Tiffany's Progress Tracking



  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    Hope you're wrists feel better :smile:
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Friday - #18 - a solid day, got my walking done and that's about it...we worked the outdoor concession stand at the football game, so that was like 6 hours on my feet and I was good, just had a diet soda to keep hydrated.

    Saturday - #19 - busy day, but solid, walking in the morning but not as much as usual since I was tired and opted to sit and read for some of the time...checked out a weis grocery store and picked up the things to cook for the pig roast...came home and cooked for the pig roast, baked mac & cheese plus jalapeno poppers wrapped in bacon. Went to the pig roast and stuck to the keto thing, just meats and a few bean dishes plus 2 glasses of wine...I was driving, so it was easy not to overdo the alcohol...then picked up the boy from homecoming and went to bed super tired and super late.

    My weight is up this week, but shark week is due next week, so I'm not going to worry about it...and I did measurements and my arms are up 1/8 th of an inch...every little bit counts!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Sunday - #20 - built a deck all day...I didn't track food, but I'm sure I was way under and I stuck to things I knew were ok to eat...scrambled eggs with sausage and cheddar for breakfast around 10am, then hot wings with bleu cheese dressing around 7:30pm...the rest of the day was spent working on the deck...tore out the old deck since hubs didn't get around to that on Friday/Saturday...then built most of the floor for the new was getting dark so we didn't do the last row of boards since that would require cutting around the posts and no one needs to be trying to do that with just artificial lighting...he's supposed to build the stairs today, but it was raining this morning, so not sure if that is going to hands and wrists are killing me today, carpal tunnel and deck construction do not go well together...back and leg muscles are a bit sore, but no worse than any other workout, so that makes me feel good at least!!!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    I hope your hands and wrist start feeling better soon!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Monday - #21 - lots of walking, and some darebee stuff for GoT - food was on point, a little over since I indulged in some peanut m&ms, but within my +/- 200 calories goal, so not gonna fret.

    I've been putting anti-inflamatory essential oils on my wrists and hands blended with comfrey oil, so they are feeling much better today!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Tuesday - #22 - all the normal stuff plus chest, shoulder, tris, and glutes...totally brutal, but hopefully totally effective...I definitely felt like a total badass, and I even managed a grand total of 72 push ups over the course of the workout - yeah baby, push up queen here!!!

    Food was not totally keto, I had some grapes and a pear...subsequently woke up with a headache this, yet more reinforcement for keeping my keto numbers in line...<sigh>...but the fruit was delicious!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wednesday - #23 - had a headache most of the day, I guess I deserve it for not being diligent about keto...also, was way over on food, but Tuesday I was 900 cal under, so being 700 over today seems fine to me...shark week started and I think it was just messing with my appetite...did all the standard workouts plus some balance and flexibility work in the evening.

    I still haven't started sewing or finished decorating for Halloween, how can it already be so late in October???
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday - #24 - felt amazing today! I ate like it was a strength training day, and then I talked to my best friend who moved away for almost 2 hours on the phone and didn't do any strength training...<sigh> I think I'm going to try to shift the Thursday routine to Friday and the Saturday routine to Sunday and then I will be back on track with a normal Tuesday strength routine. Food was good, I indulged in a single hershey kiss and it was both delicious and satisfying...I have a week before my halloween party and I haven't started sewing my skirt yet, but hopefully can tackle that over the weekend...and I never got the call from the shop that the corset arrived, so I need to find out what's up with that...and I haven't finished decorating, plus the deck is still under much life happening right now!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Friday - #25 - mild headache in the morning that went away pretty fast...probably sinus in nature since I've been a bit congested and we just had a cold front move through...cube workouts and some walking done...however, I spent the evening working on the deck during daylight hours and working on my skirt for Halloween after it got dark, so didn't end up doing strength training after all...finished my skirt around 11, got showered and went to bed...talked to the place I ordered the corset from yesterday and even though I ordered it in August it won't be coming in since the company has it back ordered...<sigh> I ordered a red WW tank top on amazon and that will just have to be good enough for this year.

    Next year I'm picking a costume no one has heard of so that I don't have these problems getting materials - I'm pretty sure all things Wonder Woman are going to be hugely popular and I actually picked this costume before the movie came out.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited October 2017
    I've had sinus problems myself lately, it's no fun! Glad the headache went away fast! Hopefully you're weekend has gone better than your Friday morning started out!

