Tiffany's Progress Tracking



  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Sunday - painted the fence and sprayed the weeds/grass...also did my eccentric lower for p90x but skipped the 90 min yoga...was going to do Rodney Yee instead but didn't have that disk here and really just didn't push it...I did some extra stretching at the end of the EL workout...also didn't log well and FatSecret isn't working today so logging after the fact may not happen, but I did relax the eating and snack and have wine, so I'm sure it's a maintenance day not a poverty day, but that's good, I need a couple of those a week, hung out and was neighborly with the cool chick across the road which was fun social time...all in all a good day and mostly on target, though I suspect my protein will come in a bit low, so I really need to keep that up today.

    Today is more fence painting and weeding the gardens, plus travel home, so likely a big lunch since we have leftover fish and some squash/onion from the produce market...and we are just doing sandwiches on the road for dinner, so a nice hot lunch would be good.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Monday - didn't workout, did lots of fence painting and yard work and gardening and such, plus the travel home...poverty calories without any problem which was nice

    Tuesday - did all the workouts for Monday, mostly, had a pull-up band snap mid-way through Incinerator and it popped me in the thigh (which is plenty cushy) and my knuckles which had to immediately be iced because that was PAINFUL and I didn't want to have swelling and joint issues...I did walk to round out the time and get the cardio minutes in, but any more push-ups and pull-ups at that time was simply not possible. Then after work I was able to do the legs/back with no problems or pain in my hand, which was quite lovely...and abs, which doesn't really require hands or gripping anyway...

    The plan for today (Wed) is to do the cardio from Tues plus the stretching from today, so 4 workouts in one day, which is super challenging because my muscles are already extremely fatigued, but at least 2 of them are stretching and the cardio is combat, so I can tone it down if needed...I already had to tone down the 30 min one I did this morning because my lats were on fire from the pull-ups yesterday (since I had to do negative reps as there there no bands)...and I need to order more pronto...I should do that now before I forget...also going to do today as a maintenance day to fuel up a bit for the extra workouts...
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wednesday was good...did both the cardio routines plus the dynamic stretching...opted to have a few drinks in lieu of doing the hour long's whiskey wednesday, I have no regrets...
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday was solid, did the workouts, plus abs, and stuck to the food plan, not even too much of a struggle...did struggle on the back exercises since I was still super sore, so that had to be scaled back a bit, and I'm doing negative pull-ups because band won't be in until today, but it's better than nothing...makes me realize that even though I'm getting god with the bands, I'm still not strong enough for full body of these days...I also totally revamped the October routine because my booty is looking flat and I would like to round it out some so Oct = booty gains...
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    oh my

    so inconsistent

    Friday was good, on plan, even at the drive-in, missed 1 workout

    Saturday was good, festival thing with dad, so drank lots of beer, but not much eating - missed 1 workout

    Sunday was hmmm, not much eating, a bit hung over, but lots of walking and hanging out with a friend, so much sweating, and no workouts

    Monday was great, workouts plus a makeup, food on target...yay

    Tuesday was ok, workouts plus a makeup but it was a super struggle, food on target except for ice cream...yay????

    Planning for Pop Step at Nekocon, so really really really need to keep the food on pointe because that is super not a forgiving outfit...
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Tuesday was maintenance, and I think I'm going to aim for poverty calories the whole rest of the month...that would improve the weight loss, plus I can fit it into social events if I plan and work it out, and really, I'm starting to see slimming in the belly and I'd like to keep that momentum going strong.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wednesday was POVERTY

    finally, on target for protein too, 101, so just barely squeaking into 3 digits

    also, did a makeup workout this morning before work, plus my regularly scheduled 2 workouts, plus walked 5 miles, plus did some gardening...oh, and spent a solid hour with my adult toys, so that has to have burned some calories for the day...
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday was POVERTY

    protein at 118

    did all my workouts and actually racked the frak out of them even though it was hugely hard and a struggle bus kind of day

    work was super annoying with some ashhat trying to offload their problem onto me...normally I'm pretty happy to help, but you aren't my boss and don't just try to make your job my problem...I'm betting it was someone with testicles because it usually is...not sure from the name and pretty sure I've never met them...
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Friday was POVERTY

    protein at 98, so not quite making the 3 digit goal, but close

    did both the plyo workouts, which is a hard day, but I did it...can't say I super rocked it, I had to modify some because I was simply wasted and it was that or quit, but at least I didn't quit...that's something...

