Tiffany's Progress Tracking



  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Glad you enjoyed your birthday! =) Hope you enjoy your weekend even with it being hectic and Aunt Flow being in town.

  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Friday #83 - food was good, exercise was just walking, dress rehearsal went really really well, it was a late night getting home, but not terrible roads despite all the snow, so that works for me.

    Saturday #84 - lots of sleeping in and relaxing all morning and afternoon until it was time to get ready for the show. I did get christmas cards done. I had a headache off and on all day that felt vaguely migraine-ish (only on one side) but never hit the level of agony of a migraine, just an annoying ache. Also managed like the most perfect ballerina bun that I have ever pulled off in my whole life. The show was super cool and came off very nicely. Took the girl out to her choice of dinner (Longhorns) after the show, so that was also super cool - and HEY, I rocked the crap out of my protein goal thanks to the steak! I also did my strength training, but it made my headache worse, so I cut it short and added in some extra flex and balance work which didn't aggravate my head as much

    Sunday #85 - it was a very late night, so slept in, had awesome shower sex, and then did a seriously intense strength training routine (p90x+ total body)...going to do an hour of stretching later and keep food in line today. No headache.

    Keto thoughts:
    I started keto with a 2:1 ratio (fat:carbs+protein) and it worked amazingly well after about 60 more migraines or headaches...however, I wasn't seeing improvements in my strength/muscle growth like I wanted, so I tweaked it by not worrying about the ratio, trying to hit protein, and keeping carbs low while still carb cycling...however, now it looks like the hormone induced headaches are coming back, and even though it wasn't a full blown migraine this weekend, it makes me think that maybe this is not keto enough for migraine control and maybe I need to be upping that fat intake a bit. So, I think I'll go back to having an avocado every day - that was a big fat source for me before...and maybe still not worry so much about the ratio, but just try to get in that extra bit of fat and see where that puts me next month when shark week hits.

    So that's my new goal...1 avocado a day, probably at lunch, and probably with cottage cheese the way I love it!!! Keep protein goals and carb goals where they are, and just see where that puts my head in a month.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Sunday #85 'cont - oh, the stretching felt soooo goooood. I was very sore from the extra strength training, but so nice to stretch it all out, and I fell right asleep with no problems.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Monday #86 - A little over in food and carbs today...I decided to indulge in a cup of hot cocoa...which I did make with half and half, so not terribly off the charts for keto...exercise was on point, walking, cube workouts, and abs...I was super sleepy all morning, but managed without any extra coffee...took the girl to dance, and didn't walk then either, just sat and read was fun and a bit relaxing, and I'm still quite sore from the weekend workouts.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Hot cocoa sounds delicious. I have some in the pantry and it's definitely getting put into my diary for tomorrow. Sounds like you had a decent start to your week!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Tuesday #87 - good on exercise, walking, some cube stretching, and BEAST total body in the evening, totally feeling like a badass after that...way under on food...and I had to practically force myself to finish my dinner...left work early for chiropractor appointment, that was nice, she had to adjust my knees and feet which has never needed adjusting before...went grocery shopping after, then made cookies for the war at work...keto amaretti cookies, they melted into a giant pancake of mush, so I had to improvise and turn them into a bar cookie kind of thing...they taste ok, but such a pain to cook...and I did taste some cookie samples that I didn't log, so maybe not as under on calories as the log would indicate. All in all it was a solid day of progress.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wednesday #88 - solid on food, solid on workouts, nothing crazy to report...I stayed away from the cookies successfully...yay me!
  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    I love Baking. I have to avoid it because I would go way over on my calories. But sounds like taking them to work and then managing to avoid them is a win/win.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday #89 - Today was the holiday lunch, so my schedule was totally off, no walking, no cube workouts, just lots of wandering around and talking to future team also had their holiday lunch, so I got to meet my future supervisor since he was in this office for a change...and I was all looking super nice with my pretty christmas dress and hair and makeup all to meet most of the team, at least the people that are here, so lots of cool introductions, but not really introductions since I've been working here 17 years and already know most of them by sight and several that I have worked with on teams or projects before...still fun to be reintroduced and share the news that I'll be transitioning in current management was also super nice and understanding, not awkward about my leaving the team at all, which was awesome...I went home and made jelly (which didn't set up) and did about 10 min of P90X3 Warrior until my carpal tunnel started going a bit crazy, so then I switched it up for PLP (push-ups, lunges, pull-ups - 3x11) and some Hogwarts advent calendar stuff. All total about 30 min of strength training. So, despite less activity than usual still a solid day and calories/carbs were totally in line!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Just recording for Hogwarts reference:
    Quidditch Challenges

