Tiffany's Progress Tracking



  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    what a super awesome day !

    I can only imagine how hard you've worked to earn that bad-*kitten* crown :smile:.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wednesday was not good, but probably as good as can be hoped for...woke up with a huge migraine - why do all my migraine treatments cause fracking migraines...supposedly it's called a healing crisis...I hate, I took feverfew in the morning...then ate and took OTC drugs at 9:30am and again with lunch around 1pm...then skipped the drugs with dinner...with the extra meal I ended up at maintenance level for calories, but given how crappy I felt I just wasn't worried about it...on the exercise front, I did my walking (slower pace than usual), some cube weights, a little bit of stairs, and yoga/pilates class in the exercise was actually way better than a normal migraine day.

    I have decided to give keto a try for at least 2 years to see if that will fix this migraine problem. In children with epilepsy, 2 years of keto produces permanent brain chemistry changes and they can go low-carb without a return of symptoms. No one has studied this in adults to determine if the changes are permanent. However, keto and migraines have been studied in adults and are far more effective than drugs for chronic sufferers. I don't know what they call chronic, but I think this sucks, so I'll try it. At least 2 years. Still kind of researching what supplements I may or may not need, so far I'm already on everything they recommend either for carpal tunnel, or peri-menopause, so I think I'm good.
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    Have you looked into the correlation between ketosis causing hormonal changes in women? I've read bits and pieces, but I'm definitely not an expert. It might be worth looking into though if you haven't already.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday was pretty awesome, food was on point, and I even managed to make up the 500 calories I was over on Wed, stuck with my new keto goals, no issues I managed my glute weights (25#) and my shoulder/bicep/tricep weights...started at 20# for shoulder and bicep, and 15# for tricep, but by the end I was down to 10# for shoulder and tricep, and split between 15# and 10# for bicep...I really pushed hard, and even increased the reps on deadlifts - I don't want to move the weights up on the lower body until the upper body catches up a bit, so for now I'll just focus on more range of motion and adding reps. I was hoping to be able to curl 35# by the end of the year, but last night I couldn't even do a single rep at 25#, so I'm not sure that's realistic. I'll keep trying.

    Hormones and keto - to my understanding most of the hormone shifts with keto are due to adding fat to the diet - fat being the building blocks for your body to manufacture hormones...this is a particularly abrupt shift for anyone who was low fat prior to going keto...since I already have a fairly high fat diet, I'm not really anticipating a huge impact...I did cut carbs down in my goals, and those did shift to fat, but I was already eating a diet of sufficient fat, so I don't know that the extra fat will even matter.

    I will keep track of cycles and such and keep an eye on far my acne is clearing up, but it gets terrible when I have a migraine and then usually clears up afterward, so that's not exactly a change from normal.

    Today I am going to have beef - which I normally avoid because it triggers migraines...we are going to five guys for a team lunch, I will skip the bun to keep it within keto goals...I should know within about 4 hours of eating if it's going to send me to migraine hell or not. In theory my neurotransmitter reset should have cleared me of all migraine is the day for that experiment...keeping my fingers crossed!!!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    I hope the lunch goes well!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Friday was on point! Did my walking, did some GoT exercises while watching Inhumans in the evening. Food was mostly on point, protein was a bit high, but carbs were low, so should still be good for keto and calories were in 3 went well overall...lunch at 5 guys was epic and super delicious, bacon cheeseburger with lettuce, tomato, pickles, saute mushroom, and saute onion...I haven't had beef in ages...dinner was a pizza made with a chicken/parmesan crust - I messed up and didn't cook it at the right temp, so it wasn't crispy like a pizza except on the edges, however the taste was spot on...I used sour cream with spices for the sauce (basil/salt/pepper/garlic) and topped it with veggies (mushrooms, roasted red pepper, artichoke hearts, black olives) tasted amazing even it it was more like a casserole than a time I'll cook it at the right temp and hopefully get something more pizza like.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited October 2017
    The not quite a pizza sounds delicious! Hope you're having a good weekend and feeling better!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    saturday - keto day 4 - was good...I walked during ballet, and had to taxi children around quite a bit, then did some gardening when I got home, then started sorting toys and rearranging the playroom to prep for halloween decorating...I didn't do my weights, I was pretty tired after all the other activity...I will do them today...I did, however, eat like it was a lifting day, so I guess if I lift today I will have to try to keep calories down - that's not how that's supposed to work, I need to keep this on target and not get backwards again...<sigh>...keto eating was good, I did have 2 small glasses of pinot grigio to see how it would impact me, didn't make me feel any different...apparently some people are ok with alcohol on keto and others are not, so far I feel awesome, but I'll keep an eye out for cravings or any other signs that I may be kicked out of keto...
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Sunday - keto day 5 - awesome day started with amazing morning bedroom fun. P90X Legs & Back in the morning...I thought I was going to die every minute of it, but I pushed hard and finished. Then relaxed and had some coffee...showered and had some lunch...went to the fabric store and got the finishing touches for my costume...went to target and got candy and such to make halloween goodie bags...then finished playroom cleaning and reorganizing - the pile of stuff for goodwill is's nice to see the kids outgrowing the bulky toys finally, but there is still so much stuff in this house...then made another keto pizza with crab and shrimp for dinner which was, plenty of activity/exercise and food was on point...awesome day1
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Monday - keto day 6 - solid day, food good, lots of walking...actually had a good attitude and functioned well on only 2 hours of sleep...I'm guessing it's the change in diet...not sure...but that was kind of an amazing feeling.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Tuesday - keto day 7 - not ideal for keto, I've been aiming for a 2:1 ratio of fats:protein+carbs(net) and today was only 1.77:1 - not what I was trying to do...exercise was spot on, walking, stairs, cube workout, plus P90X - so boring and I hated every moment of it, but I did it and I really pushed hard...ran errands in the evening so it was late when I started and I was already tired, so I only did 10# for shoulders/tris just didn't want to take the chance of injuring myself if I pushed it to higher weights when I was already tired...I prefer to get my weights in before dinner when I still have plenty of energy.
  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    edited October 2017
    That's fab that you had such a positive day yesterday on so little sleep (positive not just in terms of calories in/out, but attitude, too.)
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    edited October 2017
    Wednesday - keto #8 - good day, walking, cube workouts, stairs, agilityX - I only did half because I needed to cook was better than usual 2.44:1 - good ratio!

