Tiffany's Progress Tracking



  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Tuesday - awesome, totally on point and shooting over the bar in exercise! Walking, cube workouts, stairs, plus more walking while the boy was at track, plus p90X chest & back even after a late late calories and carbs were good, my protein was excellent!!!

    I upped the weights, and was able to finish, never had to drop them down, still sore today, it's a good kind of sore.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    It makes me a bit sad when there are no new posts from other folks to read. This group is sometimes very active, and other times kind of like a ghost town, but I definitely stay on track better when I keep up with my journal, so I'm staying.

    Wednesday - no stairs or cube weights, I gave blood so I cut out all forms of exercise other than walking...and walk I did, got lots of extra time, but stopped when I started feeling all crummy, so not as much as I would have gotten if I were totally me. Did ok on food, a bit over on calories and way over on carb goal since it was supposed to be a low carb day, but given the blood thing I'm going to give myself a pass. Orange juice makes me feel better, so orange juice I shall have!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday - light cube weights, light on stairs, walking done, plus P90X shoulders and arms done...left shoulder weights at 10, increased biceps to 15 (was 10) and triceps to 8 (was 5)...and I did the WHOLE WORKOUT this week, but I did still skip the bonus round because I was was too low, protein was close, but just under, carbs were fine, calories were way under goal...I need to get back to measurements, my last set was right before vacation, so it will be nice to see where I am in regard to that...Saturday AM is measuring day, so hopefully it won't be terrible!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Friday - cube weights, stairs, walking, didn't do evening cardio because we had guests for dinner and by 10pm I was just feeling lazy, but food was pretty on point, so it's all good.

    Sat AM did measurements to compare to July 1, before my 2 vacations. It was not as bad as I thought it would be. I was most worried about losing muscle, but that didn't happen, arms and legs are up, so didn't lose over vacation, or gained back in the 12 days of leangains, either way, muscle is looking good. Did put on some fluff. Gained about an inch each all around the torso (waist+1, belly button+1, low belly+1/2) and theoretically I've gained an inch in the hips, but I always measure at the biggest part of my booty, and I noticed that has shifted up, so the measurement isn't in quite the same place it used to be, which is really more of a new, bigger booty is totally ok with me anyway!!! Bodyfat is up from 20.3 to 21.7, so definitely some new fluff in the mix (I like to get into my cups), but time to get back at it and trim it all away and maybe even a little extra!!!

    I really wish I had done real baseline measurements after vacation and before jumping into leangains again, however, I am very glad that I didn't wait after vacation and started right back at I'm 12 days further ahead than I would have been if I had waited until I had time for proper measurements.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Saturday was good on the exercise front, did P90X back and legs - didn't increase weights, but did all but the last 15 min and didn't have to drop the bands down on the back exercises...however, I went to a game party in the evening, so lots of whiskey and hard cider so not so good on the calorie was a high calorie day, so I might have been in range, but I can't even begin to log the evening, so who knows.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Sunday was lazy...did almost nothing all day...said bye to the hubby for a week...and was a bit hung over, so only 15 min of combat because then the headache started, but food was probably good since not too hungry.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    I hope you had a good start to your week!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Monday was solid progress...walking, some stairs (in heels no less), cube weights, plus pilates in the evening...though, I did pilates while watching dr who, so it didn't feel as intense as usual, and I got a headace and quit 20 min into it. Food was pretty on point, carbs slightly over, but not terribly so. It's rainy and gloomy here, so I'm just feeling terribly unmotivated. I did not do dishes, which I probably should have, but they will still be there tonight, not like little fairies are going to do them!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Tuesday was good, not stellar, but good - I'm so not motivated...don't know if it's the weather or just the huge amounts of meat I've eaten making me feel so sluggish, but I think I'll go back to mostly vegetarian just because I seem to feel better eating that way.

    Food was on point, cube weights, walking, and morning stairs done...didn't get afternoon stairs done because the afternoon meeting ran late...grrrr...did P90X chest & back in the evening, but only about half of it because totally not motivated and not feeling good.

    On the plus side, I get to leave work early today and I should get TONS of extra walking in since it's a ballet day!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wednesday - food was low, but I was quite satisfied so I didn't worry about it...lots and lots and lots of walking, plus cube weights...and I had to dish out the smack down to one of my coworkers - I'm fairly sure he was trying to be a butt because I'm a girl, no other reason...I don't think he'll be trying that nonsense again.