    also, made a marble cake tonight, and didn't drink, so a win on the alcohol front
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Saturday was mediocre...probably maintenance...did back/bis but it was such a struggle and I wasn't able to lift as heavily as usual...I did still rock it as best I could and kept starting with the heavier weights even if I couldn't do all the reps, so I'm proud of myself that I didn't give up and I didn't stop pushing for the heavier weights even though for whatever reason my muscles were just not up to it...tried to launch into abs right after weights, which normally is fine but instead landed me with a huge bout of nausea and I just had to stop...had some gatorade and did some more recovery/cool down... then had some food and was fine the rest of the day...guess I really did push it hard

    didn't track food, but didn't eat a ton, and did have some beer so likely maintenance though I'll mark it with a ? on the calendar...I really need more poverty days

    OH, in super big news...I'm starting to see the bottom of my rib cage on the outer edges at my natural abs and front belly rib cage showed up a while ago, and then my actual ribs started to show on the sides, but now I'm apparently finally losing enough from my side waist that my rib cage bottom is showing up...yay me!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Sunday was good in a lots of shopping got done...homecoming covered...cosplay covered...cute clothes for the girl working out except some mild yoga and off an on nausea all day...don't know if that's because of the pushing it too hard yesterday, or the upcoming time of month, or eating unusual foods like beer yesterday and five guys today...who knows, but my tummy is not super happy so I had some clay and gatorade and I'm going to shower and head to bed soon...maintenance cals...
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Monday was, check...exercise, drinking, check

    More days like this will get me to the most amazing pop step I can possibly become
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    The whole week was awesome-ish

    my left elbow is tweaky and has been for a couple days

    today my right knee started feeling all tweaky

    I've been mostly poverty (well, per my version) for a while, and I'm coming to the end of my 90day program...I had planned to charge right into the booty stuff for october, but with my body being all weird, I'm thinking it might be better to just take a recovery week, eat more days (but not all) at maintenance and just let my body rest a bit before I start going full booty for Popstep!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    lots of walking today...maybe some stretching tonight after on target...all in all a nice smooth recovery week so far...looking forward to changing things up much as I love the progress in hitting it hard, the 90 day programs get soooo dull toward the end...super stoked about new things for October...and no idea what the plan will be for November yet but definitely switching it up lots from here to the end of the year...maybe do another 90 day program starting in January...beast again??? might be a good start to the year
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I have the beginnings of a 6 much more clearly than before, though still all wrinkly and dimply so not exactly attractive...but I'm getting a little less loose in the cage!!!!

    So nice when the muscles come through...and super happy that I took a recovery week and didn't push it when my joints were being tweaky...but also super happy about starting a real intense routine again tomorrow because this incessant walking is great, but not the same feeling of accomplishment and badassery that comes with really pushing the limits on an intense routine...maybe I'll do a longer walk today, if it doesn't start to look like it might storm again...or I'll just clean the house and finish moving things around to set up the sewing is time to start on the cosplay plus I have a friend coming over sunday to get her clothes taken in so I kind of need my sewing area...
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    October start:

    weight - 157.4 (likely overstated because TOM)
    waist - 29 3/4 (likely accurate, not feeling any real bloating for this TOM)
    abs - barely visible 4 pack at top, wrinkly and dimply, but still there...barely...
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Friday (the 1st) was great...poverty calories, all the workouts, 5 miles, even a lot of cleaning around the WIN!

    Saturday (the 2nd) started up early, planned food, did my morning and lunch workout because I had to drive to a track meet so was not going to be able to workout at lunch...then creamery for lunch...good and within goal...then apple cake later (ice cream is delicious but not enough food to last)...then goulash for dinner...still haven't done my evening workout and it's 8:15...contemplating maintenance today and having a drink...then doing workout at 10pm...wish me luck!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Saturday - I did indeed do the workout...and I did stick to maintenance

    Sunday - not so much...I got up and did my morning workout, then a friend came over for some sewing help * 90 minutes late * and stayed until 4pm...had I known she would be so late, I would have done my lunch workout in the morning...I expected the sewing to be like 2 pairs of pants taken in...but it ended up being 5 pars of pants taken in and 2 pairs of pants hemmed, which is fine, except it did consume the whole freaking lunch workout before workout after dinner...figured I'd make up the time some other day...poverty calories, yay