    Are you sharing the picture of your finished costume like you did last year? If so, I look forward to seeing the finished product!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Saturday - #26 - walking during ballet, but not as much as normal since I decided to treat myself to a coconut milk latte and sit and read a book on my phone at Starbucks - it was so, we worked on the deck after I got home so there wasn't really a huge incentive for me to get exercise minutes in when I knew I was going to have a very active day anyway. Got the back supports all done, and picked up the lumber for seats and kickplates...also did a bunch of random shopping that needed done...t-shirts, jacket, hair stuff, etc. And had another treat of Sweet Frog since they actually have 'no added sugar' frozen yogurt...and finished out the night with 2 glasses of wine...<sigh> looking back at the day, I didn't really eat omelette for a late lunch, some sausage and eggs for dinner...probably should have eaten more real food and then I would have been less tempted to have treats...though as treats go coconut milk and yogurt are not terrible.

    Sunday - #27 - deck construction - seats and kickplates are done, top rail is done, 2 of the 4 back rails are cut but not mounted, it's coming along formal exercise, I did have wine in the evening, and colored my hair with carpal tunnel is killing me, taking anti-inflammatory herbs and oils, plus wore my brace when I wasn't working on the deck...there's just no way to work on the deck with that stupid thing was good...omelette for a very late lunch, smoked turkey and homemade green bean casserole for dinner...we also had mashed potatoes, but I only had a bite of was like a mini-thanksgiving and the casserole was delicious, they had fresh green beans and baby portabella mushrooms, so very yum! I did get into the chocolate a bit, should have stayed away...naughty me...
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Monday - #28 - so, a bit of a headache in the morning...I'm guessing because I got into the seems to hit me more at the end of the day, if I have it in the middle of the day I seem to be ok...I really just need to get some dark chocolate so I can handle the craving without all the extra any case, had a bit of extra salt and the headache only lasted about half the day.

    It was a tall-dark-and-gorgeous 7 or 8 sightings, plus I even spoke to him, oddly enough, when I was trying to hunt down some dark chocolate.

    Food was good - leftover smoked turkey and green bean casserole for lunch, turkey/cheese omelette for dinner...very yum.

    All the normal exercise, plus pilates in the evening - yay for me!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Tuesday - #29 - amazingly fun 3 sightings of TDG, plus a fun training class, plus an awesome walk by myself at lunch, plus happy hour after lunch, plus hubs actually worked on the deck without me...I would have rather had him at happy hour...

    Food was a bit over on carbs, but still under 50...protein was way too low for a strength day...calories were way too under...going to need to make sure I eat more...

    Exercise was awesome, lots of stretching, walking, plus back/biceps/glutes in the evening...and I totally kicked *kitten* with 25# weights for glutes and upping my 20# weights for biceps (mostly) and upped my reps on a few...

    Totally feeling like it was an epic badass day!!!
  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    love that badass feeling :smile:
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wednesday - #30 - wow, like a whole month of keto...who would have thought that could was solid on food and exercise was evening workout because I was just feeling lazy and watching Bones instead...going to take tomorrow off work so I can cook and clean and do my weights before the party...should be awesome, going to be a kick *kitten* wonder woman and yes, I will totally be putting pics up!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday - #31 - I think I was, standard workouts, standard food, then getting ready for the party in the evening...I think I did pilates...not 100% sure since I didn't post daily when it was fresh in my mind.

    Friday - #32 - took the day off work to clean and prep for the was good, omelette around noon, chili at the party, plus hard cider and hard lemonade...didn't track, didn't workout, though I think walking around in those heels was quite a workout because my shins are was epic chaos...didn't get to bed until 2am...

    Saturday - #33 - hungover in the morning...not too bad, just so freaking queasy...cleanup from the party, eat leftovers, go to the grocery...definitely no working out, but almost no eating all day, so that's in the evening, lots of fun!!! It was an adult party, so quiet and not crazy like mine.

    Sunday - #34 - good day, back to eating more normally, plus more cleaning, shampooing the carpets, fun and exciting life I got here!!! Going to do some yoga today since my upper back is not feeling right and my hips are not happy and my shins are still sore...however, the dog got into something and made himself sick, so between the party and the dog vomit the shampooing must go on!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    love the 'matching outfits' :)
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member

    Rounded out sunday with Combat plus some yoga - it was an awesome weekend...up next weekend Imagine Dragons!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Monday - #35 - I think I'm finally getting the hang of this keto thing without a ton of tracking. I did enter my food after the fact, but after haircuts we went to five guys, and I totally managed to eat on point...though the thought of just getting a milkshake and saying '*kitten* it all' was a bit tempting...I prevailed and stayed on food was good yesterday, and exercise was extra evening exercise since I spent 3 hours in the car and 2 hours getting everyone haircuts...but it was a solid day all around!