuum; Nebraska - Guarantee; Nevada - Cousin; New Hampshire - Diarrhea; New Jersey - February; New Mexico - Neighbor; New York - Beautiful; North Carolina - Pneumonia; North Dakota - Attitude; Ohio - Banana; Oklahoma - Gray; Oregon - Definitely; Pennsylvania - Cancelled; Rhode Island - Cancelled; South Carolina - Convenience; South Dakota - Gray; Tennessee - Courtesy; Texas - Niece; Utah - Leprechaun; Vermont - Possible; Virginia - Cancelled; Washington - Pneumonia; West Virginia - Giraffe; Wisconsin - Vacuum; Wyoming - Ornery

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    05/01/2017 100%

    I walked 5300 Steps Cent during the morning walk. The temperature this morning is 62 on the news channel and 55 degrees on the front porch. I went lighter in my clothes while walking too.

    I shortened my walk for two reasons, one I slept late, a minor reason and the major reason is planned heavy yard work today too :)

    Tel.732-661-9100 _ Fax. 732-661-1605
    I hear that the portions are hard for two people to eat all of them, forget one person. Pricey too.
    I listed this here since I will be meeting friends for dinner there on the 16th.

    Blowtorch used in attempted ATM burglary in northeast Houston

    Blowtorch used in attempted ATM burglary in northeast Houston
    Friday, March 17, 2017
    An ATM caught fire after someone used a blowtorch in an attempted burglary.

    An eyewitness flagged down an officer around 4 a.m. at the Chase Bank on Lockwood near Lyons in northeast Houston.

    They told officers that the ATM was burning.

    Police said that a person tried to get the cash out of the machine by cutting into it with a torch, but it caught fire and the person took off empty-handed.

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    05/02/2017 100%

    I walked 4100 Steps + 4 Cents during the morning walk. The temperature this morning is 57 on the news channel and 57 degrees on the front porch. I went out in my rain gear while walking. Before I forget to mention it, there is a light rain falling and somewhat of a breeze leading to a raw feel in the air :(

    I shortened my walk for this reason, I plan to walk up to the bank later and some yard work today too :)

    I expect the phone call around 9AM from NS telling me that my frozen portion has shipped which I already knew from a email yesterday :)
    Tracking shows, 6/03/2017 - Saturday
    6:01 am At local FedEx facility CARTERET, NJ
    1:42 am Departed FedEx location LEWISBERRY, PA
    6/02/2017 - Friday
    11:31 pm Arrived at FedEx location LEWISBERRY, PA
    6:43 pm Picked up BETHLEHEM, PA
    Bethlehem is not very far from here over the border in Pa. which is why it usually comes the day after it ships.

    Normally it would show out for delivery so I do not know if it will come today or not. I am ambivalent about it coming today, I want to try the new NS Foods, especially the melts, OTOH I could use a day or two more to free more space in both the Basement Freezer and freezer section of the refrigerator so....

    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited June 2017

    06/03/2017 100%

    I walked 7400 Steps during the morning walk. The temperature this morning is 56 on the news channel and 51 degrees on the front porch.

    As I was walking I stopped and treated myself to 2 Scrambled Eggs and Whole Wheat Toast and brought the Home Fries back to the house where My brother will use them either today as part of the meal tomorrow morning for part of his breakfast. I look at what I ate as my two SCs and two PFs that I have for breakfast every day. Following which I loaded (Overloaded?) my backpack with two types of apples 3 Gala & 2 Red for a total of 5, 2 Nectarines, 2 pears, a bag of Clementines, Bananas and baby Carrots.

    AI expected the phone call around 9AM from NS telling me that my frozen portion has shipped came in :)

    The delivery came around 2:30 and I will be trying the new NS Turkey Pot Pie melt for lunch. The order was short and I have called it in. This morning I have received the confirmation order that the shortage replacement is confirmed. No tracking yet.

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    06/04/2017 100%

    I walked 5300 Steps during the morning walk. The temperature this morning is 54 on the news channel and 60 degrees on the front porch. I was tired this morning, The Overnight Thunderstorm woke me up at 3AM, I never did manage to get back to a good sleep so I gave up at 5:30 :(
    Later on I need to mow after the grass dries out better from the rain that accompanied the Thunderstorm.

    I had the new NS Turkey Pot Pie Melt for lunch Sunday, Tasty, although I still prefer the NS Pepperoni Pizza Melt. I am happy I ordered 7 of them. Today for Lunch I will be trying the new NS Spinach & Cheese Pretzel Melt which I also took a chance on ordering 7 of. I did buy a bunch of the melts A La Carte and some Dinners therefor I will be delaying the upcoming order. I took this step as I am still overloaded with the NS Snacks and I can get Good Dinners substitutes and I use Cereal and hot NS breakfasts alternating them. I use the cereals when I switch to them until the new quart of 1% milk I opened is used up.

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    06/04/2017 100%

    I walked 5300 Steps during the morning walk. The temperature this morning is 54 on the news channel and 60 degrees on the front porch. I was tired this morning, The Overnight Thunderstorm woke me up at 3AM, I never did manage to get back to a good sleep so I gave up at 5:30 :(
    Later on I need to mow after the grass dries out better from the rain that accompanied the Thunderstorm.

    I had the new NS Turkey Pot Pie Melt for lunch Sunday, Tasty, although I still prefer the NS Pepperoni Pizza Melt. I am happy I ordered 7 of them. Today for Lunch I will be trying the new NS Spinach & Cheese Pretzel Melt which I also took a chance on ordering 7 of. I did buy a bunch of the melts A La Carte and some Dinners therefor I will be delaying the upcoming order. I took this step as I am still overloaded with the NS Snacks and I can get Good Dinners substitutes and I use Cereal and hot NS breakfasts alternating them. I use the cereals when I switch to them until the new quart of 1% milk I opened is used up.

