Tiffany's Progress Tracking



  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    edited June 2017
    Wednesday - cube workouts and walking, had a retirement dinner for a friend after work, so jealous, and so much was good but not perfect, protein a bit low, carbs/cals a bit high, but it was delicious and worth celebrating - the Italian place had a gluten-free option, roasted potatoes in any of the pasta dishes instead of pasta, brilliant!!! I had stuffed flounder and potatoes instead of linguini, it was yum, and a glass of wine!!!

    I am totally going to get back at it in a fierce manner once ballet recital is over, but since I know this weekend is going to be stress central, I'm going to take this week a little bit laid back...I'll get my strength workouts in, not going to fret the rest of the workouts!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday - cube workouts limited since I actually had to present at one of the meetings, but I got my walking done...packed good suitable foods for ballet, which my daughter mostly devoured, philadelphia roll which was made with a ton of dill and wasn't very good, dragon roll, strawberries & blueberries, mango & raspberry & blackberry, a whole pack of babybells, plus some pepperoni sticks...I had like 4 pieces of sushi and a couple babybells...we came home with about 1/4 pack of pepperoni and 2 of the babybells...she ate all the rest of it...she was a hungry girl...and I totally forgot to pack water, but she had 1 bottle in her bag and I was able to refill it at the water fountain which was nice and cold so we were good on the drink front...stopped at Krispy Kreme for fresh doughnuts on the way home, I didn't eat any, but she had several and the boys had bunches once we got them home...didn't get home until 10pm and was exhausted so no strength workout, just made me some eggs because I was so hungry by then, then showered and went to bed.

    The food worked well for an evening, but she's going to need a lot more than that to get through an entire day of dance stuff, like triple that amount - we will need to leave the house around 10 am and probably won't be home until 10 pm...and I need to get the sushi from Kroger where it's normal SnowFox instead of Giant where they have weird flavors, even the dragon roll was not like I normally see, but at least it didn't have a ton of fresh dill worked into the rice, that philly roll was just way overpowering - you are supposed to taste the tuna dummies.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    I just read through the last couple months of your posts which I had missed. I just want to say that I am still in awe of your dedication to fitness. The fact that you have been able to stick with everything for as long as you have is great to see.

    I am hoping to take a page out of your book for the next little while and crush multiple workouts each day. Keep up the great work.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Nice to see you drop back in even if it's just for a bit!!! I think keeping the mostly daily diary helps keep me accountable and on track!!!

    Friday went well, had a long dinner with a friend who is moving away, then went home and went to bed early in prep for the weekend. Food was over I'm sure since I had a sangria which was very mediocre and ate all of my huge plate of food, shrimp alfredo with gluten free pasta which was totally and completely delicious...then I had a cup of terrible coffee with half and half in it, but at least it perked me up, the carb crash was making me super sleepy and I had a long drive home.

    Saturday was exhausting as expected. I'm sure my food was way way under since the dancer ate most of it and I was way too busy with sewing and herding kids to eat much anyway, but I did take all my vitamins, and ate at least a snack size portion of sushi twice during the day. It was a full 12 hour day of dance and all the last minute sewing that goes along with that. What the heck is wrong with people that they get a costume for their kid a month in advance and it needs straps or ribbons sewn and then they just don't do it and drop the poor kid off with an incomplete costume and leave it up to the room moms to try to get the kid in some kind of shape to perform with whatever they can scrounge up. I don't mind the emergency repairs when something breaks, that is always going to happen it's a hazard of the dance life, but just deliberately not having your costume together is not acceptable and the parents need a good whipping. Plus, kids are supposed to arrive with hair and makeup already done, but somehow that doesn't happen either so I had to get several kids hair up into a bun and my daughter ended up doing their makeup because she's way better at it than I am. I guess simple instructions will always be ignored and since the room mom's always come through parents will continue to rely on them. It seemed worse this year than most, like more and more of the parents are just lazy and leaving it to the room mom's to do the crap that is really the parents responsibility. At one point the kids didn't even have anywhere to sit because there were mom's hanging around taking up all the space, but they were kicked out, dressing rooms are for dancers, go find somewhere else to be. They weren't even helping, why are you even there if you aren't going to help, the room mom's could use the extra help, but we don't need the extra people just being in the way doing nothing. Grrrr, people!

    Sunday was a bit less exhausting, kind of a cranky bitchy morning I was very snippish. I actually ate breakfast for a change, maybe that was a bad idea. We got more sushi for the dancer and she was set to go so we could watch the first show. Then we hung out with her between shows and she didn't have enough time to leave, but we did go pick her up some Starbucks and take it back to her so she could have a treat and I had an iced coffee, which I'm counting as lunch. Then we left her to do the second show on her own - first time for her being all on her own, so exciting and scary. I didn't room mom at all on Sunday, so I only had my dancer to deal with and she was set, hair, makeup, costumes all set out in order, even had an emergency repair on a fan for the spanish dance, but a paperclip and some packing tape fixed it right up. We let my son pick dinner location since with our crazy schedule we never got to take him out after the state competition, so we had dinner at Olive Garden. Other than drinking wine all day (4 glasses) my food was pretty good, OG was just a couple stuffed mushrooms and about 1/3 of my shrimp pesto with gluten free rotini...I just don't have much of an appetite when I'm stressed I guess.

