Tiffany's Progress Tracking



  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited August 2017
    Halloween feels right around the corner. I know I keep saying this (mostly in my journal) but I swear I blink and it's the next month. =P How do you gauge your progress if pictures don't really show the changes? Is it just how you feel? how clothes fit? your reflection? measurements? scale? or is it a mixture? I'm just curious.

    Awesome job on keeping your numbers in check even with going out! I hope you enjoyed your time with your husband!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I track scale weight and body fat, plus measurements (arms, legs, chest, hips, waist, belly button, and 2" below belly button) usually every Saturday, but I'm kind of terrible about remembering every week, so I'm pretty happy if I get in one a month. Last set of measurements were good, arms were up - yay for muscle building. I try to do photos about every 90 days...there are some slight before/after changes, a little less lumpy in the legs, or a little thinner through the love handles, but nothing, if I go back and look at photos from a year or two ago, then the changes do look much more obvious...still not really dramatic...I started from a healthy weight, so dramatic is just not going to happen, but progress is good even if it's small progress.

    Thursday - food was way under, exercise was standard. I didn't workout in the evening, went to bed early I'm kind of sniffly and congested...hope I'm not coming down with something, that would be UGH!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Thank you for answering and I agree that progress no matter how slow is still progress! I hope you feel better soon!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    friday - food was good, a bit carby but within calories...exercise was a bit low, but it's a recovery week so I'm not going to sweat it, plus we had a funeral which took up about 6 hours of time with travel and such...then had to fetch the kids from the football game and deliver a few home, so it was a late night and my bed was calling me!
  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    love the new profile pic !
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member

    Saturday was good, got up early and walked while the boy ran cross country, then we went out to the diner for breakfast and I only had coffee because I don't do breakfast...did my stretching...had a late lunch after 2pm...then had a super delicious dinner and a few coffee and whiskeys while watching Ghosts of Mars and Sherlock...slept like a champ!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Sunday was kind of blah...didn't really exercise or be at all active except for some gardening...spent time cooking off and on - beer bread, angel food cake, burgundy mushrooms...mostly just felt vaguely crappy and listless, then the coughing started at bed hopefully I'm not coming down with the plague my husband has had, but it seems like it...and he kept waking me up with his snoring last night, so I feel downright terrible this morning, tired and headache and a bit congested. BLAH

    Food was a bit over yesterday, but still under maintenance...I nailed my protein thanks to the cake and mushrooms...I totally need to get that cake mix again, finding good gluten free stuff is such a challenge and it was AMAZING...
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    I hope you feel better soon!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Monday was kind of a feeling icky and terrible day...but I did all my workouts, including pilates...was about 300 calories over goal, which is still about 300 under maintenance, so not the end of the world...recovery weeks are hard, I miss the strength training, and I definitely miss the extra calories from the strength training. Slept really well, and I'm actually feeling peppy this morning despite the dreary rain!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Yay for sleeping well and feeling peppy!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Tuesday was pretty awesome...month 2 of P90X begins, so back to strength training, which means back to MORE FOOD which is always AWESOME!!! Did all my walking, cube workouts, and all the stairs I could fit between meetings, plus last night was chest (push-ups), shoulder (15-10#), triceps (10-8#) to which I added glutes (20#) because P90X only does legs once a week and I've decided that isn't I cut my glute routine into 1/3 of normal and added a leg exercise after every triceps exercise...totally shaking and physically spent afterward, it was a good feeling. Visited the chiropractor, haven't been in a couple months with vacations and all, so it was nice to get adjusted, though didn't need much adjustment, which is always good...went to bed early and still overslept this morning...weights always makes me need more sleep.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wednesday was pretty awesome...was supposed to do plyo, but had a million errands to run and didn't have time to get home, so instead I walked an extra hour waiting on the boy to get out of practice so I could take him for a haircut, plus did all my normal cube workout, walking and stairs, so I call that a was a bit over, I give myself +/- 200 calories, but I was 300 over, so a bit out of line, but it was all protein and not junk, so I'm not going to fret over it. Unfortunately some of that protein was chicken, and I woke up with a raging migraine this morning, so the NAET is not working long term and I'm going to go back to just eggs and seafood since those don't give me migraines...<sigh>...I was enjoying the food options, but none of it is worth having to live in migraine hell...I usually don't eat before noon, but I can't take drugs on an empty stomach, so I had food this morning so I could take drugs and lay back I'm feeling more human, just very sluggish and not is a strength day and an eat more day, so hopefully the eating early won't put me over for the day, and hopefully the migraine will stay gone so I can get my workout in when I feel more alert.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    I hope the migraine stays away!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday was terrible and great at the same time...the migraine was terrible, but after spending half the day drugged and sleeping I actually got up and was semi-productive...cut some t-shirts into tank tops...cooked dinner...actually did my strength training, which was super hard, but I totally nailed it...had to drop from 20 to 15 pounds for some of the curls, and by the end I could only do them at 15 pounds, but that's a good workout...did legs at 20 with no issues other than it was hard...then a friend came over and did some sewing on my machine after dinner...and that was nice...I seem to have lost my needle felting kit...that was not nice...but, at least the day wasn't a total loss!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Also, this morning I noticed that my upper abs are getting that wrinkly look to the it may be happening, I might be losing fat from my abs FINALLY!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    This was a beach weekend, so no internet access, no food tracking which I actually kind of missed.