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    06/05/2017 100%

    I walked 5200 Steps during the morning walk. The temperature this morning is 60 on the news channel and 56 degrees on the front porch. I was somewhat tired this morning. I woke up around 4:20 and I never did manage to get back to a good sleep so I gave up at 5:40 :(
    I really need to mow the grass, It never dried out from the rain that accompanied the previous nights Thunderstorm.
    Today it was raining when I went out the door and there was a raw feel to the air.

    I had the new NS Spinach & Cheese Pretzel Melt for lunch Monday, It was tasty, although I still prefer the NS Pepperoni Pizza Melt. I am happy I ordered 7 of them.

    The world has gone nuts.

    Watch 'extremely hangry' woman fight McDonald's employee
    DES MOINES — A woman gave new meaning to the word "hangry" Saturday as she fought with McDonald's employees over the delivery of a meal at a Des Moines restaurant.

    Two men and a woman ordered McChicken sandwiches about 9 p.m. CT, but apparently were hungry and upset about the wait time, according to a police report.

    The employees told police the woman came to the counter and started yelling that she wanted either her food or her money back.

    "Give me my (expletive)!" the woman is heard shouting in a video recorded by another customer.

    And this :(
    Fired worker kills five and himself in Orlando rampage
    ORLANDO — A disgruntled former employee returned to a local RV accessory business Monday and fatally shot five people before killing himself, another horror in a city still healing from a bloody mass murder at a nightclub less than one year ago.

    John Robert Neumann Jr, 45, who had been fired in April, entered the Fiamma Inc. building at about 8 a.m. ET and opened fire, Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings said. A 911 call came in at 8:03 and officers were on the scene two minutes later, Demings said.

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    06/06/2017 100%

    I walked 7100 Steps during the morning walk. The temperature this morning is 50 on the news channel and 52 degrees on the front porch. I Did see a Fox scavenging Road Kill on the way back to house.

    101-year-old Topeka woman ready for high school reunion
    By James Ryan Published: June 2, 2017, 10:49 pm
    TOPEKA, Kan. (KSNT) – A 101-year-old Topeka woman is getting ready for her 83rd high school reunion. Dorothy Priddy graduated from Seaman High School in 1934. She has many fond memories of that time, but she admits she didn’t spend a lot of time studying.
    “I walked from Seaman High School over to Woolworth’s to work for 10 cents an hour. That’s how much I got paid,” said Priddy.
    On Sunday she will go to the Seaman Annual Alumni Banquet. It’s her first alumni event in decades and she said she’s a little nervous.
    “Out of my class I think there’s only about two left. There were 65,” said Priddy.
    She’s excited to see the renovation to her old high school. The building she went to school is now the district office at the corner of Tyler and Lyman.

    Carpet cleaner extinguishes brush fire with misting hose
    Jared Aiton said he wasn't sure his plan would work. He had a tank of water and a hose, but the sprayer only shoots a mist, and yet that was enough to save the day.

    Aiton cleans carpets. He was driving his van when the carpet cleaner became a firefighter on May 31st.

    "Come up over a hill and on the left side I see some flashing lights and a fire," he said. "I just felt that I needed to put it out."

    Aiton saw a brush fire. So the man stood on the side of Loop 303 near 35th Avenue, carpet cleaning hose in hand, fire in his sights.

    But he wasn't sure the hose's mist would actually help extinguish the flames.

    More info with the links to both items

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    06/07/2017 100%

    I walked 6500 Steps during today's morning walk. The temperature this morning is 55 on the news channel and 50 degrees on the front porch. I Did see a the Fox today to on the way back to house. I ended up the day yesterday with 12.6k steps.

    Wednesday a little bit before noon I got my LWB with the 7 replacement frozen lunch items that were short in my BWB. I also got my BBB and therefore I ended up with a lot of steps after also mowing the lawn due to a burst of energy and the nice weather. I also got my Laundry done, I had a productive day Wednesday as regards chores. Today I shall be taking the day off except that I do want to split the hanging basket into three pots with the Geraniums that I overwintered in the house.

    I have now tried the New NS Chocolate Chip Baked Bar which is a breakfast item. It was tasty and worth reordering. Since it is a Breakfast food it and a lunch item are interchangeable as both consist of a SC + PF.

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    06/09/2017 100%

    I walked 7100 Steps + 2 Cents during today's walk. The temperature this morning is 62 on the news channel and 65 degrees on the front porch.

    Have a Great Weekend

    I'm trying smaller images as a test, Feedback please





  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    06/08/2017 100%

    I walked 7000 Steps during today's morning walk. The temperature this morning is 54 on the news channel and 52 degrees on the front porch. I ended up the day yesterday with 9.5k steps. Considering where I shall end up for a step count today after yard work later on I should be fine for step count from Wednesday through Today if not over.

    I talked to a crossing guard this morning and he is also having a problem with those walking appetites known as deer eating his flowers, They came back and ate the ones he had sprayed with deer repellent too, Which is something I had been considering :(

    I recently had what I suspect was a scam visitor at the front door. I Young lady wanted to see my Electric Bill, and when I Said I don't have it wanted my name. I suspect That acceding to either of those requests would have ended badly with my electric supplier being switched.

    I should call PSE&G later today and let them know to watch for that possibility just in case.

    Have a Great Friday