Tiffany's Progress Tracking



  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Monday...well, this was some version of good...overall my calories are too low...and protein is too low...and I got a phone call and ended up talking after dinner, so I didn't carb up like I normally do after lifting, so I'm super hungry this morning...but still going to stick it out and follow the plan, no food until lunch.

    On the plus side, I did complete bi/tri/forearm and I even upped one of the sets of exciting!!! This is the last time I'm doing this routine until March, so hopefully I will be able to pick up right where I am leaving off!!!

    And my weight was down on the scale this morning...and I'm in a dress I haven't worn in a's still a bit snug across the shoulders, but otherwise it fits nice!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Tuesday - combat done, walking done, weights done (shoulders/legs) was totally on point, plus the pork chops for dinner were perfectly cooked and super delicious...

    Today is supposed to be a rest day because it's a ballet night, but that class was already cancelled, so not sure if I will opt to pick up some weights or not. Today is also our first meeting with the marriage counselor, so hopefully there will be some kind of a plan for putting things back together.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Enjoy the rest day!
    I hope things go well with the counselor!
  • megbeveridge93
    megbeveridge93 Posts: 238 Member
    Good luck with the counselor. Talking with a professional is something I think everyone should do! I hope you get what you need from it.

    I think you should get the most out of your rest day. We have rest days for our bodies to recover so we don't get injured. There's no need to go 100% 7 days a week. You have amazing strength and motivation as it is! Get back on the horse tomorrow, but enjoy today!
  • knorris84
    knorris84 Posts: 141 Member
    Good luck with the counselor! I really hope everything works out for y'all. Enjoy your rest day. You do so much exercise! I don't see how you do it all. Yay on the dress fitting too btw! On the other hand if you feel like picking up the weights may release something after the counselor session then girl go for it! Take care of yourself!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thanks for all the good wishes!!!

    Wednesday was good...worked half a day...then went to counseling...then costco and the grocery store...then had some lunch...walked for about 90 min on the treadmill while watching game of thrones and did indeed decide to take a break on the weights...then had dinner...protein and calories are a bit low, but close enough.

    As for the counseling...there is no dysfunction and therefore no diagnosis...there is no treatment plan for being, we won't be going back, and things will either work out or they won't...there isn't any additional effort that can be made to save is what it is.
  • megbeveridge93
    megbeveridge93 Posts: 238 Member
    I don't know if this is too personal, but have you tried looking into love languages? It'll only help if you're both working 100%, but I find the insight is really useful.

    Good luck with getting back to your weights today! I really don't know how you do it, but it's definitely inspiring :)
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    I'm sorry that counseling was a bust, I hope things work out in a way that benefits you both. HUGS!
  • knorris84
    knorris84 Posts: 141 Member
    I hope things will all come together for you. I'm so sorry that counseling was a bust. We are here for you!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday was pretty awesome!!! Food was on target even with some last minute alterations to both lunch and dinner. Workout was totally kick *kitten*...I'm so bored of the Arnold Smash routine, but I stuck it out and gave it my all with chest/back last glad to be changing it up for February...Oh, I should post my planned workouts since I haven't done that yet...also, going back to the calorie/carb cycling and since my strength training is 2x/week rather than 3x/week and the days alternate from week to week, I just went ahead and keyed in the offsets for the whole month so I didn't have to think about it.

    I did measurements this morning, and it wasn't as bad as I expected...arms and glutes are more beastly...chest measurement was up, but not sure if that's actually beastly, or just water retention since the boobs are always so variable anyway...belly button and low belly are up a bit too, which I expected, but actually not as bad as I thought it would be...Feb is starting from a nice place and I totally aim to slim the waist this month.

    Also, have been working on the Poison Ivy outfit for April, so totally need to get that done and have a figure that will make it awesome!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Friday - how did I miss my Friday posting? Friday was one of those miracle days where it all just came together...I had lunch out and dinner out and I still managed to hit my new lower calorie goal - PLUS - I did my workout before getting ready for dinner, so walking done, and Dynamix done and food on point - and it wasn't even hard, took a bit of planning, but mostly effortless...I need more days like this and I'll trim up easy!!!

    Saturday - Good day but not perfect, up early to workout Eccentic Upper (only did half, my carpal tunnel was killing me) and taxi the girl to ballet...did my costco shopping and picked up easter dresses for the granddaughters so cute!!! One is navy & white, the other is navy & pink & white so they aren't identical, but they are complimentary so they won't clash with each other in photos and such...treated myself to a latte at starbucks...drove the child home to clean and then off to her ice skating party and took myself to D&D. Game was fun, and I think I managed to log everything I put in my mouth, which put me about 400 over in calories, but it's been a long time since I logged a D&D day at all, so I'm going to call it a win for keeping track of what I ate and not going crazy even if I was a bit off target.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Sunday was solid. Food was pretty on plan, there was some minor snacking that I didn't log since we hung out with my folks prior to the super bowl for a bit...reupholstered the dining room chairs for them...did my workout (accelerator) and did book was cool!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Monday was a bit over on food, but walking and yoga done...probably going to spend some time working on the ivy costume...other than that, a pretty calm day!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Tuesday - calories in line, walking and agility done...protein was barely where it needed to be and carbs were over...mostly because of peas...I think I would have been ok with the peanut butter pretzels if I hadn't also had peas...but, whatever, it was what was available in the refrigerator and still better than eating from the cafeteria...
  • megbeveridge93
    megbeveridge93 Posts: 238 Member
    Peas are always better than cafeteria food! How is P90X3? I did P90X when I was a teenager and I remember liking everything but the yoga. Their version was a sure way to get an injury.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I'm enjoying P90X3, I've done it before, so it's not a brand new routine for me...I think this is the first time I've done the "lean" schedule, but I don't think any of the individual workouts are new, just different far I haven't missed any workouts...and the scale says I'm up a pound this week, but my hip bones are starting to be visible, so that scale can get rekd!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wednesday...some walking and ab ripper done...went to lunch with friends, so less walking than usual...I can feel it in the stress level too, my walks keep me was so over...I was so hungry in the evening, but I did load up on eggs and sausage, so no junk and at least I did finally hit my protein goal and I didn't go over in carbs...and I did eat at maintenance, though to be fair, I found that out AFTER the the time I just ate a giant bowl of food and then when I went back and keyed it in I discovered to my pleasant surprise that it was at maintenance and not over.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday...walking - lots of awesome walking, I do enjoy my 5K at lunch, plus I got to catch lots of Pokemon and hatch Triometrics...dinner was so, got some more ivy leaves sewn on...the back lace part is almost done, but the body is going to need like a million more leaves...and I need to get fabric paint to do the any case, food was a little over, but it was protein/fat over not carbs, and it was really close, so I'm good with it.
  • megbeveridge93
    megbeveridge93 Posts: 238 Member
    I wish I could walk that much at lunch! Even if you went over yesterday, you've probably been under other days anyway :)