    I'm going to the oyster festival in chincoteague this saturday with family...not sure what that means in terms of diet...probably lots of fried foods and plenty of fat but also an overabundance of carbs...<sigh>...maybe I'll try prelogging and try to keep it somewhat under extra steamed oysters or fried oysters and avoid the fritters...
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday - keto #9 - 2.92:1 an excellent ratio, and it was a strength day, so I got to eat lots of yummy foods and even fit in some peanut m&ms plus a glass of wine with was very tempting to have a second glass of wine, however, I didn't even key it in and crunch the numbers, there is just no reason to be pushing it. Exercise was standard, except I only made it half way through back/biceps and didn't do glutes at all...something is out of alignment in my lower back and causing a pinching pain...after half the workout I just hurt too much to maintain proper form, so I figured skipping the rest was way better than getting injured doing bad form...and sadly, most of the time my wrists and lower back hurt more than the muscles I was trying to frustrating...

    I will not have internet this weekend, so I will be out of contact until Sunday night or Monday morning...I will try to track my food via the app, but that thing works for crap on my phone, so no promises.

    My goal for Saturday is to have an avocado in the morning and an avocado for dinner, and to just have one oyster fritter...I should be able to eat any of the steamed seafood and a lot of fried oysters without too much problem, but the fritters have so much breading, going to have to limit that. The fried and steamed oysters are my favorite anyway. I'm hoping for crab soup too! Oh, and I got my alcoholic seltzer water to take with me - 2 packs of 12 in different brands, so I have plenty for the whole weekend and plenty to share with the others if they want to give them a go. One of the brands I have had, but not in the same variety of flavors. The other brand I haven't tried before, but I'm looking forward to giving it a shot. They are 1 or 3 carbs each depending on brand, and in cans, so totally portable. Whatever doesn't get drank can stay at the beach house for the next trip.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    I hope you enjoy your weekend, safe travels! =)
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Weekend was awesome...I ate tons of delicious food, but didn't go crazy and stuff myself too much...lots of trying many different things...very little activity and no formal exercise. Basically a weekend off keto, though I did stick to my alcoholic seltzer water (totally delicious) rather than hard cider, so I did keep at least the alcohol carbs down. Had an awesome time with family and it was so nice to visit and have adult time with no children around.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Monday - #14 - lots of walking and my normal workouts...a bit sleepy all day and allergies acting up a bit...however, food was on point, mostly...I was planning a snack and forgot to eat it, but not the end of the world. I didn't finish the last 5 bites of dinner, just too full, but again, not the end of the world.

    I need to do another round of measurements. Maybe I'll have time on Saturday???

    Plus it's past time to decorate for Halloween, and I haven't started sewing my skirt yet...<sigh>...
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Tuesday - #15 - 3.02:1 - great day for food, it's easy to be good on the days I get to eat more...much easier to get protein and plenty of fat if you have lots of calories in the, I managed to have some halloween candy TWICE which kind of made my day a happy day...peanut m&m fun size bags are not too terrible on the macros.

    Almost forgot to do my weights because I was a bit caught up in Lethal Weapon, but I did them at 9 and we watched John Wick 2 while I was doing them. I really pushed the weights, but I didn't feel as struggling as usual, I think that's because I skipped weights over the weekend, so I had extra recovery time. Other than that did all the normal workouts, walking and cube exercises, a bit of stairs...and had a chiro visit which was awesome!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wednesday - #16 - food was pretty good...I was munchy in the evening but I stuck to pickles and tea which is allowed...exercise was a bit slack, walking and cube stuff, only a bit of stairs...didn't workout in the evening, bathed the dog instead...was tired after that...he HATES getting a bath...but he has itchy skin, so he's getting a medicated bath every 3 days until he stops scratching...the silly mutt...
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday - #17 - food was excellent until I got into the halloween candy at night...I should have stayed away but it mostly fit...however, today I have a mild headache, so I'm pretty sure candy is a no no for keto even if you think it fits. I also tweaked my macro goals today based on a 2:1 ratio for grams, not calories. It will be a little harder to hit, but should keep me from having those moment where I get off track since junk isn't going to fit with the new plan. Exercise was standard, but I only made it half way through my weights in the evening because my carpal tunnel was killing muscles could have done more but my writsts were shot.