    Monday - morning workout fine...lunch workout fine...then about half an hour after my lunch workout hip is KILLING me...put some tei-fu in some lotion and just rubbed it everything, hip, thigh, love handle, glute...that helped...but now I'm contemplating the wisdom of even attempting a 3rd workout...ugh
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    monday I did the 3rd workout, and 4 of my 5 miles...I did have to modify and not to the jumping part of the plyo moves, but just stepped through them...i also swapped out lunges for squats which are more stable...and I skipped the sprawls entirely because no way to really modify those they are a hip flexor killer no matter what you do...all in al I feel great about doing what I could...celebrated hubs getting home and had some drinks last night, so maintenance

    this morning the hip is a bit sore, but otherwise fine...morning workout is done and today's a rest day so nothing super intense in the schedule anyway...yay me!!!

    definitely need to stick to poverty all the way to saturday, which is a food festival and well certainly be maintenance
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    tuesday - did two of the workouts, kept to the was a recovery day, so missing another stretching workout hardly seemed like a huge deal...

    wed - did two and about 1/3 workouts, achilles tendon started really bugging me so I decided to halt the final workout and do some foam rolling instead...keeping to the calories...

    popstep new leotard arrived, it's not forgiving, every tiny bit of fluff shows...but, it isn't cheeky and it does fit properly, so that's way better!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I've been slack with the journaling, but have been doing the workouts and logging the food...with the exception of the weekend where I traveled and didn't workout and went to a food festival and ate and drank, everything has been on target...the food festival trip was planned and I accounted for the maintenance days even though I didn't log, I also didn't go crazy and I had a nice buzz but didn't go crazy on the drinking it was nice to take some down time from the process...

    I did puff up 4 lbs but I'm sure a lot of that is water, and it's already starting to drop off day by day, so I think I'll be back to normal and maybe even see some loss by the end of the week...

    I have another trip in 2 weeks, but I think for that one I will log as much as possible...not sure that workouts will be a thing...
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    back from cincyCon...back to working out but missing some workouts, back to the food goals...I actually did track closely while I was gone, but didn't worry about hitting any goals...I think it still helped to be aware
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    yesterday was good but not great

    no morning workout, lunch workout done, no evening workout

    I pressure washed the deck and porch, so time was short in the afternoon...there was lots of activity but skipped the workout and the last 2 miles of walking...not the end of the world, but in an ideal scenario I could do stuff and have time to workout

    plus side, grilled tuna was amazing and delicious
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    wow...a lot has happened...did the workouts, for the most part, did the food thing, looked amazing at Nekocon as a cold, have not been working out or eating much, but trying to track and get back to better protein levels...started lucifers freaking waterfall after only 2 weeks off the bloody much ugh...and I'm just sooooo tiiiiiired all the, trying to eat solid nutrition, still trying to walk 3-5 miles a day, not really working out much beyond that but would like to get back to weights as soon as I can have some energy and not have a headache...
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    3 miles walked yesterday, plus costco shopping...stayed up late chatting with a friend and had a few glasses of wine, but no drugs needed to sleep so that was nice
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    7 miles today...feeling pretty peppy and good...hopeful to get back on the workouts next week...might go ahead and start with the 10 min ones, but I don't want to overdo it and go backwards with the recovery.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Today was unbelievable!!!

    First, the weekend was good, beach trip, no work, some walking, mostly just relaxing and eating good food...drinking a bit much, but stuck to maintenance, but didn't lose.

    Today = loss calorie
    + 5 miles walked
    + 1 set morning workout
    + all 7 sets lunch workout
    + 2 sets weights

    total WIN
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    more wins the last few days...did have a maint day or two in there, and didn't log the holiday at all, but still chugging through the workouts and chugging along on the food logging...I'm kind of feeling like I might be getting sick again though, so may back down on the sets of weights, or just keep them at 4 sets for a while...not sure if I'm doing too much and it's setting back my getting better or if I'm coming down with something new, or if it's just leaf mold setting off my allergies...who knows these things!!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    not good at updating, but doing all the things...only up to 3 sets of 8 on my weights, but all other workouts are up to speed including being back to running, which is so cool!!! Would like to lose a few pounds before christmas, scale says I'm still at 160 but seriously, boobs are still all swollen even though it's past that time...when does the crazy bloating go done with the hormone roller coaster
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    no bueno on calories yesterday...had dental stuff done which required liquid lunch...and then a second lunch after the numbness was gone because I was sooooo hungry...then whiskey wednesday...then a *kitten*-it slice of pecan pie...all in all I'm proud of myself for tracking accurately, and for stemming the damage by ending the night with a zero calorie vitamin water instead of more whiskey...but I still ended up about 400 cals above maintenance and that's just taking a step backward from my goals...that's a whole poverty day gone to waste...and I'm not losing at a huge rate even with my 5 poverty days a week...tomorrow is another day