    1. 2 points – complete via walking

    2. [2 points] – complete (1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10,11,15,17,18,19,20,24)

    3. [2 points] - walking in a winter wonderland – went walking for 3.1 miles (45 min) in the snow, it was pretty and super chill.

    4. [3 points] Create your own 12 Days of Christmas challenge! It would be something like this workout - You pick 12 "days" of a workout and then perform it as the song goes. (On the first day of Christmas, I did a 30 second plank. On the second day of Christmas, I did 2 push-ups and a 30 second plank, etc. So you will be performing your "first" day 12 times.) Please post AND complete your own 12 Days of Christmas workout.
    Day 1: 1 minute plank xxxxxxxxx
    Day 2: 2 pull ups
    Day 3: 3 tricept kickbacks
    Day 4: 4 side lunges
    Day 5: 5 push ups
    Day 6: 6 side raise xxxxxxx
    Day 7: 7 deadlifts
    Day 8: 8 reverse lunges
    Day 9: 9 overhead press
    Day 10: 10 bicep curls
    Day 11: 11 wide leg squats
    Day 12: 12 Burpees

    Potions Challenges - 2-3 points each (These may overlap, so a food used for one challenge may work for others. None of them must be done on consecutive days, but they can if you wish)
    5. [2 points] Mini Arithmancy Final - Stay under or meet your calorie goal for 4 days

    6. [3 points] Stay under carbs 4 days

    DADA - Written - 3 points
    What do you remember about previous houses you’ve lived in? I’m an Army brat, so we lived in a lot of places when I was growing up. The only thing I distinctly remember about Washington, is that any time it wasn’t raining we immediately went to the pool – no matter what was planned for that day, it instantly became a pool day. I remember Ft. Lee and skating around on those metal skates that strap to your shoes because it had sidewalks everywhere you could possibly want to go. I remember living in Saluda in the old school house which only had heat in the living room – which is where my sister and I would sleep on the super cold winter nights.
    Which one did you like the best? My favorite house we lived in for 4 years, the whole time I was in high school – the only school I didn’t have to move away from. It was an old farm house with plaster walls and a huge root cellar type basement. The heat was baseboard hot water, and the boiler in the basement was ancient, but it was the warmest kind of heat ever and we always had plenty of hot water for showers. My bedroom was 7x9 and I loved it because I didn’t have to share with my sister, it was all mine!
    What was your favorite movie or book when you were growing up? Movies: The Last Unicorn, or The Neverending Story
    What about now? I still love these movies. I have also discovered that these are BOOKS – who knew these things as a child? And I love the books more. So much detail was left out of each of them, it totally altered the intent of the neverending story, and it totally left out all of schmendricks back story in the last unicorn. Still fun movies to enjoy, not as good as the books.
    What are your favorite stories that grandpa/grandma told (or still tells)? My great-grandmother Grace was the family story teller. I have no idea where her stories originated from, but at least one of them sounded like an old slave tale (tomorrow am thanksgiving day). I’m not aware that anyone in the family ever learned her stories before her passing, so they are lost except for an old VHS tape we have of her telling them to the children one holiday. It makes me sad to think of them as gone, she always told them with specific voices and accents and had I been older I might have tried to learn them.

    DADA Questions - 2 points
    8. Correct

    Total: ? points
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Friday #90 - food was on point, exercise was extra walking since I didn't have a lunch date...was super crazy tired and almost falling asleep on the couch at like 7:30pm, so I went to bed early and got lots of extra rest, but no evening workout.