    Friday was good, cube workouts, walking, stairs, no evening workout since we were traveling and food was on point. Travel was good, some rain, but nothing too crazy. I did have a cider after we got to the house to unwind a bit.

    Saturday was pretty awesome food and exercise wise. It rained all day and I had no formal exercise, but spent the entire day scraping wallpaper off the living room ceiling, which was quite a shoulder and arm workout. Also, walked to the farmer's marker, dollar general, and grocery. Lunch was tuna, dinner was shrimp and blue crab - so yum!!! Also had salad and squash, but I didn't eat either of those, totally stuffed myself on crab! Had 2 ciders, so I behaved myself pretty well.

    Sunday was goodish, spent the morning texturing the ceiling, then went to the beach which was nice out of the water but cold in the water, then finished up the texturing late in the evening. Had scrambled eggs with crab and cheese for lunch, and oysters for dinner plus salad. However, I also had an entire 6 pack of cider - so yum, and so not necessary. Then I snacked on popcorn, and made a batch of scrambled eggs with cheese late at night because I was hungry.

    Monday was good - woke up at like 4am with a massive hangover, to be fair, I earned it. Took an Emergen-C with a big glass of water and went back to bed. Woke up at like 8 totally fine, that stuff is an amazing hangover helper! There are a few spots on the ceiling that still need touching up, however it wasn't dry enough to do any more work. So, worked on the outside instead, put down pavers and rock for the foundation border, plus planted some mums and pulled some weeds. Travel home was fine, a few normal delays but nothing major. Took the leftover squash and some tofu and turned it into veggie spaghetti which was super delicious. No drinking!

    This morning I noticed my obliques are really I don't think the drinking did too much damage...or maybe it was just a bit offset with the huge amount of manual labor.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Tuesday - wow, got tons of working out in...protein was too low, grrrr...calories were way under, grrrr...<sigh>...some day I will get the hang of this eating right nonsense...overall a good day...registered the girl for ballet...she will be Monday and Saturday, which will actually be nice because it won't interfere with any of my strength routines...need to set my darling hubby up on a workout schedule, he is being totally slack at the moment, but wants to do beast...should be interesting...other than that not much going on...dinner was a chicken I picked up from costco for the carnivores, plus leftover potato salad to which I added 4 fried eggs for me...still not enough protein...grrrr...

    Happy Hump day!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wednesday was good...morning dentist appointment, no cavities...didn't do my evening cardio because I was lazy, but got my walking, cube workouts, and stairs done...protein was awesome, carbs were a bit over, but calories were in line...overall a solid day...had a hamstring cramp when I went to bed, but some topical magnesium took care of that.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday was solid, but not perfect...I was sooooo tired in the afternoon and protein was way too calories were a bit exercise was through the roof...did all my normal stuff plus back & biceps, and my glute routine - though, I cut the weights down to 5# on the glutes because my right hamstring was twingy all day long...I was scheduled to go up, but it's always good to listen to your body.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Hopefully you aren't tired during the weekend and are able to enjoy it!