    I was trying to only weigh in once a week, but this morning I looked kind of slim so I stepped on the scale...down a bit, plus down a bit in body fat...that makes me so happy!!! I still feel like the belly probably isn't going anywhere, need to make that thing get with the program.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday was not terrible, but not really great either. I was naughty and picked up a bottle of wine $4 at the grocery...yes, I drank the whole thing while watching Sherlock...and then I did some snacking...and then I didn't do my evening workout...<sigh>...but, I did my walking and cube weights and stairs during the day, so not a terrible thing to miss one workout...I just hate it when I miss strength training...but Sherlock was sooooo gooooood...

    This weekend will be a beach weekend, which will probably mean more wine, but definitely lots of fighting with bamboo and walking everywhere, so getting in activity will not be a problem even if there is no formal exercise.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    I hope you enjoy your weekend!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Friday was good - food was on point, walking and cube workouts in extra walking waiting to pick up the boy from his running practice...then drove to the there late and did some reading after a shower, then nighty night time.

    Saturday, lots of walking, farmers market (oysters, tea, and home harvested herbs), dollar general (seltzer water and charcoal), and the grocery (steak, butter, lunchmeat, cheese, cider and pickles)...then did all the garden weeding...then went to the beach and played in the water a lot because it was perfectly warm for a change...then walked along the beach...then grilled steak and oysters, plus made some southwestern corn...watched sherlock and drank a few ciders.

    Sunday, a little more walking, dollar general (seltzer water, chips, and butterscotch cakes, essentially road food), then tackled the bamboo for a couple hours and produced two huge bags of clippings...packed up and drove brought White Castles back from KY, so didn't have to cook dinner, which was really nice...and I don't have a migraine today, so the NAET is working. Yay. I am exceptionally sneezy though, so not sure it's 100% working.

    Today life will be back to normal...I didn't get on the scale this morning and I missed my Saturday measurements, but I'll catch up next week...this is a recovery week, so I'm keeping the calories low and the exercises are not as challenging, lots of stretching and cardio, no strength training.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Decided to tweak the numbers today...we are now 3 weeks past vacation and I'm still 21%+ body fat and still, time to tweak the goals:

    calories: 223/1339 (max)
    carbs: 167/50 (max)
    protein: 112/50 (min)

    Previously I wasn't cycling the protein, just the carbs and calories, but I feel better with vegetarian eating...weird, since I can now eat meats without the migraines, but it makes me feel sluggish and congested and just not as light and I'm going to tone down the protein on the rest days just so I can make it easier to hit that goal...I need a plan that will work long term and I just can't sustain the huge protein numbers every single day because I am so tired of feeling tired of eating meat. And that's a min goal, so I can always go over if I'm in the mood for something meaty once in a while.

    I think physically I still probably need the extra protein for muscle recovery, and I have more room to fit it in on the training days since I get more food that day. So, I'm going to start protein cycling and see if that helps make this a more sustainable plan.

    Good luck with that!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Monday was good - walking, cube workouts, stairs, and dynamix, plus food was a bit carby but it hit my new protein goal, so I'm happy! My sweetheart is home again, yay!!!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Sounds like you had a good weekend and a great start to your week! Keep it up!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Tuesday was solid-ish...went to happy hour and had 3 hard ciders, but managed to avoid all the snacking I usually do on happy hour night...walking, cube workouts, one set of stairs because my afternoon meeting ran late, plus pilates at night - about 2/3 of the workout because then I started getting a headache, but still a solid day of activity!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I spent some time looking in the mirror this morning, but I didn't get on the scale.

    I appear to be thinning out through my ribs again...seriously??? I gained in my belly while on vacation, but apparently that's not where it's going to come off from...<heavy sigh>...

    I guess I'll just be at this forever...
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Have you taken progress pictures lately? You're doing great Tiffany, don't get discouraged!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I have not taken pics in a a general rule the changes are so small they are difficult to see, plus, I'm not seeing them in my belly where they really need to go...but I'm sure I'll so a set right before Halloween, and OF COURSE there will be photos of me in my costume!!!

    Wednesday was good on the numbers, despite having a couple beers at the local brewery...not sure how that came out ok, but other than sitting with my darling husband and a friend having beer it was kind of a crazy busy day, so no time for snacking or sitting. Walking, cube workouts, stairs - again only one set because the afternoon meeting ran evening workout because it was already after 8 that we were eating.