    Saturday #91 - crazy busy day, ran errands during ballet, christmas shopping for the teachers and birthday shopping for niece and nephews, plus snagged a bit of stocking stuff, then took the girl shopping for a birthday party, went home and wrapped tons of stuff, then made 3 more batches of jelly, then mac & cheese to take to mom's for cookie decorating night...didn't eat much, but drank plenty!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Sunday #92 - giant migraine...that's what I get for eating a cookie...woke up feeling terrible, managed to eat enough to take some drugs and went back to bed...finally got up feeling better at like, food was good for the day, but no real exercise except finishing up some hogwarts work. Mostly just laying around, making jelly, had a lovely dinner of bacon wrapped chicken thighs with creamy mushroom sauce...super delish...migraine didn't return...which is good.

    So, 92 days of keto and still I have a giant migraine after eating one cookie. I don't know if keto is ever going to make me able to tolerate my migraine triggers. On the plus side, I used to have 3 day migraines, and this one was only like half a day, so clearly there is some protective benefit. Also, the monthly migraines seem to be staying away and that's always a nice bonus.

    Did measurements on Saturday morning...low belly and hips and thighs are slimmer...arms are slimmer (not sure that's good, I was trying to build those up)...waist was up a tiny bit, but I'm pretty sure that's from more muscle, not from fat...overall body fat was down from 20.9 to 20.6...small steps over is a journey, not a destination!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    That sucks about the migraine but that's awesome about the measurements! Progress is progress! =)
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Monday #93 - pretty solid day, I think...crazy busy with getting the girl up in the morning so she could work on her science project, then running her to ballet with extra rehearsal for their last, we ended up having dinner at the brewery and I had a delicious batch of buffalo wings while she had a grilled cheese and fries...I also had a delicious blueberry-lemon sour, so yum...calories still totally in line, not sure about carbs since I couldn't really get a carb count on the beer and it's so variable since it's a fermented food...whatever it is, it was delicious.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Tuesday #94 - ok but not great was an eat more day...but I only did half my strength training because my knee was hurting and my shoulder was popping and just feeling 'off'...however, I did that half at 20#, so that was a nice step up...we are heading out of town and I won't have weights, so I think I will have to stick to PLP for a while, therefore, not all that concerned about sticking to the strength routine...I will start up full on BEAST when I get back from vacation.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    edited December 2017
    Just finished the January workout plan - it is quite aggressive. I will be sticking with keto, and calorie/carb cycling (Tu/Th/Sa are eat more days). The Ms are my husband, the Ts are me. It's good to have a plan!

  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I was reviewing my 2017 results and setting my 2018 goals.

    I started the year at 141 lbs and 26.2% body fat with a goal of getting down to 135 lbs and reducing body fat.

    Goal 6 lb loss

    Actual result - 6 lb gain, currently 147 lbs and 20.6% body fat.

    I'll take it and call it a win!!!

    Not setting a lb loss goal for 2018, just aiming for 18% body fat.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wednesday #95 - not super on food, but not terrible, calories in line, but carbs over a bit...exercise was not super, but not terrible, walking plus some stairs, plus pilates in the evening...I really should have done yoga too, however after spending the night cooking and baking and such, I opted to go to bed early instead. All in all a good day, but there is always room for improvement.

    PS: Pork chops cooked in pesto are super delish!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday #96 - my darling husbands birthday is today, but I totally nailed it in the food and exercise categories and even managed to fit in a piece of cheesecake - booyah!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Friday #97 - this was an epic day...mostly hung out and chatted and read new material at work because my old app was totally down and not functional...did some walking, no evening workouts other than more shopping...also got to watch the nutcracker!!! A student performance, but still nice...except the second act which was kind of sad because they had the same kids on stage over and over again and they were out of position and out of time because they just looked exhausted and physically barely keeping it together...I felt so bad for them, they are better dancers than their performance indicated...and there are over 100 kids in that troupe, no reason to have them overworked like that, but whatever...not my circus, not my monkeys, grateful that we are not at that studio anymore.

    Saturday #98 - so much shopping, but also did my strength workout, and did so much wrapping, and managed to find the santa gift that amazon totally failed to deliver - and found it $54 cheaper - booyah!!!