Tiffany's Progress Tracking



  • knorris84
    knorris84 Posts: 141 Member
    Gotta love rest days! I'm glad you can have fun with other people talking about your food! My husband is super supportive bc he's sick of the migraines as well and well it was kinda his idea but the rest of my family ha. My parents cook a lot, or we go eat, or they come here to eat (we live like 2 miles away) and mom is always saying oh a little bit won't hurt you. What? Gah yeah it does! The sad part is both my parents did this WOE back years ago when it was called sugar Buster's. They of all people should know! Oh well, maybe one day.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday - walking and Arnold Smash Chest & Back done...I totally forgot to do the plank and crunch challenge...I guess one day won't matter was excellent on protein and carbs, and I even had a glass of wine, YAY ME!!! My lower back is not super happy with me, may try to go to bed early tonight for some extra rest.
  • knorris84
    knorris84 Posts: 141 Member
    I hope your back feels better tomorrow! Great job on protein and carbs! You give me so much motivation!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Friday - walking and Arnold Smash bi/tri/forearm done - I did skip the split deadlifts to give my back a break, but all the upper body was done plus calves.

    ...and now I'm off to have a glass of wine...
  • knorris84
    knorris84 Posts: 141 Member
    Way to power through! Great job! Hope your back feels better soon!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Saturday...I don't know if I slept wrong or what, but I woke up with a totally wonky upper back and couldn't turn my head to the left without pain...not sure how I went from sore lower back to totally jacked upper back, but listening to my body and not doing too, no workout, but lots of tei-fu lotion and a hot bath and just slowly stretching that area and being very careful how I moved. Cheeseburger soup for dinner, and polished off a bottle of wine.

    Sunday...still a bit sore, but was able to workout slowly and very carefully (shoulders and legs)...again more stretching and such...had some irish coffee, then some amaretto, then some whiskey/diet soda and chili, such yummy 4 bowls of it.
  • knorris84
    knorris84 Posts: 141 Member
    Sorry to hear about your back but sounds like the rest of it was pretty good. Hope you get back to normal soon!
  • knorris84
    knorris84 Posts: 141 Member
    Tiffany I have a question for you. So I'm on day 65 and I am still having headaches regularly. Actually I wake up with one every morning but it usually wears off after I've been up a little while. I know you said yours stopped around day 100. And I know you have done different ratios with your macros and that 2:1 is best for migraines. I've been doing like 5%, 25%, and 70% so that's definitely higher in protein and lower in fats according to what I can tell. I don't work out but stay on the go ALL day. I also am on medication for high cholesterol. Which we are thinking is more heritary then diet related bc when I was vegan it was still high. Plus my dad has high cholesterol. Anyway, my question is, do you think I would benefit going more 2:1 for a little while or stick where I'm at? And if I got 2:1 do I need to meet the fat goal or still the protein. I'm so confused since there are so many variations for keto and some say focus on fat, some say focus on protein and then more I Google the more overwhelmed I become. I'm in between physicians at this time and I don't know that any around here would support keto anyway. Any suggestions, advice, anything would be helpful! Shoot I'd love for you to just tell me what to do! 😉
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Keto has been around for 100 years, so there is a ton of documentation, and there are a lot of different flavors and a lot of the information is contradictory...I recently heard the term "dirty keto" and I immediately thought of people who don't wash their vegetables, but it turns out, that has nothing to do with anything.

    I looked over your diary for the last week and it looked fine to me except for salt, assuming that is accurate you do need lots more salt. I usually just do 1/2 teaspoon of salt under my tongue twice a day just to make sure I am getting enough, so assuming you don't have some unlogged salt that you are eating in real life, then your sodium looks really low for a keto diet.

    I did notice that you seem to have a lot of dairy, for me dairy was a migraine trigger, so you might be better off reducing or eliminating that in the short term, but that's just a total guess.
    Ditto for peanuts, the fungus that grows in that legume is a migraine trigger for some people, but again, just a guess. Many people with migraines tolerate both of these with no problems, so it's very individual. Many of your meats are processed deli meats, could you be sensitive to preservatives like nitrates or msg in these meats? Artificial sweeteners?

    Are you eating at a deficit or eating at maintenance? If a deficit then maybe push the calories up an extra 300/day and see if that helps. You can change them later if you start to gain weight, but for transitioning eating at maintenance will be less stressful on your body.

    What are you doing in the morning that makes the headache stop? Are you eating? Could it be a blood sugar thing? Are you having coffee or being active, could it be a blood pressure thing?

    I'm a huge fan of listening to your body and being willing to experiment with yourself. If you feel like increasing fats might help, then give it a try. I'm not a fan of drinking coconut oil or olive oil or having the bulletproof coffee, but there are people who do that to get their ketone levels up via fat consumption. If it doesn't help, then you can make another adjustment, and if it does help, then hooray, less headaches are better quality of life!!!
  • knorris84
    knorris84 Posts: 141 Member
    I can try to limit dairy some but that's just my go to and lately peanuts have been to. I go in spells but I really have increased my dairy going keto. I use it in everything.

    My headaches usually go away after my bulletproof coffee or really after a few sips into it. I've been doing it bc I heard it gives you more energy and lately my son isn't sleeping so I may get 3-4 hrs of sleep a night and will do anything to make it until bedtime.

    I will definitely increase my sodium. I wasn't for sure if I was getting enough. Thanks for pointing that out.

    I have been doing the sandwich meat and stuff just bc it's quick and easy but I've never thought about the stuff in it.

