Tiffany's Progress Tracking



  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Tuesday, again got in an extra workout for Hogwarts, modified Pilates to stretching while reading a harry potter book, and did some extra I need to find a grocery store other than Whole Foods because I'm not crazy about their guacamole...their soups, however, are a-maz-ing...

    today is leg day...I'm still sore from legs on Monday...<sigh>'s going to be hard...
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wed - legs done, but soooo hard...maybe putting 60 min of combat and legs on the same day was a bit ambitious...however, opted to do xstretch in the evening, and that's an hour of stretching every bit of muscle, which felt soooo good and today I am not very sore, which is awesome!!! Also did some extra walking, always a good thing!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday - combat, abs, and a ton of walking done. The weather outside was so nice and I even saw 5 deer on my walk (3 does, a 2pt and a button) plus a black squirrel...who knew that wildlife could be found even in the middle of the city...wonder if the country club knows who is living on their property??? The deer were on the other side of a big fence, but they were only 3-6 ft away, the young ones had like no fear of people at all, walked right up to take a look at me when I stopped to stare at them...I guess that's what happens when you live somewhere and you don't get was pretty cool!!!

    This weekend is the rescheduled oyster festival, so I don't have any workouts planned and I will be consuming vast quantities of seafood...not sure if I'll have signal, so if you don't hear from me I hope you are having as great a time as I am!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Friday I did my morning combat...then walked some at lunch...hauled my 30# plus suitcase to the car...drove to the island after work...had way too much cider and hung out with my awesome parents until the wee hours of the morning.

    Saturday slept until almost 10, spent all day at the oyster festival eating way too much delicious food and drinking even more cider...followed up with B52s at the beach house after the festival...

    Sunday had a nice breakfast with mom and dad, omelette with crab, scallops, and shrimp...then they headed home and I sprayed some weeds, then did the final coat on the tub...drove from the beach back home...had a nice healthy salad for dinner...washed all the laundry from being out of town and headed to bed early since I have to be up at 4 am to head back to MD for the week...1 down, 2 to go!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Sunday = shark week, so it begins
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Tiffany, MD.... where? I live 20 minutes from the DE/MD border.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Chevy Chase, right on the MD/DC border, not sure how close that is to where you are...there's a giant country club a few blocks away, and the friendship heights metro a few blocks the other way, if that helps pinpoint the location...

    Monday - missed my morning workout so I could pack, but got plenty of exercise in...upped leg weights to 20#...tried to do my morning combat in the evening but didn't make it very far in because my legs were just they are not sore, but they are so fatigued still and don't want to work so I'm hoping tomorrow they are not too sore...and my lower back is so not happy from the 4 hour drive Friday, Sunday, and yesterday...did lots of stretching while watching Gotham and Lucifer last night, that helped some...
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thinking of making this my post-halloween motivation...

  • KevinYoukillus
    KevinYoukillus Posts: 206 Member
    Let me use it, too!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Tuesday - morning combat, check - walking at lunch and again after work, it was such a beautiful day, walked all the way around the country club which is enormous and about the only way I can get my nature fix, check - abs, check - made it 6 or 8 min into pilates before the netbook crashed the video, not sure why that thing is acting so sketchy lately, maybe just because it is so very old - also did some extra stretching for my hamstrings and back which were a bit sore from leg day.

    Today is supposed to be leg day again, but my lower back is still a bit unhappy from all the sitting in the car over the weekend...and I have to drive again Friday, so I'm not sure how far I want to push that...maybe I'll modify leg day or swap the weights for plyo...not sure, I do know that I don't want to be trying to drive 4 hours while in's such a fine line between pushing to limits and pushing too much and being injured...I'll see how I feel after work.
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Great motivation Tiffany!!!

    I live about 2 hours from you.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wednesday - did my 60 min combat workout in the morning, but skipped 2 tracks because my legs were just done...walked at lunch, slower pace than usual, but took advantage of the warm muscles to stop every so often and give the lower back a good stretch...I actually did leg weights, only skipping romanian deadlifts because those require balance and are the most likely for me to drop out of form and stress my lower one in the gym, which was nice...lots of stretching after weights followed by more walking, and more lower back stretches...then did Xstretch before bed and oh that hot shower afterward felt sooooo gooooood!!! Slept amazing...didn't want to get up this morning.