    Oh, got the new scale in, it says my body fat is 20.1% and it's been pretty consistent from day to day, so that's my new baseline and since 20% was my original goal, now I think it's time to pick a new goal. I'll have to look at some photos and crunch some numbers and see what I can come up with that's realistic and attainable.

    I have 3 weeks until my trip to Nags Head with my family, so the plan is to hit the exercise hard for the last three weeks now that I should actually be able to have some time to myself!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Monday totally kicked *kitten*! Started with abs, cube workouts, not as much walking because I left work early and didn't get a full lunch time, then triometrics in the evening. I was not good about keying my food, but it should have been pretty on target as I was too busy running errands to have time to eat much. Protein was probably low...grrrr...
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @tcunbeliever Sounds like a decent start to your week! =)
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Tuesday was amazing on the exercise front, good on food, but I think I had some cheese and crackers I forgot to log - not terribly worried about it since I walked for almost 3 hours!!! Started the day with combat, cube workouts during meetings - more stretching than weights yesterday, then walking at lunch and breaks, then spent an hour in the garden pulling weeds and trimming the apple tree, then more walking while the boy was at CC conditioning, then I did my GoT workout last night instead of P90X3, but it was after 9 when I had dinner and I was too tired to stay up late enough to dinner to settle properly before working out so I couldn't manage X3 with food in my tummy it would have made me totally ill.
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    I haven't had a chance to read over all of your posts, but from what I can tell from the little bit I have read you seem really focused and solid in your routine. That's great!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Some days are better than others...I try to stay on track...I find the daily journal helps...if I don't enter for a few days then I'm much more likely to stray both in food and exercise.

    I don't know why that is, it perplexes me that the simple act of writing down daily progress, good, bad, or otherwise, would have such a huge impact...however, for me it does, so I make my daily journal my primary goal and that seems to keep the rest of the goals on target as a side effect.

    Weird, but true.
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    It seems like a lot of us are learning the same thing. Daily check-ins help keep us accountable.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    A 3 hour walk plus all your other activity! wow... I need your energy! haha Awesome job!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wednesday - only walking and cube workouts - I gave blood today!!! My iron was the bare minimum to donate, but that's good enough for the blood people so I was able to give...filled the bag in 8 min, but felt kind of woozy the rest of the day, so took it pretty easy. Even the walking was at a slower pace than my usual. I didn't limit my food since I gave blood, but I did try to stay on top of tracking it all!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday was pretty kick butt - slept in and skipped morning abs, but got lots of stretching during my cube workouts, I swear it felt like I spent the whole freaking day on meetings...then walked at lunch, plus P90X3 when I got home, then more walking while the boy was at CC seemed pretty good, I haven't actually keyed in dinner yet, but we got home late, so I had dinner and dessert while watching a Bones episode and called it a night.

    I haven't done dishes in a few days, so tonight after running errands will definitely be time to clean the house.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    ARGH - keyed in my food, my protein is way too low for yesterday...<sigh>...I knew I should have done a shake just to be sure, that would have helped...also my calories were way under, but I wasn't hungry, so I guess that's good...I just recalculated everything for Leangans which ends up giving me an extra couple hundred calories a day with the new I don't even have any excuses for being low on protein...must get better at this!
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    I've been wondering, what are cube workouts?
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Checking in on a weekend...<gasp>...what a concept!!!

    cube workouts = when I'm stuck on conference calls I have a 5 lb and 3 lb weight and I do various workouts with them, plus leg workouts like squats and lunges, plus stretching's a way to kill time and keep me awake and get a little activity in!

    Friday was good, walked on breaks, and did cube evening workout, but I got to sleep plenty and finally feel rested!!!

    Saturday had ab ripper and eccentric upper, both of those are tracking, not so much, but today is an eat more day so it's unlikely I went over...also did measurements this morning and much to my joy there is progress!!! Only 2 more weeks until I wrap up 12 weeks of Leangains + P90X3 and I'm headed to the beach for a week with my family...still contemplating what level of tracking and/or exercise I'm going to attempt at the beach...need to mull that one over and come up with some kind of PLAN.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Great to hear that you are still making progress. You are one of the most consistent friends I have on MFP and with all of the hard work you put in you deserve to see results.

    I thought the whole purpose of working out everyday was so that the only exercise you needed to do while at the beach was the arm curls as you raise your glass (that is hopefully covered in condensation from all the ice inside of it and hot weather outside) to your mouth while you look good doing it :smile:

  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    In theory I should be fine to take a week off. However, I worked really hard to get here and I'm not sure I want to take a week off from making more progress. I definitely don't want to go on vacation without some kind of plan, even if that plan is way scaled back on the exercise and very liberal with eating/tracking. I just haven't decided what I want to do yet. Do I want to lose ground, no, not really. Do I want to just try to maintain, maybe. Do I want to keep up with the strength training, maybe. Just not sure...and I need to reinstall the app on my phone because it quit working and I deleted it, so I need a new version so I can track whatever I decide to do.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    edited June 2017
    Spent the morning cooking...veggie lasagna, godiva chocolate liquor cheesecake, and caesar salad...took it to my parents for father's day family home around 9pm...sleepy and full from all the food...put in the disk and rocked out a full hour of combat...BOOYAH
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I've decided I didn't come this far just to come this far.

    For vacation I will definitely be tracking and doing strength training - my brother informed me yesterday that he is bringing his weights to the beach, so for nags head I can keep up the strength workouts...YAY!!! I have a plan!!! Cardio and flex work will be optional.