    The artificial sweeteners I do watch which ones I do. I have done Splenda for years with nothing but I have swapped to Splenda naturals bc they are better for keto. Stevia liquid kills my stomach.

    I'm eating at a 500 deficit but usually I eat until I can't eat anymore and I'm always still under calories. I can change my calorie needs tho just to see if that will help.

    Thank you so much for all of your advice and suggestions. I will definitely experiment some with all of this. I have noticed that I can read my body much better now that I am keto. Like I know now I can't just eat a salad at night bc it won't keep me through until morning, especially if I'm up and down all night. I can't make it until supper either if I do a salad for lunch. I kinda think the blood sugar may be something to look at. I'm usually skipping meals now and used to I couldn't go long between meals without getting light-headed. My blood pressure is perfect I keep a check on it too but it's never been high in my life.

    Thank you so much! You are so knowledge!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Monday was was probably on target but I just used a generic chili entry because I was too lazy to key in the actual chili ingredients, so who knows...but my chili is very meat, and a little bit of veg, plus very little beans, so I'm sure it will be fine macro wise. Arnold Smash bi/tri/forearms done, I did skip the legs at the end just because it was dinner time and I was super hungry...90 min workouts are so hard to fit in...I'm kind of starting to look forward to Feb when I can go back to a 30 min evening workout...and then maybe I'll have some extra free time to sew my poison ivy costume!!!

    I haven't done measurements yet, but I can feel that my love handles are getting shorter, so as usual the weight loss is starting around my rib cage...why not that chubby low belly, plenty of fat to consume there...come on body, get with the program!!!

    Carnivore - this just may not be for does make it a bit easier to hit the protein numbers but I really like my salads and vegetables...dreams of saute spinach and garlic fill my head...I think I'll try to keep up with it for the rest of Jan, the extra protein to go with the extra lifting is a good idea, but I don't think I will keep it for next month.

    Kerri - I'm glad I can maybe be of some help...hopefully just getting more salt will do the trick...or if it is a blood sugar issue, maybe a late night fatty snack would help...bulletproof bedtime tea???
  • knorris84
    knorris84 Posts: 141 Member
    Wow, Tiffany you have some dedication! I don't think I could do a 90 min workout and basically a carnivore, nope couldn't do it. I have to have something to mix it up. I would get bored so fast and then binge on everything high carb. Good luck with the rest of the month!

    So, this morning I was really listening to my body. I had a headache as soon as I got up. The coffee didn't help this morning and I ran out of time to eat this morning. I did up the salt in my morning drink and it eased it almost immediately. It's still dull now but not quite as bad. Still could be blood sugar mixed in there. I also forgot that my eye Dr actually weakened my contact prescription on Friday and so that could be some of it too maybe? She told me to give it a week and if I don't think it's strong enough I can go back up to where I was. I went to DR. Google this morning and have been looking into migraine triggering foods. I think I will start keeping like a migraine/headache journal with hours slept (usually not much lately), what I'm eating around the headaches, if I'm eating all meals or skipping. Maybe that can show me a pattern of foods or maybe it will show that I need to eat all 3 meals or whatever be the case. I really appreciate all your help!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I usually only do 30 min workouts other than walking, I can go walking for hours...some months I try 40-60 min workouts...this is my first time with 90 min workouts...and it's totally hard, I don't know how people do this all the time...but for a month, I will try to stick it out!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I knew it was only a matter of time before I simply didn't have time to fit in a 90 min workout...but at least I made it half way through the month before that happened.

    Yesterday I took my daughter to get her pointe took an entire hour and I think she tried on every single shoe in her we got home at 8pm and then I ate dinner because I was super hungry and then I showered and went to bed because I was super tired - no Arnold Smash, which makes me a bit sad...tonight she has ballet and I drive her so even though it a rest day I can't cram in a workout because I will again be getting home super late...such is life...two rest days aren't going to be terrible...and I will totally be back at it on Thursday!!!
  • megbeveridge93
    megbeveridge93 Posts: 238 Member
    I did P90X as a teenager and that was bad enough! I can't imagine what Arnold Smash is like! I'll definitely stick to my climbing and walking lol
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I'm getting super tired of this whole newsfeed problem...I can't even get to any individual pages to keep up with people and it's super freaking annoying...<sigh>

    On the plus side, it's Thursday and I'm looking forward to picking up heavy things and putting them back down again!!!

    Wednesday was good, walking done, food was kind of in goal...I'm getting so tired of all the protein...but I do feel like I'm slimming up even though that wasn't the target for this month...the target is eat plenty and lift and get strong and build some muscle...but slimming up is cool too and my skirt feels loose around the waist today, so that's a good sign...went to bed early and it was glorious getting extra sleep!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Thursday was great...I did eat some pasta for dinner, but I just could not stomach the idea of chicken instead, so carbs were a bit over...I'm thinking about giving up on this carnivore thing because I feel like I need a salad...I did lift all the weights, and increased some of exciting!!! And everyone was out of the house so I was all by myself which was kind of magical all by itself...and I watched The Magnificent Seven while I was lifting...the Denzel fun!!! All in all it was a solid day!
  • knorris84
    knorris84 Posts: 141 Member
    That sounds like a really amazing accomplishment and I know you were super excited! Great job! Carnivore would be extremely hard. I definitely couldn't see myself doing it since I'm not much of a meat eater in the first place. I'm also one that gets sick of the same foods all the time. I'm not one to eat left overs a lot. Maybe once if I really liked it the first time but that's it. My husband can just keep eating it until it's gone. Ha!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I totally had a salad for lunch...I regret nothing.
  • knorris84
    knorris84 Posts: 141 Member
    Haha love it!