    So today, my back is feeling good, though I still dread the 4 hours in the car tomorrow because it won't be happy after that. Hamstrings and glutes are sore and tight, but nothing beyond the normal.

    I am really happy with how my figure is coming along. Love handles are slimming down, hips are less jiggly, legs are looking so lean and strong but still have that chubby inner thigh that drives my husband crazy...belly is getting flatter, but that's a bit of a double edged sword because flatter belly = more noticeable stretch marks...after 3 kids at 50 lbs gain there are so many many stretch marks...and kind of like wrinkles, the fat fills them out a bit, but now that there is less fat my belly just looks more lumpy...ah well, I wouldn't trade the kiddos for anything, but I'm certainly never going to have the belly I had before.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday - morning combat, check - lunch walking, check - dinner walking, check, but it led me to the chocolate aisle at world market, so not sure that was a good thing - more walking after dinner, check - p90x cardio, check, because I was so bored sitting in the hotel room. Carbs were higher than usual due to the chocolate, but I have not had chocolate most of the month, so one day won't be the end of me.

    Yesterday was a bit weird because I was sooo hungry all morning for seemingly no reason. Then, someone mentioned nutrition and it occurred to me that I was craving avocado on Wed and wasn't able to find any. So, I had wasabi rice crackers and guacamole for lunch after walking, and no more hungry...didn't even have much of a dinner appetite, but made an effort to eat, plus I needed to eat up all the food that required refrigeration anyway since today is check-out and travel day.

    I'm super excited to be home and back with my family, even if it's just for the weekend!!! This morning in the mirror I actually had a 4 pack of abs - complete with wrinkles and stretch marks, but it's there being out of town has boosted my fat loss, which I'm excited to share with hubby and get lots and lots and lots and lots of lovin...otherwise I'm just going to go crazy going another week without proper servicing.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Just put on a pair of jeans I have never been able to get over my hips before!

  • KevinYoukillus
    KevinYoukillus Posts: 206 Member
    Tioght like a toiga!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Friday - combat, check - walking during ballet, check - skipped yoga in favor of sex, and somehow jacked up my shoulder again but of course it was totally worth it!

    Did measurements this morning...I'll put the October results in the October journal, but since Halloween is almost here I wanted to look at the whole picture. Since April 9th when this journey began, after a terribly chubby looking vacation picture and a preview of Suicide Squad, my progress is as follows:

    11.4 lbs lost
    down 2% body fat
    2" off chest - from a 32F to a 30F
    1.25" off waist
    2" off belly button
    2" off hips

    I didn't track arm or leg measurements, because I wasn't worried about how my arms and legs looked, I was worried about that stupid muffin top - BUT - I can see many more back muscles than before, better arm muscle definition, and my legs have always been muscular and had good definition in the large muscle groups, but now I'm starting to see small muscles that I didn't even know existed, so very happy with how those look even without measurements to verify changes.

    No huge numbers for me - 6 months of work for little changes, but little changes add up and I'm delighted with the results!!! Gotta celebrate the small victories!!!
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    You're a beast Tiffany!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Saturday - got some walking in, no other formal exercise, just lots of errand running and painting and much to do, so little weekend!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Sunday - Chest/Tris and Back/Bis both done - my arms have had it, but in a good way, plus the gym at the hotel doesn't have all the weights I need for upper body, their weight set is missing a lot of the in between weights...legs I can do at 20# another week, the next increment they have is 35#, which I think is a bit too much of a jump for me...did arms at 8/10/15 and was mostly able to keep up, missed a few reps on biceps at the very end, but my wrists were seriously aching the rest of the day...doesn't help that I was sewing and stenciling and doing other things to irritate the carpal tunnel...<sigh>...some day when I don't have a desk job where I'm typing all day maybe I'll be able to get my weights to the level I really want instead of always being hindered by what my wrists can handle...on the plus side, I was able to actually do all the decline push-ups this time, which I think is a first...
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    My darling husband is not a fan of my Christmas inspiration...I told him he has this week to pick me out something that he likes...he said he's on it...can't wait to see what he comes up with!!!